Timeline of music in the United States (1850–1879)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Timeline of music in the United States
Music history of the United States
Colonial erato the Civil WarDuring the Civil WarLate 19th century1900–19401950s1960s1970s1980s

This timeline of music in the United States covers the period from 1850 to 1879. It encompasses the

Chinese American


  • The Junius Theater of Nashville, Tennessee opens, one of the then largest stages in the country.[1]
  • The
    California Gold Rush brings the first major influx of European-derived music to the indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada and northern California counties.[2]
  • The first American Eisteddfod, a Welsh music and art festival tradition, is held in the United States.[3]
  • Isaac B. Woodbury publishes The Dulcimer; or, The New York Collection of Sacred Music, one of the most successful collections of Christian songs of the era.[4]
  • One of the biggest musical stars of the day, Swedish singer
    P.T. Barnum to go on a national concert tour. Barnum raises the money, and promotes her so successfully that an estimated thirty thousand people arrived to watch her ship land in New York Harbor,[5] and the tour is a great financial success.[6] Lind first performs at Castle Gardens in New York.[7][8]
  • Louis Moreau Gottschalk composes "The Last Hope", his most popular song. It will later become a staple of film scores, often used to accompany death scenes.[9]
  • The
    Hutchinson Family.[10]
  • The first theater opens in
  • The
    Indianapolis, Indiana. As of 2009, it is the oldest bar in Indiana and a prominent regional blues venue.[12]
  • Stephen Foster's "Gwine to Run All Night", or "De Camptown Races", becomes a minstrel show hit, helping to launch Foster's career; he would go on to become the most famous songwriter of the 19th century,[13] and the first "full-time popular songwriter".[14] He also composed Angelina Baker in this year.
  • Henry Wehrmann and his wife become the most prominent engravers in the Southern music publishing industry.[15]
  • Self-consciously old-fashioned concerts, in period dress, presenting the music of the colonial-era United States become popular; they are known as Old Folks Concerts, and are first organized by Robert Kemp.[16]
  • The San Francisco opera tradition begins in 1850 and boasts international stars and a lively set of local performers by the middle of the decade.[17]
  • Popular songs become more "haunting and mawkish, the forerunner of the modern 'hurtin'' songs".[18]


Lewis Henry Morgan, first ethnologist
to perform a study of northeastern Native Americans.


Catherine Hayes, one of the early stars of San Francisco opera


  • Brooks K. Mould releases "Garden City Polka", the first copyrighted music published in Chicago. This is the beginning of that city's publishing industry.[33]
  • Firth, Pond & Company publish The Brass Band Journal, which includes the first band music to use the saxhorn.[3]
  • Frederick Law Olmsted gives one of the earliest depictions of an African American field holler, describing it as "a long, loud musical shout, rising and falling, and breaking into a crescendo... like a bugle call".[34]
  • George F. Root, William Bradbury and Lowell Mason organize the first Normal Musical Institute, a school offering training for music teachers, located in New York.[24][35] Root and Bradbury, with Thomas Hastings and Timothy Mason, collaborate on The Shawm, a popular collection of church music which they advertise as selling more in its first year of release than "any previous similar publication".[36]
  • Louis Antoine Jullien, a French conductor, forms an orchestra in New York, to great acclaim; his prominent use of the quadrille helps to spur the development of sheet music for that dance.[37]
  • Louis Gottschalk begins his concert career in the United States, already a renowned composer from his work in Europe.[38]
  • The first opera performed in Chicago is
    Lucia de Lammermoor.[39]
  • Virtuoso Norwegian violinist Ole Bull attracts an unprecedented 10,000 people to a concert in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Phillip Werlein enters the music publishing business in New Orleans. He will go on to become one of the principal publishers of that city in the mid-19th century.[40]
  • My Old Kentucky Home, Good Night" represents a radical shift in his approach to composition, abandoning the use of dialect and imparting a "blatant message (that) undoubtedly affect(s) working-class minstrel show audiences (who) would soon be called on to shed their blood to bring about the end of slavery in the United States".[14]
  • sleigh bells, a whip, and the use of a double bass to make the sound of howling wind and a dying traveler.[41]
Mid 1850s music trends
  • Minstrel shows begin their second decade of popularity growing towards a "more limited, stereotyped portrayal of black characters."[42]
  • Saxhorns come to dominate the music of military bands.[43]



