inference rules closely related to the "natural" way of reasoning.[1] This contrasts with Hilbert-style systems, which instead use axioms as much as possible to express the logical laws of deductive reasoning
Natural deduction grew out of a context of dissatisfaction with the axiomatizations of deductive reasoning common to the systems of
Łukasiewicz that advocated a more natural treatment of logic, Jaśkowski made the earliest attempts at defining a more natural deduction, first in 1929 using a diagrammatic notation, and later updating his proposal in a sequence of papers in 1934 and 1935.[2]
Natural deduction in its modern form was independently proposed by the German mathematician Gerhard Gentzen in 1933, in a dissertation delivered to the faculty of mathematical sciences of the University of Göttingen.[3] The term natural deduction (or rather, its German equivalent natürliches Schließen) was coined in that paper:
Ich wollte nun zunächst einmal einen Formalismus aufstellen, der dem wirklichen Schließen möglichst nahe kommt. So ergab sich ein "Kalkül des natürlichen Schließens".[4]
First I wished to construct a formalism that comes as close as possible to actual reasoning. Thus arose a "calculus of natural deduction".
Gentzen was motivated by a desire to establish the consistency of
cut elimination theorem—the Hauptsatz—directly for natural deduction. For this reason he introduced his alternative system, the sequent calculus, for which he proved the Hauptsatz both for classical and intuitionistic logic. In a series of seminars in 1961 and 1962 Prawitz gave a comprehensive summary of natural deduction calculi, and transported much of Gentzen's work with sequent calculi into the natural deduction framework. His 1965 monograph Natural deduction: a proof-theoretical study[5] was to become a reference work on natural deduction, and included applications for modal and second-order logic
In natural deduction, a proposition is deduced from a collection of premises by applying inference rules repeatedly. The system presented in this article is a minor variation of Gentzen's or Prawitz's formulation, but with a closer adherence to Martin-Löf's description of logical judgments and connectives.[6]
History of notation styles
Natural deduction has had a large variety of notation styles,[7] which can make it difficult to recognize a proof if you're not familiar with one of them. To help with this situation, this article has a § Notation section explaining how to read all the notation that it will actually use. This section just explains the historical evolution of notation styles, most of which cannot be shown because there are no illustrations available under a public copyright license – the reader is pointed to the SEP and IEP for pictures.
1940: In a textbook, Quine[8] indicated antecedent dependencies by line numbers in square brackets, anticipating Suppes' 1957 line-number notation.
1950: In a textbook, Quine (1982, pp. 241–255) demonstrated a method of using one or more asterisks to the left of each line of proof to indicate dependencies. This is equivalent to Kleene's vertical bars. (It is not totally clear if Quine's asterisk notation appeared in the original 1950 edition or was added in a later edition.)
1957: An introduction to practical logic theorem proving in a textbook by Suppes (1999, pp. 25–150). This indicated dependencies (i.e. antecedent propositions) by line numbers at the left of each line.
1963: Stoll (1979, pp. 183–190, 215–219) uses sets of line numbers to indicate antecedent dependencies of the lines of sequential logical arguments based on natural deduction inference rules.
1967: In a textbook, Kleene (2002, pp. 50–58, 128–130) briefly demonstrated two kinds of practical logic proofs, one system using explicit quotations of antecedent propositions on the left of each line, the other system using vertical bar-lines on the left to indicate dependencies.[a]
Here is a table with the most common notational variants for logical connectives.
Gentzen, who invented natural deduction, had his own notation style for arguments. This will be exemplified by a simple argument below. Let's say we have a simple example argument in propositional logic, such as, "if it's raining then it's cloudly; it is raining; therefore it's cloudy". (This is in modus ponens.) Representing this as a list of propositions, as is common, we would have:
In Gentzen's notation,[7] this would be written like this:
The premises are shown above a line, called the inference line,[11][12] separated by a comma, which indicates combination of premises.[13] The conclusion is written below the inference line.[11] The inference line represents syntactic consequence,[11] sometimes called deductive consequence,[14] which is also symbolized with ⊢.[15][14] So the above can also be written in one line as . (The turnstile, for syntactic consequence, is of lower precedence than the comma, which represents premise combination, which in turn is of lower precedence than the arrow, used for material implication; so no parentheses are needed to interpret this formula.)[13]
Syntactic consequence is contrasted with semantic consequence,
as primitives
Gentzen's style will be used in much of this article. Gentzen's discharging annotations used to internalise hypothetical judgments can be avoided by representing proofs as a tree of sequentsΓ ⊢A instead of a tree of judgments that A (is true).
