Linguistic features of Spanish as spoken by Catalan speakers

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to a greater or lesser extent.

Many of the features of this Spanish language variety are present due to the transfer of distinctive features of the Catalan language. Many speakers whose native language is Catalan feature an accent brought about through the transfer of phonetic and phonological features from Catalan; such features are recognized by the listener as a "Catalan accent".

Some of the listed features can sometimes be found in native Spanish speakers who live in Catalan-speaking areas; however, in the case of speakers who are not bilingual, this happens almost exclusively with lexical features.

Linguistic features

How a Catalan speaker's Spanish manifests depends heavily on individual sociolinguistic variables related to age, native language, and the differing environments of language use. It is therefore not a uniform variety with little variation. Many of the features listed below are present with very different frequencies in different speakers, and some of the features could be absent in many speakers (particularly those whose main native language is Spanish, who transfer fewer typical Catalan features).

Most Spanish speakers in Catalan-speaking territories use linguistic forms that are not regionally marked; that is, their speech is similar to that of much of Spain; however, there is a tendency, especially among members of the working class, to use forms typical of southern Spanish dialects.[citation needed]


The phonetic features listed below occur much more frequently among speakers whose main language is Catalan than they do among speakers whose main language is Spanish. All of them can be considered transfer of phonetic features from Catalan to Spanish:


  • Word-final -d is often devoiced and fortified to [t]: autorida[t], verda[t], amista[t], Madri[t].
    • In Valencia, /d/ in the -ada suffix can be elided, as in Southern Peninsular Spanish: Mocadorada [mokaðoˈɾaða] [moka.oˈɾaː] 'Mocadorada'.
  • /l/ can be
  • Less presence of yeísmo than among native speakers, and thus distinction of ll (/ʎ/) and y (/ʝ/). However, this feature is in decline; even in Catalan yeísmo is starting to take hold in many comarcas: Castell [kasˈtej].[citation needed]
  • Higher frequency of /s/ voicing and the occurrence thereof between vowels.
    • In part of the Valencian Community, the suffix -eza (-esa in Valencian) is commonly reduced to ea: bellea [beˈʎe.a] or [beˈʝe.a] 'beauty'.
  • Mainly in speakers with a limited command of Spanish,
    , that is, the phoneme /θ/ is realized as [s].
  • Also for speakers with a limited command of Spanish, and very rare nowadays, the Spanish phoneme /x/ used to be realized as [k].


  • The high vowels /i, u/ are more open than in Spanish. Unstressed /i, u/ are centralized.[1]
    • In Valencian and most Balearic dialects /i, u/ are further open and centralized.[2]
  • The articulation of some rising
    following the articulatory habits of Catalan; that is, the sequence weak vowel + strong vowel is pronounced as two vowels in two separate syllables. Examples: tiene as [tiˈene] rather than [ˈtjene]; duele as [duˈeɫe] rather than [ˈdwele].
  • Articulation of the rising diphthong iu [ju] as falling [iw]. Example: ciudad as [θiwˈðat] rather than [θjuˈðað].


  • Formation of
    ] especially in eastern Spain.
  • More frequent use of the adjective nominalization suffix -eza, even with three-syllable adjectives that in Spanish most frequently use -ez. For example: esbelteza instead of esbeltez.
  • The use of ves (from Catalan vés) as the second-person singular informal () imperative of the verb ir, instead of the standard ve: Ves a casa y tráeme la chaqueta for Ve a casa y tráeme el abrigo ('Go home and bring me the coat').


The following features are common:

This also occurs in some non-Catalan-speaking areas[

which?]; it is a typical feature of native Spanish speakers who were born in areas where historically the local speech was particularly divergent from standard Spanish [further explanation needed
] (such as Zamora, Cáceres, Navarra, Murcia). It is virtually nonexistent in the core area of Burgos-Madrid-Andalusia.

  • The use of certain prepositions the Catalan way:
    Estoy aquí a Barcelona for Estoy aquí en Barcelona
  • which?
  • Extended use of hacer in periphrastic expressions: hacer un café con alguien for tomar un café con alguien ('have coffee with someone'), hacer piña for mantenerse unidos ('(to) stay united'), hacer país for ser patriota ('(to) be patriotic'), and so forth.




  • Guillermo Herández García; José Manuel Cabrales Arteaga (2006). Lengua y Literatura 2. Madrid, SGEL-Educación. .
  • Recasens Vives, Daniel (1996) [1991], Fonètica descriptiva del català: assaig de caracterització de la pronúncia del vocalisme i el consonantisme català al segle XX, Biblioteca Filològica (in Catalan), vol. 21 (2nd ed.), Barcelona. Spain: Institut d'Estudis Catalans,
  • VV.AA. (Belén Garí, Matilde Leder, Matilde Garí) (1995). Ciencias del Lenguaje; Alfa Nauta-Programa Educativo Temático. Barcelonm, Nauta C., S.A. .

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