List of features removed in Windows Vista

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

While Windows Vista contains many new features, a number of capabilities and certain programs that were a part of previous Windows versions up to Windows XP were removed or changed – some of which were later re-introduced in Windows 7 and later versions.

The following is a list of features that were present in Windows XP and earlier versions but were removed in Windows Vista.

Windows Explorer

  • Windows Briefcase
    no longer allows synchronizing items across multiple computers and a removable media device.
  • Windows Briefcase cannot sync files or folders in locations protected by User Account Control. This removes the ability to sync many locations.
  • Grouping items by name in Explorer no longer groups them under each individual letter of the alphabet (A, B, C... Z) like in Windows XP. When using Group By Name, items are always combined into just a few groups (A-H, I-P, Q-Z). This removes the ability to locate items by their first letter.
  • If hidden files are not allowed to be shown in
    Windows Explorer, the Status bar does not report how many hidden files are present. In addition, if all items within a folder are selected at once (by pressing Ctrl
    +A or Select all), the user is not alerted to hidden files being selected.
  • Even after setting the ForceCopyAclwithFile and MoveSecurityAttributes values as documented in KB310316,[1] permissions are not retained/copied when Windows Explorer is used to copy or move objects across volumes or in the same volume.[2][3] A hotfix is available (KB2617058) to restore the MoveSecurityAttributes value but not ForceCopyAclwithFile.
  • Thumbnails can no longer be forced to regenerate by right-clicking the image and selecting Refresh thumbnail.[4]
  • Thumbnail support for .HTM, .HTML, .MHT and .URL files has been removed in Windows Vista.[5]
  • The Explorer thumbnail handler and metadata property handler for .AVI and .WAV files (Shmedia.dll) has been removed.
  • Ctrl+Enter on the selected folder no longer opens it in a new Explorer window.
  • Tiles view only shows the name, type and the size of items. It no longer shows information depending on the criteria by which items are sorted.
  • The Version file properties tab has been replaced by a Details tab that omits custom version information strings, does not show all of the same information as the Version tab and does not support copying any of the displayed information to the clipboard.
  • Various properties are not visible anymore from the Details tab, such as Audio sample rate and Audio sample size[6] and Channels for certain audio files.
  • The column by which items are sorted is not highlighted unlike Windows XP. Only the column header is highlighted.
  • The address bar dropdown displays recently visited folder or file paths typed into the address bar and websites but does not show the complete top level file hierarchy.
  • Right clicking on the top-left icon of the Explorer window no longer shows the context menu for that folder. It instead shows the window menu just like left click or Alt+Space does.
  • The top-left corner of the window no longer acts like a draggable icon representing the folder.
  • The Desktop.ini Sharing=0 parameter which could prevent a particular folder from being shared is not supported.[7]
  • The Up toolbar button in Windows Explorer, which allowed one to jump to a parent folder in the address hierarchy has been removed. As a result of this, the Ctrl+
    breadcrumbs bar
  • It is not possible to turn off full row selection in List view.
  • It is not possible to turn off autorefresh/autosorting of files and folders as sorting is treated as a state instead of as a verb.[8] As a result, any file modification activity such as copy-paste, creation, rename or deletion makes items move continually to obey the sort order instead of the items appearing at the end and getting sorted only when the view is refreshed.
  • It is not possible to set NTFS security ACLs, ownership and audit permissions on more than one selected item using Windows Explorer because the Security tab has been removed from the Properties for multiple selected items.[9][10][11] Microsoft states that this feature was removed as the UAC prompt which may need to be displayed to gain ownership and reset permissions cannot accommodate the names of multiple selected files.[12] However, this justification would also apply to all other batch actions on multiple selected files such as setting attributes, using NTFS compression or Encrypting File System where a different UAC prompt is displayed and the batch action is not disallowed.
  • The IColumnProvider shell extension interface (column handler) has been removed. Shell extensions that display information in Explorer's columns will therefore fail to work.[13] As a result of this API removed, folder sizes cannot be displayed in a column in Windows Explorer Details view. The replacement for column handlers, Property Handlers, cannot be registered for all files.[14]
  • It is no longer possible to add a background to folders via a desktop.ini.
  • Icons of any
    16-bit files including New Executables or DLLs are not extracted by Explorer (or any other 32-bit process) even in 32-bit versions, and therefore are not displayed.[15]
    The shell's Change icon dialog cannot browse 16-bit icon libraries and DLLs.
