Dutch Gold Coast

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Dutch possessions on the Coast of Guinea
Nederlandse Bezittingen ter Kuste van Guinea (in Dutch)
Flag of Dutch Guinea
of Dutch Guinea
Coat of arms
Fort Elmina (1637–1872)
Common languagesDutch
Dutch Reformed
• 1624–1638
Adriaan Jacobs
• 1656–1659
Jan Valckenburgh
• 1764–1767
Jan Pieter Theodoor Huydecoper
• 1816–1818
Herman Willem Daendels
• 1869–1871
Cornelis Nagtglas
• Established
• Disestablished
6 April 1872
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Portuguese Gold Coast
Brandenburger Gold Coast
Swedish Gold Coast
Ashanti Empire
Gold Coast (British colony)
Today part ofGhana

The Dutch Gold Coast or Dutch Guinea, officially Dutch possessions on the Coast of Guinea (

Anglo-Dutch Treaties of 1870–71, ceded to the United Kingdom.[1]


The Dutch settle on the Gold Coast

Painting by Johannes Vingboons of both Fort São Jorge at Elmina and Fort Nassau at Moree

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive in contemporary

São Jorge da Mina, was constructed to protect Portuguese trade from European competitors.[2]

The Portuguese position on the Gold Coast, known as Portuguese Gold Coast, remained secure for over a century. During that time, Lisbon sought to monopolize all trade in the region in royal hands, though appointed officials at São Jorge, and used force to prevent English, French and Dutch efforts to trade on the coast. After Barent Eriksz successfully sailed to the Gold Coast in 1591, Dutch merchants began trading in the area. Pieter de Marees's publications greatly increased the interest of merchants in the region.[3]

Elmina Castle in the Blaeu-Van der Hem Atlas


Fort Nassau near Moree
, on the site of an original Dutch trading post that had been burned down by the Portuguese.

After the Twelve Years's Truce ended in 1621, the

followed in 1640 and 1642 respectively.

Competition with other European powers

Map of the Gold Coast ordered by Admiral Michiel de Ruyter in 1666, during the Second Anglo-Dutch War


Danish Africa Company
, which he founded himself with Isaac Coymans and Nicolaes Pancras, also former Dutch West India Company employees.

Whereas Swedish presence on the Gold Coast turned out to be only temporary, British and Danish settlement in the area proved to be permanent. From 1694 until 1700, the Dutch West India Company fought the Komenda Wars with the British over trade rights with the Eguafo Kingdom. In addition, Brandenburgers also had forts in the area from 1682 onwards, until they were bought out by the Dutch in 1717. The Portuguese had completely left the area, but still the Gold Coast had the highest concentration of European military architecture outside of Europe.

Relationship with local peoples

The first page of the Treaty of Butre, signed on 17 August 1656

The European powers were sometimes drawn into conflicts with local inhabitants as Europeans developed commercial alliances with local political authorities. These alliances, often complicated, involved both Europeans attempting to enlist or persuade their closest allies to attack rival European ports and their African allies, or conversely, various African powers seeking to recruit Europeans as mercenaries in their inter-state wars, or as diplomats to resolve conflicts. Another way conflicts with the local inhabitants was avoided was through marriage. European men often created alliances with the local African people through a practice known as cassare or calisare derived from the Portuguese casar meaning "to marry." Dutch men and other Europeans would marry African women whose families had ties to the Atlantic slave trade. In this way, Europeans benefited from those marriages by corrupting African individuals in order to maintain the alliances responsible for massive, racial-based enslavement, which fabricated European wealth as much as fabricated African systemic empoverishment (underdevelopment). In essence, African individuals profited at the expense of enslavement and empoverishment of African peoples, while European individuals profited as means of consolidating wealth for European peoples. [4][page needed] African wives could receive money and schooling for the children they bore by European men. Wives could also inherit slaves and property from their husbands when they returned to Europe or died.[5]

Many coastal ethnic groups in Africa, such as the Ga and Fante, used this system to gain economic and political advantages. These African ethnic groups had been using this practice before the arrival of the Europeans with strangers of a different ethnicity, and extended the same privilege to European men by the late 1400s. Cassare enabled Africans to trust strangers, like the Europeans, when dealing within their trade networks. It made the transition between stranger and trade partner a lot smoother.[6]

