Slash (punctuation)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Slash or solidus
 ⁄   ∕ 
Fraction slash Division slash Fullwidth solidus

The slash is the oblique slanting line

punctuation mark /. It is also known as a stroke, a solidus, a forward slash and several other historical or technical names. Once used to mark periods and commas, the slash is now used to represent division and fractions, exclusive 'or' and inclusive 'or', and as a date separator

A slash in the reverse direction \ is known as a backslash.


Slashes may be found in early writing as a variant form of

caesura mark ||) Its use as a comma became especially widespread in France, where it was also used to mark the continuation of a word onto the next line of a page, a sense later taken on by the hyphen -.[2] The Fraktur script used throughout Central Europe in the early modern period used a single slash as a scratch comma and a double slash // as a dash. The double slash developed into the double oblique hyphen and double hyphen or before being usually simplified into various single dashes

In the 18th century, the mark was generally known in English as the "

Windows operating systems, which use the backslash extensively.[9][10]


Disjunction and conjunction

Connecting alternatives

The slash is commonly used in many languages as a shorter substitute for the

PIE. *wirgā).[2]

Such slashes may be used to avoid taking a position in

" for the ethnic group.

In particular, since the late 20th century, the slash is used to permit more

parentheses. For example, in Spanish, hijo is a son and a hija is a daughter; some proponents of gender-neutral language advocate the use of hijo/a or hijo(a) when writing for a general audience or addressing a listener of unknown gender.[13][14][15] Less commonly, at sign ⟨@⟩ is used instead: hij@. Similarly, in German and some Scandinavian and Baltic languages, Sekretär refers to any secretary and Sekretärin to an explicitly female secretary; some advocates of gender neutrality support forms such as Sekretär/-in for general use. This does not always work smoothly, however: problems arise in the case of words like Arzt ('doctor') where the explicitly female form Ärztin is umlauted
and words like Chinese ('Chinese person') where the explicitly female form Chinesin loses the terminal -e.

Connecting non-contrasting items

The slash is also used as a shorter substitute for the conjunction "and" or

Presenting routes

The slash, as a form of inclusive or, is also used to punctuate the stages of a route (e.g.,

Introducing topic shifts

The word slash is also developing as a way to introduce topic shifts or follow-up statements. Slash can introduce a follow-up statement, such as, "I really love that hot dog place on Liberty Street. Slash can we go there tomorrow?" It can also indicate a shift to an unrelated topic, as in "JUST SAW ALEX! Slash I just chubbed on oatmeal raisin cookies at north quad and i miss you." The new usage of "slash" appears most frequently in spoken conversation, though it can also appear in writing.[16]

In speech

Sometimes the word slash is used in speech as a

Diatryma" for two supposed genera of prehistoric birds which are now thought to be one genus.[19]



The fraction slash ⟨ ⁄⟩ is used between two numbers to indicate a

permyriad ⟨‱⟩ signs, developed from the horizontal form 0/0 which represented an early modern corruption of an Italian abbreviation of per cento.[22]

Many fonts draw the fraction slash (and the division slash) less vertical than the slash. The separate encoding is also intended to permit automatic formatting of the preceding and succeeding digits by glyph substitution with numerator and denominator glyphs (e.g., display of "1, fraction slash, 2" as "½"),

This notation can also be used when the concept of fractions is extended from numbers to arbitrary rings by the method of

localization of a ring


The division slash , equivalent to the

division. For example, 23 ÷ 43 can also be written as 23 ∕ 43. This use developed from the fraction slash in the late 18th or early 19th century.[20] The formatting was advocated by De Morgan in the mid-19th century.[25][full citation needed

Quotient of set

A quotient of a set is informally a new set obtained by identifying some elements of the original set. This is denoted as a fraction (sometimes even as a built fraction), where the numerator is the original set (often equipped with some algebraic structure). What is appropriate as denominator depends on the context.