  • The
    price controls on sheet music for European classical music, which will remain in place until 1885.[51] The Board will also fight music teachers, who sell sheet music to their students.[52]
  • George F. Bristow's Rip Van Winkle is said to be the first successful opera on an American subject, Washington Irving's short story Rip Van Winkle.[53] It is also the first American opera based on a subject by a contemporaneous author.[54]
William Joseph Hardee
  • Native American and European-derived musics.[55] Longfellow's work inspires many composers like Charles Crozat Converse's "The Death of Minnehaha".[56]
  • Louis Grunewald, one of the major music publishers of the Civil War era in New Orleans, enters the business for the first time.[57]
  • William Joseph Hardee publishes a two volume manual Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics: For the Exercise and Manoeuvres of Troops When Acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. It contains the "General Calls" that will signal all the important events in daily military camp life for both the Confederate and Union armies in the coming Civil War.[58]


  • W.C. Peters and Son, a music publishing company, releases a collection of hymns that is the first such collection published in the American Midwest.[59]


  • Paris Conservatory.[47]
  • Joseph William Postlewaite, a free African American, begins leading bands in the St. Louis area, also composing several pieces, including the popular "St. Louis Greys Quick Step".[47]
  • Louisville, Kentucky becomes the first city in the country to include music education in the primary grades.[60]
  • John C. Haynes; the duo will be one of the major publishers of the American Civil War, and will boast of publishing half of the songs printed in the country in the 1870s.[61]
  • The National Association of Music Teachers is formed.[52]
Late 1850s music trends
  • The Grecian bend dance fad flourishes across much of the United States.[62]
  • At New York's Academy of Music, Max Maratzek leads an effort that will create the first permanent home for opera in New York City.[63]
  • The
    Det Rátta Hemlandet begin publishing Swedish hymns and secular songs.[64]



  • "Dixie", a song by Dan Emmett premiers onstage in New York, soon becoming a rallying cry for both sides of the Civil War. The song will eventually become an iconic symbol of the South.[14][69]
  • James Hungerford, in his novel, The Old Plantation, and What I Gathered There in an Autumn Month, becomes one of the first to transcribe a melody from an African American slave song, a "boat song" from Southern Maryland.[70]
  • Patrick Gilmore, an Irish American bandleader, debuts his band in New York; the ensemble's professional and grandiose performances will make it one of the most popular of the Civil War era.[8][71]


Early 1860s music trends
  • Music and theater in the South suffer, both in the lead-up to and initial stages of the Civil War, as few Southerners patronize performances. In particular, opera suffers as many opera managers and performers moved to Europe for the duration.[72]
  • Johann Sebastian Bach's organ music grows in popularity as well, due in no small part to the work of John Knowles Paine.[73]


Clara Louise Kellogg, a prominent American vocalist.
  • The American Civil War begins. Before it ends, it will have a profound impact on American music, spurring the publishing of patriotic songs on both sides, the migration of African Americans, and their styles and instruments, to new locales and the mixing of the musics of many peoples and regions in diverse military units.[80] The Civil War will also stimulate the production of brass instruments and drums.[81]
  • The
    Battle of First Manassas is among a number of early Southern victories that are "confidently celebrated in broadsides and sheet music, no matter how insignificant the outcome". Other important victories include the Battle of Wilson's Creek and the Battle of Belmont.[82]
  • Clara Louise Kellogg, a professional soloist, debuts at the New York Academy of Music, soon becoming a company manager and major figure in American opera history.[83]
  • Fortress Monroe, Virginia; for many white northerners, these songs became their first significant contact with spirituals.[87]
  • Harry Macarthy writes "The Bonnie Blue Flag", which becomes a popular Confederate anthem[14] after he performs it for the Texas Rangers and other soldiers at the Academy of Music in New Orleans. The success of the song and his "Personation Concerts", which feature impersonations of dialects and accents, made him the "best-known and best-loved entertainer of the Civil War"[88]
  • A fire destroys Hibernian Hall, the major theater of the city of Charleston, South Carolina; though the Hall is rebuilt, it never regains its former reputation.[89]
  • The most comprehensive collection of hymns in American history, Hymns Ancient and Modern, is first published. By the time its second edition is released in 1875, it will be by far the dominant Anglican hymnal in the country.[90]
  • A secessionist attack on Union troops in Baltimore inspire
    state song of Maryland.[91][92] The song is set to music later that year by members of the Baltimore Glee Club, including the prominent pro-Confederate Cary family, most famously Hetty Cary.[93] During the attack, the military musicians drop their instruments and flee.[94] Four bandsmen die, the first such casualties of the Civil War.[95]
  • President of the Confederacy in Montgomery, Alabama. Local bandleader Hermann Arnold, adapts "Dixie" into a military quickstep for the event. The song energizes the crowd, and Davis concludes that "Dixie" should be the national anthem for the Confederacy. Notable alternative versions are soon proffered, including the defiant "war song" version of Albert Pike and one by Henry Troop Stanton, known at the time as the "Poet Laureate of Kentucky".[96] A number of popular songs are published later in the year, celebrating Davis, most famously including "Our First President's Quickstep".[97]
  • The Northern Army, having already occupied Port Royal, South Carolina, sends an educational mission to care for the large African American population; Lucy McKim Garrison is among the northern visitors, and her study is the "first account of (African American spirituals) that attempted to describe some of their characteristic features". Her work will later be used in the influential collection Slave Songs of the United States.[98][99]
  • Congress authorizes the hiring of musicians in varying amounts for infantry, cavalry and artillery units in the
    U.S. Army.[95]