At Elmina, the Dutch had inherited from the Portuguese a system in which tribute was paid to the Denkyira, who were the dominant power in the region. After the Battle of Feyiase (1701), the Ashanti Empire replaced the Denkyira as the dominant power, and the Dutch began paying tribute to the Ashanti instead. Although the existence of the so-called "Elmina Note" is often questioned, the Dutch generally paid two ounces of gold per month to the Ashanti as tribute.[7] This bond between the Dutch and the Ashanti, who through the port of Elmina had access to trade with the Dutch and the rest of the world, deeply affected the relations between the Dutch, the other local peoples and the British. The latter were increasingly tight with the Fante, to which the Denkyira and thus also Elmina were culturally and linguistically close. Several Ashanti-Fante wars followed and the rivalry between the two peoples were key in the events surrounding the transfer of the Dutch Gold Coast to Britain in 1872.

After the Dutch managed to dislodge the Swedes from Butre and began building

Ahanta leaders found it equally beneficial to enter into such an agreement, and thus on 27 August 1656, the Treaty of Butre
was signed. This treaty established a Dutch protectorate in the area, and established diplomatic ties between the Dutch Republic and the Ahanta. The treaty's arrangements proved very stable and regulated Dutch-Ahanta diplomatic affairs for more than 213 years. Only after the Gold Coast was sold to Britain in 1872 were the provisions of the treaty abrogated.

On 18 February 1782, as part of the

Treaty of Paris
of 1784, all forts returned to their pre-war owners.

Disestablishment of the DWIC and the abolition of slave trade

Portrait Governor-General Herman Willem Daendels.

In 1791, the Dutch West India Company was disestablished, and on 1 January 1792, all territories held by the company reverted to the rule of the

Deshima in Japan—of being the only Dutch territories not occupied by either France or Great Britain.[8]

The British

Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies for the Batavian Republic in 1807. This republican and revolutionist background made him controversial in the Kingdom of the Netherlands
established in 1815, which effectively banned him from the country by assigning to him the rather obscure governorship of the Gold Coast in 1815.

Daendels tried to redevelop the rather dilapidated Dutch possessions as an African plantation colony driven by legitimate trade. Drawing on his experience in building the Great Post Road on the island of Java in the Dutch East Indies, he came up with some very ambitious infrastructural projects, including a comprehensive road system, with a main road connecting Elmina and Kumasi in Ashanti. The Dutch government gave him a free hand and a substantial budget to implement his plans. At the same time, however, Daendels regarded his governorship as an opportunity to establish a private business monopoly in the Dutch Gold Coast.

Eventually none of the plans came to fruition, as Daendels died of malaria in the castle of St. George d'Elmina, the Dutch seat of government, on 8 May 1818. His body was interred in the central tomb at the Dutch cemetery in Elmina town. He had been in the country less than for two years.

Recruitment of soldiers for the Dutch East Indies Army

The Ashanti princes Kwasi Boachi and Kwame Poku, who were sent to the Netherlands to receive education

In the remainder of the 19th century, the Dutch Gold Coast slowly fell into disarray. The only substantial development during this period was the recruitment of soldiers for the

Dutch East Indies Army. This recruitment of the so-called Belanda Hitam (Indonesian for "Black Dutchmen") started in 1831 as an emergency measure as the Dutch army lost thousands of European soldiers and a much larger number of "native" soldiers in the Java War (1825–1830), and at the same time saw its own population base diminished by the independence of Belgium
(1830). As the Dutch wanted the number of natives in the Dutch East Indies Army to be limited to roughly half the total strength to maintain the loyalty of native forces, the addition of forces from the Gold Coast seemed an ideal opportunity to keep the army at strength and loyal at the same time. It was also hoped that the African soldiers would be more resistant to the tropical climate and tropical diseases of the Dutch East Indies than European soldiers.

In 1836, the Dutch government had decided to recruit soldiers via the King of Ashanti. Major General

mining engineer in the Dutch East Indies. Dutch author Arthur Japin wrote a novel about the life of the two princes with The Two Hearts of Kwasi Boachi

Trade of forts with Britain and subsequent cession

The Dutch Gold Coast after the transfer of forts with the British

Whereas the Dutch forts were a colonial backwater in the 19th century, the British forts were slowly developed into a full colony, especially after Britain took over the Danish Gold Coast in 1850. The presence of Dutch forts in an area that became increasingly influenced by the United Kingdom was deemed undesirable, and in the late 1850s British began pressing for either a buyout of the Dutch forts, or a trade of forts so as to produce more coherent areas of influence.

