Middle cerebral artery

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Middle cerebral artery
anterolateral central arteries
Veinmiddle cerebral vein
Latinarteria cerebri media
Anatomical terminology]

The middle cerebral artery (MCA) is one of the three major paired

cerebral arteries that supply blood to the cerebrum. The MCA arises from the internal carotid artery and continues into the lateral sulcus where it then branches and projects to many parts of the lateral cerebral cortex. It also supplies blood to the anterior temporal lobes and the insular cortices

The left and right MCAs rise from trifurcations of the internal carotid arteries and thus are connected to the anterior cerebral arteries and the posterior communicating arteries, which connect to the posterior cerebral arteries. The MCAs are not considered a part of the Circle of Willis.[1]


Middle cerebral artery
Middle cerebral artery and its branches (patient has a hypoplastic A1 segment and an absent PCOM, resulting in a purely MCA angio from internal carotid artery injection)

The middle cerebral artery divides into four segments, named by the region they supply as opposed to order of branching as the latter can be somewhat variable:[2]

  • M1: The sphenoidal segment (stem),
    anterolateral central (lateral lenticulostriate) arteries, which supply the basal ganglia
  • M2: Extending anteriorly on the insula, this segment is known as the insular segment. It is also known as the Sylvian segment when the opercular segments are included. The MCA branches may bifurcate or sometimes trifurcate into trunks in this segment which then extend into branches that terminate towards the cortex.
  • M3: The opercular segment, extending laterally and exteriorly from the insula towards the cortex. This segment is sometimes grouped with M2.
  • M4: These finer terminal or cortical segments irrigate the cortex. They begin at the external margins of the Sylvian fissure and extend distally away on the cortex of the brain.

The M2 and M3 segments may each split into 2 or 3 main trunks (terminal branches) with an upper trunk, lower trunk and occasionally a middle trunk. Bifurcations and trifurcations occurs in 50% and 25% of the cases respectively. Other cases include duplication of the MCA at the internal carotid artery (ICA) or an accessory MCA (AccMCA) which arise not from the ICA but as a branch from the anterior cerebral artery.[4] The middle trunk that exist in parts of the population, when present provides the pre-Rolandic, Rolandic, anterior parietal, posterior parietal and the angular artery for irrigation instead of the upper and lower trunks.

The branches of the MCA can be described by the areas that they irrigate.

Frontal lobe

Parietal lobe

Temporal lobe

  • Temporopolar: The artery extends from the sphenoidal segment of the MCA via the inferior surface of the operculum and supplies the polar and anterior lateral portions of the temporal lobe. The vessel can be identified in 52% of normal angiograms
  • Anterior temporal: This artery typically arises from the proximal MCA trunk and extends in the similar fashion as the temporopolar artery and vascularizes the same regions.
  • Middle temporal: This artery extends from the Sylvian fissure opposite to the inferior frontal gyrus and supplies superior and middle portions of the middle temporal lobe. It can be identified in 79% of angiograms.
  • Posterior temporal: This artery extends out and away from the operculum and turns in a step-wise manner first inferiorly then posteriorly into the superior temporal sulcus then to the middle temporal sulcus. This vessel supplies posterior portion of the temporal lobe and is the origin of several perforating arteries that irrigate the insula. It is readily identifiable in most radiograms.


Areas supplied by the middle cerebral artery include:

MCA occlusion site and resulting Aphasia

  • Global – trunk of MCA
  • Broca – anterior branch of MCA
  • Wernicke – posterior branch of MCA

Clinical significance


Occlusion of the middle cerebral artery results in Middle cerebral artery syndrome, potentially showing the following defects:

  1. Paralysis (-plegia) or weakness (-paresis) of the contralateral face and arm (faciobrachial)
  2. Sensory loss of the contralateral face and arm.
  3. Damage to the dominant hemisphere (usually the left hemisphere) results in aphasia (i.e. Broca's area or Wernicke's)
  4. Damage to the non-dominant hemisphere (usually the right hemisphere) results in contralateral
    neglect syndrome
    , inaccurate localization in the half field, impaired ability to judge distance (nondominant parietal lobe).
  5. Large MCA infarcts often have déviation conjuguée, a gaze preference towards the side of the lesion, especially during the acute period. Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia is often present.

See also


External links