Therefore sign

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Therefore sign
In UnicodeU+2234 THEREFORE (∴, ∴, ∴)
See alsoSimilar signs (below)

In logical argument and mathematical proof, the therefore sign, , is generally used before a logical consequence, such as the conclusion of a syllogism. The symbol consists of three dots placed in an upright triangle and is read therefore. While it is not generally used in formal writing, it is used in mathematics and shorthand.


According to

Anglophone countries.[1]

Examples of use

Used in a syllogism:

All gods are immortal.
Zeus is a god.
∴ Zeus is immortal.

and in mathematics:

x + 1 = 10
x = 9

Other uses

In meteorology, the therefore sign is used to indicate "moderate rain" on a station model; the similar typographic symbol asterism (⁂, three asterisks) indicates moderate snow.[2][3]


A diploma from the Masonic Grande Loge de France
A diploma from the Masonic Grande Loge de France showing the symbol as a substitute for the dot of abbreviation


a Masonic abbreviation (rather than the period mark used conventionally with some abbreviations). For example, "R∴W∴ John Smith" is an abbreviation for "Right Worshipful John Smith" (the term Right Worshipful is an honorific and indicates that Smith is a Grand Lodge officer).[4]


The symbol has a Unicode code point at U+2234 THEREFORE (∴, ∴, ∴). See Unicode input for keyboard-entering methods.

Similar signs

∵ ஃ ⁂ ⛬
Similar signs

The inverted form, , known as the because sign, is sometimes used as a shorthand form of "because".

The character (visarga) in the

āytam, a special sound of the Tamil language


asterisks placed in a triangle. Its purpose is to "indicate minor breaks in text", to call attention to a passage, or to separate sub-chapters in a book. It is also used in meteorology
to indicate 'moderate snowfall'.

The graphically identical sign serves as a

Geographical Survey Institute of Japan, indicating a tea plantation. On some maps, a version of the sign with thicker dots, , is used to signal the presence of a national monument, historic site or ruins; it has its own Unicode code point.[5]


i.e.), scilicet (viz.) or similar.[6]

See also

  • Q.E.D.
  • List of mathematical jargon


  1. ^ .
  2. .
  3. ^ "Station Model Information for Weather Observations". National Weather Service Weather Prediction Center. Retrieved 2019-07-16.
  4. ^ Mackey, Albert Gallatin (1925). An Encyclopedia of freemasonry and its kindred sciences, comprising the whole range of arts, sciences and literature as connected with the institution (reprint ed.). Masonic History Co. p. 2.
  6. ^ "Forklaringstegnet: en savnet del av det typografiske repertoar?" [Explanation: A missing part of the typographical repertoire?]. (in Norwegian). Retrieved 2018-08-15.