Romanians in Turkey

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Romanians in Turkey
Total population
14.000 (Istanbul-only)
Related ethnic groups
Bulgarians in Turkey, Serbs in Turkey

Romanians in Turkey includes Turkish citizens of Romanian origin (including Turkish-Romanian origin), as well as Romanian citizens resident in Turkey.

Romanians are generally concentrated in the major cities in Turkey, especially Istanbul, where 14,000[1] Romanians reside and where there is also a Romanian Orthodox Church.[2][3]


Romanians have migrated to the modern-day territory of Turkey since the Ottoman times, whene they were taken as

Wallachian ruler Constantin Brâncoveanu, which even today is an important center of the local Romanian community.[4]



During the

Romanian revolution, a significant number of Romanian entrepreneurs started investing and establishing business ventures in Turkey, and a certain proportion chose to take up residence there (especially in Istanbul). There are also Romanian migrant workers, as well as students and artists living in Turkey.[5][6]
During this period, many Romanians intermarried and assimilated with locals, bringing a rapid increase in mixed marriages.

Notable people


  1. ^ a b "Pentru ce facem moschee la Bucuresti: In cautarea romanilor ortodocsi din Turcia".
  2. ^ "A fost prelungit acordul de folosință a bisericii românilor din Istanbul, ctitorie brâncovenească" (in Romanian). Retrieved 2023-08-21.
  3. ^ "Preşedintele României a vizitat biserica românească din Istanbul" (in Romanian). Retrieved 2023-08-21.
  4. ^ "Comunitatea românească | CONSULATUL GENERAL AL ROMÂNIEI în Istanbul".
  5. ^ "Românii din Turcia, îngrijoraţi: „Noi plecăm de aici. Am mai trăit vremuri de dictatură"".
  6. ^ "Artiști români de succes în Republica Turcia | TRT Romanian".
  7. ^ "Povestea unui român de succes în Turcia: Bujor Hoinic – compozitor, dirijor, pianist şi profesor" (in Romanian). Archived from the original on 2019-04-23. Retrieved 2023-08-21.