  • The collapsible File and Folder Tasks pane actions have been replaced by the Organize menu which requires an additional click after selecting items.
  • The navigation pane (tree view) can only be toggled through the Organize menu. The Folders button has been removed.
  • The Favorites menu has been removed from Explorer (not from Internet Explorer) and replaced by Explorer-specific Favorite Links in the folder navigation pane (tree view). Favorites can now only store folder location shortcuts, unlike the Favorites menu in Windows XP which also supported program and file shortcuts.
  • The ability to view and edit metadata at the file system level – such as description, author, tags, rating etc. stored in a file's secondary stream – through the "Summary" tab of the file's "Properties" dialog was removed.[16] Metadata is now stored inside files; however, developers must write a Property handler for any file format in order for users to be able to edit and view its metadata.
  • There are limitations to opening more than 15 selected files in a single operation, i.e. by selecting more than 15 files and pressing Enter. The "Open" verb is not present in the context menu when more than 15 files are selected.
  • Single click to rename after selecting an item is not available in the navigation (left) pane.
  • Arrows indicating subfolders in the left pane cannot be set to always show. They disappear when dragging and dropping if the user clicks in the right pane before starting to drag to the left pane.
  • A folder tree does not expand automatically while collapsing the previous one in the navigation pane even after turning on "Display simple folder view".[17][18][19]
  • It is not possible to display the full path in the
    or pressing Alt+D.
  • The ability to customize the standard toolbar's layout and buttons was removed.
  • Users can no longer make the menu above all other toolbars.[20]
  • Ability to add a password to a ZIP file (compressed folder) has been removed. Though this has no effect on third-party compression tools, such as WinZip or 7-Zip, Windows Explorer can no longer open ZIP files that are protected with a password.
  • Filmstrip view is replaced by the Preview pane; however the state of the preview pane is not saved per folder. It can be globally enabled or disabled. Also, the preview pane does not show previews for folders whereas filmstrip view showed the preview of images within a folder if a folder was selected. Other functions available in filmstrip view such as rotating photos and navigating using Next and Forward buttons are only available in Windows Photo Gallery.
  • Support for enabling a folder for web sharing with Internet Information Services via the Windows Explorer interface was removed.
  • The "Computer Description" field is no longer shown on the Explorer view of a workgroup. It can be viewed from the command line using net view.
  • The Status bar does not show file information shown in the infotips when the file is selected. It no longer shows the total space used by a folder when displaying a folder's contents. Some file information is displayed in the Details pane.
  • The drive mapping dialog box no longer allows a network path to be mapped without assigning a local drive letter to it.
  • It is not possible to view the Properties of an item in the left pane of Windows Explorer using Alt+Enter.
  • Users can no longer browse a domain or workgroup through a tree view. All computers on the network are displayed in a unified list. The list can be "filtered" to display only computers from the desired domain, but the list is still populated with all computers on the network, slowing the process.
  • The ability to undo more than one delete operation has been removed from the Explorer context menu. Only the last delete operation can be undone or redone.[21]
  • The file transfer dialogs for copying, moving or deleting do not show the actual file name which is being copied, moved or deleted at that instant.
  • The File Types tab has been removed from Folder Options. This feature was available from Windows 95 up to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. The File Types tab allowed users to change the file associations for various types of files. It allowed configuring which application would open when a user clicked on a certain type of file, or allowed manually defining a new file extension, defining/editing custom secondary actions, showing extensions only for specific file types, or customizing the file icon. While there is a more simplified option to change the file associations, called Default Programs in the Windows Vista Control Panel, this option only allows users to change the default action that occurs when they double click a file. It does not allow users to choose which application would load if the user were to right click on a file and then choose a secondary option such as Edit. Manual registry editing or third-party software is now required to choose default programs, change file type icons, and other advanced tasks. The Open With dialog box in Windows Vista also uses the corresponding Default Programs API which limits only one registered application to be set as the default program.[22]
  • The option on the File Types tab to configure particular file types to confirm open after download and others to open without confirmation after downloading has been removed.
  • Folders can only display two 3D thumbnails of files within a folder. Previously, up to four 2D images could be shown.


