List of the prehistoric life of Alabama

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This list of the prehistoric life of Alabama contains the various prehistoric life-forms whose fossilized remains have been reported from within the US state of Alabama.


The Paleobiology Database records no known occurrences of Precambrian fossils in Alabama.


Selected Paleozoic taxa of Alabama


Selected Mesozoic taxa of Alabama


Selected Cenozoic taxa of Alabama

  • Gyroidina
  • Haliaeetus
    • Haliaeetus leucocephalus
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Hamulus
  • Hastula
  • Haustator
  • Hemipristis
  • Hemisurcula
  • Heterodon
    • Heterodon platirhinos
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Heterodontus
  • Hexaplex
  • Hipponix
  • Hyla
    • Hyla gratiosa
  • Hyposaurus
    • Hyposaurus rogersii
  • Isognomon
  • Jefitchia
  • Kuphus
  • Lacunaria
  • Laevicardium
  • Lamna
  • Lampropeltis
    • Lampropeltis getulus
    • Lampropeltis triangulum
  • Latirus
  • Ledina
  • Lepton
  • Limacina
  • Limaria
  • Linga
  • Linthia
  • Linuparus
  • Lithophaga
  • Lithophyllum red algae
    Lithophyllum – tentative report
  • Lithothamnion – tentative report
  • Longchaeus
  • Lopha
  • Lucina
  • Lunularia
  • Lynx
    • Lynx rufus
  • Macoma
  • Macrocallista
  • Mammut
    • Mammut americanum
  • Mammuthus
    • Mammuthus columbi
  • Margaretta
  • Marginella
  • Martesia
  • Mastigophora
  • Mathilda
  • Megalonyx
    • Megalonyx jeffersonii
  • Melanella
  • Melanerpes
    • Melanerpes carolinus
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Melanopsis
  • Meleagris
    • Meleagris gallopavo
  • Membranipora
  • Meretrix
  • Mergus
  • Mesalia
  • Mesophyllum
  • Metula
  • Michela
  • Microdrillia
  • Micropora
  • Microtus
    • Microtus pennsylvanicus
  • Mitrella
  • Mitrolumna
  • Modiolus
  • Murex
  • Murexiella
  • Myliobatis
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Pliocene-Holocene peccary Mylohyus
    • Mylohyus fossilis
  • Myotis
    • Myotis lucifugus
  • Nannippus
  • Narona
  • Nassarius
  • Natica
  • Naticarius
  • Nebrius
  • Negaprion
  • Nemipterus
  • Life restoration of a herd of Neohipparion. Robert Bruce Horsfall (1913).
  • Neotoma
    • Neotoma floridana
  • Neritina
  • Nerodia
  • Neverita
  • Niso
  • Norrisia
  • Nucula
  • Nycticeius
    • Nycticeius humeralis
  • Oculina – type locality for genus
  • Odocoileus
    • Odocoileus virginianus
  • Odontaspis
  • Odostomia
  • Oliva
  • Olivella
  • Opheodrys
  • Ostrea
  • Otodus
  • Otus
    • Otus asio
  • Oxyrhina
  • Pachecoa
  • Restoration of the Cretaceous-Eocene sea snake Palaeophis
  • Panopea
  • Panthera
    • Panthera onca
  • Pasithea
  • Pecten
  • Pediomeryx
  • Pekania
    • Pekania pennanti
  • Pelecyora
  • Penion
  • Peromyscus
  • Petricola
  • Phalium
  • Philine
  • Pholadomya
  • Shell of a Pholas, or angelwing
  • Phos
  • Phyllodus
  • Pica
    • Pica pica
  • Picoides
    • Picoides villosus
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pinna
  • Pipistrellus
  • Piranga
    • Piranga olivacea
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pitar
  • Planaria – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Planorbis – or unidentified comparable form
  • Pleiolama
  • Plethodon
    • Plethodon glutinosus
