Wikipedia:WikiProject Terrorism/cleanup

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

As of December 25, 2008 - our project suffered from a total of 281 articles which were listed as containing unsourced statements. Since terrorism is such a serious matter, we've made a serious effort to visit each of these articles and subsequently find verification for the disputed facts - or removed them.

The list of articles which remain to be fixed, is below. Please help us reduce the inaccuracies in our reporting on terrorism-related subjects. Who knows, you just may earn yourself a barnstar!

  1. 11 March 2004 Madrid train bombings
  2. 13 September 2008 Delhi bombings
  3. 1992 Israeli Embassy attack in Buenos Aires
  4. 1998 United States embassy bombings
  5. 2002 Karachi bus bombing
  6. 2003 invasion of Iraq
  7. 2005 Bali bombings
  8. 2006 transatlantic aircraft plot
  9. 2007 London car bombs
  10. 2007 South Korean hostage crisis in Afghanistan
  11. 2008 Zagreb bombing
  12. 27 September 2008 Delhi blast
  13. 2 March 2004 Iraq Ashura bombings
  14. 7 July 2005 London bombings
  15. Aafia Siddiqui
  16. Abdul Majeed al-Zindani
  17. Abdul Majid (black nationalist)
  18. Abdul Rahman Yasin
  19. Abdul Rashid Dostum
  20. Abdul Rasul Sayyaf
  21. Abortion-related violence
  22. Abu Ayyub al-Masri
  23. Abu Laith al-Libi
  24. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi
  25. Abu Nidal
  26. Abu Qatada
  27. Abu Sayyaf
  28. Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah
  29. Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh
  30. Ahmed Ressam
  31. Ahmed Yassin
  32. Ahmed al-Nami
  33. Air India Flight 182
  34. Air India Flight 301
  35. Ajmal Amir
  36. Akromiya
  37. Al-Haramain Foundation
  38. Al-Qaeda
  39. Alas Chiricanas Flight 00901
  40. Allegations of Iranian state terrorism
  41. Allegations of state terrorism by the United States
  42. Andreas Baader
  43. Angela Atwood
  44. Anti-State Justice
  45. Anti-terrorism legislation
  46. Anuak Militants
  47. Ariana Afghan Airlines
  48. Army of God (USA)
  49. Aryan Nations
  50. Astrid Proll
  51. Aum Shinrikyo
  52. Australian anti-terrorism legislation, 2004
  53. Ayman al-Zawahiri
  54. Babbar Khalsa
  55. Batasuna
  56. Battle of Baqubah
  57. Buffalo Six
  58. Camilla Hall
  59. Camp Ashraf
  60. Canal Hotel bombing
  61. Children and minors in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict
  62. Christian terrorism
  63. Civil war in Iraq
  64. Counter-terrorism
  65. Criticism of Osama bin Laden
  66. Criticism of the War on Terrorism
  67. Croatian Revolutionary Brotherhood
  68. David Hicks
  69. Dawson's Field hijackings
  70. Definition of terrorism
  71. Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  72. Dirty War
  73. Diyala campaign
  74. Dolphinarium discotheque suicide bombing
  75. Douglas Wood (engineer)
  76. Downing Street memo
  77. ETA
  78. Early Norwegian black metal scene
  79. Edwin P. Wilson
  80. EgyptAir Flight 648
  81. Egyptian Islamic Jihad
  82. El Sayyid Nosair
  83. Emily Harris (SLA)
  84. Extradition of Ahmed Agiza and Muhammad al-Zery
  85. FBI Most Wanted Terrorists
  86. Faker Boussora
  87. Fallujah
  88. Fallujah during the Iraq War
  89. False flag
  90. Fatah Hawks
  91. Fatah al-Islam
  92. Fawaz al-Rabeiee
  93. Feroz Abbasi
  94. Francisco Javier López Peña
  95. Free Aceh Movement
  96. Front de libération du Québec
  97. Gouled Hassan Dourad
  98. Guantanamo Bay detention camp
  99. Gudrun Ensslin
  100. Gush Emunim Underground
  101. Hafiz Muhammad Saeed
  102. Hamas
  103. Hamid Karzai
  104. Hani Hanjour
  105. Haruo Wakō
  106. Hasib Hussain
  107. Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr
  108. Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin
  109. Hezbi Islami
  110. Hezbollah
  111. Hezbollah military activities
  112. Hijackers in the September 11 attacks
  113. History of Iraq
  114. History of terrorism
  115. Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development
  116. Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi
  117. Idi Amin
  118. Indian Airlines Flight 814
  119. Indian Mujahideen
  120. Insurgency
  121. Insurgency in the Maghreb (2002–present)
  122. Interahamwe
  123. International Sikh Youth Federation
  124. Interpal
  125. Iraq Resolution
  126. Iraq War
  127. Iraq War troop surge of 2007
  128. Iraq spring fighting of 2008
  129. Iraqi insurgency
  130. Irgun
  131. Irish Republican Army–Abwehr collaboration in World War II
  132. Irish Republican Liberation Army
  133. Islamabad Marriott Hotel bombing
