Offshoots of Operation Car Wash

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A series of developments in Operation Car Wash have occurred since it was launched in March 2014. These are new investigations that have been conducted by the

Attorney General's Office and the Federal Police from documents collected from search warrants, condução coercitiva[a] warrants, and documents and testimonials obtained in cases of sovereign immunity

In Brazil


Operation Politeia

Fernando Collor (2017).

On 14 July 2015, the Federal Police started the Operação Politeia (Operation Politeia), by issuing 53 search and seizure warrants in the houses of politicians involved in the Petrobras corruption scheme.[1] After searches at 40 addresses, in seven different states (including the Federal District), the Federal Police seized three luxury cars at the Casa da Dinda mansion (property of Fernando Collor de Mello)[2] and R$ 3.67 million in cash.[3]

Imprisonment of Delcídio do Amaral

Senador Delcídio Amaral, from Agência Brasil (2008).

On November 25, 2015, the Federal Police arrested Senator Delcídio do Amaral for trying to impede the colaboração premiada[b] (rewarded collaboration) of former Petrobras director Nestor Cerveró [pt][c] about the senator's alleged participation in irregularities in the purchase of Pasadena Refining System in the state of Texas.[6] Police said in 2015 that they had found evidence of $15 million in bribes related to the purchase of 50 percent of the refinery.[7]

According to investigators, Delcídio offered Cerveró an opportunity to escape[

obstruct justice. A recording was made by Cerveró's son, showing the Senator's intention to interfere in the investigations and offer the former executive escape so that he would not make the report. In addition to Delcídio do Amaral and his chief of staff, two others were also arrested in the affair; namely banker André Esteves, then CEO of BTG Pactual
, and Nestor Cerveró's defense lawyer Edson Ribeiro.

Operation Crátons

On December 8, 2015, Operation Cráton, an offshoot of Operation Car Wash launched to combat the illegal exploitation of diamonds on Cinta Larga indigenous lands in Rondônia. About 200 federal police officers served 90 warrants, including 11 pre-trial detention, 41 search and seizure and 35 condução coercitiva[a] warrants. Warrants were served in the Federal District, Rondônia, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Mato Grosso and Pará.[8] Information on the extraction of the precious stones was obtained during investigations against the money changer Carlos Habib Chater [pt], owner of the "Tower Post" car wash in Brasília for which Operation Car Wash was named.[9]

Operation Vidas Secas

On December 11, 2015, federal police launched Vidas Secas (Operation Dry Lives) as an offshoot of Operation Car Wash. It investigated invoice padding for works on the São Francisco River. There were 32 court orders, 24 of which were for search and seizure, four for temporary arrest and four for condução coercitiva[a] warrants. The president of Construtora OAS, Elmar Varjão, held in São Paulo, and executives of Coesa Engenharia, Barbosa Melo and Galvão Engenharia [pt], were arrested in the operation. According to investigations, entrepreneurs used shell companies to divert at least $ 200 million[clarification needed]. The value of the investigated contracts is R $ 680 million. The Federal Police also pointed to the participation of JD Consultoria [pt], a company belonging to former Minister José Dirceu, arrested in Operation Car Wash. According to the Federal Police's regional superintendent in Pernambuco, Marcelo Diniz, Galvão Engenharia's transfer of R $ 586,000 to JD Consultoria was found.[10]

Operation Catilinárias

On December 15, 2015, the Federal Police launched a new deployment of Operation Car Wash, dubbed "

PMDB - Rio de Janeiro), in Brasília. Warrants were also served at Rio de Janeiro addresses of the PMDB. Police also carried out a search and arrest warrants at the homes of Federal Deputy Aníbal Gomes [pt] (PMDB -Ceará) and Minister of Science and Technology Celso Pansera [pt

Others involved in the operation are Senator Edison Lobão (PMDB - Maranhão), former Minister of Mines and Energy; Henrique Eduardo Alves (PMDB - Rio Grande do Norte), then Minister of Tourism and Sérgio Machado, former president of Transpetro nominated by PMDB. The main purpose of the Federal Police was to prevent destruction of evidence.[11] Documents were seized in Recife, Brejão, Agreste, and Petrolina, in Sertão. All seized material was sent to Recife and then to Brasilia.[12]

