
Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Microecosystems can exist in locations which are precisely defined by critical environmental factors within small or tiny spaces.

Such factors may include

chemical milieu, nutrient supply, presence of symbionts or solid substrates, gaseous atmosphere (aerobic or anaerobic
) etc.

Some examples

Pond microecosystems

These microecosystems with limited

bromeliad leaf bases and the "pitchers" of Nepenthes

Animal gut microecosystems

These include the

anaerobe organisms in the gut microflora/microfauna to the next host generation. Here, mutual licking and coprophagia
certainly play important roles.

Soil microecosystems

A typical soil microecosystem may be restricted to less than a millimeter in its total depth range owing to steep variation in humidity and/or atmospheric gas composition. The soil grain size and physical and chemical properties of the substrate may also play important roles. Because of the predominant solid phase in these systems they are notoriously difficult to study microscopically without simultaneously disrupting the fine spatial distribution of their components.

Terrestrial hot-spring microecosystems

These are defined by gradients of water temperature, nutrients, dissolved gases,

(0–30 °C (32–86 °F)) etc. Of course other factors than temperature also play important roles. Hot springs can provide classic and straightforward ecosystems for microecology studies as well as providing a haven for hitherto undescribed organisms.

Deep-sea microecosystems

The best known contain rare specialized organisms, found only in the immediate vicinity (sometimes within centimeters) of underwater

volcanic vents
(or "smokers"). These ecosystems require extremely advanced diving and collection techniques for their scientific exploration.

Closed microecosystem

One that is sealed and completely independent of outside factors, except for temperature and light. A good example would be a plant contained in a sealed jar and submerged under water. No new factors would be able to enter this ecosystem.


  1. PMID 14946656.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link