Suppes–Lemmon notation
Many textbooks use Suppes–Lemmon notation,[7] so this article will also give that – although as of now, this is only included for propositional logic, and the rest of the coverage is given only in Gentzen style. A proof, laid out in accordance with the Suppes–Lemmon notation style, is a sequence of lines containing sentences,[17] where each sentence is either an assumption, or the result of applying a rule of proof to earlier sentences in the sequence.[17] Each line of proof is made up of a sentence of proof, together with its annotation, its assumption set, and the current line number.[17] The assumption set lists the assumptions on which the given sentence of proof depends, which are referenced by the line numbers.[17] The annotation specifies which rule of proof was applied, and to which earlier lines, to yield the current sentence.[17] Here's an example proof:
A syntax definition can also be given using § Gentzen's tree notation, by writing well-formed formulas below the inference line and any schematic variables used by those formulas above it.[20] For instance, the equivalent of rules 3 and 4, from Bostock's definition above, is written as follows:
A different notational convention sees the language's syntax as a categorial grammar with the single category "formula", denoted by the symbol . So any elements of the syntax are introduced by categorizations, for which the notation is , meaning " is an expression for an object in the category ."[21] The sentence-letters, then, are introduced by categorizations such as , , , and so on;[21] the connectives, in turn, are defined by statements similar to the above, but using categorization notation, as seen below:
Connectives defined through a categorial grammar[21]
Conjunction (&)
Disjunction (∨)
Implication (→)
Negation (¬)
In the rest of this article, the categorization notation will be used for any Gentzen-notation statements defining the language's grammar; any other statements in Gentzen notation will be inferences, asserting that a sequent follows rather than that an expression is a well-formed formula.
Gentzen-style propositional logic
Gentzen-style inference rules
The following is a complete list of primitive inference rules for natural deduction in classical propositional logic:[20]
Rules for classical propositional logic
Introduction rules
Elimination rules
This table follows the custom of using Greek letters as schemata, which may range over any formulas, rather than only over atomic propositions. The name of a rule is given to the right of its formula tree. For instance, the first introduction rule is named , which is short for "conjunction introduction".
Gentzen-style example proofs
As an example of the use of inference rules, consider commutativity of conjunction. If A ∧ B, then B ∧ A; this derivation can be drawn by composing inference rules in such a fashion that premises of a lower inference match the conclusion of the next higher inference.
As a second example, consider the derivation of "A ⊃ (B ⊃ (A ∧ B))":
This full derivation has no unsatisfied premises; however, sub-derivations are hypothetical. For instance, the derivation of "B ⊃ (A ∧ B)" is hypothetical with antecedent "A" (named u).
Suppes–Lemmon-style propositional logic
Suppes–Lemmon-style inference rules
Natural deduction inference rules, due ultimately to Gentzen, are given below.[22] There are ten primitive rules of proof, which are the rule assumption, plus four pairs of introduction and elimination rules for the binary connectives, and the rule reductio ad adbsurdum.[17] Disjunctive Syllogism can be used as an easier alternative to the proper ∨-elimination,[17] and MTT and DN are commonly given rules,[22] although they are not primitive.[17]
From at line j, and an assumption of at line k, and a derivation of from at line l, and an assumption of at line m, and a derivation of from at line n, infer .[22]
Disjunctive Syllogism
Wedge elimination (∨E),[17] modus tollendo ponens (MTP)[17]
A theory is said to be consistent if falsehood is not provable (from no assumptions) and is complete if every theorem or its negation is provable using the inference rules of the logic. These are statements about the entire logic, and are usually tied to some notion of a model. However, there are local notions of consistency and completeness that are purely syntactic checks on the inference rules, and require no appeals to models. The first of these is local consistency, also known as local reducibility, which says that any derivation containing an introduction of a connective followed immediately by its elimination can be turned into an equivalent derivation without this detour. It is a check on the strength of elimination rules: they must not be so strong that they include knowledge not already contained in their premises. As an example, consider conjunctions.