Dan Butterfield,composer of "Taps", after the bloody Seven Days Battles
. of the Civil War
Mid 1860s music trends




Late 1860s music trends
  • In some urban areas, a cappella Norwegian and Swedish American choruses become commonplace, while Lutheran colleges begin sponsoring concert choirs.[64]


  • The Black Crook premiers at Niblo's Garden in New York City, using a melodrama and a French ballet troupe whose venue burnt to the ground while they still rehearsed. The "result was an unprecedented triumph", and the show's mixture of "melodrama, dance, music, extraordinary special effects, and mild eroticism... dazzled far beyond any previous theatrical conception".[14] The show is one of the major events in the early history of the extravaganza. Music was credited to Thomas Baker, author of "Transformation Polka".[138] The venue was the managed by the first female theatrical manager in the country.[139]
  • George B. Loomis begins teaching music. He will be the first superintendent of music in the Indianapolis public school system, and will publish Loomis' Progressive Music Lessons, a commonly used music education book in Indiana and surrounding states. He will also co-found the Indiana Music Teachers Association, one of the first such organizations in the country.[140]


The Black Crook finale


  • John Thomas Douglass' Virginia's Ball is the first documented opera composed by an African American;[54] it is now lost, but was performed at least once, in New York in this year.[155]
  • "Shí naashá is composed to commemorate the Navajos' release from a four-year stretch of imprisonment at Fort Sumner, New Mexico. It will become "probably the best known Navajo song".[156]


Fisk Jubilee Singers


Early 1870s music trends



  • Preacher
    Ira Sankey, having published a wildly popular series of books entitled Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs, perform in a series of concerts that establish a religious revival in the urban north.[171] Their travels "firmly (establish) the gospel hymn as an effective song genre for use in Sunday Schools and revival meetings".[172]
  • Ned Harrigan and Tony Hart begin a run at the Theatre Comique in New York, marking "their big breakthrough". They will become most famous for the song "The Mulligan Guards", with music by David Braham.[173]
Dwight Moody


Mid 1870s music trends


Scribner's Magazine



  • "Home on the Range" is first published; it is the earliest song to depict a "romanticized image of the cowboy".[189]
  • Sisters Anna and Emma Hyers, and their father, form a concert tour company,
    Hyers Sisters Comic Opera Co.,[141] then work with playwrights Pauline Hopkins and Joseph Bradford to produce the "first full-fledged musical plays... in which African Americans themselves comment on the plight of the slaves and the relief of Emancipation without the disguises of minstrel comedy", with this year's Out of Bondage (also known as Out of the Wilderness).[155]
  • countermelody to the military march.[190]
  • The Music Teachers National Association, the first major professional organization for music teachers, is founded.[24]


