Liberal Party (Hong Kong)

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Liberal Party
4 / 124
Liberal Party
Hanyu Pinyin
Zìyóu dǎng
Yue: Cantonese
Yale RomanizationJih yàuh dóng
JyutpingZi6 jau4 dong2

The Liberal Party (LP) is a

District Councils

Founded in 1993 on the basis of the Co-operative Resources Centre, the Liberal Party was founded by a group of conservative politicians, businessmen and professionals who were either appointed by the colonial governor or indirectly elected through the trade-based functional constituencies, to counter the liberal United Democrats of Hong Kong who emerged from the first Legislative Council direct election in 1991.

Led by

Beijing authorities to oppose last governor Chris Patten's constitutional reform proposal in the final colonial years. Enjoyed by the advantage in the narrowly-franchised functional constituencies, the Liberals remained a major party and a governing ally of the SAR administration in the early post-handover era, despite its chairman Allen Lee's failed attempt in the direct election

The Liberal popularity rose to its peak in 2003 when party chairman

pro-establishment camp in the Legislative Council, it took a more ambiguous and sometimes rebellious stance against the SAR government under Tien's more moderate leadership and was called a "wall-rider" party in Hong Kong political discourse for swaying between supporting the pro-Beijing SAR administration and the voters on certain issues.[4]

The party lost both of its directly elected seats in the

for asking Leung to step down.

The Liberals lost their only directly elected seat when Tien retired in

9 June protest with Tien's faction wanting to scrap the bill and calling for Lam's resignation while the new Liberal Party leadership expressed their support for Lam.[5] Some members of Tien's moderate faction founded the Hope for Hong Kong
organisation to explore a middle ground between the pro-Beijing and pro-democracy camps. Tien's faction were later forced out from the party when the central committee decided to scrap the titles of honorary chairperson in August 2022.

Party beliefs

Formed by businessmen and tycoons from various business sectors in Hong Kong, the Liberal Party is considered

pro-democracy camp
which the party claimed would threaten a smooth transition of power and economic relations with mainland China.

The party does not advocate welfare entitlements. Many of its members are from professionals, the merchant and business sectors and see preserving the current state of economic freedom as most advantageous for Hong Kong as a whole. The party adheres to social conservatism and opposes same-sex marriage.[7] The party supported the functional constituency which represented the business interest that they should stay in the Legislative Council.

Despite being regarded as part of the pro-Beijing camp, the relations between Liberal Party and Hong Kong SAR government is not extremely friendly and the party has not shied away from criticising SAR administrations on some measures.[8] Its chairman James Tien's resignation from the Executive Council in 2003 forced the government to back down from legislation of Article 23 of the Basic Law, which ultimately accelerated the downfall of the Tung Chee-hwa administration. It has remained critical of the government of Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying who won in the 2012 chief executive election, which the Liberal Party supported Leung's rival Henry Tang and cast blank votes instead of voting for Leung. On some issues, the Liberal Party has either adopted a neutral stance or has swung between supporting the pro-Beijing camp and voters, prompting dissatisfied responses from both sides although the party has generally positioned itself as supportive of the SAR government. After Carrie Lam was elected as Chief Executive, the party was accused of growing closer to the government and further from the founding members of the party and the leadership of James Tien. During the 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests the party was divided on whether to support the 2019 Hong Kong extradition bill, with former party leader Felix Chung arguing the SAR government should not rush into passing such a legislation while Tommy Cheung supported it. Others such as Tien argued for Lam to resign as Chief Executive.[9] Due to its history of rebelling against the government, it is also seen as maverick in the pro-Beijing camp.[10]



The Liberal Party was founded on the basis of a loose political grouping

Sze Yuen Chung, the former senior unofficial member of the executive and legislative councils, suggested Lee and Poon to abandon any pretense of being above politics and form a proper political party with its belief, vision, discipline and platform.[11]

Founding and Allen Lee chairmanship (1993–1998)

First logo used from 1993 to 2004

The Liberal Party was officially launched on 6 June 1993 with Allen Lee and

PRC government
and began to align itself more to the pro-Beijing camp as a result. The Liberal Party offered an amendment to the reform package known as the "1994 Plan" which was supported by Beijing, but this was defeated in the legislative council.