Dually, local completeness says that the elimination rules are strong enough to decompose a connective into the forms suitable for its introduction rule. Again for conjunctions:
The logic of the earlier section is an example of a single-sorted logic, i.e., a logic with a single kind of object: propositions. Many extensions of this simple framework have been proposed; in this section we will extend it with a second sort of individuals or terms. More precisely, we will add a new category, "term", denoted . We shall fix a
set of variables, another countable set of function symbols, and construct terms with the following formation rules:
For propositions, we consider a third countable set P of predicates, and define atomic predicates over terms with the following formation rule:
The first two rules of formation provide a definition of a term that is effectively the same as that defined in term algebra and model theory, although the focus of those fields of study is quite different from natural deduction. The third rule of formation effectively defines an atomic formula, as in first-order logic, and again in model theory.
To these are added a pair of formation rules, defining the notation for quantified propositions; one for universal (∀) and existential (∃) quantification:
universal quantifier
has the introduction and elimination rules:
existential quantifier
has the introduction and elimination rules:
In these rules, the notation [t/x] A stands for the substitution of t for every (visible) instance of x in A, avoiding capture.[c] As before the superscripts on the name stand for the components that are discharged: the term a cannot occur in the conclusion of ∀I (such terms are known as eigenvariables or parameters), and the hypotheses named u and v in ∃E are localised to the second premise in a hypothetical derivation. Although the propositional logic of earlier sections was decidable, adding the quantifiers makes the logic undecidable.
So far, the quantified extensions are first-order: they distinguish propositions from the kinds of objects quantified over. Higher-order logic takes a different approach and has only a single sort of propositions. The quantifiers have as the domain of quantification the very same sort of propositions, as reflected in the formation rules:
A discussion of the introduction and elimination forms for higher-order logic is beyond the scope of this article. It is possible to be in-between first-order and higher-order logics. For example, second-order logic has two kinds of propositions, one kind quantifying over terms, and the second kind quantifying over propositions of the first kind.
The presentation of natural deduction so far has concentrated on the nature of propositions without giving a formal definition of a proof. To formalise the notion of proof, we alter the presentation of hypothetical derivations slightly. We label the antecedents with proof variables (from some countable set V of variables), and decorate the succedent with the actual proof. The antecedents or hypotheses are separated from the succedent by means of a turnstile (⊢). This modification sometimes goes under the name of localised hypotheses. The following diagram summarises the change.
──── u1 ──── u2 ... ──── un
J1 J2 Jn
u1:J1, u2:J2, ..., un:Jn ⊢ J
The collection of hypotheses will be written as Γ when their exact composition is not relevant.
To make proofs explicit, we move from the proof-less judgment "A" to a judgment: "π is a proof of (A)", which is written symbolically as "π : A". Following the standard approach, proofs are specified with their own formation rules for the judgment "π proof". The simplest possible proof is the use of a labelled hypothesis; in this case the evidence is the label itself.
u ∈ V
─────── proof-F
u proof
───────────────────── hyp
u:A ⊢ u : A
Let us re-examine some of the connectives with explicit proofs. For conjunction, we look at the introduction rule ∧I to discover the form of proofs of conjunction: they must be a pair of proofs of the two conjuncts. Thus:
Γ ⊢ π1 : A Γ ⊢ π2 : B
───────────────────────── ∧I
Γ ⊢ (π1, π2) : A ∧ B
The elimination rules ∧E1 and ∧E2 select either the left or the right conjunct; thus the proofs are a pair of projections—first (fst) and second (snd).
π proof
─────────── fst-F
fst π proof
Γ ⊢ π : A ∧ B
───────────── ∧E1
Γ ⊢ fst π : A
π proof
─────────── snd-F
snd π proof
Γ ⊢ π : A ∧ B
───────────── ∧E2
Γ ⊢ snd π : B
For implication, the introduction form localises or binds the hypothesis, written using a λ; this corresponds to the discharged label. In the rule, "Γ, u:A" stands for the collection of hypotheses Γ, together with the additional hypothesis u.
π proof
──────────── λ-F
λu. π proof
Γ, u:A ⊢ π : B
───────────────── ⊃I
Γ ⊢ λu. π : A ⊃ B
Γ ⊢ π1 : A ⊃ B Γ ⊢ π2 : A
──────────────────────────── ⊃E
Γ ⊢ π1 π2 : B
With proofs available explicitly, one can manipulate and reason about proofs. The key operation on proofs is the substitution of one proof for an assumption used in another proof. This is commonly known as a substitution theorem, and can be proved by induction on the depth (or structure) of the second judgment.
If Γ ⊢ π1 : Aand Γ, u:A ⊢ π2 : B, then Γ ⊢ [π1/u] π2 : B.