  • The Power icon on the taskbar only appears for laptops, and desktop computers with a USB-based UPS.
  • The Network icon on the taskbar does not give direct access to the connection settings, connection status, firewall settings, or disabling the connection.
  • The taskbar cannot be resized to zero height when unlocked, hiding it manually (users were unable to continue using the taskbar buttons after resizing the taskbar to zero height accidentally[citation needed]).
  • Toolbars such as "Quick Launch" can no longer be "dragged off" the taskbar as floating minibars or docked to another edge of the screen, though physical folders can be dragged onto the desktop edge in a similar manner. The
    Language Bar
    is the only toolbar that can float on the desktop.
  • Double clicking on the Printer icon in the notification area while printing does not open the printer's status window that allows managing print jobs.

Start menu

  • Neither the new nor the Classic Start menu shows infotips for folders stored inside the folder's desktop.ini.
  • The All Programs mode has changed to an inline scrollable menu. As such, it is not possible to expand the All Programs menu in the Vista Start menu into flyout cascading menus.
  • Subfolders inside the All Programs menu in the Vista Start menu cannot be opened in Windows Explorer by double clicking as was possible with the XP Start menu or Classic Start menu. They also do not expand automatically if the mouse hovers over them (unless working in Windows Classic mode).
  • Holding down the SHIFT key while clicking an item to retain the Start menu is not possible in the Vista Start menu.
  • The Vista Start Menu does not allow expanding Connect To and Printers for quick access to network connections or print/fax devices.
  • The Log Off confirmation on the classic Start menu has been removed.

Other Windows shell and usability features


Internet Explorer

User accounts and winlogon.exe configuration

Win32 console


  • When using Windows Aero, all GDI, GDI+ and DirectDraw applications run in the new compositing window manager known as Desktop Window Manager. The GDI or DirectDraw render paths are redirected through DWM; however GDI or DirectDraw are not hardware-accelerated when they are redirected.[49]
  • The Windows Display Driver Model specification does not support horizontal and vertical desktop spanned modes, that is, stretching the desktop across multiple monitors.[50][51] although Dual View[52] is still available.[53]
  • In Windows Vista, the Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) does not support two different display adapters. When using two display adapters, both must use the same WDDM driver. Although Windows Vista still supports XPDM drivers, a WDDM driver is required for the Windows Aero user experience.[54][55]
  • Windows Vista restricts the amount of memory DPMI programs can have to 32 MB (33,554,432 bytes). The limitation applies to DPMI programs running inside NTVDM.[56] The same is not true for previous versions of Windows.
  • For certain CRT monitors, Windows Vista and later no longer support refresh rates higher than 85 Hz.


  • The ability to choose a different hardware or software
    waveOut MME
    use the selected MIDI synth; they continue to use the default MS Software Synth. Also, not all MIDI synths are compatible with Windows Vista and later Windows versions.
  • As DirectMusic was based on DirectSound which is no longer hardware accelerated in Windows Vista, DirectMusic also is software-emulated in Windows Vista.[59] As a result, MIDI playback which is greatly sensitive to latency, timing and CPU usage can be choppy.
  • Sounds cannot be played for balloon notifications anymore. This was partially rectified (but not corrected) in Windows 8 and Windows 10, when toast notifications became prevalent (especially in the latter case where all balloon notifications have been changed to toast notifications). However, balloon notifications still remain silent on Windows 8 and Windows 10, even if they are re-enabled in the latter.
  • Sounds do not play for the Classic Start menu anymore, even though sounds have been assigned to "Menu command" and "Menu popup" events in Sound control panel.
  • Some SAPI 5.1 and SAPI 5.2 voices and applications do not work in Windows Vista and later. Only SAPI 5.3 compatible voices and applications work.[60]
  • The controls to adjust per speaker/per channel volume have been removed from the volume mixer.
  • It is not possible to minimize the volume control window or change its size using Ctrl+S.[61]
  • It is no longer possible to double click the Volume icon in the notification area to show the volume mixer.
  • The position of the volume mixer window is not saved.
  • In
    Control Panel setting. Although this new audio behavior provides separate digital signal processing (DSP) capabilities, it is limiting in cases where audio has to be streamed to multiple devices such as headphones, speakers, HDMI out to AV receiver or analog audio to one device and digital to another.[62]
  • The ability to customize the Windows startup sound has been removed, however the logon and logoff sounds can still be customized.
  • Windows Media Center drops support for the Caller ID and Windows Messenger features.[63][64]
  • In the Sound Control Panel applet, the ability to preview a sound from the Browse dialog box has been removed.
  • The option to enable or disable digital CD audio is not available in the CD/DVD drive's properties in Device Manager.
  • The ability to change the recording device to mono mixer or stereo mixer has been removed.
  • Several features have been eliminated from Windows Sound Recorder, such as the ability to import sounds, change the speed, add an echo, play in reverse mode, inserting or mixing files.
  • Windows Sound Recorder no longer saves to wave (.wav) format anymore. Instead, it saves as Windows Media Audio (.wma) format. In the Home Basic N and Business N variants of Windows Vista, the wave format is still used.[65] The wave format would become the default format again in Windows 10's Voice Recorder.
  • PC Speaker
    is now deprecated and all programs utilizing PC Speaker will now be redirected to the existing default playback device instead.