Operation Sangue Negro

On December 17, 2015, Operation Sangue Negro [pt] investigated money diverted from Petrobras contracts since 1997. The lawsuit relates to investigations into a bribery scheme involving the Dutch company SBM Offshore and the Brazilian state-owned oil company. Four pre-trial detention warrants were served, two of which were against former directors arrested in Operation Car Wash, Renato Duque [pt] and Jorge Zelada. Police searched the homes of the respondents and the offices of Petroserv, an oil prospecting company. According to the investigations, Petroserv received transfers of 3% to 5% of games contracts[clarification needed] from Petrobras and, of this total, sent 1% to accounts of companies abroad.[clarification needed] Investigators point out that this money was laundered and remitted to Brazil as a bribe.{{what|unclear if In June this year, former SBM representative in Brazil Júlio Faerman, whistleblower and one of the scheme operators investigated by Lava Jato [12][13] told Petrobras CPI that he guaranteed “significant gains” to the Brazilian state-owned company while acting on behalf of the Dutch company. A month earlier, CPI members went to London to gather testimony from Jonathan David Taylor, a former SBM director who reported irregularities in contracts signed between the Dutch company and Petrobras. [12]


Operation O Recebedor

On February 26, 2016, Operation O Recebedor ("The Receiver") investigated an alleged bribery and fraud scheme in the construction of the

Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Goiás—and the Federal District. The operation, by the Federal Prosecutor's Office and the Federal Police in Goiás, targeted contracts signed between the state-owned company Valec S/A [pt], responsible for railway construction, and contractors investigated in the oil industry, such as Odebrecht, Brazilian industrial conglomerate Queiroz Galvão [pt], UTC Engenharia [pt], Grupo OAS [pt; es], Mendes Júnior [pt], Grupo Camargo Corrêa [pt
], among others. According to the Federal Police, the contractors made regular payments through mock contracts to a law firm and to two other companies nominated by Juquinha, former president of Valec. The companies acted as a front to hide the illicit origin of the money. All were charged with passive corruption and money laundering.

The name of the operation refers to the defense presented by one of the targets in a previous investigation called the Trem Pagador ("Pay Train").[

Camargo Corrêa admitted having paid R$ 800,000 to Juquinha. In that one state alone, the authorities estimated that the scheme diverted R$ 630 million from the public coffer.[14]

Operation Xepa

Operation Janus

Operation Custo Brasil

Operation Periodic Table

On June 30, 2016, the Federal Police launched a joint operation called "Operation Periodic Table" on behalf of three governmental units, in order to fufill 44 search and seizure warrants and 14

criminologists, and 52 CADE agents participate in the operation. These operations were carried out for the Center for the Fight against Corruption of the Goiás Federal Public Prosecutor's Office, the Federal Police Superintendency in Goiás State, and for the Superintendency General of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE).[15]

Operation Saqueador

Operation Sépsis

Operation Pripyat

Operation Irmandade

Operation Deflexão

Vital do Rêgo and Marco Maia, targets of Operation Deflection.

On December 5, 2016, the Federal Police launched Operação Deflexão [pt] (Operation Deflection), which involved Vital do Rêgo , the then minister of the Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), and Marco Maia, federal deputy and former president of the chamber. The targets of this new development were suspect of having negotiated bribes with contractors (empreiteiros) targeted by the Petrbras CPI (translation needed), which was intaççed in the National Congress in May 2014. The investigations began when the former leader of the Dilma government in the Chamber, Delcídio do Amaral, revealed, in his delação premiada, that the CPI (note: CPI and CPMI, for pratical purposes, are the same thing) was used for fraudulent businesses. According to the investigators, there was evidence that Vital do Rêgo requested contractors (again, empreiteiros) R$ 5 million for his campaing to the governorship of the state of Paraíba. Construtora OAS donated half of that quantity to the National Directory of PMDB, the political party to which the TCU minister was afilliated. The other half was transfered via box two to Construtora Planície, which was also target of search and warrant seizure ("mandado" means the authorization, more precisely).

