Bisque (food)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
langoustine, crab, shrimp or crayfish), rice

Bisque (French pronunciation:

. The French bisque is one of the most popular seafood soups around the world. Although originally applied to seafood soups, the use of the word has expanded to mean any thick soup, such as bisque of tomato or bisque of mushroom.


The French-language name bisque may derive from Biscay, as in the Bay of Biscay.[2]


Bisque is a method of extracting flavor from crustaceans not perfect enough to send to market. In authentic recipes, the shells are ground to a fine paste and added (sometimes with rice) to thicken the soup. Julia Child remarked: "Do not wash anything off until the soup is done because you will be using the same utensils repeatedly and you don't want any marvelous tidbits of flavor losing themselves down the drain."[3]

See also


  1. ^ The Academie Française Dictionary defines a bisque as: "BISQUE n. Potage fait d'un coulis de crustacés. Une bisque de homard, d'écrevisses." ("Soup made from a crustacean coulis, e.g. lobster or crawfish bisque.")
  2. ^ "Online Etymology Dictionary". Retrieved 2010-03-10.
  3. ^ .