Ideas of European unity before 1948

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and Anglo-American colonist, proposed a European Parliament to prevent war.

This article aims to cover ideas of European unity before 1948.

Early history

"Europe" as a cultural sphere is first used during the Carolingian dynasty to encompass the Latin Church (as opposed to Eastern Orthodoxy).[citation needed] The first mention of the concepts of "Europe" and "European" dates back to 754 in the Mozarabic Chronicle. The Chronicle contains the earliest known reference in a Latin text to "Europeans" (europenses), whom it describes as having defeated the Saracens at the battle of Tours in 732.[1][2]

Military unions of "Christian European powers" in the medieval and early modern period were directed against

George of Podebrady, a Hussite king of Bohemia, proposed in 1464 a union of Christian states against the Turks.[3]

In 1693, William Penn looked at the devastation of war in Europe and wrote of a "European dyet, or parliament", to prevent further war, without further defining how such an institution would fit into the political reality of Europe at the time.[4]

In 1713,

Abbot Charles de Saint-Pierre proposed the creation of a European league of 18 sovereign states, with a common treasury, no internal borders and an economic union.[5]
After the
United States of Europe, similar to the United States of America, was shared by a few prominent Europeans, notably the Marquis de Lafayette and Tadeusz Kościuszko.[citation needed

Some suggestion of a European union can be inferred from Immanuel Kant's 1795 proposal for an "eternal peace congress".

19th century

The concept of "Europe" referring to Western Europe or Germanic Europe arises in the 19th century, contrasting with the Russian Empire, as is evidenced in Russian philosopher Danilevsky's Russia and Europe.

French-dominated Europe in 1812

In the 1800s, a

Continental system was promulgated in November 1806 as an embargo of British goods in the interests of the French hegemony. Felix Markham notes how during a conversation on St. Helena, Napoleon remarked, "Europe thus divided into nationalities freely formed and free internally, peace between States would have become easier: the United States of Europe would become a possibility."[6]

The French

Augustin Thierry
would in 1814 write the essay De la réorganisation de la société européenne, already conjuring up some form of parliamentary European federation.

French novelist Victor Hugo argued, in 1849, that "A day will come when we shall see... the United States of America and the United States of Europe face to face, reaching out for each other across the seas."

In the conservative reaction after Napoleon's defeat in 1815, the German Confederation (German: Deutscher Bund) was established as a loose association of thirty-eight sovereign German states formed by the Congress of Vienna. Napoleon had swept away the Holy Roman Empire and simplified the map of Germany. In 1834, the Zollverein ("customs union") was formed among the states of the Confederation, to create better trade flow and reduce internal competition. In spite of the allusion by Fritz Fischer in Germany's Aims in the First World War that an extension of this customs union may have become the model for a unified Europe, the ensuing North German Confederation established in 1866 drifted away from the inclusive multinational character of the preceding German Confederation and the early Kingdom of Prussia, taking instead the direction of staunch German nationalism and brutal subjugation of other nations living within the borders of the succeeding German Empire. The then current and influential German ideas of geopolitics and a Mitteleuropa later became increasingly degenerated due to their underlying principle of German national hegemony, a process culminating in the abhorrent vision laid out by the national socialists of European unity understood as universal servitude of the European nations to the Germans (see below), thus contradicting directly the current intellectual framework for European Union.

On 3 May 1831 the Polish polymath Wojciech Jastrzębowski published On Lasting Peace among the Nations, framing a constitution for a Europe united as a single republic with no internal borders, with a unified legal system, and with institutions staffed by representatives from all of Europe's peoples.[7]

In 1843 the Italian writer and politician

St. Peter Port, Guernsey, Victor Hugo's residence during his exile from France.[8]

The Italian philosopher

National Assembly
, also called for a United States of Europe on 1 March 1871.

As part of 19th-century concerns about an ailing Europe and the threat posed by the

single currency

H. G. Wells' 1901 book Anticipations included his prediction that by the year 2000, following the defeat of German imperialism "on land and at sea," there would come into being a European Union.

Between the World Wars

Self-published map of a visionary central European union, 1920, by an enigmatic Viennese P.A. Maas
European flag of the Paneuropean Union
A 1928 Europa coin for the hypothetical "Federated States of Europe" (États fédérés d'Europe)

Following the catastrophe of

Radical and Democratic Entente of centre-left progressive parties (1924), to the Green International of farmers' parties (1923), to the centre-right International Secretariat of Democratic Parties Inspired by Christianity
(1925). While the remit of these internationals was global, the predominance of political parties from Europe meant that they facilitated interaction between the adherents of a given ideology, across European borders. Within each political tradition, voices emerged advocating not merely the cooperation of various national parties, but the pursuit of political institutions at the European level.

With a conservative vision of Europe, the

Paneuropean Congress in Vienna in 1926, and which contained 8000 members by the time of the 1929 Wall Street Crash. The aim was for a specifically Christian, and by implication Catholic, Europe. The British civil servant and future Conservative minister Arthur Salter
published a book advocating The United States of Europe in 1933.

