Parapharyngeal space

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Parapharyngeal space
Lateral head anatomy detail
Muscles of the pharynx and cheek.
LatinSpatium lateropharyngeum,
spatium pharyngeum laterale,
spatium parapharyngeum
Anatomical terminology

The parapharyngeal space (also termed the lateral pharyngeal space), is a

otolaryngology due to parapharyngeal space tumours and parapharyngeal abscess developing in this area. It is also a key anatomic landmark for localizing disease processes in the surrounding spaces of the neck; the direction of its displacement indirectly reflects the site of origin for masses or infection in adjacent areas, and consequently their appropriate differential diagnosis.[1]

Anatomical boundaries

The parapharyngeal space is shaped like an inverted pyramid. Lateral and inferior to the parapharyngeal space is the

CT and MRI usually is needed if surgical intervention is planned.[2]

(through which the internal carotid artery passes superiorly across).

The medial aspect is made up of the

digastric muscle. These anatomical boundaries make it continuous with the retropharyngeal space. It also communicates with other cervical and cranial fascial spaces, as well as the mediastinum


The parapharyngeal space is divided into 2 parts by the fascial condensation called the aponeurosis of Zuckerkandl and Testut (stylopharyngeal fascia - see diagram),

tensor veli palatini. These two compartments are named the pre-styloid and post-styloid (retrostyloid)[4] compartments or spaces. However, some classification schemes call the pre-styloid compartment the parapharyngeal space and the post-styloid compartment the carotid space,[5]
which can be a source of confusion.


It includes the maxillary artery and ascending pharyngeal artery.[6]

  1. Glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)
  2. Vagus nerve (X) together with
  3. Internal carotid artery
  4. Internal jugular vein in the carotid sheath
  5. Accessory nerve (XI)
  6. Hypoglossal (XII)
  7. Sympathetic trunk and superior cervical ganglion of the trunk
  8. Ascending pharyngeal artery
  9. Deep cervical lymph nodes

Clinical significance

First bite syndrome is a rare complication of a surgery involving the parapharyngeal space, especially removal of the deep lobe of the parotid gland. It is characterized by facial pain after the first bite of each meal, and is thought to be caused by autonomic dysfunction of salivary myoepithelial cells.