Late 1870s music trends
  • The golden age of Chinese theatre in the United States begins.[27]
  • habanera in the United States.[191]
  • The
    Drum Dance is introduced to the Native Americans of the Great Lakes region; this is a set of beliefs that revolve around a legendary woman named Turkey Tailfeather Woman, who is said to have escaped from the American military and received instructions to build and use a large, ceremonial drum while in hiding. The religion based around this drum will spread throughout the region, and the drum itself will become the ancestor of the big drum used in modern powwow ceremonies.[157]
  • record sound, using a tin-foil cylinder phonograph.[192][193][194] His first recording is "Mary Had a Little Lamb".[195]



  • The
    Native American music and culture.[162][201]
  • musical play, with stories centered around characters with distinct ethnic backgrounds. Their work established "ethnic groups as major characters in the American stage".[173]



  1. ^ Abel, pg. 249
  2. .
  3. ^ a b Hansen, pg. 223
  4. ^ Chase, pg. 144
  5. ^ Crawford, pg. 186
  6. ^ Horn, David. "Impresario". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. pp. 548–549.
  7. ^ Burk, Meierhoff and Phillips, pg. 207
  8. ^ a b c d Preston, Katherine K.; Susan Key, Judith Tick, Frank J. Cipolla and Raoul F. Camus. "Snapshot: Four Views of Music in the United States". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 554–569.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  9. ^ Clarke, pg. 57
  10. ^ Southern, pg. 106
  11. ^ a b c d Crawford, pg. 193
  12. ^ Bird, pg. 320
  13. ^ Crawford, pg. 210
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Cockrell, Dale and Andrew M. Zinck, "Popular Music of the Parlor and Stage", pgs. 179–201, in the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
  15. ^ a b Abel, pg. 258
  16. ^ Chase, pg. 136
  17. ^ Crawford, pgs. 191–194
  18. ^ Abel, pg. 136
  19. ^ Abel, pg. 133
  20. ^ Crawford, pg. 427
  21. ^ Southern, pg. 103
  22. ^ Levine, Victoria Lindsay. "Northeast". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 461–465. and Morgan, Henry Louis (1962) [1852]. League of the Ho-dé-no-sau-nee or Iroquois. Secaucus, New Jersey: Citadel Press.
  23. ^ a b c Birge, pg. 65, citing Francis M. Dickey's The Early History of Public School Music in the United States
  24. ^ a b c d e f Colwell, Richard; James W. Pruett and Pamela Bristah. "Education". New Grove Dictionary of Music. pp. 11–21.
  25. ^ Chase, pg. 256
  26. ^ Shanet, Howard. "Eisfeld, Theodor(e)". New Grove Dictionary of American Music. pp. 24–25.
  27. ^ a b c Zheng, Su. "Chinese Music". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 957–966.
  28. ^ Crawford, pg. 235
  29. ^ Blum, Stephen. "Sources, Scholarship and Historiography" in the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, pgs. 21–37
  30. ^ Southern, pg. 210
  31. ^ Elson, University Musical Encyclopedia, pg. 102
  32. ^ Chase, pg. 204
  33. ^ a b Pruter, Robert; Paul Oliver and The Editors. "Chicago". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. Retrieved July 9, 2008. {{cite book}}: |author2= has generic name (help)
  34. ^ Darden, pg. 44
  35. ^ Chase, pg. 143
  36. ^ Chase, pg. 142; Chase cites an advertisement from 1855.
  37. ^ Crawford, pgs. 285–286
  38. ^ Chase, pg. 291
  39. ^ Burk, Meierhoff and Phillips, pg. 163
  40. ^ Abel, pg. 267
  41. ^ Chase, pg. 312
  42. ^ Crawford, pg. 217
  43. ^ Crawford, pg. 274
  44. ^ Rasmussen, Anne K. "Middle Eastern Music". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 1028–1041.
  45. ^ a b U.S. Army Bands
  46. ^ Burk, Meierhoff and Phillips, pg. 181
