
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Ancient Settlement

Thermidava is a toponym used by

Suhareka or Prizren, both in Kosovo). No pro-Roman Dacians have been recorded in the region, nor is their presence considered likely. Most scholars consider Ptolemy's account to refer to a settlement north of the Danube, near the Banat area where the interests of the locals aligned with those of the Romans in the Dacian campaign.[3]


  1. ^ Vasiljević 2014, p. 11.
  2. ^ Papazoglu 1978, p. 251.
  3. ^ Lepper 1988, p. 138:Stuart Jones noted the Dacian - sounding place - name ' Thermidava ' on the Lissus Naissus road : but see Miller col . 557 , for the evidence on this. The place was most probably called ' Theranda ' and there is no evidence for any settlement there of pro-Roman Dacians now, nor is it very likely. (..) Most scholars , however , have supposed , as did Cichorius , that we are now north of the Danube , somewhere in the Banat area where the local inhabitants are frightened that they may lose their recently acquired 'liberty'.


  • Lepper, F. A. (1988). Trajan's Column: A New Edition of the Cichorius Plates. Alan Sutton.
  • Vasiljević, Ljubiša (2014). Еxploitation and significance of the thermal springs in the Roman period on the territory of Serbia (Thesis). University of Belgrade. Retrieved 16 October 2020.
  • Papazoglu, Fanula (1978). The Central Balkan Tribes in pre-Roman Times: Triballi, Autariatae, Dardanians, Scordisci and Moesians. Amsterdam: Hakkert.

See also

  • List of ancient cities in Illyria