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Faerûn (

computer and video games and a film
use Faerûn as the setting.

Fictional culture and technology

Economically and technologically, Faerûn is comparable to

feudal system. There are also several notable cities and trade between nations is common, as in the Renaissance era. Likewise, there are regions where more barbaric tribes and customs persist.[1] Home to many different cultures, "[i]t is an eclectic land, rich in history, that has witnessed the rise and fall of kingdoms, forever bearing the scars of centuries of war."[5]
: 200–201 

A major difference between the setting and Earth is the presence of

Weave, the source of magical energies on Toril
. Faerûn has a pantheon of deities that are worshipped by the followers of this region. These are comparable to mythological deities of the ancient Greek pantheon and cover a range of ethical beliefs and portfolios of interests.

Faerûn is home to many non-human creatures of varying degrees of civilization or barbarism. Among these are several different races of

ogres, various giants, and even dragons

There are several organized alliances in Faerûn, with each pursuing their particular agenda. A few are dedicated to decent and honest causes, such as the Harpers, who protect the good-natured races and seek a balance between civilization and nature. The Harpers are opposed by evil organizations, including the

Zhentarim is an evil network seeking to dominate the region. Their efforts are being resisted by the Lords' Alliance, a council of knights that pursues the interests of the northern cities. Other organizations of Faerûn include the magical Seven Sisters, a band of assassins called the Fire Knives, a group of ruthless thieves operating out the city of Waterdeep named Xanathar's Guild, and the mysterious Shades—the returning survivors of the long-fallen Netheril empire.[1]

Fictional geography

Faerûn partial map

The sub-continent of Faerûn is set in the northern hemisphere of the planet

Aztec-like civilization is far to the west, across an Atlantic-like ocean called the Trackless Sea. The subterranean regions underneath Faerûn are called the Underdark.[1][9]
: 98, 138 

Faerûn includes terrain that is as varied as that of

they assume.

Besides the exterior coastline to the west and south, the most dominant feature on the continent is the Sea of Fallen Stars. This is an irregular inland sea that keeps the neighboring lands fertile and serves as a major trade route for the bordering nations. Next in significance is the Shaar, a broad region of grasslands in the south that, together with a large body of water called the Lake of Steam, separates the area around the inland sea from the coastal nations at the southern edge of the continent. To the east, Faerûn is bordered by a vast region of

Kara-Tur. In the north are massive glaciers, named Pelvuria and Reghed, and a region of tundra
. South of the continent, separated by the Great Sea, is a sub-tropical land called Zakhara.

The largest cities in Faerûn[1] as of 3rd edition
City Region Population
Waterdeep Sword Coast 348
Skuld Mulhorand 205
Calimport Calimshan 193
Gheldaneth Mulhorand 172
Unthalass Unther 165
Suldolphor Calimshan 144
Bezantur Thay 137
Eltabbar Thay 123
Athkatla Amn 118
Zazesspur Tethyr 116
Cimbar Chessenta 111

Northern regions

To the northwest, Faerûn is a region of wilderness, difficult winter weather, hordes of orcs, and barbarous human tribes. This region is generally referred to as "The North". It is a mostly-untamed region that lies between the large Anauroch desert in the east and the expansive Sea of Swords to the west with a mountain range at the far north called the Spine of the World.[10][11] This area contains huge wooded regions such as the High Forest[12] and the Lurkwood,[13] the frozen Icewind Dale to the north,[12][14][15] and an untamed region called the Savage Frontier, which includes the Silver Marches (Luruar). The coastal region is called the Sword Coast, "a haven for adventurers". Here lie the "iconic locastions" of the city-state of Neverwinter and the large port city of Waterdeep.[5]: 200–201 [16] Undermountain is a vast dungeon crawl under the area of Waterdeep, rated among the "deadliest" and most iconic in the game.[5]: 5, 208–209  The Ten Towns are located within Icewind Dale[15] with the Sea of Moving Ice at the northernmost place in known Faerûn. In the module Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, the titular Frostmaiden Auril makes her home on an island in this sea.[17]

Deep inland are the ancient dwarven citadels of Mithral Hall, Citadel Felbarr and, the largest of the three, Citadel Adbar,[18][19] which was featured in the Legacy of the Drow series of novels. This area is one of the most popular regions for role-playing campaigns set in Faerûn, and has been the setting for a number of popular role-playing video games.[20] Another city is Mirabar, the mining center for the Sword Coast.

North of the Sea of Fallen Stars is a region that stretches from the wide Anauroch desert in the west

RPGA's Living City role-playing campaign and the site of the Living City series of game modules.[24]
The Dragonspine Mountains, which house the infamous Citadel of the Raven on their western slopes, is a mountain range northwest of the Moonsea.