In contrast the Soviet commissar (minister)

Leon Trotsky raised the slogan "For a Soviet
United States of Europe" in 1923, advocating a Europe united along communist principles.

Among liberal-democratic parties, the French centre-left undertook several initiatives to group like-minded parties from the European states. In 1927, the French politician Emil Borel, a leader of the centre-left Radical Party and the founder of the Radical International, set up a French Committee for European Cooperation, and a further twenty countries set up equivalent committees. However, it remained an elite venture: the largest committee, the French one, possessed fewer than six-hundred members, two-thirds of whom were parliamentarians.

The United States of Europe. Indeed, a template for such a system already existed, in the form of the 1921 Belgian and Luxembourgish customs and monetary union.

Support for the proposals by the French centre-left came from a range of prestigious figures. Many eminent economists, aware that the economic race-to-the-bottom between states was creating ever greater instability, supported the view: these included

United States of Europe will represent, even without Russia, a power strong enough to advance, up to a satisfactory point, the prosperity of the other continents as well".[13]

Between the two world wars, the Polish statesman

Międzymorze ("Intersea" or "Between-seas"), known in English as Intermarum, which was a Polish-oriented version of Mitteleuropa
, though devised according to the principle of cooperation rather than subjugation.

The Great Depression, the rise of fascism and communism and subsequently World War II prevented the inter war movements from gaining further support: between 1933 and 1936 most of Europe's remaining democracies became dictatorships, and even Ortega's Spain and Venizelos's Greece had both been plunged into civil war. But although the supporters of European unity, whether social-democratic, liberal or Christian-democratic, were out of power during the 1930s and unable to put their ideas into practice, many would find themselves in power in the 1940s and 1950s, and better-placed to put into effect their earlier remedies against economic and political crisis.

World War II

In Britain the group known as Federal Union was launched in November 1938, and began advocating a Federal Union of Europe as a post-war aim. Its papers and arguments became well known among resistants to fascism across Europe and contributed to their thinking of how to rebuild Europe after the war.

Among those who were early advocates of a union of European nations was Hungarian Prime Minister Pál Teleki. Hungary had lost over two-thirds of its territory at the end of World War I in the 1920 Treaty of Trianon. In early 1941 during World War II, he was striving to keep Hungary autonomous. Internally, he tried to satisfy national pride which demanded a restoration of the lost territories, which Germany had supported in the First Vienna Award of 1938 and the Second Vienna Award of 1940. Externally, he was striving to preserve his country's military and economic independence in the face of Germany's coercive pressure to join in their invasion of Yugoslavia. In the book, Transylvania. The Land Beyond the Forest Louis C. Cornish[14][15] described how Teleki, under constant surveillance by the German Gestapo during 1941, sent a secret communication to contacts in America.[16]

He foresaw clearly the complete defeat of Nazi Germany, and the European chaos that would result from the war. He believed that no future was conceivable for any of the minor nations in Central and Eastern Europe if they tried to continue to live their isolated national lives. He asked his friends in America to help them establish a federal system, to federate. This alone could secure for them the two major assets of national life: first, political and military security, and, second, economic prosperity. Hungary, he emphasized, stood ready to join in such collaboration, provided it was firmly based on the complete equality of all the members states.[16]

Journalist Dorothy Thompson in 1941 supported the statement of others. "I took from Count Teleki's office a monograph which he had written upon the structure of European nations. A distinguished geographer, he was developing a plan for regional federation, based upon geographical and economic realities."[16] Teleki received no response from the Americans to his ideas and when German troops moved through Hungary on 2–3 April 1941 during the invasion of Yugoslavia, he committed suicide.

In 1943, the German ministers

Goebbels, had the slightest intention of compromising absolute German hegemony through the creation of a European confederation. Although this fact has been used to insinuate the charge of fascism in the EU, the idea is much older than the Nazis, foreseen by John Maynard Keynes, and later by Winston Churchill and by various anti-Nazi resistance movements.[18]

Italian fascist regime in 1937, Altiero Spinelli, considered as a founding father of the EU, wrote with Eugenio Colorni and Ernesto Rossi in prison on the island Ventotene the Ventotene Manifesto, becoming the programme of the 1943 in Milan founded European Federalist Movement

One of the most influential figures in this process was

Free French government in exile in Algiers, and regarded by many as the future architect of European unity, is recorded as declaring to the committee: "There will be no peace in Europe, if the states are reconstituted on the basis of national sovereignty ... The countries of Europe are too small to guarantee their peoples the necessary prosperity and social development. The European states must constitute themselves into a federation ...". Winston Churchill called in 1943 for a post-war "Council of Europe".[20][21]

Towards the end of World War II, the Three Allied Powers discussed during the Tehran Conference and the ensuing 1943 Moscow Conference the plans to establish joint institutions. This led to a decision at the Yalta Conference in 1945 to include Free France as the Fourth Allied Power and to form a European Advisory Commission, later replaced by the Council of Foreign Ministers and the Allied Control Council, following the German surrender and the Potsdam Agreement in 1945.

