Warthin–Starry stain

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Helicobacter pylori colonized on the surface of regenerative epithelium, stained with the Warthin–Starry method.
Clusters of bacteria (arrow) shown on Warthin–Starry stain.

The Warthin–Starry stain (WS) is a

particulates.[7] It is also important for confirmation of Bartonella henselae, a causative organism in cat-scratch disease

Warthin–Starry stains organisms dark brown to black, and the background light golden brown/golden yellow.[5]

See also


  1. ^ "Warthin-Starry stain". Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary. Retrieved 2009-09-04.
  2. ^ Warthin, AS; Starry, AC (1920). "A more rapid and improved method of demonstrating spirochetes in tissues (Warthin and Starry's cover-glass method)". American Journal of Syphilis. 4: 97–103.
  3. ^ "Special Stains in Histology". The Internet Pathology Laboratory. University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library. n.d. Retrieved 2009-09-04.
  4. PMID 12921724
  5. ^ .
  6. .
  7. .

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