Whitewater river (river type)

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The Meeting of Waters where the pale brownish (whitewater) Amazon River mixes with the dark (blackwater) Rio Negro

A whitewater river is classified based on its chemistry,

ecological importance and are important to local fisheries. The major seasonal Amazonian floodplains known as várzea receive their water from them.[2][3]

The best-known whitewater rivers are Amazonian and have their source in the Andes, but there are also whitewater rivers elsewhere in South America and in other continents.[1][4][5][6]

Amazonian rivers fall into three main categories: whitewater, blackwater and clearwater. This classification system was first proposed by Alfred Russel Wallace in 1853 based on water colour, but the types were more clearly defined according to chemistry and physics by Harald Sioli [de] from the 1950s to the 1980s.[7][8][9] Although many Amazonian rivers fall clearly into one of these categories, others show a mix of characteristics and may vary depending on season and flood levels.[8][10]


In South America

Map of the Amazon basin. Rivers that originate in the Andes (far west and southwest in basin) are typically whitewater.

The best-known whitewater rivers are Amazonian and have their source in the Andes. The main whitewater rivers are SolimõesAmazon, Caquetá–Japurá, Putumayo, Marañón, Ucayali, Javary, Juruá, Acre, Purus, Madre de Dios, and Madeira.[8] Although the Branco River traditionally is considered whitewater,[11][12] it has a number of characteristics (some of them varying with season) that do not fit clearly into the classification and some refer to it as clearwater.[13]

Outside the Amazon, a small number of South American rivers are considered whitewater, most notably certain tributaries of the Orinoco such as the Guaviare, Meta and Apure Rivers, and of the ParanáParaguay such as the Bermejo and Salado Rivers, which have their source in the Andes.[4][5][14][15][16]

In other continents

Outside South America, this system of classification is not widely used, but there are several rivers with mainly whitewater characteristics. In Africa, these include the

Mungo, Sanaga, and Wouri rivers.[18] In Asia, examples are the Mekong mainstream (especially in the rainy season),[19] and several upland streams in large river basins in the southern and southeastern part of the continent.[6] In Europe, sections of the Danube have whitewater characteristics.[20]

Chemistry and sediments

The Madeira showing the typical pale muddy colour of a whitewater river as it flows past Porto Velho, Brazil

In South America, most whitewater rivers originate in the Andes where they collect high levels of nutrient-rich sediments, notably

electric conductivity.[3][8] The water is turbid, with a low visibility that is usually between 20 and 60 cm (0.7–2.0 ft).[8] In the main stem of the Amazon River, about 82% of the total suspended solids and 90–95% of the suspended load of sediments originate from the Andes.[21] Along their course, whitewater rivers often become diluted due to the inflow of black- and clearwater tributaries. For example, the Rio Negro, the largest blackwater tributary, accounts for 14% of the total Amazon basin water and Tapajós, the largest clearwater tributary, accounts for 6%.[22] Consequently, although the Amazon River is whitewater throughout its course, the electric conductivity is 120–200 μS/cm in the Andes, but by the time it reaches Santarém (after the inflow of Rio Negro, Tapajós, and some smaller black- and clearwater tributaries), it has fallen to 40-70 μS/cm.[8] At high elevations in the Andes near the headwater, the pH of whitewater rivers can be above 8.[23]

In some parts of the Amazon where the rivers are not naturally whitewater, "pseudo-whitewater" exists because of soil erosion from human activities.[3]

Average physico-chemical characteristics[8]
Juruá River (typical whitewater)
Tapajós River
(typical clearwater)
Tefé River (typical blackwater)
pH 7.27 6.56 5.03
Electric conductivity
191.14 14.33 7.36
Total suspended solids (mg/L) 51.42 10.56 7.90
Ca (mg/L) 32.55 0.52 0.71
Mg (mg/L) 4.42 0.26 0.22
10.19 1.50 0.40
1.98 0.93 1.41
Total P (mg/L) 0.080 0.010 0.033
106.14 8.80 6.86
0.031 0.040 0.014
0.062 0.19 0.13
Total N (mg/L) 0.39 0.35 0.24
2.56 0.30 4.20
Colour (mg/Pt/L) 41.61 4.02 54.90
Si (mg/L) 5.78 5.25 0.33
Cl (mg/L) 4.75 0.53 0.85


The tambaqui, an important species in Amazonian fisheries, relies on whitewater to breed[10]

The difference in chemistry and visibility between the various black, white and clearwater rivers result in distinct differences in flora and fauna.[7] Although there is considerable overlap in the fauna found in the different river types, there are also many species found only in one of them.[24][25][26] Many blackwater and clearwater species are restricted to relatively small parts of the Amazon, as different blackwater and clearwater systems are separated (and therefore isolated) by large whitewater sections.[7][25] These "barriers" are considered a main force in allopatric speciation in the Amazon basin.[7]