Duputy Marco Maia, in his turn, was suspect of having received R$ 200.000 in cash (bribe with real, physical money). Júlio Camarco (not yet mentioned in the text) would have delivered the money to an assistant of the former president of the Chamer.[16] Besides Delcídio the empreiteiro Léo Pinheiro, of OAS, also reported Vital do Rêgo and Marco Maia, targets of the operation (redundant).[17] In October, 2016, Pìnheiro's attorney delivered to jugde Sérgio Moro evidences that, according to him, proved that bribes were paid to Vital.[18][19]


Em 5 de dezembro de 2016, a PF deflagrou um

caixa dois, numa transferência feita pela empreiteira à Construtora Planíce, também alvo de busca e apreensão

Já o deputado federal Marco Maia é suspeito de ter recebido duzentos mil reais de suborno em espécie. Júlio Camargo teria entregado o dinheiro a um operador do ex-presidente da Câmara. Além de Delcídio, o empreiteiro Léo Pinheiro, da OAS, também denunciou Vital do Rêgo e Marco Maia, que foram alvos da operação. Em outubro de 2016, o advogado de Léo pinheiro entregou ao juiz

Sérgio Moro
, notas fiscais e comprovantes de transferência que segundo ele, seria pagamentos de propina a Vital do Rêgo.

Operation Descontrole


Operation Cui Bono?

On January 13, 2017, the Federal Police launched Operation "Cui Bono?", an offshoot of

cui bono
, means, in Latin, "to whose benefit?"

Operation Eficiência

Operation Mascate

Operation Leviatã

Operation Tolypeutes

Operation Satélites

Operation The Fifth of Gold

On March 29, 2017, the Federal Police launched Operation O Quinto do Ouro ("The Fifth of Gold") targeting the Rio de Janeiro State Court of Auditors. The delação premiada [pt][e] (literally, "rewarded whistleblowing" or, "informing") of former chairman Jonas Lopes de Carvalho Junior led to action against five board members in at least two kickback schemes to turn a blind eye to irregularities committed by contractors and bus companies operating in the state. Aloysio Neves (current president)[timeframe?] was the target of pre-trial detention; as were Domingos Brazão, José Gomes Graciosa, Marco Antonio Alencar and José Maurício Nolasco. Already the president of the Legislative Assembly of Rio de Janeiro (Alerj), Jorge Picciani (Brazilian Democratic Movement; MDB), was the target of a condução coercitiva[a] warrant. Besides the assistance provided to the investigation via the delação premiada plea agreement of ex-president of the Rio TCE[f], the operation was supported by another delação premiada with his son; the two plea agreements having been recently[timeframe?] approved by the minister of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ),[g] Felix Fischer, who authorized the arrest warrants and condução coercitiva[a] warrants,[21] According to the accusation of one of the counselors, the state president and deputy of the Rio de Janeiro State Legislative Assembly, Jorge Picciani (MDB), is suspected of organizing payments to the five TCE advisers arrested in the operation. Members of the Court received 15% of the amounts released by the court's Modernization Fund for payment of overdue bills from food providers for inmates and adolescents undergoing detention measures. Picciani also organized Fetranspor's[h]payment of illicit amounts to the TCE to favor transport companies in court oversight.[22]

Operation Fratura Exposta

Operation Satélites 2

Operation Patmos

Operation De Volta aos Trilhos

Operation Ratatouille

Operation Cifra Oculta

Operation Manus

Operation Manus [pt

On June 6, 2017, the Federal Police arrested former Minister of Tourism Henrique Eduardo Alves. Former Deputy Eduardo Cunha, already in prison in Curitiba, was the target of a new warrant. Both men are from the PMDB and were president of the Chamber of Deputies. The operation investigated active and passive corruption and money laundering in the construction of Arena das Dunas in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte with a surcharge that reached $ 77 million.[clarification needed] Thirty-three warrants were served, five for pre-trial detention, six condução coercitiva[a] warrants and 22 for search and seizure in Rio Grande do Norte and Paraná. According to the Federal Police, bribes were identified through official donations between 2012 and 2014, as well as donations to the 2014 campaign for personal benefit. [23]

Operation Barão Gatuno

Operation Ponto Final

Operation Rio 40 graus

Operation Gotham City

On August 9, 2017, the Federal Police carried out a new operation, in an offshoot of

Interpol red notice. Both are partners of VCG Empreendimentos Imobiliários and Koios Participações. According to the investigations, Onofre and his wife, Dayse Neves, bought 11 properties that belonged to the businessmen, but declared only 50% of the real cost of the acquisitions in the registry.[24]