  47. ^ a b c Wright, Jacqueline R. B. "Concert Music". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 603–613.
  48. ^ Burk, Meierhoff and Phillips, pg. 152
  49. ^ Birge, pg. 80
  50. ^ Sanjek, David; Will Straw. "The Music Industry". Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 256–267.
  51. ^ Horn, David; David Sanjek. "Sheet Music". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music. pp. 599–605.
  52. ^ a b Clarke, pg. 251
  53. ^ Chase, pg. 310
  54. ^ a b Kirk, pg. 386
  55. ^ Crawford, pg. 393
  56. ^ Cornelius, pg. 9
  57. ^ Abel, pg. 268
  58. ^ Abel, pg. 145
  59. ^ Snell and Kelley, pg. 31, citing Wetzel, pgs. 203–230
  60. ^ Birge, pg. 79
  61. ^ a b c Cornelius, pg. 19
  62. ^ Chase, pg. 163
  63. ^ Crawford, pg. 181
  64. ^ a b Levy, Mark; Carl Rahkonen and Ain Haas. "Scandinavian and Baltic Music". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 866–881.
  65. ^ Chase, pg. 240
  66. ^ a b c Cornelius, pg. 18
  67. ^ Laing, Dave. "Root & Cady". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music. p. 592. Laing notes that Root & Cady "published most of the bestselling popular songs associated with the American Civil War".
  68. ^ Kearns, Williams. "Overview of Music in the United States". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 519–553.
  69. ^ Crawford, pg. 264
  70. ^ Crawford, pg. 411
  71. ^ Crawford, pgs. 287–289
  72. ^ National Conference of Music of the Civil War Era, pg. 11, cited to Ottenberg, pgs. 111, 117
  73. ^ National Conference of Music of the Civil War Era, pg. 12
  74. ^ Abel, pg. 265
  75. ^ Cornelius, pg. 17
  76. ^ Abel, pg. 270
  77. ^ Crawford, pg. 194
  78. ^ a b Abel, pg. 255
  79. ^ Walter B. Edgar (1998). South Carolina: A History. p. 355.
  80. ^ Crawford, pg. 258
  81. ^ Bastian, Vanessa. "Instrument Manufacture". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. pp. 526–529.
  82. ^ Abel, pg. 119
  83. ^ Snell and Kelley, pg. 8
  84. ^ Crawford, pgs. 413–415
  85. ^ Darden, pg. 96
  86. ^ Malone and Stricklin, pg. 26
  87. ^ Chase, pg. 220
  88. ^ Abel, pgs 52–53, 60-61, 63; Abel compares Macarthy's role in the South to that of Bob Hope during World War II.
  89. ^ Abel, pg. 243
  90. ^ Horn, David. "Hymnals". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music. pp. 580–583. Horn notes that the hymnal "obliterated other Anglican opposition".
  91. ^ Crawford, pgs. 260–261
  92. ^ Elson, University Musical Encyclopedia, pg. 81; Elson calls it the "only distinctive anthem" among state songs.
  93. ^ Abel, pg. 70
  94. ^ Cornelius, pg. 42
  95. ^ a b c U.S. Army Bands
  96. ^ Abel, pgs. 33–37
  97. ^ Abel, pgs. 98–99
  98. ^ Chase, pg. 220–221
  99. ^ Darden, pg. 99
  100. ^ Crawford, pg. 263
  101. ^ Abel, pg. 164
  102. ^ Abel, pg. 148
  103. ^ Abel, pg. 43
  104. ^ Abel, pg. 196
  105. ^ Chase, pg. 155
  106. ^ Abel, pg. 176
  107. ^ Abel, pgs. 109–111
  108. ^ Abel, pgs. 74–75
  109. ^ a b Abel, pg. 240
  110. ^ Abel, pgs. 120–122
  111. ^ a b Snell and Kelley, pg. 19
  112. ^ Abel, pgs. 245, 248
  113. ^ Crawford, pg. 484; Crawford cites this claim to Marks, Edward B. (1934). They All Sang: From Tony Pastor to Rudy Vallee. New York: Viking., who adds that theater audiences were also often Irish.
  114. ^ Crawford, pgs. 454–455
  115. ^ National Conference of Music of the Civil War Era, pg. 17, citing Pugh
  116. ^ Abel, pg. 191
  117. ^ Abel, pgs. 269–271
  118. ^ Horn, David; David Buckley. "War and Armed Conflict". Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. pp. 389–395.
  119. ^ Abel, pgs. 105–107
  120. ^ Abel, pg. 113
  121. ^ Abel, pgs. 259–260
  122. ^ Laing, Dave. "Musicians' Unions". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. pp. 785–787.
