Bone destruction patterns in periodontal disease

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teeth, but the morphology of the remaining alveolar bone is altered.[1]
The bone destruction patterns that occur as a result of periodontal disease generally take on characteristic forms.

X-ray film
displays a horizontal defect.
PDL surrounding the premolar is likely due to secondary oclcusal trauma

Types of destruction

There are four chief types of bone defects that present in the alveolar bone:

  1. horizontal defects
  2. vertical, or angular, defects
  3. fenestrations
  4. dehiscences

Horizontal defects

Generalized bone loss occurs most frequently as horizontal bone loss.[2] Horizontal bone loss manifests as a somewhat even degree of bone resorption so that the height of the bone in relation to the teeth has been uniformly decreased, as indicated in the radiograph to the rig defects occur adjacent to a tooth and usually in the form of a triangular area of missing bone, known as triangulation.[2]


  1. ^ Carranza, FA: Bone Loss and Patterns of Bone Destruction. In Newman, MG; Takei, HH; Carranza, FA; editors: Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology, 9th Edition. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2002. page 363.
  2. ^ .