Angels in art

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Matthaeus Merian
(1593–1650), displaying several different types of angelic creatures.
Auf zarten Saiten by Ephraim Moses Lilien, 1900
Song of the Angels (1881) by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825-1905)

Angels have appeared in works of art since early Christian art, and they have been a popular subject for Byzantine and European paintings and sculpture.

Normally given wings in art, angels are usually intended, in both Christian and Islamic art, to be beautiful, though several depictions go for more awe-inspiring or frightening attributes, notably in the depiction of the

cherubim (which have mosaic features);[1] As a matter of theology, they are spiritual beings who do not eat or excrete and are genderless. Many historical depictions of angels may appear to the modern eye to be gendered as either male or female by their dress or actions, but until the 19th century, even the most female looking will normally lack breasts, and the figures should normally be considered as genderless.[2][3] In 19th-century art, especially funerary art
, this traditional convention is sometimes abandoned. The lack of gender was to enable these winged creatures to be relatable to both genders.

Christian art

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
, Rome (432-440)

In the Early Church

Specific ideas regarding how to portray angels began to develop in the early Church. Since angels are defined as pure spirits,[4][5] the lack of a defined form has allowed artists wide latitude for creativity.[6] Daniel 8:15 describes Gabriel as appearing in the "likeness of man" and in Daniel 9:21 he is referred to as "the man Gabriel." Such anthropomorphic descriptions of an angel are consistent with previous descriptions of angels, as in Genesis 19:5.[7] They were usually depicted in the form of young men.[8]

The earliest known Christian image of an angel, in the Cubicolo dell'Annunziazione in the

Sacrifice of Isaac scene in the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

In a third-century fresco of the Hebrew children in the furnace, in the cemetery of St. Priscilla, a dove takes the place of the angel, while a fourth-century representation of the same subject, in the coemeterium maius, substitutes the Hand of God for the heavenly messenger.[10]

The earliest known representation of angels with wings is on what is called the Prince's Sarcophagus, discovered at Sarigüzel, near Istanbul, in the 1930s, and attributed to the time of Theodosius I (379-395).[11] Flying winged angels, very often in pairs flanking a central figure or subject, are derivations in visual terms from pairs of winged Victories in classical art.[8]

In this same period, Saint John Chrysostom explained the significance of angels' wings: "They manifest a nature's sublimity. That is why Gabriel is represented with wings. Not that angels have wings, but that you may know that they leave the heights and the most elevated dwelling to approach human nature. Accordingly, the wings attributed to these powers have no other meaning than to indicate the sublimity of their nature."[12]

From then on Christian art generally represented angels with wings, as in the cycle of mosaics in the

seraphim, are derived from Persian art,[citation needed] and are usually shown only in heavenly contexts, as opposed to performing tasks on Earth. They often appear in the pendentives of domes or semi-domes
of churches.

Byzantine art

Michael and Gabriel wearing the loros
of the Imperial guards.

Angels appear in Byzantine art in mosaics and icons. Artists found some of their inspiration from winged Greek figures such as "Victory". They also drew from imperial iconography. Court eunuchs could rise to positions of authority in the Empire. They performed ceremonial functions and served as trusted messengers. Amelia R. Brown points out that legislation under Justinian indicates that many of them came from the Caucasus, having light eyes, hair, and skin, as well as the "comely features and fine bodies" desired by slave traders.[14] Those "castrated in childhood developed a distinctive skeletal structure, lacked full masculine musculature, body hair and beards,...." As officials, they would wear a white tunic decorated with gold. Brown suggests that "Byzantine artists drew, consciously or not, on this iconography of the court eunuch".[14]

Daniel 10: 5–6 describes an angel as clothed in linen and girt with gold.

Eastern Orthodox icons
. Other angels came to be conventionally depicted in long robes.

Medieval art

Medieval depictions of angels borrow from the Byzantine. In the French Hours of Anne of Brittany, Gabriel wears a dalmatic.

Early Christian art white robes were almost invariably adopted, sometimes bound with the "golden girdle" of Revelation. During the mediæval period senior angels were often clad in every brilliant colour,[16] while junior ranks wore white. Early Renaissance painters such as Jan van Eyck and Fra Angelico painted angels with multi-colored wings. Depictions of angels came to combine medieval notions of beauty with feminine ideals of grace and beauty, as in da Panicale's 1435 Baptism of Christ.[4]

Renaissance art

Fra Angelico, The Annunciation, 1437–1446

The classical

Christian angelic hierarchy. They normally appear in groups and are generally given wings in religious art, and are sometimes represented as just a winged head. They generally are just in attendance, except that they may be amusing Christ or John the Baptist as infants in scenes of the Holy Family