  123. ^ Abel, pg. 122
  124. ^ Darden, pg. 97
  125. ^ Abel, pg. 167
  126. ^ Abel, pgs. 111–112
  127. ^ Abel, pgs. 180–181
  128. ^ Abel, pg. 123
  129. ^ Abel, pgs. 100–101
  130. ^ Snell and Kelley, pg. 30
  131. ^ Klitz, pg. 49
  132. ^ Chase, pg. 245
  133. ^ Southern, pg. 232
  134. ^ Peretti, pg. 45
  135. ^ Crawford, pgs. 307–308
  136. ^ Chase, pg. 316
  137. ^ Darden, pgs. 71–72
  138. ^ Chase, pg. 360
  139. ^ Clarke, pg. 96
  140. ^ Birge, pg. 95
  141. ^ a b Southern, pg. 221
  142. ^ Darden, pg. 71
  143. ^ Southern, pg. 152
  144. ^ Malone and Stricklin, pgs. 26–27
  145. ^ Burnim and Maultsby, pg. 9
  146. ^ Clarke, pg. 41 notes that the book will not be recognized as a landmark until 1929
  147. ^ Crawford, pg. 416
  148. ^ Darden, pgs. 99–100
  149. ^ Maultsby, Portia K.; Mellonee V. Burnin and Susan Oehler. "Overview". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 572–591.
  150. ^
    JSTOR 779375
  151. ^ Snell and Kelley, pg. 22
  152. ^ Chase, pg. 215
  153. ^ Cusic, pg. 86
  154. ^ Peretti, pg. 36
  155. ^ a b Riis, Thomas L. "Musical Theater". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 614–623.
  156. ^ Heth, Charlotte. "Overview". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 366–373.
  157. ^ a b Romero, Brenda M. "Great Lakes". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. pp. 451–460., Densmore, Frances (1913). "Chippewa Music". Bureau of American Ethnology. 2 (53).
  158. ^ Southern, pg. 233
  159. ^ Crawford, pgs. 289–291
  160. .
  161. ^ Crawford, pg. 419
  162. ^ a b Bergey, Barry, "Government and Politics", pgs. 288–303, in the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
  163. ^ Campbell, Patricia Sheehan and Rita Klinger, "Learning", pgs. 274–287, in the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
  164. ^ Birge, pg. 98
  165. ^ Gooding, Erik D. (440–450). "Plains". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.
  166. .
  167. ^ Burnim, Mellonee V. "Religious Music". The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music.
  168. ^ a b Southern, pg. 229
  169. ^ Malone and Stricklin, pg. 27
  170. ^ Snell and Kelley, pg. 31
  171. ^ Erbsen, pg. 22; Erbsen notes that the Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs series will sell more than fifty million copies.
  172. ^ Southern, pgs. 452–453
  173. ^ a b Chase, pg. 366
  174. ^ Burk, Meierhoff and Phillips, pg. 157
  175. ^ Crawford, pg. 420
  176. ^ Chase, pgs. 225–226
  177. ^ Paul C. Echols. "Early-music revival". The New Grove Dictionary of American Music, Volume II: E-K. pp. 2–6.
  178. ^ Darden, pg. 124
  179. ^ The Washington Post: From Church to Stage: Black Opera Company Was The City's First
  180. ^ Darden, pg. 122
  181. ^ Burk, Meierhoff and Phillips, pg. 13
  182. ^ Chase, pg. 362
  183. ^ Darden, pg. 113
  184. ^ Burk, Meierhoff and Phillips, pg. 225
  185. ^ Darden, pg. 182
  186. ^ Darden, pg. 125
  187. ^ Chase, pgs. 341–342
  188. ^ Gates and Appiah, pg. 1370
  189. ^ Crawford, pg. 435
  190. ^ U.S. Army Bands
  191. ^ Lewis, pg. 95
  192. ^ Southern, pg. 309
  193. ^ Linehan, Andrew. "Soundcarrier". Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. pp. 359–366.
  194. ^ Millard, Andre. "Cylinders". The Continuum Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the World. pp. 508–509.
  195. ^ Seeger, Anthony and Paul Théberg, "Technology and Media", pgs. 235–249, in the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
  196. ^ Clarke, pg. 27
  197. ^ Southern, pg. 238
  198. ^ Cusic, pg, 81
  199. ^ Chase, pg. 369
  200. ^ Southern, pg. 240
  201. ^ Crawford, pg. 395

Further reading