In the most general case, the denominator is an equivalence relation on the original set , and elements are to be identified in the quotient if they are equivalent according to ; this is technically achieved by making the set of all equivalence classes of .

In group theory, the slash is used to mark quotient groups. The general form is , where is the original group and is the normal subgroup; this is read " mod ", where "mod" is short for "

". Formally this is a special case of quotient by an equivalence relation, where iff for some . Since many algebraic structures (rings, vector spaces, etc.) in particular are groups, the same style of quotients extend also to these, although the denominator may need to satisfy additional closure properties for the quotient to preserve the full algebraic structure of the original (e.g. for the quotient of a ring to be a ring, the denominator must be an ideal).

When the original set is the set of integers , the denominator may alternatively be just an integer: . This is an alternative notation for the set of integers modulo n (needed because is also notation for the very different ring of n-adic integers). is an abbreviation of or , which both are ways of writing the set in question as a quotient of groups.

Combining slash

Slashes may also be used as a combining character in mathematical formulae. The most important use of this is that combining a slash with a relation negates it, producing e.g. 'not equal' as negation of or 'not in' as negation of ; these slashed relation symbols are always implicitly defined in terms of the non-slashed base symbol. The graphical form of the negation slash is mostly the same as for a division slash, except in some cases where that would look odd; the negation of (divides) and negation of (various meanings) customarily both have their negations slashes less steep and in particular shorter than the usual one.


Dirac gamma matrices
, so ; what one gains is not only a more compact formula, but also not having to allocate a letter as the contracted index.


The slash, sometimes distinguished as "forward slash", is used in computing in a number of ways, primarily as a separator among levels in a given hierarchy, for example in the path of a filesystem.

File paths

The slash is used as the path component separator in many computer operating systems (e.g., Unix's pictures/image.png). In Unix and Unix-like systems, such as macOS and Linux, the slash is also used for the volume root directory (e.g., the initial slash in /usr/john/pictures). Confusion of the slash with the backslash ⟨\⟩ largely arises from the use of the latter as the path component separator in the widely used MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows systems.[9][10]


The slash is used in a similar fashion in internet

server with the same name, and this is where this convention for internet
URLs comes from.

The slash in an

subnet may be calculated as 2address size − prefix size, in which the address size is 128 for IPv6 and 32 for IPv4
. For example, in IPv4, the prefix size/29 gives: 232–29 = 23 = 8 addresses.


The slash is used as a division operator in most programming languages while APL uses it for reduction (fold) and compression (filter). The double slash is used by Rexx as a modulo operator, and Python (starting in version 2.2) uses a double slash for division which rounds (using floor) to an integer. In Raku the double slash is used as a "defined-or" alternative to ||. A dot and slash ⟨./⟩ is used in MATLAB and GNU Octave to indicate an element-by-element division of matrices.

CSS, and C#. A double slash // is also used by C99, C++, C#, PHP, Java, Swift
, and JavaScript to start a single line comment.


SGML and derived languages such as HTML and XML, a slash is used in closing tags. For example, in HTML, <b> begins a section of bold text and </b> closes it. In XHTML, slashes are also necessary for "self-closing" elements such as the newline
command <br /> where HTML has simply <br>.

In a style originating in the

command-line options. For example, the command dir/w is understood as using the command dir
("directory") with the "wide" option. No space is required between the command and the switch; this was the reason for the choice to use backslashes as the path separator since one would otherwise be unable to run a program in a different directory.

Slashes are used as the standard delimiters for regular expressions, although other characters can be used instead.

uses a double slash to start each line in a batch job stream except for /* and /&.


Discord, slash commands are used to send special messages and execute commands, like sending a shrug emoji (¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
or a table flip emoji ((╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻), or changing one's nickname using "/nick". Slash commands can also be used to use Discord bots.


Gedcom standard for exchanging computerized genealogical data uses slashes to delimit surnames; an example would be Bill /Smith/ Jr. Slashes around surnames are also used in Personal Ancestral File


Sign in Kisoro with prices in Ugandan shillings; note the use of the '/=' notation.