In the Dutch political landscape of the time, a buyout was not a possibility, so a trade of forts was negotiated. In 1867, the Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands for an Interchange of Territory on the Gold Coast of Africa was signed, in which all Dutch forts to the east of Elmina were handed over to Britain, while the British forts west of Elmina were handed over to the Netherlands.[9]

The trade proved a disaster for the Dutch, as their long-standing alliance with the mighty inland

send an expeditionary force to the local capital of Kwassie-Krom. Meanwhile, a Fante Confederacy was founded to drive the Dutch and their Ashanti allies out of Elmina.[10]
The confederacy founded an army, which marched to Elmina in March 1868. Although the army was deemed strong enough in April to begin the siege of the town, struggle between the various tribes united in the confederacy meant that the siege was lifted in May. In June, a peace treaty between the confederacy and Elmina was signed, in which Elmina pledged to be neutral if war was to break out between the Ashanti and Fante.

Rare photograph of Elmina from around 1865, showing parts of the old town later destroyed during the British bombardment

The blockade of the town by the confederacy was not lifted, however, and trade between Elmina and the Ashanti dropped to an absolute minimum. Attempts were made to persuade Elmina to join the confederacy, to no avail. Elmina and the Dutch sent a request for help to the king of Ashanti, whose army, under the leadership of Atjempon, arrived in Elmina on 27 December 1869. Unsurprisingly, the Ashanti army had an uncompromising attitude to their Fante rivals, making the prospect of a compromise between the Ashanti-backed Elminese and the new Fante-dominated forts transferred to the Dutch ever more difficult.

Meanwhile, in the Netherlands, the ongoing conflicts made the call for the transfer of the entire colony to Britain to become ever louder. The Dutch governor of Elmina,

treaty had been signed with the United Kingdom, under which terms the whole colony was to be ceded for a sum of 46,939.62 Dutch guilders.[11]
On 6 April 1872, after ratification of the treaty by parliament, Elmina was formally handed over to Britain.

Destruction of Elmina

The bombardment of Elmina

As was to be expected, the Ashanti were less pleased by the handover of Elmina to the Fante-allied British. Ashanti king

Third Anglo-Ashanti War
had started, and Britain began bombing Elmina on 13 June 1873. The old town of Elmina was completely destroyed and leveled to make room for a parade ground.


Dutch West India Company

During the reign of the Dutch West India Company, the government of the colony was headed by a

States-General of the Dutch Republic and the Dutch West India Company.[13] The colonial government was based at Fort Nassau in Moree between 1621 and 1637, and at Fort George in Elmina from 1637 onward.[12]

When the Dutch

conquered Luanda and São Tomé from the Portuguese in 1642, the Dutch West India Company's possessions on the coast of Africa were divided into two separate commandments. The government at Elmina was charged with the rule over "Guinea and its dependencies from Cabo Tres Puntas to Cabo Lopes Gonsalves," and the government at Luanda with the possessions south of the latter cape, including São Tomé. The title of the Director-General at Elmina was changed to "Director-General of the North Coast of Africa." When the Dutch lost Luanda to the Portuguese in 1648, Sao Tomé was shortly ruled from Elmina, until it was recaptured by the Portuguese as well in the same year.[14]

With the establishment of the Second Dutch West India Company in 1675, the government structure was revised. The area under the authority of the Director-General was redefined as "the Coast of Africa, from Sierra Leone all exclusively to 30 degrees South of the equator, together with all the islands in between," thereby nominally reinstating the claim on the territories lost in this area to the Portuguese.[14] The title of the Director-General was concurrently changed to "Director-General of the North and South Coast of Africa." This larger claim was not primarily meant to reclaim Luanda and Sao Tomé from the Portuguese, however, but merely to establish authority over Dutch trade in the area. This was especially relevant for Loango, from which the Dutch began buying slaves in large amounts from the 1670s onward. Until the liquidation of the Dutch West India Company in 1791, the title of the Director-General and the limits of jurisdiction remained the same.[15]