Windows Media Player features

  • The List Pane no longer allows deleting or editing items by right clicking items.
  • Categories in the player library such as Music, Pictures, Videos, Recorded TV show limited media information (metadata) columns, relevant only to their content type. In previous versions, all possible metadata columns were shown for all category types.
  • Buttons to always show full-screen controls, show or hide the playlist while in full-screen mode and directly close Windows Media Player from full-screen have been removed.
  • Auto sorting in the media library (similar to auto sorting in Windows Explorer) cannot be turned off.
  • Grouping cannot be turned off. Library content is always grouped by the criteria by which it is sorted.
  • The ability to add media to the library for searching local or network files and selectively adding only new files or existing files has been removed. Media can only be added from monitored folders.
  • The seek slider cannot be always shown when playing media. The mouse must be hovered over the progress bar above the playback controls to reveal the seek slider.
  • The sort order is not preserved in the library like Windows Media Player 10 as long as the player is open.
  • The file list of selected files has been removed from the Advanced Tag Editor.
  • Next and Previous buttons to cycle through visualizations have been removed.
  • Most Auto Playlists included by default in Windows Media Player 10 have been removed.
  • Library options to configure what action to take when double clicking files (Add to List, Play All, Play Selected Items) have been removed.
  • The total playlist time is no longer shown in the Now Playing list or in the Library without selecting items. It is only shown in the Library for selected items.[66]
  • Total number of tracks is also only shown after selecting all tracks. The total size in MB is not shown in any view.[66]
  • The expandable tree view was removed from the navigation pane/left side of the media library.
  • The Quick Access Panel, located next to the "Now Playing" tab in Windows Media Player 10 which enabled browsing the library via a pop-up/dropdown menu, has been removed. As an example of this, the library cannot be browsed through a menu and without having to switch to library view.
  • It is not possible to change the media player's background to black. Instead, the background is a near-white shade of the color chosen in the color chooser.
  • In previous versions of Windows Media Player, the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl + I" could be used to capture the frame of video being displayed at the time the shortcut was initiated. This feature was removed for Windows Media Player 11.
  • The License Management tool available in prior versions of Windows Media Player has been removed since version 11. It is not possible to back up and restore licenses.[67] This prevents users of music download services from directly using Windows Media Player to back up their licenses and restore them to another computer. The user now must depend on the download service being able to assist with re-acquiring that license. Not all services support this so in some circumstances the user could lose the ability to play media which they've purchased for use with Windows Media Player 11. e.g. Walmart states: "Important Note: In many cases, we cannot replace song and license files if they are lost. We strongly suggest you back up your music by creating an audio CD or CDs using Windows Media Player 11"[68][69]
  • Windows Media Player 10, which is downloadable for Windows XP and part of
    ACM codec for ripping to MP3 format. Because of licensing restrictions, Windows Media Player 11 includes only an MP3 decoder, not an ACM encoder.[70]
  • The HighMAT burning capability integrated into Windows Media Player 10 is not available in Windows Media Player 11.
  • Display Anchor window when in skin mode option has been removed.
  • Enable picture support for devices option has been removed.
  • The 9SeriesDefault, Atomic, Bluesky, Canvas, Classic, Compact, goo, Headspace, heart, iconic, Miniplayer, Optic, Pyrite, QuickSilver, Radio, Roundlet, Rusty, splat, Toothy, Windows Classic, and Windows XP skins has been removed.
  • The Ambience, Particle, Plenoptic, Spikes, and Musical Colors visualizations have been removed.
  • The options to use the legacy renderer, overlay mixer, video mixing renderer (VMR-7) or high quality mode (VMR-9) are not available in the Windows Vista version of Windows Media Player 11. The Windows Vista version can use only the Enhanced Video Renderer (EVR).
  • Support for live scrubbing or live seeking, that is, the ability to show the video frame after seeking with the mouse or after clicking with the mouse while paused is not available in the version of Windows Media Player 11 in Windows Vista and later but is supported in Windows Media Player 11 on Windows XP.
  • The configuration tab to associate with media file types has also been removed from Windows Media Player 11 options in Windows Vista.
  • The ability to remove or reinstall Windows Media Player 11 is not present as it is integrated with the operating system. The only exceptions are the "N" editions of Windows Vista, which do not come with Windows Media Player preinstalled.
  • Windows Media Player 6.4 (mplayer2.exe) has been removed like with
    Media Player
    (mplay32.exe) has also been removed.