The slash (as the "shilling mark" or "solidus")[26] was an abbreviation for the shilling, a former coin of the United Kingdom and its former colonies. Before the decimalisation of currency in Britain, its currency abbreviations (collectively £sd) represented their Latin names, derived from a medieval French modification of the late Roman libra, solidus, and denarius.[27] Thus, one penny less than two pounds was written £1 19s. 11d. During the period when English orthography included the long s, ſ, the ſ came to be written as a single slash.[28][29] The s. and the d. might therefore be omitted, and "2/6" meant "two shillings and sixpence".[26] Amounts in full pounds, shillings and pence could be written in many different ways, for example: £1 9s 6d, £1.9.6, £1-9-6, and even £1/9/6d (with a slash used also to separate pounds and shillings).[30] The same style was also used under the British Raj and early independent India for the predecimalization rupee/anna/pie system.[31]

In five East African countries (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Somalia, and the de facto country of Somaliland), where the national currencies are denominated in shillings, the decimal separator is a slash mark (e.g., 2/50). Where the minor unit is zero, an equals sign is used (e.g., 5/=).


Slashes are a common

9/11 is a common American way of writing the date 11 September; Britons write this as 11/9. Owing to the ambiguity across cultures, the practice of using only two elements to denote a date is sometimes proscribed.[32]

Because of the world's many varying

countries as "1939–1945". The autumn term of a northern-hemisphere school year might be marked "2010-09-01/12-22".

In English, a range marked by a slash often has a separate meaning from one marked by a dash or hyphen.

. It is also used by some police forces in the United States.


The slash is used in numbering to note totals. For example, "page 17/35" indicates that the relevant passage is on the 17th page of a 35-page document. Similarly, the marking "#333/500" on a product indicates it is the 333rd out of 500 identical products or out of a batch of 500 such products. For scores on schoolwork, in games, and so on, "85/100" indicates 85 points were attained out of a possible 100.

Slashes are also sometimes used to mark ranges in numbers that already include hyphens or dashes. One example is the

US Air Force
's treatment of aircraft serial numbers, which are normally written to note the fiscal year and aircraft number. For example, "85-1000" notes the thousandth aircraft ordered in fiscal year 1985. To indicate the next fifty subsequent aircraft, a slash is used in place of a hyphen or dash: "85-1001/1050".

Linguistic transcription

A pair of slashes (as "

velarization of the second L
would be written [ˈlɪɾɫ̩].


speech disfluencies

Single and double slashes are often used as typographic substitutes for the



The slash is used in various scansion notations for representing the metrical pattern of a line of verse, typically to indicate a stressed syllable.

Line breaks

The slash (as a "virgule") offset by spaces to either side is used to mark line breaks when transcribing text from a multi-line format into a single-line one.[11][34] It is particularly common in quoting poetry, song lyrics, and dramatic scripts, formats where omitting the line breaks risks losing meaningful context. For example, here is a part of Hamlet's soliloquy:

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them...

— Hamlet, Act II, Scene ii[35]

[full citation needed]

If someone wanted to quote the above soliloquy in a prose paragraph, it is standard to mark the line breaks as follows: "To be, or not to be, that is the question: / Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous

New Hart's, prefer to use a pipe | in place of the slash to mark these line and paragraph breaks.[11]

The virgule may be thinner than a standard slash when typeset. In computing contexts, it may be necessary to use a non-breaking space before the virgule to prevent it from being widowed on the next line.


The slash has become standard in several abbreviations. Generally, it is used to mark two-letter

Second World War (as with "S/E" to mean "single-engined"). The abbreviation 24/7 (denoting 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) describes a business that is always open or unceasing activity.[11]

The slash in

derived units
such as m/s (meters per second) is not an abbreviation slash, but a straight division. It is however in that position read as 'per' rather than e.g. 'over', which can be seen as analogous to units whose symbols are pure abbreviations such as mph (miles per hour), although in abbreviations 'per' is 'p' or dropped entirely (psi, pounds per square inch) rather than a slash.