The Liberal Party fielded candidates for the first time in the

Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong

In January 1996, Allen Lee,

chief executive of Hong Kong and the Provisional Legislative Council (PLC) in November. 10 members were elected to the Provisional Legislative Council and member Henry Tang was also appointed to the Provisional Executive Council by Chief Executive-elect Tung Chee-hwa
in December 1996.

In May 1998, the Liberal Party participated in the

New Territories East direct election. Lee decided not to run in 2000 and resigned as chairman in December. James Tien succeeded Lee as the new chairman and Arculli and Selina Chow were elected vice-chairmen.[15]

James Tien chairmanship and 2003 crisis (1998–2003)

In the 1999 District Council elections, the Liberal Party won 16 elected seats, with James Tien and Howard Young elected in the Peak and Bays Area. The party also had 9 appointed seats and 2 ex officio seats, including chairman of the Tuen Mun Rural Committee Lau Wong-fat as the ex officio member of the Tuen Mun District Council.[16] In the 2000 Legislative Council elections, 7 Liberal Party legislators were elected, with Tommy Cheung winning in the new Catering functional constituency. In September 2000, Miriam Lau became party's vice-chairwoman after Ronald Arcullli announced that he would not run in the next legislative council elections and resigned as vice-chairman.

The Liberal Party had been the ally of the

Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology. However the governing coalition between Tung Chee-hwa the Beijing-loyalist DAB and the pro-business Liberal Party suffered from growing disunity as the popularity of Tung administration dropped. The Liberal Party was increasingly frustrated by unequal political exchange with the government and the skimpy political rewards meted out by Tung. James Tien even openly aired his displeasure and advocated power sharing with the government.[18]

In September 2002, the SAR government issued the consultation document for the

second reading
because of short of votes in the legislative council. This exception to the party's usual pro-government policy was popular and temporarily calmed friction between pro-government and the pro-democracy forces. Some pro-Beijing leftists, however, felt that this demonstrated the opportunistic nature of the party. In September 2003, Tung Chee-hwa appointed Selina Chow to Executive Council to replace Tien's vacancy.

Liberal surge (2003–2008)

Second logo used from 2003 to 2011

In Liberal Party's visit to Beijing in September 2003, the party expressed its opinion on Article 23 and its support to the SAR government. It subsequently changed its party logo and slogan, adding the red colour to express its patriotic sentiment.

political development from "all Legislative Council members should be directly elected in 2007" to "Hong Kong should become more democratic." The founder and ex-chair of Liberal Party, Allen Lee, decided to leave the party since he believed the change was against public sentiment. The party's stance on universal suffrage then became similar to that of the DAB, namely, that universal suffrage should be implemented in or after 2012 rather than in 2007/2008. The party won 14 elected seats in the District Council elections
in November 2003.

The Liberal Party saw its greatest success in the

New Territories West, while retaining those seats in the functional constituencies
, the party increased its seats from 8 to 10, overtaking the Democratic Party for the first time since 1995 to become the second-largest political party in the legislature.

When Donald Tsang took over in November 2005, the party continued its generally pro-government stance and its warm relationship with Tsang administration. However the support for the chief executive could not be taken for granted.[20] On 13 January 2006, the Liberal Party opposed Donald Tsang's plan to implement a five-day working week for most civil servants, due to concerns that this would put too much pressure on small to medium-sized enterprises to follow suit. The change went ahead and was widely adopted in the private sector. There is no planned legislation to force private employers to commit to a five-day working week. The Liberal Party supported Donald Tsang in his 2007 chief executive re-election. In exchange, Tsang quickly appointed James Tien as the head of the Hong Kong Tourism Board after he was elected.[21]

2008 split (2008–2012)

The fate of the party hung in the balance after its poor showing in the

Vincent Fang
became vice-chairmen.

On 9 October 2008, three Legislative Councillors, Jeffrey Lam, Sophie Leung, and Andrew Leung, resigned from the party, citing internal party disagreements. Lam had been angling for the party leadership since Tien's resignation and his candidacy was endorsed by all six Legislative Councillors until Miriam Lau stepped in the leadership election. These resignations, along with the resignation of Lau Wong-fat, reduced the Liberal Party from seven Legislative Councillors to three.[24] The resigned four later formed Economic Synergy, which merged into the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong today.