So far the judgment "Γ ⊢ π : A" has had a purely logical interpretation. In type theory, the logical view is exchanged for a more computational view of objects. Propositions in the logical interpretation are now viewed as types, and proofs as programs in the lambda calculus. Thus the interpretation of "π : A" is "the program π has type A". The logical connectives are also given a different reading: conjunction is viewed as product (×), implication as the function arrow (→), etc. The differences are only cosmetic, however. Type theory has a natural deduction presentation in terms of formation, introduction and elimination rules; in fact, the reader can easily reconstruct what is known as simple type theory from the previous sections.
The difference between logic and type theory is primarily a shift of focus from the types (propositions) to the programs (proofs). Type theory is chiefly interested in the convertibility or reducibility of programs. For every type, there are canonical programs of that type which are irreducible; these are known as canonical forms or values. If every program can be reduced to a canonical form, then the type theory is said to be
(or weakly normalising). If the canonical form is unique, then the theory is said to be strongly normalising. Normalisability is a rare feature of most non-trivial type theories, which is a big departure from the logical world. (Recall that almost every logical derivation has an equivalent normal derivation.) To sketch the reason: in type theories that admit recursive definitions, it is possible to write programs that never reduce to a value; such looping programs can generally be given any type. In particular, the looping program has type ⊥, although there is no logical proof of "⊥". For this reason, the propositions as types; proofs as programs paradigm only works in one direction, if at all: interpreting a type theory as a logic generally gives an inconsistent logic.
systems. Dependent type theory allows quantifiers to range over programs themselves. These quantified types are written as Π and Σ instead of ∀ and ∃, and have the following formation rules:
Γ ⊢ A type Γ, x:A ⊢ B type
───────────────────────────── Π-F
Γ ⊢ Πx:A. B type
Γ ⊢ A type Γ, x:A ⊢ B type
──────────────────────────── Σ-F
Γ ⊢ Σx:A. B type
These types are generalisations of the arrow and product types, respectively, as witnessed by their introduction and elimination rules.
Γ, x:A ⊢ π : B
──────────────────── ΠI
Γ ⊢ λx. π : Πx:A. B
Γ ⊢ π1 : Πx:A. B Γ ⊢ π2 : A
───────────────────────────── ΠE
Γ ⊢ π1 π2 : [π2/x] B
Γ ⊢ π1 : A Γ, x:A ⊢ π2 : B
───────────────────────────── ΣI
Γ ⊢ (π1, π2) : Σx:A. B
Γ ⊢ π : Σx:A. B
──────────────── ΣE1
Γ ⊢ fst π : A
Γ ⊢ π : Σx:A. B
──────────────────────── ΣE2
Γ ⊢ snd π : [fst π/x] B
Dependent type theory in full generality is very powerful: it is able to express almost any conceivable property of programs directly in the types of the program. This generality comes at a steep price — either typechecking is undecidable (
intensional type theory
). For this reason, some dependent type theories do not allow quantification over arbitrary programs, but rather restrict to programs of a given decidable index domain, for example integers, strings, or linear programs.
Since dependent type theories allow types to depend on programs, a natural question to ask is whether it is possible for programs to depend on types, or any other combination. There are many kinds of answers to such questions. A popular approach in type theory is to allow programs to be quantified over types, also known as
impredicative polymorphism. Various combinations of dependency and polymorphism have been considered in the literature, the most famous being the lambda cube of Henk Barendregt
The intersection of logic and type theory is a vast and active research area. New logics are usually formalised in a general type theoretic setting, known as a
are based on higher-order dependent type theory, with various trade-offs in terms of decidability and expressive power. These logical frameworks are themselves always specified as natural deduction systems, which is a testament to the versatility of the natural deduction approach.
For simplicity, the logics presented so far have been
excluded middle
For any proposition p, the proposition p ∨ ¬p is true.
This statement is not obviously either an introduction or an elimination; indeed, it involves two distinct connectives. Gentzen's original treatment of excluded middle prescribed one of the following three (equivalent) formulations, which were already present in analogous forms in the systems of Hilbert and Heyting:
────────────── XM1
A ∨ ¬A
────────── XM2
──────── u
────── XM3u, p
(XM3 is merely XM2 expressed in terms of E.) This treatment of excluded middle, in addition to being objectionable from a purist's standpoint, introduces additional complications in the definition of normal forms.