Operation Unfair Play

On September 5, 2017, the Federal Police and the

Carlos Arthur Nuzman, investigated for allegedly paying a bribe of US$ 1.5 million. Tuition fees were paid in cash, dummy contracts, personal expenses, and money transfer. Those arrested were investigated for corruption, money laundering and organized crime.[25]

On October 5, in the second phase of Operation Unfair Play, Nuzman was arrested by the Federal Police.[26] According to the Federal Prosecutor's Office (MPF), Nuzman attempted to regularize 16 one-kilo gold bars after the first phase of the operation.[27] Also according to the MPF, over ten years Nuzman's equity grew 457 percent, part of this money going to an offshore tax haven in the British Virgin Islands.[27] Lawyer Nélio Machado, who represents Nuzman, said the arrest "is a harsh measure and is not usual within due process."[27]

Operation Tesouro Perdido

Operation Cadeia Velha

Operation C'est fini

Operation Baixo Augusta


Operation Jabuti

Operation Descarte

Operation Pão Nosso

Operation Skala

Operation contra ex-diretor da Dersa/SP

Operation Tira Teima

Operation Rizoma

Operation contra parlamentares federais do PP

Operation Câmbio, Desligo

On May 3, 2018, a new operation served 49 pre-trial (preventive detention) and four temporary arrest warrants in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, and the Federal District, as well as Paraguay and Uruguay.[28] The main target was Darío Messer, who has been called the most influential money changer in the country. Messer is also a Paraguayan citizen.[29] The operation was supported by Uruguayan authorities and aimed to dismantle a money laundering, currency evasion and organized crime network. The suspects were part of a system called Bank Drop, in which moneymakers remitted funds abroad through an action known as the "cable dollar," a method in which money did not pass through central bank-regulated financial institutions. According to police, some 3,000 offshore companies in 52 tax haven countries handled about $ 1.6 billion (or $ 5.6 billion by 2018).[30]

Operation Pedra no Caminho

Operation Ressonância

Operation Hashtag

On August 3, 2018, the Federal Police (MPF) began a new operation, against money laundering suspects allegedly linked to former Governor Sérgio Cabral, as an offshoot of Lava Jato's Operation Efficiency. Banker Eduardo Plass was suspected of using offshore companies and a Rio South Zone jewelry store to launder bribe money. The businessman and two of his minority partners were the subject of temporary arrest warrants, and there were also four arrest warrants. He and the two partners are suspected of transferring about 90 million reais in the scheme. Plass was president of Banco Pactual and a majority shareholder of TAG Bank in Panama,[31] and the asset manager OPUS.[32] Police investigations pointed to money laundering and currency evasion crimes led by Eduardo Plass. Former billionaire Eike Batista was arrested based on information given by Plass, then released back to the house arrest where he had already been since 2017.[33] The scheme consisted of receiving cash from the Ipanema jewelry directors, and then transferring funds abroad from an account under their control to an offshore shell company and transferring the amounts to the jewelry group holding company.[34]

Operation S.O.S.

Operation Marakata


Operation Descontaminação

Operation Patron

Federal police announced Operation Patron on November 19, 2019. Thirty-seven court orders were issued by the 7th Federal Criminal Court of Rio de Janeiro, in the City of Rio de Janeiro, in

Ponta Pora, Mato Grosso do Sul. Because some targets lived in Paraguay and the United States of America an Interpol red notice was authorized by the courts.[35]In November 2019 a Brazilian court withdrew the arrest warrant against former president of Paraguay Horácio Cartes.[36]