In the

US government, the names of offices within various departments are abbreviated using slashes, starting with the larger office and following with its subdivisions. For example, the Federal Aviation Administration's Office of Commercial Space Transportation
is formally abbreviated FAA/AST.


The slash or vertical bar (as a "

upper case
, respectively.


The slash is used in

homosexual male relationships, lesbian slash fiction is sometimes distinguished as femslash
. In situations where other pairings occur, the genres may be distinguished as m/m, f/f, and so on.


The slash is used under the

Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules to separate the title of a work from its statement of responsibility (i.e., the listing of its author, director, etc.). Like a line break
, this slash is surrounded by a single space on either side. For example:

  • Gone with the Wind / by Margaret Mitchell.
  • Star Trek II. The Wrath of Khan [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures.

The format is used in both

card catalogs
and online records.


The slash is sometimes used as an abbreviation for building numbers. For example, in some contexts,[where?] 8/A Evergreen Gardens specifies Apartment 8 in Building A of the residential complex Evergreen Gardens. In the United States, however, such an address refers to the first division of Apartment 8 and is simply a variant of Apartment 8A or 8-A. Similarly in the United Kingdom, an address such as 12/2 Anywhere Road means flat (or apartment) 2 in the building numbered 12 on Anywhere Road.

The slash is also used in the United States in the postal abbreviation for "care of." For example, Judy Smith c/o Bob Smith could be used when Bob Smith is receiving mail on Judy's behalf. Typically, this would be used in a situation where someone is either out of town, in an institution or hotel, or temporarily staying at another's address.

In Spanish address writings, "c/" is used as the abbreviation of "calle" (or "carrer" in Catalan) meaning "street".


Slashes are used in musical notation as an alternative to writing out specific notes where it is easier to read than traditional notation or where the player can improvise. They are commonly used to indicate chords either in place of or in combination with traditional notation and for drummers as an indication to continue with the previously indicated style.


A slash is used to mark a spare (knocking down all ten pins in two throws) when scoring ten-pin and duckpin bowling.[37]

Text messaging

In online messaging, a slash might be used to imitate the formatting of a chat command (e.g., writing "/fliptable" as though there were such a command) or the closing tags of languages such as HTML (e.g., writing "/endrant" to end a diatribe or "/s" to mark the preceding text as

italic text, where no special formatting is available (e.g., /italics/).[citation needed

Before an e-signature

In legal writing, especially in a pleading, attorneys often sign their name with an S that is enclosed by slashes and preceding the attorney's name.[38] An example would be the following:

/s/ Bob Smith

Attorney for Plaintiff

As a letter

The Iraqw language of Tanzania uses the slash as a letter, representing the voiced pharyngeal fricative, as in /ameeni, "woman".[39]


There are usually no spaces either before or after a slash. According to

New Hart's Rules: The Oxford Style Guide, a slash is usually written without spacing on either side when it connects single words, letters or symbols.[11] Exceptions are in representing the start of a new line when quoting verse, or a new paragraph when quoting prose. The Chicago Manual of Style also allows spaces when either of the separated items is a compound that itself includes a space: "Our New Zealand / Western Australia trip".[40] (Compare use of an en dash used to separate such compounds.) The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing prescribes: "No space before or after an oblique when used between individual words, letters or symbols; one space before and after the oblique when used between longer groups which contain internal spacing", giving the examples "n/a" and "Language and Society / Langue et société".[41]

According to The Chicago Manual of Style, when typesetting a URL or computer path, line breaks should occur before a slash but not in the text between two slashes.[42]


reserved character prohibited in Windows file and folder names, the big solidus is permitted (first box above). In this context, it is very similar to the slash (second box).