A comparatively more satisfactory treatment of classical natural deduction in terms of introduction and elimination rules alone was first proposed by
first class control
Another important extension was for
S4 and S5, in a natural deduction style by Prawitz in 1965,[5]
and have since accumulated a large body of related work. To give a simple example, the modal logic S4 requires one new judgment, "A valid", that is categorical with respect to truth:
If "A" (is true) under no assumption that "B" (is true), then "A valid".
This categorical judgment is internalised as a unary connective ◻A (read "necessarily A") with the following introduction and elimination rules:
A valid
──────── ◻I
◻ A
◻ A
──────── ◻E
Note that the premise "A valid" has no defining rules; instead, the categorical definition of validity is used in its place. This mode becomes clearer in the localised form when the hypotheses are explicit. We write "Ω;Γ ⊢ A" where Γ contains the true hypotheses as before, and Ω contains valid hypotheses. On the right there is just a single judgment "A"; validity is not needed here since "Ω ⊢ A valid" is by definition the same as "Ω;⋅ ⊢ A". The introduction and elimination forms are then:
Ω;⋅ ⊢ π : A
──────────────────── ◻I
Ω;⋅ ⊢ box π : ◻ A
Ω;Γ ⊢ π : ◻ A
────────────────────── ◻E
Ω;Γ ⊢ unbox π : A
The modal hypotheses have their own version of the hypothesis rule and substitution theorem.
─────────────────────────────── valid-hyp
Ω, u: (A valid) ; Γ ⊢ u : A
If Ω;⋅ ⊢ π1 : Aand Ω, u: (A valid) ; Γ ⊢ π2 : C, then Ω;Γ ⊢ [π1/u] π2 : C.
This framework of separating judgments into distinct collections of hypotheses, also known as multi-zoned or polyadic contexts, is very powerful and extensible; it has been applied for many different modal logics, and also for linear and other substructural logics, to give a few examples. However, relatively few systems of modal logic can be formalised directly in natural deduction. To give proof-theoretic characterisations of these systems, extensions such as labelling or systems of deep inference.
The addition of labels to formulae permits much finer control of the conditions under which rules apply, allowing the more flexible techniques of
The sequent calculus is the chief alternative to natural deduction as a foundation of
predicate logic. Kleene, in his seminal 1952 book Introduction to Metamathematics, gave the first formulation of the sequent calculus in the modern style.[25]
In the sequent calculus all inference rules have a purely bottom-up reading. Inference rules can apply to elements on both sides of the turnstile. (To differentiate from natural deduction, this article uses a double arrow ⇒ instead of the right tack ⊢ for sequents.) The introduction rules of natural deduction are viewed as right rules in the sequent calculus, and are structurally very similar. The elimination rules on the other hand turn into left rules in the sequent calculus. To give an example, consider disjunction; the right rules are familiar:
Γ ⇒ A
───────── ∨R1
Γ ⇒ A ∨ B
Γ ⇒ B
───────── ∨R2
Γ ⇒ A ∨ B
On the left:
Γ, u:A ⇒ C Γ, v:B ⇒ C
─────────────────────────── ∨L
Γ, w: (A ∨ B) ⇒ C
Recall the ∨E rule of natural deduction in localised form:
Γ ⊢ A ∨ B Γ, u:A ⊢ C Γ, v:B ⊢ C
─────────────────────────────────────── ∨E
Γ ⊢ C
The proposition A ∨ B, which is the succedent of a premise in ∨E, turns into a hypothesis of the conclusion in the left rule ∨L. Thus, left rules can be seen as a sort of inverted elimination rule. This observation can be illustrated as follows:
─────────────────────────── init
↑ ↑
| |
| left rules | right rules
| |
In the sequent calculus, the left and right rules are performed in lock-step until one reaches the initial sequent, which corresponds to the meeting point of elimination and introduction rules in natural deduction. These initial rules are superficially similar to the hypothesis rule of natural deduction, but in the sequent calculus they describe a transposition or a handshake of a left and a right proposition:
────────── init
Γ, u:A ⇒ A
The correspondence between the sequent calculus and natural deduction is a pair of soundness and completeness theorems, which are both provable by means of an inductive argument.
Soundness of ⇒ wrt. ⊢
If Γ ⇒ A, then Γ ⊢ A.
Completeness of ⇒ wrt. ⊢
If Γ ⊢ A, then Γ ⇒ A.