The debate over the

Cafe de Coral over its plans to offer workers a pay rise if they gave up their right to a paid lunch break shocked the party ranks and was fiercely attacked by Tommy Cheung.[27] As a result, Michael Tien split from the party in November and subsequently joined Regina Ip's newly formed New People's Party and Tommy Cheung also resigned as party's vice-chairman. After Cheung's resignation, James Tien and Selina Chow officially returned to the party leadership when Tien was appointed the honorary chairman in December 2010 and Chow succeeded Cheung as the vice-chairwoman for the second time in January 2011.[28][29]

In the

Liberals under Leung government (2012–2017)

The party rebounded its seats in the legislative council from 3 to 5 in the 2012 Hong Kong Legislative Council election with James Tien regained his direct elected seat in the New Territories East geographical constituency. However, Miriam Lau, who lost in her attempt in Hong Kong Island direct election, resigned as chairwoman. Following a three-month period with Vincent Fang as acting chairman, on 15 December 2012, Selina Chow was elected chairperson, unopposed.[33][34] James Tien and Miriam Lau continued to serve as Honorary Chairpersons, while Fang and Felix Chung became vice-chairmen. It was also stated that a new party leader post would be created, along with three vice-chairmen to groom successors. A new post "party leader" was created in May 2013. James Tien was elected as the first party leader.

During the 2014 Hong Kong protests, James Tien called on Chief Executive CY Leung to resign, leading to the hearing of a call to eject him as a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).[35] Tien was formally stripped of his post at the meeting on 29 October, making him the first person in history to have received this sanction. Tien stepped down from his position as the leader of the Liberal Party after the removal.[36] Tien and Selina Chow joined Miriam Lau to become the honorary chairmen in the following leadership election on 1 December while Vincent Fang and Felix Chung became the new Leader and chairman respectively and Eastern District Councillor Peter Shiu became the party's vice-chairman. Although not holding any executive position in the party, Tien has remained the spokesman and de facto leader of the Liberal Party.

In the 2016 Legislative Council election, party honorary chairman James Tien stood as a second candidate behind his young party member Dominic Lee. Both of them failed to retain the Liberals' only seat in the geographical constituencies. Although failing in ousting BPA's Jeffrey Lam in Commercial (First), the Liberals retained other four trade-based functional constituencies with vice-chairman Peter Shiu succeeded the retiring party leader Vincent Fang's Wholesale and Retail seat. The party's New Territories West candidate Ken Chow Wing-kan announced he would withdraw from the race before the election due to an "external force" threatened him and his family.[37]

The Liberal Party elected Felix Chung and Tommy Cheung as the new leader and chairman after the election in October, with CPPCC member Alan Hoo and Eastern District Councillor Lee Chun-keung elected as vice-chairmen along with Peter Shiu. The new leadership was seen as more moderate with less vocal anti-Leung Chun-ying stance.[38] Cheung was subsequently appointed by Leung to the executive council. Although claiming he has gotten the endorsement from the party, Cheung's move was criticised by Tien.[39]

Liberals in Lam government (2017–2022)

In the

Financial Secretary John Tsang. The party honorary chairman James Tien was first of the few pro-Beijing electors to publicly endorse Tsang.[40] Honorary chairwoman Selina Chow and leader Felix Chung also endorsed Tsang, making the Liberal Party the only pro-Beijing party to nominate Tsang, although some Liberal electors such as chairman Tommy Cheung nominated Lam.[41]

The Carrie Lam administration reached out to the Liberals when she appointed two Liberal members,

2017 election. As supplementary member, Chan became the delegate after Peter Wong Man-kong
died in March 2019.

The Liberal leadership was deeply divided over the

Carrie Lam administration issued a statement it was determined to resume the debate on the bill in the legislative council. The Liberal Party quickly followed and issued its own statement in support of the government. However, former party chairman and leader James Tien had been outspoken for his opposition to the bill. On 8 July when the government finally backed down as Carrie Lam declared the bill was dead, James Tien and three other honorary chairmen of the party, Selina Chow, Miriam Lau and Vincent Fang called on Tommy Cheung who was an executive councillor at Lam's cabinet to resign as he failed to relay public opposition to the bill, but was refused by Cheung.[43] James Tien publicly called for the resignation of Carrie Lam as chief executive.[44][45]

In 2020, members of the moderate Tien faction also announced the foundation of the Hope for Hong Kong organisation after accusing the Liberal Party's leadership of growing too close to Beijing which aimed to explore a middle ground between the pro-Beijing and pro-democracy camps.[46]

Expulsion of Tien faction (2022–present)

In the

John Lee during his campaign as the Chief Executive and after his election victory.[49]
Cheung stayed as a member of the Executive Council.

