Eridanus (constellation)

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Visible at latitudes between +32° and −90°.
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of December.

Eridanus (

Po River and also for the name of a minor river in Athens.[1]


The constellation of Eridanus, the river, as seen by the naked eye from northern latitudes.


At its southern end is the magnitude 0.5 star Achernar, designated Alpha Eridani. It is a blue-white hued main sequence star 144 light-years from Earth, whose traditional name means "the river's end".[1] Achernar is a very peculiar star because it is one of the flattest stars known. Observations indicate that its radius is about 50% larger at the equator than at the poles. This distortion occurs because the star is spinning extremely rapidly.

There are several other noteworthy stars in Eridanus, including some double stars.

32 Eridani is a binary star 290 light-years from Earth. The primary is a yellow-hued star of magnitude 4.8 and the secondary is a blue-green star of magnitude 6.1. 32 Eridani is visible in small amateur telescopes. 39 Eridani is a binary star also divisible in small amateur telescopes, 206 light-years from Earth. The primary is an orange-hued giant star of magnitude 4.9 and the secondary is of magnitude 8. 40 Eridani is a triple star system consisting of an orange main-sequence star, a white dwarf, and a red dwarf. The orange main-sequence star is the primary of magnitude 4.4, and the white secondary of magnitude 9.5 is the most easily visible white dwarf. The red dwarf, of magnitude 11, orbits the white dwarf every 250 years. The 40 Eridani system is 16 light-years from Earth. p Eridani is a binary star with two orange components, 27 light-years from Earth. The magnitude 5.8 primary and 5.9 secondary have an orbital period of 500 years.[1]

Artist's impression of a Jupiter-mass planet orbiting the nearby star Epsilon Eridani

main-sequence star of magnitude 3.7, 10.5 light-years from Earth. Its one planet, with an approximate mass of one Jupiter mass, has a period of 7 years.[1]



Deep-sky objects

NGC 1535 is a small blue-gray planetary nebula visible in small amateur telescopes, with a disk visible in large amateur instruments. 2000 light-years away, it is of the 9th magnitude.[1]

A portion of the

Orion Molecular Cloud Complex can be found in the far northeastern section of Eridanus. IC 2118 is a faint reflection nebula believed to be an ancient supernova remnant or gas cloud illuminated by nearby supergiant star Rigel in Orion

Eridanus contains the galaxies NGC 1232, NGC 1234, NGC 1291 and NGC 1300, a grand design barred spiral galaxy.

NGC 1300 is a face-on barred spiral galaxy located 61 (plus or minus 8) million light-years away. The center of the bar shows an unusual structure: within the overall spiral structure, a grand design spiral that is 3,300 light-years in diameter exists.[6] Its spiral arms are tightly wound.[7]

Meteor showers


Omicron Eridanids, which peak between November 1 and 10.[9]


Cetus dips his paws into Eridanus in this plate from Urania's Mirror

Eridanus is depicted in ancient sky charts as a flowing river, starting from Orion and flowing in a meandering fashion past

Fornax and into the southern hemispheric stars. Johann Bayer's Uranometria depicts the river constellation as a flowing river.[10]

History and mythology

According to one theory, the Greek constellation takes its name from the Babylonian constellation known as the Star of Eridu (MUL.NUN.KI). Eridu was an ancient city in the extreme south of Babylonia; situated in the marshy regions it was held sacred to the god Enki-Ea who ruled the cosmic domain of the Abyss - a mythical conception of the fresh-water reservoir below the Earth's surface.[11]

Eridanus is connected to the myth of Phaethon, who took over the reins of his father Helios' sky chariot (i.e., the Sun),[1] but didn't have the strength to control it and so veered wildly in different directions, scorching both Earth and heaven. Zeus intervened by striking Phaethon dead with a thunderbolt and casting him to Earth. The constellation was supposed to be the path Phaethon drove along; in later times, it was considered a path of souls. Since Eridanos was also a Greek name for the Po (Latin Padus), in which the burning body of Phaethon is said by Ovid to have extinguished, the mythic geography of the celestial and earthly Eridanus is complex.[12]

Another association with Eridanus is a series of rivers all around the world. First conflated with the

Po River in Italy. The stars of the modern constellation Fornax were formerly a part of Eridanus.[1]


The stars that correspond to Eridanus are also depicted as a river in

Hindu incarnation of Shiva. Dakshinamoorthy himself is represented by the constellation Orion

The stars that correspond to Eridanus cannot be fully seen from China. In

White Tiger of the West (西方白虎, Xī Fāng Bái Hǔ). The unseen southern part was classified among the Southern Asterisms (近南極星區, Jìnnánjíxīngōu) by Xu Guangqi
, based on knowledge of western star charts.


named after the constellation.

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Ridpath & Tirion 2001, pp. 146–147.
  2. ^ "Naming Stars". Retrieved 30 July 2018.
  3. ^ NRAO: "Astronomers Find Enormous Hole in the Universe". NRAO website, retrieved 24 August 2007.
  4. ^ The void: Imprint of another universe?
  5. ^ Great 'cosmic nothingness' found, BBC News.
  6. .
  7. ^ Ridpath & Tirion 2001, p. 144.
  8. ^ Jenniskens, Peter (September 2012). "Mapping Meteoroid Orbits: New Meteor Showers Discovered". Sky & Telescope: 22.
  9. ^ Jenniskens, Peter (September 2012). "Mapping Meteoroid Orbits: New Meteor Showers Discovered". Sky & Telescope: 23.
  10. better source needed
  11. ^ Babylonian Star-lore by Gavin White, Solaria Pubs, 2008, page 98ff
  12. JSTOR 294518


External links