It is clear by these theorems that the sequent calculus does not change the notion of truth, because the same collection of propositions remain true. Thus, one can use the same proof objects as before in sequent calculus derivations. As an example, consider the conjunctions. The right rule is virtually identical to the introduction rule
sequent calculus
natural deduction
Γ ⇒ π1 : A Γ ⇒ π2 : B
─────────────────────────── ∧R
Γ ⇒ (π1, π2) : A ∧ B
Γ ⊢ π1 : A Γ ⊢ π2 : B
───────────────────────── ∧I
Γ ⊢ (π1, π2) : A ∧ B
The left rule, however, performs some additional substitutions that are not performed in the corresponding elimination rules.
sequent calculus
natural deduction
Γ, u:A ⇒ π : C
──────────────────────────────── ∧L1
Γ, v: (A ∧ B) ⇒ [fst v/u] π : C
Γ ⊢ π : A ∧ B
───────────── ∧E1
Γ ⊢ fst π : A
Γ, u:B ⇒ π : C
──────────────────────────────── ∧L2
Γ, v: (A ∧ B) ⇒ [snd v/u] π : C
Γ ⊢ π : A ∧ B
───────────── ∧E2
Γ ⊢ snd π : B
The kinds of proofs generated in the sequent calculus are therefore rather different from those of natural deduction. The sequent calculus produces proofs in what is known as the β-normal η-long form, which corresponds to a canonical representation of the normal form of the natural deduction proof. If one attempts to describe these proofs using natural deduction itself, one obtains what is called the intercalation calculus (first described by John Byrnes), which can be used to formally define the notion of a normal form for natural deduction.
The substitution theorem of natural deduction takes the form of a structural rule or structural theorem known as cut in the sequent calculus.
If Γ ⇒ π1 : Aand Γ, u:A ⇒ π2 : C, then Γ ⇒ [π1/u] π2 : C.
In most well behaved logics, cut is unnecessary as an inference rule, though it remains provable as a
; the superfluousness of the cut rule is usually presented as a computational process, known as cut elimination. This has an interesting application for natural deduction; usually it is extremely tedious to prove certain properties directly in natural deduction because of an unbounded number of cases. For example, consider showing that a given proposition is not provable in natural deduction. A simple inductive argument fails because of rules like ∨E or E which can introduce arbitrary propositions. However, we know that the sequent calculus is complete with respect to natural deduction, so it is enough to show this unprovability in the sequent calculus. Now, if cut is not available as an inference rule, then all sequent rules either introduce a connective on the right or the left, so the depth of a sequent derivation is fully bounded by the connectives in the final conclusion. Thus, showing unprovability is much easier, because there are only a finite number of cases to consider, and each case is composed entirely of sub-propositions of the conclusion. A simple instance of this is the global consistency theorem: "⋅ ⊢ ⊥" is not provable. In the sequent calculus version, this is manifestly true because there is no rule that can have "⋅ ⇒ ⊥" as a conclusion! Proof theorists often prefer to work on cut-free sequent calculus formulations because of such properties.
Argument map, the general term for tree-like logic notation
^A particular advantage of Kleene's tabular natural deduction systems is that he proves the validity of the inference rules for both propositional calculus and predicate calculus. See Kleene 2002, pp. 44–45, 118–119.
^To simplify the statement of the rule, the word "denial" here is used in this way: the denial of a formula that is not a negation is , whereas a negation, , has two denials, viz., and .[17]
^See the article on lambda calculus for more detail about the concept of substitution.
. (English translation Investigations into Logical Deduction in M. E. Szabo. The Collected Works of Gerhard Gentzen. North-Holland Publishing Company, 1969.)
Girard, Jean-Yves (1990). Proofs and Types. Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. Archived from the original on 2016-07-04. Retrieved 2006-04-20. Translated and with appendices by Paul Taylor and Yves Lafont.
Jaśkowski, Stanisław (1934). On the rules of suppositions in formal logic. Reprinted in Polish logic 1920–39, ed. Storrs McCall.
^ abcdePelletier, Francis Jeffry; Hazen, Allen (2024), "Natural Deduction Systems in Logic", in Zalta, Edward N.; Nodelman, Uri (eds.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2024 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2024-03-22
^Quine (1981). See particularly pages 91–93 for Quine's line-number notation for antecedent dependencies.
^ abRestall, Greg (2018), "Substructural Logics", in Zalta, Edward N. (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2018 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2024-03-22
^Paseau, Alexander; Pregel, Fabian (2023), "Deductivism in the Philosophy of Mathematics", in Zalta, Edward N.; Nodelman, Uri (eds.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2023 ed.), Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, retrieved 2024-03-22