List of endangered species in Pakistan
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Wildlife of Pakistan |
Following is the list of endangered species in Pakistan.[1]
Endemic to Pakistan
Common name | Scientific name | Image | Description | Notes |
Mountain weasel | Mustela altaica
Mountain sheep | Ovis ammon
Asian black bear | Ursus thibetanus
Balochistan forest dormouse | Dryomys niethammeri
Endemic. The species is only found in juniper forests near Ziarat in Baluchistan. The major threats to this animal are deforestation and degradation of its habitat. | [2] | |
Black finless porpoise | Neophocaena phocaenoides
The finless porpoise is often caught in fishing nets across the coasts of Pakistan. Other threats to the species include habitat loss, boat traffic, and pollution. | [3] | |
Burrowing vole | Hyperacrius fertilis
The species is endemic to Kashmir and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regions. Depletion of habitat due to livestock grazing and human activities are the major threats to this species. | [4] | |
Kashmir vole | Alticola montosa
The Kashmir vole is found in a few places in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Kashmir. Habitat loss due to human activities is the main threat to this species. | [5] | |
European otter | Lutra lutra
The species is found in the Himalayan river systems of Pakistan where it is listed as an endangered species. | [6] | |
Marbled polecat | Vormela peregusna
The species is mostly found in desert areas and is facing major threat in the form of habitat destruction. | [7] | |
Fishing cat | Prionailurus viverrinus
Himalayan goral | Naemorhedus goral
Himalayan musk deer | Moschus leucogaster
Indian pangolin | Manis crassicaudata
Chinese white dolphin | Sousa chinensis
Indus river dolphin | Platanista minor
Endemic | ||
Kashmir muskdeer | Moschus cupreus
Hairy-footed gerbil | Gerbillus gleadowi
Markhor | Capra falconeri
Pallas's cat | Otocolobus manul
Red deer | Cervus elaphus
Sand cat | Felis margarita
Endemic. The subspecies Felis margarita scheffeli is endemic to Pakistan.
Smooth-coated otter | Lutrogale perspicillata
Wild goat | Capra aegagrus
The subspecies Capra aegagrus chialtanensis are endemic to Pakistan.
Brown bear | Ursus arctos isabellinus | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Honey badger | Melivora capensis | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Striped hyena | Hyaena hyaena | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Caracal | Caracal caracal | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Leopard | Panthera pardus | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Snow leopard | Panthera uncia | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Indian wild ass | Equus hemionus khur | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Goitered gazelle | Gazella subgutturosa | National status: critically endangered | [8] | |
Himalayan marmot | Marmota himalayana | National status: critically endangered | [8] |
- Testudo horsfieldii
- Aythya baeri
- Sterna acuticauda
- Threskiornis melanocephalus
- Limosa limosa
- Chaetornis striata
- Catreus wallichii
- Aegypius monachus
- Pelecanus crispus
- Neophron percnopterus
- Numenius arquata
- Falco peregrinus peregrinus
- Coracias garrulus
- Aythya nyroca
- Ardeotis nigriceps
- Clanga clanga
- Chlamydotis undulata
- Rynchops albicollis
- Clanga hastata
- Gyps indicus
- Ficedula subrubra
- Falco jugger
- Phoeniconaias minor
- Falco naumanni
- Anser erythropus
- Tetrax tetrax
- Locustella major
- Marmaronetta angustirostris
- Anhinga melanogaster
- Mycteria leucocephala
- Columba eversmanni
- Haliaeetus leucoryphus
- Circus macrourus
- Prinia burnesii
- Falco cherrug
- Grus antigone
- Grus leucogeranus
- Vanellus gregarius
- Phylloscopus tytleri
- Tragopan melanocephalus
- Oxyura leucocephala
- Gyps bengalensis
- Indicator xanthonotus
- Aetomylaeus nichofii
- Thunnus obesus
Marine animals
- Birdsnest coral: Seriatopora caliendrum
- Blue coral: Heliopora coerulea
- Closed brain coral: Leptoria phrygia
- Crisp pillow coral: Anomastraea irregularis
- Erythrastrea flabellata
- Pseudosiderastrea tayami
- Fungia curvata
- Goniastrea peresi, Goniopora stokesi, Goniopora lobata, Goniopora columna
- Hydnophora microconos, Hydnophora exesa
- Montastrea annuligera
- Montipora venosa, Montipora stilosa, Montipora foliosa
- Favites flexuosa, Favites flexuosa, Favites chinensis, Favites micropentagona, Favites halicora
- Galaxea astreata
- Tubipora musica
- Parasimplastrea sheppardi
- Pavona venosa, Pavona diffluens, Pavona decussata, Pavona cactus
- Physogyra lichtensteini
- Platygyra: Platygyra lamellina
- Porites: Porites harrisoni, Porites echinulata
- Psammocora contigua
- Acanthastrea hillae
- Turbinaria: Turbinaria reniformis, Turbinaria peltata
See also
- ^ "Endangered species found in Pakistan". Earth's Endangered Creatures. Retrieved 24 February 2013.
- . Retrieved 13 November 2021.
- . Retrieved 13 November 2021.
- help)
- help)
- . Retrieved 13 November 2021.
- . Retrieved 13 November 2021.
- ^ a b c d e f g h i "Status and Red List of Pakistan's Mammals" (PDF). August 2003.
External links
- Pakistan Environmental Journalists visual database of endangered species in Pakistan (archived at the Internet Archive).