As in South America, distinct differences between species in black- and whitewater can be seen in Asia and Africa. For example, the fish fauna in African whitewater rivers tend to be dominated by

characiforms and cichlids.[6]

The high nutrient levels in whitewater rivers allow high levels of

Bacterial abundance and production rates are roughly equal in whitewater and blackwater rivers, but both vary with water level and productions are higher during the high-water season.[28]

The major seasonal Amazonian floodplains known as

black prochilodus (Prochilodus nigricans) and Semaprochilodus spp. move into whitewater rivers to spawn, and many large catfish species (especially pimelodids such as Brachyplatystoma) perform long migrations up whitewater rivers to spawn.[10][21][33] Most of the large cities in the Amazon region, such as Iquitos, Manaus, Santarém and Belém, are located on clear- or blackwater rivers (which have fewer insects), but at the junction of whitewater rivers (which have better fishing).[30] Due to the high level of prey fish, the largest group-size of Inia river dolphins are in sections of the Amazon and Orinoco basins that are directly influenced by whitewater.[34]

Planktonic organisms collected in Amazonian rivers[35]
Animal groups present Blackwater Mixed water Whitewater
Rotifera 284 23 0
5 29 43
Ostracoda 39 97 29
Calanoida 11 51 66
Cyclopoida 22 49 61
Chironomidae 0 3 3
0 0 2
Number of planktonic organisms collected in 10 L (2.6 US gal) of waters in Amazonian rivers[35]
Blackwater Mixed water Whitewater
Animal groups present Open water Forest Open water Forest Open water Forest
Volvocaceae 42   38      
Rotifera 87 5 34      
6   5   8 1
Ostracoda 2 11 3   7  
Calanoida 23 3 10      
Cyclopoida 5 27 19 1 13 1
Mysidacea   1        
    1   1  
Larval fish     1   1  


  1. ^ .
  2. ^ .
  3. ^ .
  4. ^ .
  5. ^ a b Padisák, J.; C.S. Reynolds; U. Sommer (1993), Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis in Phytoplankton Ecology: Proceedings of the 8th Workshop of the International Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology held in Baja (Hungary), 5–15 July 1991, Springer Science & Business Media, p. 118
  6. ^ .
  7. ^ a b c d Duncan, W.P.; M.N. Fernandes (2010). "Physicochemical characterization of the white, black, and clearwater rivers of the Amazon Basin and its implications on the distribution of freshwater stingrays (Chondrichthyes, Potamotrygonidae)". PanamJAS. 5 (3): 454–464.
  8. ^ a b c d e f g Ríos-Villamizar, E.A.; M.T.F. Piedade; J.G. da Costa; J.M. Adeney; J. Junk (2013). "Chemistry of different Amazonian water types for river classification: A preliminary review".
  9. ^ .
  10. ^ .
  11. .
  12. .
  13. ^ de Souza kodra, A.; M.N. Fernandes; W.L. Paxiúba Duncan (2014). "Effect of clearwater on osmoregulation of cururu ray, Potamotrygon sp. (Chondrichthes; Potamotrogonidae), an endemic species from blackwater river". Scientia Amazonia. 3 (1): 15–24.
  14. ^ Petry, P.; J. Hales (2002). "Orinoco Llanos". Freshwater Ecoregions of the World.
  15. S2CID 189775082
  16. .
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  18. .
  19. ^ Baird, I.G.; B. Phylavanh; B. Vongsenesouk; K. Xaiyamanivong (2001). "The ecology and conservation of the smallscale croaker Bosemania microlepis (Bleeker 1858-59) in the mainstream Mekong River, Southern Laos". Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 49: 161–176.
  20. .
  21. ^ .
  22. ^ "Waters". Amazon Waters. 28 May 2014. Retrieved 30 December 2016.
  23. ^ "Whitewater Rivers". Amazon Waters. Retrieved 26 December 2016.
  24. S2CID 25361090
  25. ^ .
  26. .
  27. .
  28. .
  29. .
  30. ^ .
  31. .
  32. ^ "Floodplain or Várzea". Amazon Waters. 28 May 2014. Retrieved 30 December 2016.
  33. .
  34. .
  35. ^ a b Ribeiro, J.S.B.; A.J. Darwich (1993). "Produção primária fitoplanctônica de um lago de ilha fluvial na Amazônia Central (Lago do Rei, Ilha do Careiro) [Phytoplanktonic primary production of a fluvial island lake in the Central Amazon (Lago do Rei, Ilha do Careiro)]". Amazoniana. 12 (3–4). Kiel: 365–383.