Composition of the Council

According to the 1722 government instruction, the Council comprised the Director-General, who functioned as the council's president, the fiscal (Dutch: fiscaal), the senior merchant (Dutch: opperkoopman), and the senior commissioners (Dutch: oppercommies). These senior commissioners consisted of the head of

Fort Nassau at Moree, the head of Fort Crèvecoeur at Accra, and the head of the factory at Ouidah, on the Dutch Slave Coast. Between 1746 and 1768, the Council consisted of the Director-General, the fiscal, and the seven highest ranking "first officials", which included the senior commissioners, the master of works (Dutch: equipagemeester), the bookkeeper-general (Dutch: boekhouder-generaal), and the ensign (Dutch: vaandrig). In 1768, the council was again reduced to the fiscal, the three senior commissioners (the trading post at Ouidah has since been abandoned), and the commissioner-and councillor. The composition of the council was changed for a final time in 1784, in the wake of the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War, now extending the membership to include the bookkeeper-general-and-commissioner.[16]

Direct Dutch rule

After the liquidation of the Dutch West India Company in 1791, the Council of Colonies for the West Indies took over the government of the Dutch Gold Coast. Little changed in the first years, and the old administration of the Dutch West India Company was left largely intact.

This changed when the

Fort Amsterdam at Kormatin, and met every three months.[17]

The administration of the Dutch Gold Coast was again reformed when the

Commandant-General in 1807, and the administration was overhauled in 1809. An even bigger change came with the establishment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1815. Leaving behind the uncertain years of French occupation, and with slave trade abolished, the newly established kingdom put up a plan to transform the colony into a profitable plantation colony. For this purpose, the new governor Herman Willem Daendels was given an open mandate and a large budget. The project was cut short with Daendels early death in 1818, however.[18]

Left without a visionary governor, budgets were cut for the colony. The new regulations of 1 November 1819 reduced the budget to the minimum necessary to keep the colony running, fired all unnecessary colonial officers, and pensioned of most of the slaves of the state. Most notably, the offices of bookkeeper, fiscal, secretary, cashier, and bailiff were combined into one office, the summation of functions actually being the office-holder's title (Dutch: boekhouder, fiscaal, secretaris, kassier en deurwaarder).

Ahanta War of 1838. By virtue of a royal decree dated 23 March 1838, the office of Commander was raised to Governor and extra officers were installed to make government more effective.[20] The government itself was reformed in 1847, which among its most notable inventions included the establishment of a Court of Justice, legally separate from the council, although memberships often overlapped.[21] The office of fiscal, responsible for public prosecution, was renamed Officer of Justice.[22]

In the late 1850s, the administrative divisions into forts was changed into a division into districts (Dutch: afdelingen), asserting Dutch sovereignty (or suzerainty) over not only the forts, but also the territory surrounding the forts.[23] District officers were instructed to make surveys of physical, economic, and socio-political situation of the districts.[23] As a consequence of the tariff system set up in the Anglo-Dutch Gold Coast Treaty, a tax and customs office was established in Elmina in 1867. At the same time, a postal office was established as well.[22]


Estimates of the Atlantic slave trade. The blue bar represents the number of slaves that boarded ships in Africa, the red bar the number that disembarked in America, the remainder having died during the voyage.

Although the colony is nowadays primarily associated with

West African pepper,[3] and these products remained the primary trading goods in the early 17th century. According to Joannes de Laet, the Dutch West India had transported West African goods worth 14 million Dutch guilders to the Dutch Republic by 1637, of which the most important was the trade in gold.[24]

This changed with the

Fort Nassau, but to secure a continuous flow of slave labour, the company decided it was necessary to attempt once more to capture Elmina from the Portuguese. After Elmina was finally captured in August 1637, the focus of trade for the Dutch West India Company shifted to slave trade.[24] The directors of the Dutch West India Company were not happy with the increasing slave trade on the Gold Coast itself, however, as it interfered with the profitable gold trade, and actively tried to move the slave trade to the Slave Coast, where they had trading posts from 1640 onward.[25][26]