DirectX features

  • Since Windows Vista features a rewritten audio stack and does not inherit the
    is no longer supported.
  • Direct3D Retained Mode (D3DRM) has been removed.[71]
  • DirectPlay was removed.[72]
    • Furthermore,
      NAT Helper have been removed.[73]
  • Some DirectInput functionality (action-mapper UI) has been removed as well.[74]
  • The DirectMusic kernel mode synthesizer that supplies the DirectMusic components with a high-resolution timer has been removed.[75]
  • Support for the DirectX 7 and DirectX 8 interfaces for
    Visual Basic 6.0 was removed in Windows Vista.[73]

Media features

Setup and servicing

File system, drivers, memory and hardware

Boot, shutdown, power management

Windows applications and features

System Restore
  • System Restore no longer supports configuring its settings through the registry.[102]
  • The GUI to configure the disk space utilized for System Restore points is not available in Windows Vista.[103]
  • File types and directories can no longer be included or excluded from monitoring by System Restore by editing %windir%\system32\restore\Filelist.xml as was possible in Windows XP. This file no longer exists in Windows Vista.[104]
  • Unlike NTBackup, it is not possible to include or exclude specific files or folders during a backup using the Windows Vista backup application.[105] Only categories of file types can be archived. Because of this, it is not possible to backup files located in a specific path or a network location(s).
  • The backup application in Windows Vista does not support the use of
    tape drives
    to back up data.
  • In the RTM release of Windows Vista, files encrypted using the Encrypting File System (EFS) were not archived by the operating system's backup application;[106] this feature was reinstated in Service Pack 1.[107]
  • Windows Vista Backup does not have all the features and command line parameters supported by NTBackup.[108] It also does not support the NTFS archive bit and granular restores.[citation needed]
Diagnostics and maintenance
Group Policy
  • Several Group Policies that were applicable to various Windows XP components no longer apply to equivalent Windows Vista or later OS components due to design change. Therefore, a lot of customizability and functionality made possible by many Group Policies on XP is lost on Windows Vista and later.
  • The Resultant Set of Policy snap-in no longer shows the full set of configured Group Policy settings. The command line tool, gpresult.exe has to be used to view all settings.[120]
  • Because of Session 0 isolation, the console session has been removed from RDP server and corresponding /console switch removed from the RDP client.[121]
  • The following
    Banyan Vines SQL Network Libraries, OLE DB Simple Provider (MSDAOSP), ODBC Setup, ODBC Cursor Engine and OLE DB Interface Remoting.[122]
Windows Fax and Scan
  • The Faxing components (Fax Console and Fax wizards) have been removed. Windows Fax and Scan is their replacement, however it is only included in Windows Vista Business, Enterprise and Ultimate editions.[123]
  • Unlike Windows XP Fax,
    V.34bis standard which allows higher fax transfer speeds.[124]
  • Windows Fax and Scan does not support TWAIN scanners.[124] It only supports WIA scanners.
  • Windows Fax and Scan does not support copy/paste, drag and drop or import/export of previous faxes like Windows XP's Fax Console did.
  • Windows Fax and Scan does not allow specifying the fax recipient's name if it is not added as a contact in Windows Contacts.
E-mail and contacts
Microsoft Agent
  • Microsoft Agent character preview is not supported in the Agent Character file's property sheet.
  • Microsoft Agent no longer supports multiple languages per edition of Windows. The Agent language will always be the same as the language of the Windows edition.[128]
  • Due to Microsoft Agent using SAPI 5 for Agent characters instead of SAPI 4, pitch and speed settings of the characters are broken/ignored unless new SAPI 5 compatible XML tags are used.
Help and Support
  • Help and Support content does not have an index.
  • Help and Support no longer supports dual pane navigation.
  • Favorites, History and advanced search options from the Windows XP Help and Support Center are not available in Windows Vista Help. It is not possible to share and install help content to and from other Windows computers or to install or switch to help for other operating systems.
  • Built-in support for the 32-bit
    .HLP (WinHelp) help format has been removed[129] to discourage software developers from using the obsolete format and encourage use of newer 32-bit help formats such as Compiled HTML Help. When starting an application which uses the 32-bit .HLP format, Windows will display a warning saying that the format is no longer supported. The viewer for viewing .HLP files is available from the Microsoft Download Center, but some features present in previous versions are disabled.[130][131]
    Support for the 16-bit .HLP format remains.
  • WinHelp. Although the HTML Help technology also supports context-sensitive help (including "What's this" help), Windows Vista dialogs remove the "What's This" button and context sensitive and the "What's This" help functionality.[132]
Other features


Legacy networking components

Legacy features and other changes

See also

Notes and references

  1. ^ "How permissions are handled when you copy and move files and folders". Archived from the original on 2011-08-07. Retrieved 2011-08-26.
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