Postwar developments (1945-1948)

After the war on 19 September 1946 Churchill went further as a civilian, after leaving his office, at the

Ruhr area).[26][27]

The growing rift among the Four Powers became evident as a result of the rigged

Yalta Agreement, followed by the announcement of the Truman Doctrine on 12 March 1947. On 4 March 1947 France and the United Kingdom signed the Treaty of Dunkirk for mutual assistance in the event of future military aggression in the aftermath of World War II against any of the pair. The rationale for the treaty was the threat of a potential future military attack, specifically a Soviet one in practice, though publicised under the disguise of a German one, according to the official statements. Immediately following the February 1948 coup d'état by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, the London Six-Power Conference was held, resulting in the Soviet boycott of the Allied Control Council and its incapacitation, an event marking the beginning of the Cold War
. The remainder of the year 1948 marked the beginning of the institutionalised modern European integration.

See also


  1. ^ Kwame Anthony Appiah (2012), "Misunderstanding cultures: Islam and the West", Philosophy and Social Criticism 38(4–5) 425–33.
  2. ^ Evert Van De Poll (2013), Europe and the Gospel: Past Influences, Current Developments, Mission Challenges (Versita), p. 55.
  3. .
  4. ^ Penn, William; Andrew R. Murphy (2002). "The Political Writings of William Penn". Liberty Fund. Retrieved 21 August 2012.
  5. Abbot Charles de Saint-Pierre (1713). Projet pour rendre la paix perpétuelle en Europe [Project for bringing about perpetual peace in Europe] (in French). Utrecht: A. Schouten. (cited in The Economist
    , 21–27 August 2021, page 26)
  6. ^ Felix Markham, Napoleon (New York: Penguin Books USA Inc., 1966), 257 as quoted in Matthew Zarzeczny, Napoleon's European Union: The Grand Empire of the United States of Europe (Kent State University Master's thesis), 2.
  7. .
  8. ^ "Victor Hugo plants his United States of Europe oak". On this day in Guernsey. 14 July 1972. Retrieved 22 October 2022.
  9. MSZ
    Polish Ministry of foreign Affairs, dual text in French and Polish.
  10. ^ Guieu, Jean-Michel (2003). ".Le Comité fédéral de coopération européenne". Organisations internationales et architectures européennes (1929–1939): 73–91.
  11. ^ Jouvenel, Bertrand (1980). Un Voyageur dans le Siècle. Paris. p. 79.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  12. ^ Ortega y Gasset, José (1998) [1929]. The Revolt of the Masses. Madrid: Editorial Castalia.
  13. ^ Emm. Papadakis, Nikolaos (2006). Eleftherios K. Venizelos – A Biography. National Research Foundation "Eleftherios K. Venizelos". pp. 48–50.
  14. .
  15. ^ Pal Teleki (1923). The Evolution of Hungary and its place in European history (Central and East European series).
  16. ^ a b c Francis S. Wagner, ed. (1970). Toward a New Central Europe: A Symposium on the Problems of the Danubian Nations. Astor Park, Florida: Danubian Press, Inc.
  17. ^ .
  18. ^ Mark Mazower, Dark Continent, 1.30
  19. ^ a b "EU Pioneers". European Union. 16 June 2016.
  20. .
  21. ^ Churchill, Winston (21 March 1943). "National Address". The International Churchill Society.
  22. ^ "Speech of Sir Winston Churchill". PACE website. Zürich, Switzerland: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. 19 September 1946. Archived from the original on 5 October 2013. Retrieved 18 November 2013.
  23. ^ "Union of European Federalists (UEF): Churchill and Hertenstein". Union of European Federalists (UEF). Retrieved 17 May 2022.
  24. ^ "Ein britischer Patriot für Europa: Winston Churchills Europa-Rede, Universität Zürich, 19. September 1946" [A British Patriot for Europe: Winston Churchill's Speech on Europe University of Zurich, 19 September 1946]. Zeit Online. Retrieved 13 January 2010.
  25. ^ Encyclopaedia Britannica (12 September 2019). "Saarland". Retrieved 19 August 2021.
  26. S2CID 145465919
  27. ^ *French proposal regarding the detachment of German industrial regions 8 September 1945
    France, Germany and the Struggle for the War-making Natural Resources of the RhinelandLetter from Konrad Adenauer to Robert Schuman (26 July 1949) Warning him of the consequences of the dismantling policy. (requires Flash Player)
    Letter from Ernest Bevin to Robert Schuman (30 October 1949) British and French foreign ministers. Bevin argues that they need to reconsider the Allies' dismantling policy in the occupied zones (requires Flash Player)

Further reading