On 10 August 2022, three honorary chairpersons, James Tien, Miriam Lau, and Selina Chow, who supported non-establishment candidate in the last year's election, decided to resign and quit the party to protest after the Central Committee discussed removing the titles without consulting them.[50] Tien said the leadership did not follow the party's traditions, while Chow expressed disappointment as the decision was not sound. Angered by the "disrespect" from the leadership, Chow attacked Shiu, the chairman, for "dictating" party reform. The Central Committee agreed the abolition unanimously later that day, and thank their contributions in a statement.[51] The shake-up of the party leadership marked the end of the Tien era, whose moderate faction started to lose power after Carrie Lam became leader and the defeat of Chung.[52]

Election performance

Legislative Council elections

Election Number of
popular votes
% of
popular votes
Total seats +/− Position
1995 15,216Steady 1.67Steady 1 9 0
10 / 60
5Decrease 2ndSteady
1998 50,335Increase 3.40Increase 0 9 1
10 / 60
Steady 3rdSteady
2000 24,858Decrease 1.88Decrease 0 8 0
8 / 60
2Decrease 3rdSteady
2004 118,997Increase 6.67Increase 2 8
10 / 60
2Increase 2ndIncrease
2008 65,622Decrease 4.33Decrease 0 7
7 / 60
3Decrease 3rdDecrease
2012 48,702Decrease 2.64Decrease 1 4
5 / 70
2Decrease 5thIncrease
2016 21,500Decrease 0.99Decrease 0 4
4 / 70
1Decrease 6thDecrease
2021 0 3 1
4 / 90
Steady 5thIncrease

Municipal elections

Election Number of
popular votes
% of
popular votes


elected seats
1995 7,188Steady 1.29Steady
1 / 32
0 / 27
1 / 59

District Council elections

Election Number of
popular votes
% of
popular votes






Ex off.


elected seats
1994 50,755Steady 7.39Steady 18 1
18 / 346
1999 27,718Decrease 3.42Decrease 15 9 2
15 / 390
2003 29,108Increase 2.77Decrease 12 8 2
14 / 400
2007 50,026Increase 4.39Increase 14 13 2
14 / 405
2011 23,408Decrease 1.98Decrease 9 4 0
9 / 412
2015 25,157Increase 1.74Decrease 9 1
9 / 431
2019 27,684Increase 0.94Decrease 5 0
5 / 452
2023 19,574Decrease 1.67Increase 3 2 3 0
8 / 470



No. Leader
Portrait Constituency Took office Left office Duration
1 James Tien
(born 1947)
New Territories East
21 May 2013 29 October 2014 1 year and 162 days
2 Vincent Fang
(born 1943)
Wholesale and Retail 1 December 2014 7 October 2016 1 year and 312 days
3 Felix Chung
(born 1963)
Textiles and Garment
(until 2021)
7 October 2016 10 May 2022 5 years and 216 days
4 Tommy Cheung
(born 1949)
Catering 10 May 2022 Incumbent 2 years and 54 days


No. Leader
Portrait Constituency Took office Left office Duration
1 Allen Lee
(born 1940)
New Territories North-east

26 June 1993 5 December 1998 5 years and 163 days
James Tien

(born 1947)
New Territories East

5 December 1998 8 September 2008[n 1] 9 years and 279 days
3 Miriam Lau
(born 1947)
Transport 8 September 2008[n 1] 9 September 2012 4 years and 2 days
Vincent Fang

(born 1943)
Wholesale and Retail 9 September 2012 15 December 2012 98 days
4 Selina Chow
(born 1945)
None 15 December 2012 1 December 2014 1 year and 352 days
5 Felix Chung
(born 1963)
Textiles and Garment 1 December 2014 7 October 2016 1 year and 312 days
6 Tommy Cheung
(born 1949)
Catering 7 October 2016 10 May 2022 5 years and 216 days
7 Peter Shiu
(born 1970)
Wholesale and Retail 10 May 2022 Incumbent 2 years and 54 days
  1. ^ a b Resigned, Miriam Lau served as acting chair between 8 September and 24 October 2008.

Honorary chairpersons

The title of honorary chairperson was abolished on 10 August 2022.



