Lubusz Land

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Lubusz Land
Ziemia lubuska, Land Lebus

Lubusz Land (Polish: Ziemia lubuska; German: Land Lebus) is a historical region and cultural landscape in Poland and Germany on both sides of the Oder river.

Originally the settlement area of the Lechites, the swampy area was located east of Brandenburg and west of Greater Poland, south of Pomerania and north of Silesia and Lower Lusatia. Presently its eastern part lies within the Polish Lubusz Voivodeship, the western part with its historical capital Lebus (Lubusz) in the German state of Brandenburg.


Kingdom of Poland

A 19th-century map of the 13th-century Duchy of Greater Poland of fragmented Poland. Lubusz Land, stretched on both sides of the Oder, marked in yellow

When in 928 King

Mieszko I (~960-992) or conquered by him in the early period of his rule. After Mieszkos' death the whole country was inherited by his son Duke, and later King, Bolesław I the Brave. After the German Northern March got lost in a 983 Slavic rebellion, Duke Bolesław and King Otto III of Germany in 991 agreed at Quedlinburg to jointly conquer the remaining Lutician territory, Otto coming from the west and Bolesław starting from Lubusz in the east. However, they did not succeed. Instead Otto's successor King Henry II of Germany in the rising conflict over the adjacent Lusatian march
concluded an alliance with the Lutici and repeatedly attacked Bolesław.

Lubusz Land (ziemia lubuska) and other historical lands of Poland against the background of modern administrative borders (names in Polish)
Bishopric of Lubusz/Lebus

Lubusz Land remained under Polish control even after King

fragmentation after the death of Duke Bolesław III in 1138, when Lubusz Land became part of the Duchy of Silesia.[1] The Duchy of Silesia was restored to the descendants of Władysław II the Exile in 1163, and Lubusz Land together with Lower Silesia was given to his eldest son Bolesław I the Tall

In the 13th century Polish dukes in order to help develop Lubusz Land, granted some areas to different Catholic religious orders, such as the Cistercians, Canons Regular and Knights Templar. Among those orders possessions were Łagów, Chwarszczany, Lubiąż (today's Müncheberg) and Dębno.[2]

Mieszko of Lubusz

Lubusz remained under the rule of the

Bolesław II the Bald. In 1248 Bolesław II, then Duke of Legnica, finally sold Lubusz to Magdeburg's Archbishop Wilbrand von Käfernburg and the Ascanian
margraves of Brandenburg in 1249, wielding the secular reign.

March of Brandenburg and Kingdom of Bohemia

Historical affiliations
of the Lubusz Land
Duchy of Poland
Kingdom of Poland

Provincial duchies of
during the fragmentation period (1138–1249):

Duchy of Silesia 1138–1173
Duchy of Wrocław 1173–1177
Duchy of Głogów 1177–1181
Duchy of Wrocław 1181–1203
Duchy of Greater Poland 1203–1211
Duchy of Wrocław 1211–1218
Duchy of Greater Poland 1218–1230
Duchy of Wrocław 1230–1241
Duchy of Lubusz 1241–1242
Duchy of Wrocław 1242–1248
Duchy of Legnica 1248–1249

Margraviate of Brandenburg
ca. 1250–1319
Contested by Piasts, Griffins, Ascanians and Wittelsbachs
Margraviate of Brandenburg
Electorate of Brandenburg

Electorate of Brandenburg

Electorate of Brandenburg


 Kingdom of Prussia
German Empire German Reich, Kingdom of Prussia
Weimar Republic German Reich, Free State of Prussia
Nazi Germany German Reich, Free State of Prussia
Soviet occupation zone
 German Democratic Republic

 Polish People's Republic
 Federal Republic of Germany
 Republic of Poland

As to secular rule Lubusz Land was finally separated from Silesia, according to canon law however, the Lubusz diocese, comprising most of Lubusz Land, remained subordinate to the Gniezno metropolis. Meanwhile, the Brandenburg margraves forwarded the incorporation of Lubusz Land into their New March, created and expanded further to the northeast after the acquisition of the Santok castellany in 1296 on the forest areas between the Duchy of Pomerania and Greater Poland.