Northeastern Faerûn is a remote area that begins in the cold, forbidding lands along the great ice sheets and continues south toward the northeastern shores of the Sea of Fallen Stars. It is bordered on the west by the mountain-hemmed land of Vaasa and stretches east to the vast steppes of the Hordelands, with its largest city of Winterkeep. This region also contains the lightly populated kingdom of Damara, the druidic forests of the Great Dale, the coastal kingdom of Impiltur, the fallen and once evil empire of Narfell, and the trading nation of Thesk. Mystical Rashemen is a land ruled from behind the scenes by spiritual witches,[25] and it is the location of the Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer computer game. The lands of Damara and Vaasa were described in a 1989 publication, FR9, The Bloodstone Lands.[3] This area formed the setting for the "H Series" of modules that used the Battlesystem rules to resolve battles.

The most populous
nations in Faerûn[1]
Nation Population
Calimshan 5.34
Mulhorand 5.34
Thay 4.92
Unther 4.26
Tethyr 3.77
Chessenta 3.39
Amn 2.96
Sembia 2.46
Chondath 1.98
Turmish 1.69
Halruaa 1.68
Cormyr 1.36
Damara 1.32
Great Rift 1.31
Aglarond 1.27
Impiltur 1.21

Middle lands

The western part of Faerûn includes the nations south of Waterdeep and north of the Shining Sea, that border along the Sea of Swords. The west includes the city of Baldur's Gate (named for the great seafaring hero Balduran), the library-fortress of Candlekeep,

Baldur's Gate series of computer games.[27] To the west in the vast ocean called the Trackless Sea is a multitude of islands, collectively named the Nelanther Isles. Other island kingdoms include the gnomish realm of Lantan, the country of Nimbral and, further west, the Moonshae Isles.[28]

The Bloodstone Lands module from TSR.

With the exception of the Shining Plains, the interior lands of Faerûn lie along the irregular coastline of the western Sea of Fallen Stars. In the north the Dragonmere arm of the sea extends far to the west, ending close to the Western Heartlands. To the south, the Vilhon Reach forms a second arm leading to the southwest. The notable areas within this region include Chondath, Cormyr,[29] the Dragon Coast,[30] Hlondeth, the Pirate Isles and Prespur,[31] Sembia (and its largest city of Selgaunt), Sespech, Turmish, and the Shining Plains.

Along the eastern expanses of the Sea of Fallen Stars, the water forms a long arm that travels to the east before turning south to become the Alamber Sea. The northern nations of this mysterious area are termed the "Unapproachable East" and the southern nations the "Old Empires" in campaign setting publications. This region includes the nations of Aglarond, Ashanath, Altumbel, Mulhorand, Murghôm, Thay and Unther. Chondalwood is a long, forested region to the south of Chondath and Chessenta.[25] Thay is a magocracy ruled by the Red Wizards which was described in the 1988 publication FR6: Dreams of the Red Wizards.[32] The nation has made multiple attempts to invade neighboring countries and following a civil war, the lich Szass Tam became Thay's leader.[33] Shannon Appelcline, author of Designers & Dragons, highlighted that "Thay doesn't have an obvious real-world derivation like some of the Realms. The wizards rebelled from the Egyptian-based Mulhorand, while their occupied land is somewhat reminiscent of India. However the best parallel to Thay may actually be Stygia, an evil land from Robert E. Howard's Conan stories".[34]

Southern nations

To the southwest lies along the great Chultan peninsula that juts out toward the west.[35][36] The waters to the north are named the Shining Sea, a body bounded by Calimsham to the north and joined to the Lake of Steam through the Straits of Storm. To the south of the land is the Great Sea. Located in this area are Chult, Lapaliiya, Samarach, Tashalar, and Thindol.

South of the Sea of Fallen Stars is a region somewhat isolated by the Lake of Steam in the west, and the vast length of the Shaar. It is bordered along the south by the Great Sea; to the west by the Chultan peninsula region, and in the east by Luiren. The south includes the Border Kingdoms, Dambrath, the Great Rift, Halruaa, the Lake of Steam, and The Shaar.[37]

South and east of the grassy plains is an area known as the Shaar, along the shores of the Great Sea opposite the land of Zakhara. The region includes the lands of Durpar, Estagund and Var the Golden (collectively called the Shining Lands), Luiren, the land of Halflings, Ulgarth, the easternmost extent of Faerûn, and Veldorn, the land of monsters, as well as The Great Rift, a large, powerful nation of dwarves, within a titanic canyon


The immense complex of caverns and passages that lie beneath many parts of the continent of Faerûn is known as the Underdark. It contains cities of the elf-related

kuo-toa, illithids, and beholders.[38]