See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Condução coercitiva – literally, coercive conduct; a compulsory order to appear, to assist in an investigative or judicial proceeding, either as a victim, a witness, an expert, and so on. Not an arrest, but has the power of police enforcement behind it to compel compliance.
  2. ^ Colaboração premiada – literally, "rewarded collaboration"; the common name for the legal process known as Delação premiada in Brazil; which is a type of plea bargain involving informing or collaborating with investigations in return for specific reductions in sentence prescribed by the law.
  3. ^ Although often referred to by the press as "director of the international region", Petrobras does not formally have an International Board of Directors, but does have an International Management reporting to the Board of Exploration and Production.[4][5]
  4. states, and the Federal District
  5. ^ Delação premiada – literally, "rewarded whistleblowing" (or, "informing). A legal process by which a suspect is offered a specific reduced sentence prescribed by law, in return for turning in accomplices, or aiding in investigations. The common name for it in Brazil is colaboração premiada ("rewarded collaboration"). The concept is similar to a plea bargain, in return for investigative assistance.
  6. ^ TCE – Tribunal de Contas do Estado ("State Court of Auditors") Independent, technical organizations linked to the legislature, and present in each state and at the Federal level. They are charged with auditing public accounts in the name of the people.
  7. ^ The highest appellate court in Brazil for non-constitutional questions of federal law. Justices in STJ (as in other Superior Courts) are called "ministers" not "justices"; not to be confused however with ministers from the executive branch.
  8. ^ Fetranspor – Federação das Empresas de Transportes de Passageiros do Estado do Rio de Janeiro ("Federation of Passenger Transport Companies of the State of Rio de Janeiro").