The Lebus bishops tried to maintain their affiliation with Poland and in 1276 therefore moved their residence east of the Oder river to

Duchy of Saxe-Wittenberg).[3] In 1319, the region was captured by Wartislaw IV, Duke of Pomerania, in 1320 a large portion passed to Duke Henry I of Jawor, who tried to reclaim the Lubusz Land as region lost by his grandfather Bolesław II the Horned, later that year the western part was conquered by Rudolf I, Duke of Saxe-Wittenberg, and the eastern outskirts with Torzym were controlled by Duke Henry IV the Faithful of Żagań by 1322.[4] In 1322–1323, there were heavy fights between Pomerania and Saxe-Wittenberg in the northern part of the region, around Kostrzyn nad Odrą.[5]

After the

Władysław I the Elbow-high
of Poland also took the chance, allied with Bishop Stephen II and campaigned the Lubusz Land. In return the head of secular government in Lubusz, governor Erich of Wulkow, loyal to the new Brandenburg margrave Louis V, raided and captured the episcopal possessions in 1325, burning down the Górzyca cathedral. Bishop Stephen fled to Poland.

In 1354 Bishop Henry Bentsch reconciled with Margrave

Thirteen Years’ War
broke out, the Teutonic Knights sold the region to Brandenburg in order to raise funds for war against Poland. The bulk of the Lubusz Land remained part of the Bohemian (Czech) lands until 1415.

Bishopric of Lebus

In 1424 the Lebus bishopric became a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Magdeburg, finally leaving the Gniezno ecclesiastical province. In 1518 Bishop Dietrich von Bülow bought the secular lordship of

Smalkaldic War
, his vassal city of Beeskow refused to obey.

From 1555 the bishopric was secularised and became a

Eastern Brandenburg. In 1575 King Maximilian II of Bohemia granted the Beeskow lordship of the Lebus diocese to Brandenburg as a Bohemian fief, which it remained until the First Silesian War in 1742.[11] When in 1598 the Magdeburg administrator Joachim Frederick of Hohenzollern
became Elector of Brandenburg, all official links with Poland had long been cut.

Prussia and Germany

But new links to Poland developed, because since 1618 the prince-electors of Brandenburg ruled the Duchy of Prussia, then a Polish vassal state, in personal union. In 1657 Prussia gained sovereignty, so in 1701 the electors could upgrade their simultaneously held Prussian dukedom to the Kingdom of Prussia, dropping the title of elector of the Holy Roman Empire at its dissolution in 1806. In 1815 the kingdom joined the German Confederation, in 1866 the North German Confederation, which enlarged in 1871 to united Germany.

By the 17th century most of the population, consisting of autochthon Poles and German settlers, had mingled and assimilated to German language.

One of the main escape routes for insurgents of the unsuccessful Polish November Uprising from partitioned Poland to the Great Emigration led through the region.[12]

Battle of the Seelow Heights


SS and Gestapo perpetrated a massacre of over 800 prisoners of the Sonnenburg concentration camp.[17] Lubusz Land was the site of fierce fighting on the Eastern Front of World War II in 1945. In February and March the battle for Kostrzyn nad Odrą (then Küstrin) was fought, which resulted in 95% of the town being destroyed,[19] making it the most destructed town of post-war Poland. In April the Battle of the Seelow Heights took place, ending in a Soviet-Polish victory. It was one of the last battles before the capitulation of Nazi Germany and the end of World War II in Europe

In Poland and Germany

The portion of Lubusz Land east of the Oder River became again part of Poland by the 1945 Potsdam Conference, although with a Soviet-installed communist regime, which stayed in power until the 1980s, whereas the western portion with the historical capital Lebus remained under

Soviet occupation and became a part of communist East Germany
in 1949.