The loss of Brazil did not collapse Dutch slave trade, as in 1662, Dutch signed their first

asiento with the Spanish Empire, pledging to provide slaves to Spanish America, primarily through their trading post in Willemstad, Curaçao.[27] Furthermore, in 1664, the Dutch conquered Suriname, complementing Berbice and Essequibo as Caribbean plantation colonies depending on slave labour.[28]

Meanwhile, the Dutch had tried in 1654 to directly control the mining of gold by building Fort Ruychaver far inland on the Ankobra River, but had left gold production to the locals since that fort was attacked and burned to the ground in 1660. The supply of gold declined dramatically at the turn of the eighteenth century, due to warfare among the states of the Gold Coast. While the Ashanti succeeded in the Battle of Feyiase of 1701 to establish their hegemony on the Gold Coast, it took them a few years to fully "pacify" their newly conquered territory.[29] 1701 proved to be the historic low for the gold trade, with only 530 mark of gold exported, worth 178.080 guilders.[29]

Whereas the supply of gold was declining, the supply of slaves boomed as never before. This was to a large part due to the Ashanti wars; Governor-General Willem de la Palma wrote to his superiors at the Dutch West India Company that the war had unleashed

slave raids among the local peoples in the Gold Coast. Whereas between 1693 and 1701, 1,522 slaves were transported from Elmina to the Americas, an average of 169 slaves per year, 1,213 slaves were transported between 1702 and 1704, an average of 404 per year.[30]

Apart from increased supply of slaves, the demand also increased due to the asiento trading with the Spanish. Between 1660 and 1690, the Dutch trading posts in Africa, which included the Slave Coast, Arguin, and Senegambia, shipped a third of the total number of slaves across the Atlantic.[27] On the Gold Coast, Governor De la Palma actively tried to systemize the slave trade and improve the numbers of slave shipped to the Americas. To this purpose, he sent Jacob van den Broucke as "opperkommies" (head merchant) to the Dutch trading post at Ouidah, on the Slave Coast.[30]

De la Palma was a difficult personality and often at odds with his merchants and local African leaders. He resigned from his position in September 1705, but died before he could return to the Dutch Republic.[30] He was replaced by his deputy, Pieter Nuyts, who tried to revive the gold trade at the coast.[31]

But by the beginning of the eighteenth century, even slave trade dwindled, with the Dutch becoming a rather small player in the trans-Atlantic trade. Since globally this trade peaked in the 18th century, this meant that the Dutch contribution to the Atlantic slave trade only amounts to 5% of the grand total, equalling around 500,000 slaves shipped from Africa to the Americas.[27]

In 1730, the monopoly of the Dutch West India Company on the Atlantic slave trade was lifted. This contributed to the rise of the Middelburgsche Commercie Compagnie (MCC), which dominated the Dutch slave trade for much of the eighteenth century.

The Gold Coast economy in the 19th century

With the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814, the Dutch vowed to stop trading slaves. This meant a severe blow to the economy of the Gold Coast, which had increasingly relied on slave trade from the 18th century onwards. Attempts were made to establish a plantation colony and to open gold mines on the coast, but virtually all attempts proved failures.[32]

One of the first attempts at establishing a plantation was made by the sons of Governor-General Herman Willem Daendels in 1816. They established a plantation named Oranje Dageraad in Simbo. The Governor-General himself tried to buy 300 slaves from Kumasi, which were to regain their freedom by cultivating farmland. Both projects failed.[33][34]

Between 1845 and 1850, the colonial government once again, after the failure of Fort Ruychaver, tried to establish a gold mine on the coast. The Dutch government bought an open-air gold mine from the chief of Butre, and sent in 1845 an expedition of a director, three engineers, and nine workers to the village of Dabokrom to establish a mine.[35][36] Two engineers and all nine workers fell victim to tropical diseases and died, leaving the rest of the expedition to return to Europe.[35] The second expedition of 1847 was not less successful, now with 11 out of 13 people dying. By 1850, the Dutch government ended the mining attempt.[37][36]

Another attempt to develop the colony involved the establishment of a

J.S.G. Gramberg tried to develop the soil on the Bossumprah River, but also had difficulty attracting workers.[41]

The only two plantations that were successful comprised a

coffee plantation in Akropong, established by missionaries from Basel, and another coffee plantation in Mayra near Accra, owned by mulatto entrepreneur Lutterodt, worked by slaves.[42]