  1. ^ "PF faz busca nas casas de Collor e de outros parlamentares; Senado reage" [FP make searches in the houses of Collor and other parliamentarians; Senate reacts] (in Brazilian Portuguese). O Estado de S. Paulo. 14 July 2015. Retrieved 29 November 2019.
  2. ^ "Collor classifica operação da PF como 'invasiva e arbitrária'" [Collor labels FP's operation as 'invasive and arbitrary'] (in Brazilian Portuguese). O Estado de S. Paulo. 14 July 2019. Retrieved 29 November 2019.
  3. ^ "PF apreende R$ 3,67 milhões na Operação Politéia" [FP aprehends R$ 3.67 million in the Operation Politeia] (in Brazilian Portuguese). O Estado de S. Paulo. 14 July 2015. Retrieved 29 November 2019.
  4. ^ Petrobras, "Organograma: Conheça o Organograma da Empresa - Petrobras" [Learn About the Organization Chart of the Enterprise - Petrobras], Who we are, Petrobras
  5. ^ "Diretores" [Directors], Quem somos [Who we are], Petrobrás
  6. ^ Zavascki, Teori (November 25, 2015). "Decisão do STF sobre a Prisão do Delcídio Amaral" [Supreme Court Decision on the Imprisonment of Delcídio Amaral] (PDF). Federal Supreme Court. Retrieved 25 November 2015.
  7. ^ Anthony Boadle (October 11, 2017). "Brazil court freezes ex-leader Rousseff's assets over 2006 refinery deal". Reuters.
  8. ^ "PF combate exploração ilegal de diamante em desdobramento da Lava-Jato". Zero hora. RBS. December 8, 2015. Retrieved December 11, 2015 – via Estadão.
  9. ^ "Em desdobramento da Lava Jato, PF combate exploração ilegal de diamante". Folha de S. Paulo. Folha da manhã. December 8, 2015. Retrieved December 11, 2015.
  10. ^ Carvalho, Mario César; Pitombo, João Pedro; Nunes, Kleber (December 11, 2015). "Em desdobramento da Lava Jato, PF prende presidente da construtora OAS". Folha de S. Paulo. Folha da manhã. Retrieved December 11, 2015.
  11. ^ "Polícia Federal cumpre mandado de busca e apreensão na casa de Cunha" [Federal Police comply with search and seizure warrant at Cunha's house]. G1 Politics (in Portuguese). O Globo. December 15, 2015.
  12. ^ "Operação Catilinárias apreende R$ 170 mil, documentos e HDs em PE" [Operation Catilinearis seizes R $ 170,000, documents and hard drives in PE]. G1 Pernambuco (in Portuguese). O Globo. December 15, 2015. Retrieved March 26, 2016.
  13. ^ "Em operação braço da Lava Jato, PF mira em contratos da Valec com empreiteiras" [In a spin-off of Operation Car Wash, Federal Police targets Valec dealings with contractors]. Veja (magazine). Abril. 2016-02-26. Retrieved 2019-11-30.
  14. ^ Bomfim, Camila (2016-02-26). "PF faz operação para investigar fraudes em works de ferrovias" [Federal Police initiates operation to investigate rail works fraud]. G1. Globo. Retrieved 2019-11-30.
  15. ^ "Deflagrada Operação "Tabela Periódica" em Goiás" [Operation "Periodic Table" Launched in Goiás]. Ministério Público Federal. 2016-06-30. Retrieved 2016-06-30.
  16. ^ "Ministro do TCU e ex-presidente da Câmara são alvos da Lava Jato". Veja (online ed.). Abril. 5 December 2016. Retrieved 5 December 2016.
  17. ^ Gonçalves, Eduardo. "Léo Pinheiro entrega a Moro Berzoini, Gim Argello e Vital do Rêgo". Veja. Abril. Retrieved 5 December 2016.
  18. ^ Coutinho, Mateus. "Léo Pinheiro entrega a Moro notas de caixa 2 para campanha de ministro do TCU". Estadão. O Estado de São Paulo. Retrieved 5 December 2016.
  19. ^ "Léo Pinheiro entrega a Moro supostos recibos de propina a ministro do TCU". G1. O Globo. October 2016. Retrieved 5 December 2016.
  20. ^ "Operação Cui Bono: o que se sabe até agora". Veja. Abril. January 15, 2017. Retrieved March 30, 2017.
  21. ^ "'O quinto do ouro': Força-Tarefa manda prender cinco dos sete conselheiros do TCE-RJ e mira Jorge Picciani" ['The Fifth of Gold': Task Force has five of the seven TCE-RJ advisors arrested and targets Jorge Picciani]. O Globo. Globo. 2017-03-29. Retrieved 2017-03-29.
  22. ^ "Picciani é suspeito de organizar pagamentos a conselheiros do TCE" [Picciani suspected of arranging payments to TCE advisers]. O Globo. Globo. 2017-03-30. Retrieved 2017-03-30.
  23. ^ "Ex-ministro Henrique Eduardo Alves é preso em operação da PF" [Former Minister Henrique Eduardo Alves arrested in PF operation]. G1.
  24. ^ "Em Operação Gotham City, PF busca 'Batman' e 'Robin' em Curitiba". Folha de São Paulo.
  25. ^ "Lava Jato investiga compra de votos da Rio-2016 e mira Nuzman". Veja.
  26. ^ "Nuzman e ex-diretor de Comitê Olímpíco são presos por suspeita de fraude na escolha da Rio 2016". G1.
  27. ^ a b c "PF termina de contar dinheiro do 'bunker' de Geddel: R$51 milhões". Veja. Abril. September 6, 2017. Retrieved September 6, 2017.
  28. ^ "'O potencial realmente é explosivo', diz MPF após operação contra doleiros". O Globo. Globo. May 3, 2018. Retrieved May 3, 2018.
  29. ^ Felipe Bächtold; José Marques (May 19, 2019). "Doleiros foragidos e no exterior emperram há 1 ano a maior etapa da Lava Jato" [Outlawed and overseas moneymakers have been jamming the biggest stage of Lava Jato for 1 year]. Folha de S.Paulo. Retrieved November 29, 2019.
  30. ^ "Lava Jato mira doleiros que movimentaram US$ 1,6 bilhão em 52 países". Globo. Globo. May 2, 2018. Retrieved May 2, 2018.
  31. ^ "Brasileño dueño de un banco en Panamá, arrestado por corrupción: Según la Policía Federal, Plass fue presidente del Banco Pactual, que opera en Río de Janeiro y ya fue investigado por su relación con esas tramas corruptas" (in Spanish). Panamá América. August 3, 2019.
  32. ^ "Banker used by Cabral to buy R$77.01 million in jewelry was arrested". Plataforma. Agência Brasil. Retrieved November 29, 2019.
  33. ^ "Brazilian judge orders former billionaire Batista released from jail". Latin American Post. August 12, 2019. Retrieved November 29, 2019.
  34. ^ "Lava Jato: banqueiro que teria ligações com Sérgio Cabral é preso no Leblon". Globo. Globo. August 3, 2018. Retrieved September 2, 2018.
  35. ^ Federal Police (November 19, 2019). "PF desarticula organização criminosa investigada na Operação Cambio Desligo" [PF disrupts criminal organization investigated in Operation Foreign Exchange: Today's action is an offshoot of Lava Jato's working group]. Retrieved November 19, 2019.
  36. ^ André Richter (November 29, 2019). "Brasil court revokes arrest warrant of former Paraguayan president : Horácio Cartes is serving as senator and was not detained". EBC. AgênciaBrasil. Retrieved December 1, 2019.

Further reading

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