
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Hi! I'm Kyou.

I live in

Jockey International headquarters, birthplace of Orson Welles, Don Ameche, Mark Ruffalo, and Al Molinaro

I am currently unemployed, though I used to work at a

Registered Nurse

I voted for

, but I don't much care to talk about politics, really.

If anyone was wondering, my username is the romanisation of the Japanese term for blood donor. The kanji is 供血者 -- literally "offer-blood-person".


I'm currently addicted to

, and it's let me find a ton of music artists I doubt I'd have found otherwise, including:

My Pandora stations, on which I've found these and other artists, are based around


Right now I'm really into Neverwinter Nights. I also play Guild Wars regularly. Other games I play now and then and enjoy:


I'm reading all the time. Some books I've enjoyed:

Contact Information and IGNs

  • AIM: Forsaken Ritsuko
  • Livejournal
    : kyouketsusha
  • Kingdom of Loathing: Sonietta
  • Guild Wars: Mara Moonchild (Ra/E), Sweet Sangria (N/Me), Maelle Silvertongue (Me/W), Tatsu Kyoujin (A/Me), Angelica Lacrimosa (P/Me), Charlotte Hessen (W/N)
  • Xfire: sweetsangria
  • NationStates
    : The Matriarchy of Saint Lilith
  • AdventureQuest: Lailah, number 5110721