Map of Elmina around 1665 by Johannes Vingboons
Map of Elmina around 1799 by J.C. Bergeman

Until the destruction of Elmina in 1873, the town was the largest settlement on the Gold Coast, eclipsing Accra and Kumasi. In the 18th century, its population numbered 12,000 to 16,000 inhabitants, and in the 19th century, this figure rose to between 18,000 and 20,000.[43][44] Most of these inhabitants were not European, however; their number peaked at 377 Dutch West India Company employees for the entire Dutch Gold Coast in the 18th century, before sinking back to a mere 20 officers in the 19th century.[45]

Much more important were the African inhabitants of Elmina, who came from every region of the Gold Coast to Elmina to try their luck.[46] Slaves formed a considerable portion of the population of Elmina as well, and were often in the possession of the Akan people inhabitants themselves. The third group in Elmina was of mixed race, and the result of interracial relations between Dutch West India Company employees and African women in Elmina. The illegitimate children of the employees were called "Tapoeijers" by the Dutch, for, according to them, the colour of their skin resembled those of native Americans. A decree from 1700 by the Governor-General at Elmina stipulated that employees of the Dutch West India Company who were to return to the Netherlands either had to take their (illegitimate) children with them, or had to pay a sum of money to provide for their "Christian upbringing".[47][48] For the latter purpose, a school was established in Elmina.[49]

Many people of mixed descent, also referred to as Euro-Africans, became wealthy merchants. The most prominent of these was Jan Niezer, who visited Europe on several occasions, and who traded directly with European and American companies.

The fourth group in Elmina was also of mixed descent, but had a different status as "Vrijburghers" (free citizens). They had the same rights as Europeans, and were organized in a separate in so-called

Jacob Huidecoper and Jacob Simon. Many Vrijburghers worked in the lower ranks of the Dutch administration of Elmina, and in the 19th century, various Vrijburgher families sent their children (girls included) to Europe for education. In the 19th century, the Vrijburghers settled north of the Benya lagune, near Fort Coenraadsburg
. This part of Elmina, also known as "the Garden" was spared from British bombardment in 1873.

Wilhelm Amo and Jacobus Capitein

Portrait of Jacobus Capitein

The presence of European powers on the Gold Coast opened up the area to the outside world, and some Africans from the Gold Coast achieved a modicum of accomplishment in European society. Two Africans from the Gold Coast are especially notable in this regard, although one of them is notorious for defending slavery as compatible with Christianity.

Fort San Sebastian

Around 1717,

Ashanti king Opoku Ware I
demanded that Capitein teach his children, which he did. Capitein died in Elmina in 1747.


After the

Leiden University Medical Centre. The head of the king was handed over to the Ghanaian ambassador in a ceremony held on 23 July 2009 in The Hague.[50]

In 2002, the 300 year anniversary of diplomatic ties between Ghana and the Netherlands was celebrated, with Dutch Crown Prince

David van Neyendael as envoy to the Ashanti Empire in 1701, after the Ashanti had become the dominant power on the Gold Coast by defeating the Denkyira at the Battle of Feyiase.[26]

Remnants of Dutch presence in the Gold Coast, other than the forts along the coastline, are Dutch surnames which were taken on by the descendants of the children the Dutch slave traders had with their black mistresses. Bossman is a common surname in Ghana, and ultimately derives from the Dutch slave trader Willem Bosman.[53] Other Ghanaian surnames derived from Dutch names include Bartels, Van Dyck, and De Veer.[54] In an episode of Who Do You Think You Are?, British-Ghanaian actor Hugh Quarshie traced his ancestry to Pieter Martinus Johannes Kamerling, a Dutch official on the Gold Coast.