  • Pleurofusia
  • Pleuromeris
  • Pleurostoma
  • Pleurotomaria – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Pleurotomella
  • Plicatula
  • Podilymbus
    • Podilymbus podiceps
  • Shell of a Poirieria murex snail
  • Polinices
  • Polyschides
  • Pomatodelphis
  • Pontogeneus
  • Porella
  • Porina
  • Potamides – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Pristis
  • Propeamussium
  • Protocardia
  • Fossilized skeleton of the Miocene horse Protohippus
  • Prunum
  • Pseudemys
  • Pseudolatirus
  • Pseudoliva
  • Pteria
  • Pterothrissus
  • Pterynotus
  • Pycnodonte
  • Pyramidella
  • Pyrgulina
  • Quinqueloculina
  • Quiscalus
    • Quiscalus quiscula
  • Raja
  • Rana
    • Rana catesbeiana
    • Rana pipiens
  • Rangifer
    • Rangifer tarandus
  • Raphitoma
  • Reithrodontomys
  • Reteporella
  • Retusa
  • Rhinobatos
  • Rhinoclavis
  • Rhinoptera
  • Rhizoprionodon
  • Rhynchoconger
  • Rimella
  • Ringicula
  • Fossilized shells of the sea snail Rissoina
  • Rostellaria
  • Rotularia
  • Sassia
  • Sayornis
    • Sayornis phoebe
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Scaphander
  • Scaphella
  • Sceptrum
  • Schizaster
  • Illustration of a close-up view of a Schizoporella bryozoan ("moss animal")
  • Scolopax
    • Scolopax minor
  • Scyliorhinus
  • Seila
  • Semele
  • Serpula
  • Serpulorbis
  • Siderastrea
  • Sigatica
  • Sinum
  • Siphonalia
  • Siphonochelus
  • Skena
  • Skenea
  • Life restoration of the Pleistocene-Holocene saber-tooth cat Smilodon
    • Smilodon fatalis
  • Solariella
  • Solemya
  • Sorex
  • Sphyraena
    – tentative report
  • Sphyrna
  • Spilogale
    – tentative report
    • Spilogale putorius
  • Spirorbis
  • Spirorbula – tentative report
  • Spisula
  • Spondylus
  • Sterna
  • Stomachetosella
  • Storeria
  • Fossilized teeth of the Paleocene-Miocene sandshark Striatolamia
  • Strioturbonilla
  • Strix
    • Strix varia
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Strombus
  • Stylophora
  • Sveltella
  • Sveltia
  • Sylvilagus
  • Synthetoceras
    • Synthetoceras tricornatus
      – or unidentified comparable form
  • Tapirus
  • Teinostoma
  • Restoration of the Miocene-Pliocene rhinoceros Teleoceras
  • Tellina
  • Temnocidaris – tentative report
  • Tenagodus
  • Terebra
  • Teredo
  • Textularia
  • Thamnophis
    • Thamnophis sirtalis
  • Thiara
  • Tornus
  • Trachyphyllia
  • Illustration of a living Trichiurus cutlassfish
  • Trigonostoma
  • Trinacria
  • Trionyx
  • Triphora
  • Tripia
  • Trochita
  • Trochus – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Trophon
  • Turbinella – or unidentified related form
  • Turbo – report made of unidentified related form or using admittedly obsolete nomenclature
  • Turbonilla
  • Turdus
    • Turdus migratorius
  • Turricula
  • Turris
  • Turritella
  • Tylocidaris
  • Tympanuchus
    • Tympanuchus cupido
  • Umbraculum
  • Ursus
    • Ursus americanus
  • Venericardia
  • Verticordia
  • Vitrinella
  • Volvariella
  • Xenophora
  • Xylophaga
  • Yoldia
  • Life restoration of the Eocene whale Zygorhiza
    • Zygorhiza kochii
      – type locality for species
  • References

    • Various Contributors to the Paleobiology Database. "Fossilworks: Gateway to the Paleobiology Database". Retrieved 17 December 2021.