As a very common character, the slash (as "slant") was originally encoded in ASCII with the decimal code 47 or 0x2F.[43] The same value was used in Unicode

, which calls it "solidus" and also adds some more characters:

  • U+002F / SOLIDUS
  • U+0337 ̷ COMBINING SHORT SOLIDUS OVERLAY (for strikethrough)
  • U+0338 ̸ COMBINING LONG SOLIDUS OVERLAY (for strikethrough)
  • U+
  • U+FF0F FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS (fullwidth version of solidus)

In XML and HTML, the slash can also be represented with the character entity &sol;  or the numeric character reference &#47;  or &#x2F; .[44]

Alternative names

Name Used for
diagonal An uncommon name for the slash in all its uses,[3]
division slash This is the Unicode Consortium's formal name for the variant of the slash used to mark division.[45] (U+2215 DIVISION SLASH)
forward slash A
back-formations as reverse backslash.[46]
fraction slash This is the Unicode Consortium's formal name for the low slash used to mark fractions.
fraction bar, although this more commonly refers to the horizontal bar style, as in 1/2. When used as a fraction bar, this form of the mark is less vertical than an ASCII slash, generally close to 45° and kerned on both sides;[47] this use is distinguished by Unicode as the fraction slash.[45] (This use is sometimes mistakenly described as the sole meaning of "solidus", with its use as a shilling mark and slash distinguished under the name "virgule".[47][48]
oblique A formerly common name for the slash in all its uses.[3] Also oblique stroke,[49][50] oblique dash, etc.
scratch comma A modern name for the virgule's historic use as a form of comma.[51]
separatrix Originally, the
proofreader's marginalia to denote the intended replacement for a letter or word struckthrough in proofed text[52] or to separate margin notes.[53]
Sometimes misapplied to virgules.
shilling mark A development of the
Latin: solidus),[5] and also for some modern-day currencies (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Somalia), where it sometimes takes the place of a decimal point. The 'slash' is known as a "shilling stroke".[21]
slant From its shape, an infrequent name except (as slants) in its use to mark pronunciations off from other text[54] and as the original ASCII name of the character.[43] Also slant line(s) or bar(s).[9]
slash mark An alternative name used to distinguish the punctuation mark from the word's other senses.[55]
slat An uncommon name for the slash used by the esoteric programming language INTERCAL.[50] Also slak.[50]
solidus Another name for the mark (derived from the Latin form of 'shilling'), also applied to other slashes separating numbers or letters, as their formal name for the ASCII slash ("slant"). (U+002F / SOLIDUS)

The solidus's use as a division sign is distinguished as the division slash.[45]

stroke A contraction of the phrase
telegraphy.[49] It is particularly employed in reading the mark out loud: "he stroke she" is a common British reading of "he/she". "Slash" has, however, become common in Britain in computing contexts, while some North American amateur radio enthusiasts employ the British "stroke". Less frequently, "stroke" is also used to refer to hyphens.[9]
virgule A development of virgula ("twig"),
anglicized in British sources as the virgil.[2]

The slash may also be read out as and, or, and/or, to, or cum in some compounds separated by a slash; over or out of in fractions, division, and numbering; and per or a(n) in derived units (as km/h) and prices (as $~/kg), where the division slash stands for "each".[9][57]

See also

  • Strikethrough, including slashes through figures
  • Feynman slash notation in physics, which employs slash-like strikethroughs
  • Inequality sign
    , an equals sign with a slash-like strikethrough


  1. ^ Nevertheless, the word was already being used in official publications, such as the 1947 style guide of the US Department of Agriculture Forestry Service.[8]
  2. New Hart's Rules.[36]


