Pure Film Movement

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The Pure Film Movement (純映画劇運動, Jun'eigageki undō) was a trend in film criticism and filmmaking in 1910s and early 1920s Japan that advocated what were considered more modern and cinematic modes of filmmaking.

Critics in such magazines as

Taikatsu around 1920. By the mid-1920s, Japanese cinema exhibited more of the cinematic techniques
pure film advocates called for, and onnagata were replaced by actresses. The movement profoundly influenced the way films would be made and thought about for decades to come, but it was not a complete success: benshi would remain an integral part of the Japanese film experience into the 1930s.


  1. ^ See Lamarre and Bernardi.
  2. ^ Richie, p. 8.


  • Bernardi, Joanne (2001). Writing in Light: The Silent Scenario and the Japanese Pure Film Movement. Wayne State University Press. .
  • Gerow, Aaron (2010). Visions of Japanese Modernity: Articulations of Cinema, Nation, and Spectatorship, 1895–1925. .
  • Lamarre, Thomas (2005). Shadows on the Screen: Tanizaki Junʾichirō on Cinema and "Oriental" Aesthetics. Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan. .
  • Richie, Donald (1971). Japanese Cinema: Film Style and National Character. Doubleday. Available online at the Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan