Gestapo–NKVD conferences

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Gestapo–NKVD conferences
Location of the 3rd Gestapo–NKVD conference inside the German torture house in the Polish mountains, the 'Palace' villa in Zakopane today
TypeGerman–Soviet bilateral planning for population exchange and the persecution of Polish nationals in occupied territories
ThemeSecurity police talks
CauseInvasion of Poland (1939)

The Gestapo–NKVD conferences were a series of security police meetings organised in late 1939 and early 1940 by Germany and the Soviet Union, following the invasion of Poland in accordance with the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.[1] The meetings enabled both parties to pursue specific goals and aims as outlined independently by Hitler and Stalin, with regard to the acquired, formerly Polish territories.[3] The conferences were held by the Gestapo and the NKVD officials in several Polish cities. In spite of their differences on other issues, both Heinrich Himmler and Lavrentiy Beria had similar objectives as far as the fate of pre-war Poland was concerned.[2][3] The objectives were agreed upon during signing of the German–Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty on 28 September 1939.

The attack on Poland ended with the

prisoners of war. The conferences were held in occupied Kraków in the General Government on 6–7 December 1939; and continued for the next two days in the resort town of Zakopane in the Tatra Mountains of southern Poland (100 km from Kraków) on 8–9 December 1939. The Zakopane Conference is the most remembered. From the Soviet side, several higher officers of the NKVD secret police participated in the meetings, while the German hosts provided a group of experts from the Gestapo.[3]


German and Soviet military forces parade in Brześć side by side after the attack on Poland in 1939. Their secret Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact required Heinz Guderian to hand the city over to the Red Army

After the signing of the

Polish Army were still fighting (see: Invasion of Poland) resulting in mass internment of soldiers and their extrajudicial shootings on both sides of the Curzon Line. At the meeting, the German and Soviet officials reached a mutual agreement about the fate of Polish infantry soldiers captured by the Red Army. On 28 September 1939, the German–Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty was signed with a Secret Supplementary Protocol #2 where parties agreed upon suppression of Polish resistance

Both parties will tolerate in their territories no Polish agitation which affects the territories of the other party. They will suppress in their territories all beginnings of such agitation and inform each other concerning suitable measures for this purpose.

— Secret Supplementary Protocol (2), German-Soviet Boundary and Friendship Treaty 28 September 1939

Between 24 October and 23 November 1939, a total of 42,492 Polish prisoners of war were transferred from Kozelsk and Putyvl camps across the Nazi–Soviet demarcation line and handed over to the Germans.[10] Both Gestapo and NKVD expected the emergence of Polish resistance and discussed ways of dealing with the clandestine activities of the Poles. In the immediate aftermath of the meeting, the Soviet NKVD began the collection of data leading to the Katyn massacre committed in the spring of 1940.[1]


Third Reich in 1939 after the conquest of Poland, with the German-Soviet demarcation line (centre), and locations of ethnic Germans brought Heim ins Reich
from the Soviet "sphere of influence" to the annexed territories of Poland. Nazi propaganda poster, superimposed with red outline of Poland omitted in the original.

The next meeting took place some time at the end of November 1939 in

Lwów.[2] It is also claimed a meeting was held in December.[11]


German–Soviet Frontier Treaty reading: "Both parties will tolerate in their territories no Polish agitation which affects the territories of the other party. They will suppress in their territories all beginnings of such agitation and inform each other concerning suitable measures for this purpose."[12]

The best known conference took place in

better source needed

According to several sources, one of the results of this conference was the German Ausserordentliche Befriedungsaktion (see:

Cambridge University concluded in his "Rehearsal for the Holocaust?" commentary (June 1981) that the fate of the interned Polish officers may have been decided at this conference.[16][17] This is however disputed by other historians, who point out that there is no documentary evidence confirming any cooperation on that issue, that the existing Soviet documentation actually makes such cooperation improbable and that it is reasonable to say that Germany did not know about the Katyn massacre until the mass graves were analysed by the Katyn Commission.[10]

The fourth and last meeting took place in March 1940 in

Armia Krajowa in his book Armia Podziemna (The Secret Army). In it, he describes how a special delegation of NKVD came to Kraków, which was going to discuss with Gestapo how to act against the Polish resistance. The talks lasted for several weeks.[18][19]

Russian historian Alexandr Nekrich describes formal military cooperation agreement signed on 20 September 1939 where both sides committed to "cleansing of hostile population" and "liquidation" of Polish resistance.[20]