Changes in geography

Third Edition

When the third edition of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting was released in 2001, the designers took the opportunity to redesign the continent of Faerûn. Its size was reduced slightly to remove 'empty space' from the map and the Chultan Peninsula was moved several hundred miles north, reducing the size of the empty grassplain known as the Shaar. Additionally, the designers slightly adjusted the projection of the map to better reflect the curvature of the planet. There was no in-universe explanation given for these changes as it was classified as a


Fourth Edition

The fourth edition of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, released in 2008, saw major changes to the geography of Faerûn and the world of Abeir-Toril. Due to a magical cataclysm known as the Spellplague, the southern parts of Faerûn were devastated.[39] Chult became an island detached from the mainland, the kingdom of Halruaa was utterly destroyed, and parts of the Sea of Fallen Stars drained into the Underdark. The northern Realms were less affected by the Spellplague, but during the 100-year gap between the third and fourth editions of the setting, it was revealed that the Netherese wizards of the city of Shade had eliminated the desert of Anauroch, returning the land to its pre-Fall state. The borders of some of the kingdoms were changed to reflect this. In addition to these changes, floating islands of earth known as 'earthmotes' appeared in the skies above Faerûn and the continent of Maztica across the western ocean vanished along with the Faerûnian colonies on its east coast.[40]

In other media


  1. ^ .
  2. .
  3. ^ a b Schick, Lawrence (1991). Heroic Worlds: A History and Guide to Role-Playing Games. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books. .
  4. ^ "Upcoming 'Dungeons & Dragons' Publications Will Explore More Areas Influenced by Non-European Cultures". Comicbook.com. January 7, 2019. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  5. ^ .
  6. ^ a b "The Land of Faerûn | The Forgotten Realms | Dungeons & Dragons". dnd.wizards.com. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  7. OCLC 45575501
  8. .
  9. ^ Canavan, Aidan-Paul (April 2011). Looting the Dungeon: The Quest for the Genre Fantasy Mega-Text (PDF) (Thesis).
  10. ISSN 1433-2892
  11. .
  12. ^ a b c d e "Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms Locations That Deserve to be Revisited". Game Rant. 2020-01-09. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  13. ^ "D&D: Faerun - Home Of The Iconic Forgotten Realms". Bell of Lost Souls. 2019-06-01. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  14. ^ "Dungeons & Dragons Icewind Dale: Everything You Need To Know". TheGamer. 2020-08-13. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  15. ^ a b "Dungeons & Dragons: The Story Behind Icewind Dale". TheGamer. 2020-08-24. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  16. .
  17. ^ Puc, Samantha (2020-09-21). "Dungeons & Dragons: 8 Unique Locations Established in Rime of the Frostmaiden". CBR. Retrieved 2024-05-07.
  18. .
  19. .
  20. .
  21. .
  22. .
  23. .
  24. ^ Community (2003-05-29). "Development deal with Spellblade Studios for The Living City Of Ravens Bluff". Gaming Report. Archived from the original on 2004-11-01. Retrieved 2008-06-27.
  25. ^ .
  26. ^ "Dungeons & Dragons: What to Know Before Candlekeep Mysteries". CBR. 2021-01-18. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  27. ^ Muzyka, Ray; Hoenig, Michael; et al. (2001). Baldur's Gate, Original Saga with Tales of the Sword Coast Expansion Pack. Black Isle Studios. ASIN B00005S8J2.
  28. .
  29. .
  30. .
  31. .
  32. .
  33. ^ Zambrano, J. R. (December 11, 2022). "D&D: An Adventurer's Guide to the Red Wizards of Thay". Bell of Lost Souls. Retrieved March 8, 2023.
  34. DriveThruRPG
    . Retrieved 2023-03-08.
  35. ^ "Dungeons & Dragons: Exploring Chult, the Dinosaur-Filled Jungle". CBR. 2020-03-09. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  36. ^ D'Anastasio, Cecilia (October 18, 2017). "Dungeons & Dragons Stumbles With Its Revision Of The Game's Major Black Culture". Kotaku. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  37. .
  38. .
  39. . Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  40. .
  41. ^ a b Livingston, Christopher (2013-11-24). "Mod of the Week: Faerun, for Civilization V". PC Gamer. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  42. ^ Campbell, Colin (2013-11-25). "Civ 5 mod creates D&D world of Faerun". Polygon. Retrieved 2021-01-29.
  43. ^ Shepard, Kenneth. "Baldur's Gate 3: The Kotaku Review". Kotaku. Retrieved 2023-08-14.
  44. ^ Raymond, Charles Nicholas (2022-09-09). "Every Classic D&D Location Confirmed For The Dungeons & Dragons Movie". ScreenRant. Retrieved 2023-09-08.
  45. ^ Nordling, Em (18 July 2018). "A Collaboration Made in Faerun: The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins". Reactor.

Further reading

External links