The classic example of Renaissance art showing Erotes is the depiction of Eros and Cupid.[17] In the Greek mythology, Eros and his Roman counterpart Cupid, are winged and have arrows they use to manipulate people to fall in love.[18]

Victorian art

In the late 19th century artists' model

Pre-Raphaelite painters. With the use of her long dark hair and features made somewhat more androgynous, they created a prototype Victorian angel which would appear in paintings and stained glass windows. Roger Homan notes that Edward Burne-Jones and others used her image often and in different ways, creating a new type of angel.[19]

Islamic art

Mughal miniature, in the style of Bukhara, 16th century

Angels in Islamic art often appear in illustrated manuscripts of Muhammad's life. Other common depictions of angels in Islamic art include angels with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, angels discerning the saved from the damned on the Day of Judgement, and angels as a repeating motif in borders or textiles.[20] Islamic depictions of angels resemble winged Christian angels, although Islamic angels are typically shown with multicolored wings.[20] Angels, such as the archangel Gabriel, are typically depicted as masculine, which is consistent with God's rejection of feminine depictions of angels in several verses of Quran.[21] Nevertheless, later depictions of angels in Islamic art are more feminine and androgynous.[20]

Angels in manuscripts

The 13th century book Ajā'ib al-makhlūqāt wa gharā'ib al-mawjūdāt

(The Wonders of Creation) by Zakariya al-Qazwini describes Islamic angelology, and is often illustrated with many images of angels. The angels are typically depicted with bright, vivid colors, giving them unusual liveliness and other-worldly translucence.[22] While some angels are referred to as "Guardians of the Kingdom of God," others are associated with hell. An undated manuscript of The Wonders of Creation from the Bavarian State Library in Munich includes depictions of angels both alone and alongside humans and animals.[22] Angels are also illustrated in Timurid and Ottoman manuscripts, such as The Timurid Book of the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension (Mir‘ajnama) and the Siyer-i Nebi.[23]

Angels in heaven and hell

Zabaniya and the punishment of hypocrites (cutting of flesh) from The Timurid Book of the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension, c. 1436.
Topkapı Sarayı in Istanbul

The Qur’an makes multiple references to angels. These angels take on both active and passive roles in Quranic stories. In the story of the creation of Adam, God announces to the angels that he intends to create man. The angels act as witnesses to this announcement and subsequent creation of Adam. Although there are many versions of the story, Islamic sources relate that God used the creation of Adam as a punishment or test for the angels. Therefore, the role of angels is often described as in opposition to man.[24]

Another angel-like creature mentioned in the Qu’ran (4:97, 32:11) is the

zabāniya. A zabāniya is a black angel of hell that brings souls of sinners down to hell to punish them and can be seen in illustrations of The Timurid Book of the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension (c. 1436 A.D.). There are nineteen zabāniya, led by Mālik, an angel considered to be the master of fire or the gatekeeper of hell.[25] Mālik's and zabāniya's categorizations as angels are debated as some believe they are better described as spirits or demons. Actually, portrayal of Zabaniyya shares many traits characteristical for demons in Islamic arts.[26] As seen in The Timurid Book of the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension, Muhammad is greeted by Mālik and later witnesses the torture of sinners carried out by the zabāniya.[23]

Similar, the fallen angel Iblis is shown during his moment of refusal to prostrate himself before the newly created Adam, leading to his banishment to the bottom of hell. He is depict as black skinned monstrous creature with horns and flaming eyes, in contrast to the presentation of the noble angels. Only his wings remain as a sign of his former angelic status, however with burned edges.[27]

Angels associated with Muhammad

Jami' al-Tawarikh (The Compendium of Chronicles), c. 1307.

Although depictions of Muhammad are often forbidden, the few that exist often include images of angels. Specifically, the Archangel Gabriel is frequently shown alongside Muhammad.[28] For example, in The Timurid Book of the Prophet Muhammad’s Ascension, the Archangel Gabriel appears to Muhammad in Mecca to announce his ascension.[23] Kneeling before Muhammad, Gabriel is shown with colorful wings and a crown. Later in The Timurid Book, Muhammad is shown with Gabriel meeting a group of angels in heaven. In the Jami' al-tawarikh, a Persian history from the 14th century, Muhammad is depicted beside al-Buraq, whose tail is transformed into an angel, while two other angels approach.[23] A 16th-century Ottoman manuscript of Siyer-i Nebi, a Turkish epic about the life of Muhammad, also includes many depictions of Muhammad alongside angels.[28]