Historian Wojciech Materski points out that there is evidence of clandestine murder operations conducted by both Soviet and German forces in 1939–1940 across occupied Poland, however, there is no evidence of direct connection between the NKVD prisoner massacres and the German AB-Aktion in Poland leading to the massacre of several thousand prominent Poles in the same time-frame.[10]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Dębiński, Józef (2007). "Decyzja władz sowieckich z 5 marca 1940 r. o zagładzie polskich jeńców wojennych" [Soviet decision on the murder of Polish prisoners of war]. Voskresenie - Catholic Magazine. Archived from the original on April 29, 2007. Retrieved 2017-01-05 – via Internet Archive. Pierwsza konferencja, dotycząca współpracy niemieckich i sowieckich służb bezpieczeństwa, miała miejsce 27 września 1939 r. w Brześciu n. Bugiem. Druga konferencja odbyła się w końcu listopada 1939 r. w Przemyślu, a dotyczyła wymiany jeńców i przemieszczeń ludności. Trzecia konferencja NKWD i Gestapo miała miejsce 20 lutego 1940 r. w Zakopanem.
  2. ^ . The Gestapo and the NKVD met in Lwów in October 1939.
  3. ^
    Polish resistance during World War II
    have been ruled out in contemporary research in favour of a more probable subject of a mass population transfer. Nowsze badania przekonująco dowodzą, że hipotezy tego typu nie znajdują potwierdzenia w faktach. Sowiecko-niemieckie konferencje w Krakowie (6–7 grudnia 1939 r.) i Zakopanem (8–9 grudnia 1939 r.), na których – jak uważano w dawniejszej literaturze przedmiotu – uzgadniano antypolskie represje o charakterze policyjnym, były w istocie poświęcone wymianie ludności między ZSRS a III Rzeszą
  4. ^ .
  5. ISBN 978-83-85314-03-5. Scan of page 72 of the book, archived. Archived
    from the original on 2017-01-06.
  6. ^ Олег В. Вишлёв (Oleg Vishlyov), Накануне 22 июня 1941 года, М.: Наука, 2001, pages 119–123 (with links to chapters). Глава I: Один из параграфов соглашения предусматривал "очищение" городов и местечек, передаваемых Красной Армии немцами, от "саботажников", а также помощь Красной Армии немецким подразделениям в уничтожении (фернихтунг) "вражеского", то есть польского сопротивления.[74] Translate.
  7. ^ .
  8. ^ "1 September - This Day in History". Archived from the original on 2009-06-03. Retrieved 2012-05-05.
  9. .
  10. ^ – via Google Books.
  11. ^ "Timeline of World War II – Poland". 2005. Archived from the original on August 18, 2005 – via Internet Archive.
  12. ^ "Secret Supplementary Protocol". Nazi-Soviet Relations 1939-1941. 28 September 1939.
  13. ^ "Warsaw Uprising Witnesses: Dr. Jan Moor-Jankowski". Archived from the original on 2019-08-06. Retrieved 2012-05-05.
  14. ^ Peter Jambrek, ed. (January–June 2008), Crimes committed by Totalitarian Regimes (PDF). Reports and proceedings; the European Commission. Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Retrieved 14 September 2015 via Internet Archive.
  15. Page 229
  16. ^ Coatney, Louis Robert (1993). "The Katyn Massacre: an assessment of its significance". Western Illinois University, Department of History. Retrieved 14 September 2015. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  17. ^ Watson, George. "Rehearsal for the Holocaust?". Available for purchase, from Commentary Magazine. Archived from the original on 17 December 2012 – via
  18. .
  19. ^ "Nazi-Soviet complicity in Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact especially blatant in NKVD-Gestapo co-operation - EWR". Retrieved 2012-05-05.
  20. ^ Nekrich, Alexandr Moiseevich. "ВОЕННАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА --[ Исследования ]-- Некрич А.М. 1941, 22 июня". Archiv des Auswärtigen Amtes (ADAP). Serie D. Bd. VIII. N 160. S. 128. Archived from the original on 2019-05-26. Retrieved 2020-03-19. После подписания договора о ненападении начинается новый период в советско-германских отношениях: неполного союза. Вступление Красной Армии на территорию Польши было первым практическим актом этого неполного союза. 20 сентября в Москве подписывается формальное военное соглашение о согласовании движения советских и германских войск в Польше. Один из параграфов соглашения предусматривал "очищение" городов и местечек, передаваемых Красной Армии немцами, от "саботажников", а также помощь Красной Армии немецким подразделениям в уничтожении (фернихтунг) "вражеского", то есть польского сопротивления.

Further reading