Kidney (vertebrates)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The kidneys are a pair of

urinary bladder, cloaca, and urethra.[6]

All vertebrates have kidneys. The kidneys are the main organ that allows species to adapt to different environments, including

The main structural and functional element of the kidney is the

primitive fish.[19] The nephrons of the mesonephros, the functional organ in most anamniotes called opisthonephros,[20] are slightly more complex than those of the pronephros.[19] The main difference between the pronephros and the mesonephros is that the pronephros consists of non-integrated nephrons with external glomeruli.[7] The most complex nephrons are found in the metanephros of birds and mammals.[19][21][22] The kidneys of birds and mammals have nephrons with loop of Henle.[23]

All three types of kidneys are developed from the

rudimentary and not functional.[18] In some lungfish and bony fishes, the pronephros can remain functional in adults, including often simultaneously with the mesonephros.[7] The mesonephros is the final kidney in amphibians and most fish.[25]


embryogenesis, replacing each other and reflecting the evolution of the kidneys in vertebrates.[28]

At the very beginning of vertebrates, when they evolved from marine

marine fish received their kidneys after a previous adaptation of the kidneys to fresh water. As a result, early vertebrates developed renal glomeruli capable of filtering blood and perhaps tubules that reabsorbed ions.[29] Excretion of excess water from the body is the main characteristic of the pronephros in the case of species in which it develops into a functional excretory organ. In some species, the pronephros is functional during the embryonic stage of development, representing the first stage of kidney development, after which the mesonephros develops. The mesonephros probably appeared in the course of evolution in response to the increase in body mass of vertebrates, which also led to an increase in blood pressure.[28]

The evolution of the kidneys, along with the evolution of the lungs, allowed vertebrates called amniotes to live and reproduce in terrestrial environment.

Kidney forms