Main forts

Map of the main forts of the Dutch Gold Coast
Map of the main forts of the Dutch Gold Coast
S. Sebastian
S. Sebastian
St. Antonio
St. Antonio
Goede Hoop
Goede Hoop
Vreden- burgh
Vreden- burgh
Map of the main forts of the Dutch Gold Coast
Place in Ghana Fort name[55] Founded/
Ceded Comments
Fort Nassau
1598 (1612) 1868 The first Dutch trading post on the Gold Coast opened around 1598. In 1612, it was expanded to a fort. Capital of the Dutch Gold Coast between 1598 and 1637. Occupied between 1781 and 1785 by the British. Traded with the British in 1868.
Fort Batenstein 1598 (1656) 1872 Second Dutch trading post on the Gold Coast. Expanded to Fort Batenstein in 1656. Site of the signing of the Treaty of Butre.
Fort Elmina
1637 1872 Captured from the Portuguese in the Battle of Elmina (1637). Capital of the Dutch Gold Coast between 1637 and 1872.
Elmina Fort Coenraadsburg 1637 (1665) 1872 Captured from the Portuguese together with Fort Elmina. Originally a reinforced chapel on Saint Jago Hill from which Fort Elmina could easily be attacked. For this reason reinforced by the Dutch after the capture of Elmina. Extended to a full fort in 1665.
Fort San Sebastian
1640 1872 Captured from the Portuguese in 1640.
Fort Santo Antonio
1642 1872 Captured from the Portuguese. Occupied between 1664 and 1665 by the British. Site of the signing of the Treaty of Axim.
Fort Crèvecoeur
1642 1868 Situated near
Fort James
(British). Occupied between 1781 and 1786 by the British. Traded with the British in 1868.
Fort Orange
1642 (1690) 1872 Trading post established by the Dutch in 1642. Enlarged into a fort in 1690, and destroyed by the
in 1694. Restored afterwards.
Fort Witsen 1665 1872 Originally built by the Swedes.
Fort Amsterdam
1665 1868 First British fort (1631) on the Gold Coast, captured in 1665 by Engel de Ruyter. Occupied between 1781 and 1785 by the British. Traded with the British in 1868.
Senya Beraku
Fort Goede Hoop
1667 1868 Occupied between 1781 and 1785 by the British, and occupied by the local Akim between 1811 and 1816. Traded with the British in 1868.
Fort Dorothea
1687 1872 Formerly part of the Brandenburger Gold Coast. First occupied by the Dutch in 1687 and finally bought in 1721.
Komenda Fort Vredenburgh 1682 1872 A trading post was established by the Dutch near this site around 1600, but abandoned soon afterwards. The fort was built in 1682. In 1687, the English Fort Komenda was built nearby. Occupied between 1781 and 1785 by the British.
Fort Lijdzaamheid
1697 1868 Occupied between 1781 and 1785 by the British. Traded with the British in 1868.
Princess Town
Fort Hollandia
1724 1872 Formerly part of the Brandenburger Gold Coast, bought in 1721 by the Dutch. Up until 1724 occupied by the local Jan Conny.

Trade of forts with Britain

In 1868, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands traded some forts in order to create more geographically contiguous areas of influence.[9] The Netherlands ceded Fort Nassau, Fort Crêvecoeur, Fort Amsterdam, Fort Goede Hoop, and Fort Lijdzaamheid, and in return received Apollonia (renamed Fort Willem III), Fort Dixcove (renamed Fort Metalen Kruis), Fort Komenda (not to be confused with the already Dutch Fort Vredenburgh, also in Komenda), and Fort Sekondi (not to be confused with the already Dutch Fort Orange, also in Sekondi). This arrangement proved short-lived, as the colony was completely ceded to the United Kingdom in 1872.

Place in Ghana Fort name Founded/
Ceded Comment
Fort Willem III
1868 1872 Previously British Fort Apollonia.
Fort Metalen Kruis
1868 1872 Previously British
Fort Dixcove
Komenda Fort Komenda 1868 1872 Previously British Fort Komenda.
Fort Sekondi 1868 1872 Previously British Fort Sekondi.

Temporarily held forts

Apart from the main forts held for more than a century, other forts in the region have been temporarily occupied by the Dutch:

Place in Ghana Fort name Founded/
Ceded Comments
Cape Coast Cape Coast Castle 1637 1652
Fort William
1640 1652
Egya Fort Egya 1647 1664 English trading post built in 1647, but conquered in the same year by the Dutch. Demolished in 1665 by the British after they had recaptured it in the year before.
Fort Ruychaver 1654 1659 Built together with Fort Elise Carthago on the Ankobra River. Attacked by the local population and abandoned.
Ankobra Fort Elize Carthago 1702 1706 (?) Dutch trading post between 1650 and 1702.
Fort Singelenburgh
1734 1737 Destroyed by the Dutch in 1737 after it was attacked by the local population. The Danish built
Fort Prinsensten
near the abandoned fort in 1784.
Fort Sekondi 1782 1785 Captured from the British in the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War. Given back, but regained in 1868 as part of a forts trade with the United Kingdom (see above).