Executive Council

Legislative Council

Constituency Member
Transport Frankie Yick
Wholesale and Retail
Shiu Ka-fai
Catering Tommy Cheung
Election Committee Lee Chun-keung

District Councils

The Liberal Party has won eight seats in five district councils (2024–2027):

District Constituency Member
Central & Western Central Karl Fung Kar-leung
Appointed Jeremy Young Chit-on
Wan Chai District Committees Wind Lam Wai-man
Appointed Chow Kam-wai
Eastern Tai Pak Kenny Yuen Kin-chung
District Committees Tsang Cheuk-yi
Southern Southern District Southeast Jonathan Leung Chun
Sai Kung Appointed Lam Chun-ka

See also


  1. ^ "定位中間偏右 圖擺脫大財團影子 自由黨開班惡補政治". Apple Daily. 31 December 2008.
  2. ^ 黃以謙 (2015). 進擊の區議員: 我要真, 真普選 (in Chinese). Xianggang cai jing yi dong chu ban. ... 中間偏右路線之外,亦令自由黨失去社會泛階層的支持。
  3. ^ Horlemann, Ralf (2013). Hong Kong's Transition to Chinese Rule: The Limits of Autonomy. Routledge. p. 48.
  4. ^ "自由黨屢分裂‎ 23條倒戈最經典‎ 田北俊近年成黨內「小眾」終退黨". HK01. 10 August 2022.
  5. ^ "自由黨屢分裂‎ 23條倒戈最經典‎ 田北俊近年成黨內「小眾」終退黨". HK01. 10 August 2022.
  6. ^ JPRS Report: China, Issues 21–30. Foreign Broadcast Information Service. 1993. p. 41.
  7. ^ "Turnout doubles for gay pride march". South China Morning Post. 10 November 2013.
  8. ^ "Hong Kong pro-establishment camp divided by extradition bill fallout as Liberal Party's James Tien calls on three Executive Council members to resign". South China Morning Post. 9 July 2019.
  9. ^ "The Liberal Party repeatedly broke out internal strife and storms over the amendment bill, prompting Zhang Yuren to bid farewell. Tian Beijun was dismissed from the CPPCC 原文網址:自由黨屢爆內訌 修例風波促張宇人辭行會 田北俊政協被搣柴". on.cc東網. Retrieved 9 April 2024.
  10. ^ "Who are the 11 new Hongkongers elected to China's legislature – and what impact will they have on policy making?". South China Morning Post. 19 December 2017.
  11. ^ a b c Chung, Sze Yuen, ed. (2001). Hong Kong's Journey to Reunification: Memoirs of Sze-yuen Chung. Chinese University Press. p. 191.
  12. ^ Ku, Agnes S. M. (1999). Narratives, Politics, and the Public Sphere: Struggles Over Political Reform in the Final Transitional Years in Hong Kong (1992–1994). Ashgate Publishing Company. p. 106.
  13. ^ 九七過渡: 香港的挑戰. Chinese University Press. 1997. p. 63.
  14. ^ "1994年 大事紀要". Liberal Party. Archived from the original on 2 November 2004.
  15. ^ "1998年 大事紀要". Liberal Party. Archived from the original on 2 November 2004.
  16. ^ "1999年 大事紀要". Liberal Party. Archived from the original on 2 November 2004.
  17. ^ Lo, Sonny Shiu-hing (2008). The Dynamics of Beijing-Hong Kong Relations: A Model for Taiwan?. Hong Kong University Press. p. 223.
  18. ^ Liu, Zhaojia; Lau, Siu-kai (2002). The First Tung Chee-hwa Administration: The First Five Years of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Chinese University Press. p. 29.
  19. ^ "2003年 大事紀要". Liberal Party. Archived from the original on 2 November 2004.
  20. ^ Cheng, Joseph Yü-shuo; Zheng, Yushuo, eds. (2013). Has He Got the Job Done?: An Evaluation of Donald Tsang's Administration. City University of HK Press. p. 73.
  21. ^ Kwong, Bruce Kam (2009). Patron-Client Politics and Elections in Hong Kong. Routledge. p. 76.
  22. ^ a b Gary Cheung, Ambrose Leung & Fanny Fung, "Liberals doomed, says founding chief", 11 September 2008, Page A1, South China Morning Post