  1. ^ a b c "Virgule". Oxford English Dictionary. Vol. XII (Corrected reissue ed.). Oxford University Press. 1933. p. 235.
  2. ^ .
  3. ^ a b c "oblique, adj., n., and adv.". Oxford English Dictionary (3rd ed.). Oxford University Press. 2004.
  4. ^ "diagonal, adj. and n.". Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. 1895.
  5. ^ a b Bradley, Henry (1914). "shilling, n.". In Murray, James A. H. (ed.). Oxford English Dictionary. Vol. VIII (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. p. 697. 1. An English money of account, since the Norman Conquest of the value of 12 pence or 1/20 of a pound sterling. Abbreviated s. (__ L. solidus: see SOLIDUS), formerly also sh., shil.; otherwise denoted by the sign /- after the numeral.
  6. ^ a b c "solidus". The Oxford English Dictionary. Vol. X (sole–sz). 1913. p. 401 – via Internet Archive. 2. a sloping line used to separate shillings from pence. A shilling mark.
  7. ^ Compare "Slash (n)". Webster's Third New International Dictionary. 1961. with "Slash (n)". Webster's New American dictionary : completely new and up to date. 1947.
  8. ^ Larson, E. vH (1947). Style Manual for publications. US Department of Agriculture Forestry Service. Archived from the original on 8 April 2023. Retrieved 19 March 2023.
  9. ^ a b c d e f Hartman, Jed (27 December 2011). "A Slash by Any Other Name". Neology. Archived from the original on 11 April 2023. Retrieved 15 February 2016.
  10. ^ a b c Turton, Stuart (15 October 2009). "Berners-Lee: web address slashes were 'a mistake'". PC Pro. Archived from the original on 4 November 2011. Retrieved 21 September 2011.
  11. ^ a b c d e f g h i Waddingham, Anne, ed. (2014). "Solidi and verticals". New Hart's Rules: The Oxford Style Guide (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. 4.13.
  12. ^ a b The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 2016. 6.104.
  13. .
  14. ^ "Coleção Números Polêmicos" (PDF). (in Portuguese). Archived from the original (PDF) on 14 July 2011. Retrieved 29 July 2012.
  15. ^ Fernando de Souza, Robson (27 February 2004). "A proposta do Português com Inclusão de Gênero". Consciência Efervescente (in Portuguese). Retrieved 24 July 2012.[permanent dead link]
  16. ^ Curzan, Anne (24 April 2013). "Slash: Not Just a Punctuation Mark Anymore". The Chronicle of Higher Education. "Lingua Franca" column. Archived from the original on 29 October 2013.
  17. ^ "YouTube video: "Back Like I Never Left - Jourdan River Vacation House Hive Removal"". YouTube. Archived from the original on 21 February 2020. Retrieved 27 January 2020.
  18. ^ YouTube video "Drone laying hive building up and getting new equipment" Archived 3 April 2020 at the Wayback Machine at time 9:16
  19. ^ "The Terror Duck - Gastornis at time 5:30". YouTube. Archived from the original on 6 November 2020. Retrieved 20 October 2020.
  20. ^ a b Miller, Jeff (22 December 2014). "Fractions". Earliest Uses of Various Mathematical Symbols. Archived from the original on 2 June 2023. Retrieved 15 February 2016 – via
  21. ^ .
  22. ^ Smith, D. E. (1908). Rara Arithmetica. Boston: Ginn & Co. – via Internet Archive.
  23. ISBN 9781936213016. Archived (PDF) from the original on 30 July 2015. Retrieved 30 May 2018. {{cite book}}: |work= ignored (help
  24. ^ "Number Forms" (PDF). The Unicode Standard (12.1 ed.). Unicode Consortium. 2019. Archived (PDF) from the original on 24 November 2019. Retrieved 22 November 2019.
  25. ^ De Morgan, Augustus (1845). "The Calculus of Functions". Encyclopædia Metropolitana. London: B. Fellowes et al.
  26. ^ a b Fowler, Francis George (1917). "solidus". The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. p. 829 – via Internet Archive. sǒ·lidus, n. (pl. -di). (Hist.) gold coin introduced by Roman Emperor Constantine; (only in abbr. s.) shilling(s), as 7s. 6d., £1 1s.; the shilling line (for ſ or long s) as in 7/6. [LL use of L SOLIDus]
  27. OCLC 835683007. Archived (PDF) from the original on 10 June 2014. Retrieved 10 June 2014. See also Carolingian monetary system