See also


  • ^Note 1 Note that this office is quite different from the office of Director-General in the administration of the Dutch West India Company, the company's equivalent to this office being the bookkeeper-general.


  1. ^ Adhin 1961, p. 6
  2. ^ McLaughlin & Owusu-Ansah (1994), "Early European Contact and the Slave Trade".
  3. ^ a b Delepeleire 2004, section 1.a.1.
  4. .
  5. .
  6. ^ Ray, Carina E. Crossing the Color Line: Race, Sex, and the Contested Politics of Colonialism in Ghana. Ohio University Press.
  7. ^ see Yarak 1986 and Feinberg 1976
  8. ^ Nagtglas 1863, p. 4
  9. ^ a b Foreign & Commonwealth Office - Convention between Great Britain and the Netherlands for an Interchange of Territory on the Gold Coast of Africa
  10. ^ Gramberg 1868, pp. 391–396
  11. ^ Adhin 1961, p. 10
  12. ^ a b Doortmont & Smit 2007, pp. 258–263.
  13. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 263-264, 303.
  14. ^ a b Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 262.
  15. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, pp. 262–263.
  16. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 264.
  17. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, pp. 264–265.
  18. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, pp. 265–266.
  19. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 273, 306.
  20. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 266.
  21. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 258, 262, 266, 274.
  22. ^ a b Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 273.
  23. ^ a b Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 334.
  24. ^ a b c Delepeleire 2004, section 2.c.
  25. ^ Postma 1990, pp. 59, 95–96.
  26. ^ a b Van Kessel 2001.
  27. ^ a b c Bart Stol (2001-12-06). "De zwarte rand van de gouden eeuw". Retrieved 9 April 2012.
  28. ^ Postma 1990
  29. ^ a b Delepeleire 2004, section 3.c.1.
  30. ^ a b c Delepeleire 2004, section 3.c.2.
  31. ^ Delepeleire 2004, section 3.c.3.
  32. ^ Nagtglas 1863, pp. 6–11.
  33. ^ Nagtglas 1863, pp. 6–7.
  34. ^ Van der Meer 1990, chapter 2.8: Gouverneur Daendels: kolonisatie-plannen
  35. ^ a b Nagtglas 1863, p. 7.
  36. ^ a b Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 291.
  37. ^ Nagtglas 1863, pp. 7–8.
  38. ^ Nagtglas 1863, p. 8.
  39. ^ Nagtglas 1863, pp. 8–9.
  40. ^ Nagtglas 1863, p. 9.
  41. ^ Nagtglas 1863, pp. 10–11.
  42. ^ Nagtglas 1863, p. 11.
  43. ^ Yarak 2003.
  44. ^ Feinberg 1989, pp. 85, 95.
  45. ^ DeCorse 2001, p. 35f.
  46. ^ Feinberg 1989, pp. 81–85.
  47. ^ Van Dantzig 1999, p. 60.
  48. ^ Feinberg 1989, p. 123.
  49. ^ a b DeCorse 2001, p. 37.
  50. ^ Dutch return head of Ghana king, BBC News
  51. ^ "Officieel bezoek Prins van Oranje en Prinses Máxima aan Ghana". Het Koninklijk Huis. 2002-04-14. Archived from the original on 22 May 2013. Retrieved 19 April 2012.
  52. ^ Mark Duursma (2002-04-18). "Kroonprinselijk paar sluit succesvol bezoek aan Ghana af". NRC Handelsblad. Archived from the original on 24 April 2013. Retrieved 21 April 2012.
  53. ^ Marcel Goedhart (2011-07-13). "Nazaat van een Nederlandse slavenhandelaar". NTR. Archived from the original on 2016-01-04. Retrieved 13 April 2012.
  54. ^ Dutch Ministry of General Affairs - Speech Balkenende at a government lunch on occasion of state visit President Kufuor of Ghana[permanent dead link]
  55. ^ Doortmont & Smit 2007, p. 325


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