  134. Islamic Association of Palestine
  135. Islamic Movement of Central Asia
  136. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
  137. Islamic fundamentalism
  138. Islamic terrorism
  139. JAT Flight JU 367
  140. Jacques Vergès
  141. Jaish-e-Mohammed
  142. Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna
  143. Jamaat ul-Fuqra
  144. Japanese Red Army
  145. Jean Charles de Menezes
  146. Jemaah Islamiyah
  147. Jerusalem bulldozer attack
  148. Jewish terrorism
  149. Jihad
  150. Jillian Becker
  151. Jonathan Idema
  152. Jumma Jan
  153. Jundallah
  154. Justice Department (animal rights)
  155. Justification for terrorism
  156. Kashmir Princess
  157. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
  158. Khmer Rouge
  159. Khobar Towers bombing
  160. Kurdistan Workers' Party
  161. Lake Tharthar Raid
  162. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi
  163. Lashkar-e-Taiba
  164. Leila Khaled
  165. Lester Coleman
  166. List of attacks attributed to the LTTE
  167. List of terrorist incidents
  168. List of terrorist incidents, 1972
  169. List of terrorist incidents, 2007
  170. List of terrorist incidents, 2008
  171. Lone wolf (terrorism)
  172. Loyalist Volunteer Force
  173. Luis Posada Carriles
  174. Luxor massacre
  175. Majed Moqed
  176. Malaysia Airlines Flight 653
  177. Marwan Barghouti
  178. Members of the Red Army Faction
  179. Militant activity of Osama bin Laden
  180. Miss Macao
  181. Mohamed Atta
  182. Mohand al-Shehri
  183. Moro Islamic Liberation Front
  184. Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta
  185. Muhammad Zaidan
  186. Munich massacre
  187. Mustafa Mahmoud Mazeh
  188. Nancy Ling Perry
  189. National Liberation Army (Albanians of Macedonia)
  190. National Liberation Front of Tripura
  191. Nawaf al-Hazmi
  192. Neal Horsley
  193. New Revolutionary Alternative
  194. Official Irish Republican Army
  195. Omagh bombing
  196. Omar Abdel-Rahman
  197. Open Source Intelligence
  198. Operation Condor
  199. Operation Enduring Freedom
  200. Operation Gladio
  201. Operation Imposing Law
  202. Operation Murambatsvina
  203. Operation Phantom Phoenix
  204. Order of Flemish militants
  205. Ordine Nuovo
  206. Orlando Bosch
  207. Pablo Escobar
  208. Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771
  209. Palestinian political violence
  210. Pan Am Flight 103
  211. Pan Am Flight 73
  212. Patricia Soltysik
  213. Patrick Argüello
  214. People's Mujahedin of Iran
  215. Phineas Priesthood
  216. Piazza Fontana bombing
  217. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
  218. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine - General Command
  219. Post-invasion Iraq, 2003–present
  220. Provisional Irish Republican Army
  221. Proxy bomb
  222. Rachid Ramda
  223. Ramzi Yousef
  224. Rangoon bombing
  225. Red Branch
  226. Red Hand Defenders
  227. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia
  228. Revolutionary Organization 17 November
  229. Riduan Isamuddin
  230. Russian apartment bombings
  231. SEGI
  232. SISMI
  233. Saddam Hussein
  234. Saeed al-Ghamdi
  235. Salah Abdul Rasool Al Blooshi
  236. Salah Shehade
  237. Salem al-Hazmi
  238. Sami Mohy El Din Muhammed Al Hajj
  239. Sara Jane Olson
  240. Sarin gas attack on the Tokyo subway
  241. Satam al-Suqami
  242. Seamus Twomey
  243. Shahidka
  244. Shamil Basayev
  245. Shehzad Tanweer
  246. Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan
  247. Sirhan Sirhan (militant)
  248. Socialist Patients' Collective
  249. Squamish Five
  250. Students Islamic Movement of India
  251. Symbionese Liberation Army
  252. TWA Flight 847
  253. Takfir wal-Hijra
  254. Taliban
  255. Taliban insurgency
  256. Tanzim
  257. Terrorism
  258. Terrorism in Iran
  259. Terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities
  260. The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord
  261. The Order (group)
  262. Turkey–Kurdistan Workers Party conflict
  263. Turkish Hezbollah
  264. Túpac Amaru Revolutionary Movement
  265. UTA Flight 772
  266. Ulster Resistance
  267. Ulster Volunteer Force
  268. United Liberation Front of Asom
  269. Vladimir Khodov
  270. Wadie Haddad
  271. Wadih el-Hage
  272. War in Afghanistan (2001-present)
  273. War on Terrorism
  274. War on Terrorism casualties
  275. Weatherman (organization)
  276. World Assembly of Muslim Youth
  277. Yū Kikumura
  278. Zacarias Moussaoui
  279. Zaki ur Rehman Lakhvi
  280. Zionist political violence
  281. Zubayr Al-Rimi