  23. ^ Ambrose Leung & Fanny Fung, "Heung Yee Kuk chairman quits Liberal Party", 12 September 2008, Page A2, South China Morning Post
  24. ^ Bonnie Chen, "Chaos as Liberal trio revolts Archived 22 May 2011 at the Wayback Machine", 9 October 2008 The Standard
  25. ^ Cagape, Elmer W. (25 March 2010). "Lawmaker apologizes for HK$20 hourly wage plan". Asian Correspondent.
  26. ^ "Tommy Cheung is liability". Ming Pao. 25 March 2010. Archived from the original on 28 January 2014.
  27. ^ Leung, Ambrose (20 November 2010). "Michael Tien splits from Liberals, citing principles". South China Morning Post.
  28. ^ Leung, Ambrose; Fun, Fanny W. Y. (17 December 2010). "James Tien and Chow leading Liberals again". South China Morning Post.
  29. ^ "自由黨正、副主席的選舉結果公佈 (2011年1月6日)". Liberal Party. 6 January 2011.
  30. ^ Siu, Phila (22 March 2012). "Tang or Blank". The Standard. Archived from the original on 19 December 2013. Retrieved 19 December 2013.
  31. ^ "CY the worst chief executive yet, storms Tien". The Standard. 26 August 2013. Archived from the original on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 28 January 2014.
  32. ^ "Liberals press for TV license answers". The Standard. 28 October 2013. Archived from the original on 3 February 2014. Retrieved 28 January 2014.
  33. ^ Liberal Party picks acting chairman, SCMP, City Digest, 18 September 2012
  34. ^ Chow new chairperson of Liberal Party, RTHK News, 15 December 2012, Accessed 15 December 2012
  35. ^ James Tien faces CPPCC expulsion Archived 28 October 2014 at the Wayback Machine, RTHK, 28 October 2014
  36. ^ "Politician Who Called for Hong Kong Leader's Resignation Is Formally Penalized". New York Times. 29 October 2014. Retrieved 31 October 2014.
  37. ^ Lam, Jeffie; Ng, Joyce (26 August 2016). "Election bombshell: threats and attempted bribery alleged as Hong Kong's New Territories West LegCo candidate drops out of poll race". South China Morning Post.
  38. ^ "是否繼續「ABC」反梁 自由黨鬧分歧". HK01. 7 October 2016.
  39. ^ "Hong Kong leader appoints two new cabinet members just four months from leadership race". South China Morning Post. 25 November 2016.
  40. ^ "【特首選戰】薯片叔參選第一票! 義氣田大少撐可促和諧". Apple Daily. 19 January 2017.
  41. ^ "【特首選戰】鬍鬚曾160張提名曝光有咩建制派撐?爾冬陞田大少周梁上榜". Apple Daily. 25 February 2017.
  42. ^ "狼英離任與政府破冰 自由黨兩人入政府". 蘋果日報. 1 August 2017.
  43. ^ "Hong Kong pro-establishment camp divided by extradition bill fallout as Liberal Party's James Tien calls on three Executive Council members to resign". South China Morning Post. 9 July 2019.
  44. user-generated source
  45. ^ Tien: CE should quit to end crisis RTHK, 31 August 2019]
  46. ^ "田北俊組「希望聯盟」冀重返中間路線 主力直選料不會對撼自由黨". 香港01. 17 June 2020.
  47. ^ "立法會選舉|鍾國斌平常心面對落敗 笑說「咪當我無中央支持囉」". Ming Pao (in Traditional Chinese). 20 December 2021. Retrieved 10 August 2022.
  48. ^ "自由黨換屆邵家輝任主席:近年商界聲音比勞工界掩蓋望能平衡". Inmedia. 11 May 2022.
  49. ^ 頭條日報 (8 May 2022). "李家超當選|自由黨盼新政府與立法會議員保持良性互動". 頭條日報 Headline Daily (in Chinese). Retrieved 10 August 2022.
  50. ^ "田北俊等三自由黨元老宣布退黨". 信報網站 Retrieved 10 August 2022.
  51. ^ "批獨斷撤銜 3榮譽主席退自由黨 田北俊周梁劉健儀稱冒犯失望 黨:經多次討論". Ming Pao. 11 August 2022.
  52. ^ "自由黨屢分裂‎ 23條倒戈最經典‎ 田北俊近年成黨內「小眾」終退黨". HK01. 11 August 2022.

External links

  • Liberal Party official site (Click 'English' in the top right-hand corner for the English version)