Gallery of angels in Christian art

Gallery of angels in Islamic art

  • A page from 'The Wonders of Creation and the Oddities of Existence' - Egypt/Syria c.1375-1425 AD
    A page from 'The Wonders of Creation and the Oddities of Existence' - Egypt/Syria c.1375-1425 AD
  • Persian Miraj image from 1539 to 1543, reflecting Muhammad surrounded by angels.
    Persian Miraj image from 1539 to 1543, reflecting Muhammad surrounded by angels.
  • Kneeling angel, Bukhara School (circa 1555–1560)
    Kneeling angel, Bukhara School (circa 1555–1560)
  • The high angel Metatron rendered by the 14th century artist Nasir al-Din Rammal.
    The high angel Metatron rendered by the 14th century artist Nasir al-Din Rammal.
  • Angels witnessing the creation of Adam, Persian miniature (c. 1560).
    Angels witnessing the creation of Adam, Persian miniature (c. 1560).
  • Image of an angel with animals from The Wonders of Creation, c. 1650–1700. (held in the Bavarian State Library)
    Image of an angel with animals from
    The Wonders of Creation, c. 1650–1700. (held in the Bavarian State Library
  • Carpet fragment depicting angels, Safavid dynasty, early 16th century.
    Carpet fragment depicting angels, Safavid dynasty, early 16th century.
  • Fragment of sculpture from Konya city walls, c. 1220–1221.
    Fragment of sculpture from Konya city walls, c. 1220–1221.
  • Muhammad advancing on Mecca, with the angels Gabriel, Michael, Israfil and Azrail. (Siyer-i Nebi, 16th century)
    Muhammad advancing on Mecca, with the angels
    Azrail. (Siyer-i Nebi
    , 16th century)
  • Muhammad at the Battle of Badr. (Siyer-i Nebi, 16th century)
    Muhammad at the Battle of Badr. (Siyer-i Nebi, 16th century)

See also


  1. .
  2. . Because angels are purely spiritual creatures without bodies, there is no sexual difference between them. There are no male or female angels; they are not distinguished by gender.
  3. ^ "Can Angels Be Male or Female?". Catholic Answers.
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^ ""Angels Exist But Have No Wings, Says Church", Skye News, 20 December 2013".
  7. ^ Everson, David. "Gabriel Blow Your Horn! - A Short History of Gabriel within Jewish Literature", Xavier University, December 2009 Archived 28 April 2014 at the Wayback Machine
  8. ^
  9. ^ Proverbio(2007), pp. 81-89; cf. review in La Civiltà Cattolica, 3795-3796 (2–16 August 2008), pp. 327–328.
  10. ^ "Hassett, Maurice. "Early Christian Representations of Angels." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 1. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1907. 25 Dec. 2013".
  11. ^ Proverbio(2007) p. 66
  12. ^ Proverbio(2007) p. 34
  13. ^ Proverbio (2007), pp. 90–95; cf. review in La Civiltà Cattolica, 3795-3796 (2–16 August 2008), pp. 327–328.
  14. ^ a b "Brown, Amelia R., "Painting the Bodiless: Angels and Eunuchs in Byzantine Art and Culture", University of Queensland (2007)". Archived from the original on 12 November 2017. Retrieved 2 November 2017.
  15. ^ Andre, J. Lewis. "The Icons and Emblems of the Holy Angels", The Belfry: Quarterly Papers on Art, History and Archaeology, No. III, Burns & Oates, London, October 1876,
  16. ^ "Vinycomb, John. Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art, p.30, Chapman and Hall, London(1909)".
  17. ^ themes, wiseowl (18 September 2019). "Eros' Iconography in Classical Times: Amor Vincit Omnia". St James Ancient Art. Retrieved 16 April 2024.
  18. ^ "Eros: More Than Just Cupid – My Class: Gods and Heroes of Classical Mythology – HSA020C132H 2017-18". Retrieved 16 April 2024.
  19. ^ "Homan, Roger. "Jane Burden: How a Pre-Raphaelite model changed our image of angels", The Social Affairs Unit, 14 October 2005".
  20. ^ a b c Blair, Sheila (1991). Images of Paradise in Islamic Art. Dartmouth College: Hood Museum of Art. p. 36.
  21. ^ Ali, Mualana Muhammad. The Holy Qur'an. pp. 149–150.
  22. ^ a b "The Wonders of Creation". 1750. Retrieved 9 March 2019.
  23. ^ a b c d Gruber, Christiane J. (2008). The Timurid "Book of Ascension" (Micrajnama): A Study of the Text and Image in a Pan-Asian Context. Patrimonia. p. 254
  24. – via JSTOR.
  25. – via JSTOR.
  26. page 62
  27. ^ Mittman, Asa Simon; Dendle, Peter (2017). "6". the Ashgate Research Companion to Monsters and the Monstrous. Routledge.
  28. ^
    OCLC 611668403


  • Proverbio, Cecilia (2007). La figura dell'angelo nella civiltà paleocristiana. Assisi, Italy: Editrice Tau. .