  28. ^ The Chicago Manual of Style (13th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 1982. p. 676.
  29. .
  30. ^ "Manuscripts and special Collections: Money". University of Nottingham. Archived from the original on 12 March 2014. Retrieved 28 November 2021.
  31. ^ Pandey, Anshuman (7 October 2007). "Proposal to Encode North Indic Number Forms in ISO/IEC 10646" (PDF). University of Michigan. p. 8. Archived (PDF) from the original on 9 May 2012.
  32. ^ The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 2016. 6.106.
  33. ^ The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 2016. 6.105.
  34. ^ The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 2016. 13.27.
  35. ^ Shakespeare. Hamlet. Act III, Scene II.
  36. ^ Waddingham, Anne, ed. (2014). "Marking Proofs". New Hart's Rules: The Oxford Style Guide (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press. 2.4.
  37. ^ "Scoring Duckpin Bowling". Archived from the original on 8 April 2023.
  38. ^ "What Does /s/ Mean in a Signature and Why is It Used?". BizCounsel. L. & F. Brown. Archived from the original on 1 April 2023. Retrieved 1 April 2023.
  39. ^ Henry R. T. Muzale, Josephat M. Rugemalira, Researching and Documenting the Languages of Tanzania (2008): "Iraqi orthography includes two letters not used in writing Kiswa-hili, q for the voiceless uvular stop, and x for the voiceless velar fricative. It also uses symbols that are not even part of the Roman alphabet, including a slash / for the pharyngeal fricative, and an apostrophe ' for the glottal stop (Mous et al. 2002)."
  40. ^ "Punctuation - FAQ Item [CMOS 6.104]". The Chicago Manual of Style Online. Archived from the original on 21 March 2016. Retrieved 11 February 2020.
  41. ^ "7.02 Spacing, 9.06". Translation Bureau, Public Works and Government Services Canada. 8 October 2009. Archived from the original on 8 November 2018. Retrieved 11 February 2020.
  42. ^ The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.). University of Chicago Press. 2016. 7.42.
  43. ^ a b Cerf, Vint (16 October 1969). "RFC20: ASCII format for Network Interchange". Internet Engineering Task Force. Archived from the original on 8 December 2022. Retrieved 8 December 2022.
  44. ^ "Character Codes – HTML Codes, Hexadecimal Codes & HTML Names". Archived from the original on 7 August 2016. Retrieved 7 August 2016.
  45. ^ a b c d e "C0 Controls and Basic Latin" (PDF). Unicode Cosortium. 2015. Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 September 2023.
  46. ^ Example of usage of "reverse backslash": Fordraiders (4 October 2014). "Regex pattern to delete a pattern i need for forward backslash and reverse backslash". Experts Exchange. Archived from the original on 16 April 2023. Retrieved 2 October 2014.
  47. ^ .
  48. ^ a b Klein, Samuel John (3 March 2006). "Typography Words of the Day: Slashes". Designorati. Archived from the original on 24 February 2016. Retrieved 16 February 2016.
  49. ^ a b "stroke, n.¹". Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. 1919.
  50. ^ a b c Howe, Denis (1996). "oblique stroke". Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing. Archived from the original on 9 June 2023. Retrieved 24 July 2012.
  51. ^ "scratch, n.¹". Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. 1911.
  52. ^ "separatrix, n.". Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. 1912.
  53. ^ "separatrix". Merriam-Webster Online. Archived from the original on 8 July 2023. Retrieved 11 February 2016.
  54. ^ "slant, n.¹". Oxford English Dictionary (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. 1911.
  55. ^ "Slash (n)". Webster's Third New International Dictionary. 1961. 5 also slash mark: DIAGONAL : 4
  56. ^ "Unicode 1.1 Composite Name List, including default properties". Unicode Consortium. 5 July 1995. Archived from the original on 16 May 2023.
  57. ^ "Slash". The Punctuation Guide. Archived from the original on 12 May 2023. Retrieved 11 February 2016.