Modern view of Lebus (Lubusz), the historical capital of the region

Polish and Soviet authorities expelled most of the German population from the Polish annexed part of Lubusz Land in accordance with the Potsdam Agreement. Refugees who had fled before the Soviet forces were prevented from returning to their homes. The area was then resettled with Poles expelled from Soviet-annexed eastern Poland and migrants from central Poland. The largest cities and capitals of the Polish Lubusz Voivodeship today are Zielona Góra and Gorzów Wielkopolski, which however were not part of the historical Lubusz Land (cf. map above), but were parts of Lower Silesia and Greater Poland (the Santok castellany) respectively. Today, the largest town of Lubusz Land is Frankfurt (Oder), located in the German part of the region. On the Polish side the largest town is Kostrzyn nad Odrą. The region's historic capital, Lebus, is one of the smallest towns.

In the Polish part of the Lubusz Land, in Słubice, the Wikipedia Monument, world's first monument dedicated to the Wikipedia community, was unveiled in 2014.[20]


See also

External links


  1. .
  2. ^ Codex diplomaticus Majoris Polonia, tom XI
  3. Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, Wydawnictwo Polskiej Akademii Nauk
    : 481.
  4. ^ Rymar, pp. 481, 485–486, 489
  5. ^ Rymar, p. 489
  6. ^ a b Rymar, p. 492
  7. ^ Rymar, p. 493
  8. ^ Rymar, pp. 493–494
  9. ^ Rogalski, Leon (1846). Dzieje Krzyżaków oraz ich stosunki z Polską, Litwą i Prussami, poprzedzone rysem dziejów wojen krzyżowych. Tom II (in Polish). Warszawa. pp. 59–60.
  10. ^ Dirk Schumann, Beeskow (12001), Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger and Christine Herzog (collab.) for the Freundeskreis Schlösser und Gärten der Mark (ed.), slightly altered ed., Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft, 22006, (Schlösser und Gärten der Mark; part: Beeskow), p. 4. No ISBN
  11. ^ Dirk Schumann, Beeskow (12001), Sibylle Badstübner-Gröger and Christine Herzog (collab.) for the Freundeskreis Schlösser und Gärten der Mark (ed.), slightly altered ed., Berlin: Deutsche Gesellschaft, 22006, (Schlösser und Gärten der Mark; part: Beeskow), p. 7. No ISBN
  12. ^ Umiński, Janusz (1998). "Losy internowanych na Pomorzu żołnierzy powstania listopadowego". Jantarowe Szlaki (in Polish). No. 4 (250). p. 16.
  13. ^ Wardzyńska, Maria (2009). Był rok 1939. Operacja niemieckiej policji bezpieczeństwa w Polsce. Intelligenzaktion (in Polish). Warszawa: IPN. p. 60.
  14. .
  15. ^ "Anlage zu § 1. Verzeichnis der Konzentrationslager und ihrer Außenkommandos gemäß § 42 Abs. 2 BEG" (in German). Archived from the original on 23 April 2009. Retrieved 23 October 2023.
  16. ^ a b "Świecko (Lager Schwetig): Odnaleziono szczątki 21 osób". Instytut Pamięci Narodowej (in Polish). Retrieved 23 October 2023.
  17. ^ a b "Słońsk: 73. rocznica zagłady więźniów niemieckiego obozu Sonnenburg". (in Polish). Retrieved 23 October 2023.
  18. ^ "Ewakuacja piesza". Muzeum Martyrologiczne w Żabikowie (in Polish). Retrieved 23 October 2023.
  19. ^ Andrzej Toczewski. "Bitwa o Festung Küstrin w 1945 roku". (in Polish). Retrieved 17 October 2019.
  20. ^ "World's first Wikipedia monument unveiled in Poland". Retrieved 18 October 2019.