Prizren–Timok dialect

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Map of Shtokavian sub-dialects, according to Pavle Ivić (1988 book). The Prizren-Timok dialects are shown in three colours in the southeastern corner.

The Prizren–Timok dialect (

Old-Shtokavian. Its eastern border, starting from Zaječar, roughly forms the border with Bulgaria



  1. ^ Ethnologia Balkanica. Vol. 12. Lit Verlag. 2008. p. 157. The Vranje speech belongs to the Prizren-South Morava type in the Prizren-Timok dialect zone (Ivic 1985: 115-118)

Further reading

  • Динић, Јакша. Тимочки дијалекатски речник. Vol. 4. Ин-т за српски језик САНУ, 2008.