Wikipedia:WikiProject Mathematics/List of mathematics articles (R)

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


R (complexity) -- R-algebroid -- R-matrix -- Rabatment of the rectangle -- Rabdology -- Rabin signature algorithm -- Rabinovich–Fabrikant equations -- Rabinowitsch trick -- Racah polynomials -- Racah W-coefficient -- Racemic acid -- Racetrack (game) -- Racetrack principle -- Rachael Meager -- Racks and quandles -- RACSAM -- Radar chart -- Rademacher complexity -- Rademacher distribution -- Rademacher–Menchov theorem -- Rademacher system -- Rademacher's theorem -- Rader's FFT algorithm -- Radial basis function -- Radial basis function interpolation -- Radial basis function network -- Radial function -- Radial set -- Radially unbounded function -- Radian -- Radiation law for human mobility -- Radiative flux -- Radical axis -- Radical extension -- Radical of a Lie algebra -- Radical of a module -- Radical of a ring -- Radical of an algebraic group -- Radical of an ideal -- Radical of an integer -- Radical polynomial -- Radical probabilism -- Radical symbol -- Radicial morphism -- Radio coloring -- Radio navigation -- Radiodrome -- Radius --

Radius (graph theory)
-- Radius of convergence -- Radius of curvature -- Radius of gyration -- Radix --
Radix point
-- Rado graph -- Radó–Kneser–Choquet theorem -- Rado's theorem -- Radó's theorem (harmonic functions) -- Rado's theorem (Ramsey theory) -- Radó's theorem (Riemann surfaces) -- Radon measure -- Radon–Nikodym set -- Radon–Nikodym theorem -- Radon–Riesz property -- Radon transform -- Radon's theorem -- Radonifying function --


Raghunatha Siromani -- Ragsdale conjecture -- Raikov's theorem -- Rainbow coloring -- Rainbow-independent set -- Rainbow matching -- Rainville polynomials -- Raised cosine distribution -- Raising and lowering indices -- Raising Genius -- Rajchman measure -- Rake (angle) -- Ramanujam–Samuel theorem -- Ramanujam vanishing theorem -- Ramanujan graph -- Ramanujan Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics -- Ramanujan Math Park -- Ramanujan Mathematical Society -- Ramanujan–Nagell equation -- Ramanujan–Petersson conjecture -- Ramanujan prime -- Ramanujan–Sato series -- Ramanujan–Soldner constant -- Ramanujan summation -- Ramanujan tau function -- Ramanujan theta function -- Ramanujan's congruences --

Ramanujan's constant
-- Ramanujan's lost notebook -- Ramanujan's master theorem -- Ramanujan's sum -- Ramanujan's ternary quadratic form -- Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm -- Ramification -- Ramification (mathematics) -- Ramification group --
Ramification theory of valuations
-- Ramified forcing -- Ramism -- Ramp function -- Ramsey cardinal -- Ramsey class -- Ramsey RESET test -- Ramsey theory -- Ramsey-Turán theory -- Ramsey's theorem --


Ran space -- Rand index -- Randić's molecular connectivity index -- Randolph diagram -- Random-access Turing machine -- Random algebra -- Random binary tree -- Random cluster model -- Random coil -- Random compact set -- Random dynamical system --

Random effects estimation
-- Random effects model -- Random element -- Random Fibonacci sequence -- Random field -- Random forest -- Random geometric graph -- Random graph -- Random graph theory of gelation -- Random group -- Random matrix -- Random measure -- Random minimum spanning tree -- Random neural network -- Random number -- Random number book -- Random number table -- Random optimization -- Random permutation -- Random permutation statistics -- Random polytope -- Random recursive tree -- Random regular graph -- Random sample consensus -- Random-sampling mechanism -- Random search -- Random self-reducibility -- Random sequence -- Random surfing model -- Random tree -- Random variable -- Random variate -- Random walk -- Random walk closeness centrality -- Random walk hypothesis -- Randomization -- Randomized algorithm --
Randomized algorithms as zero-sum games
-- Randomized response -- Randomness -- Randomness extractor -- Randomness merger -- Randomness test -- Range (statistics) -- Range of a function -- Range searching -- Rank (differential topology) -- Rank (graph theory) -- Rank (linear algebra) -- Rank 3 permutation group -- Rank correlation -- Rank error-correcting code -- Rank factorization -- Rank-into-rank -- Rank–nullity theorem -- Rank of a group -- Rank of a partition -- Rank of an abelian group -- Rank of an elliptic curve -- Rank product -- Rank ring -- Rank–size distribution -- Rank-width -- Ranked poset -- Rankin–Cohen bracket -- Rankin–Selberg method -- Rankine–Hugoniot conditions --
-- Rankine vortex -- Rankine's method -- Ranking -- Rankit -- Ranklet --


Rao–Blackwell theorem -- Raptor code -- Rare disease assumption -- Rarita–Schwinger equation -- Rasch model -- Rasch model estimation -- Rasiowa–Sikorski lemma -- Rastrigin function -- Rata Die --

-- Rate function -- Rate of convergence -- Rathjen's psi function -- Ratio -- Ratio distribution -- Ratio estimator -- Ratio of uniforms --
Ratio scale
-- Ratio test -- Rational agent -- Rational approximation -- Rational arrival process -- Rational consequence relation -- Rational dependence -- Rational difference equation -- Rational fideism -- Rational function -- Rational homotopy theory -- Rational mapping -- Rational monoid -- Rational normal curve -- Rational normal scroll -- Rational number -- Rational point -- Rational quadratic covariance function -- Rational reciprocity law -- Rational reconstruction (mathematics) -- Rational representation -- Rational root theorem -- Rational sequence topology -- Rational series -- Rational sieve -- Rational singularity -- Rational surface -- Rational variety -- Rational zeta series -- Rationalisation (mathematics) -- Rationality -- Ratnakīrti -- Ratner's theorems --


Rauch comparison theorem -- Rauzy fractal -- Raven paradox -- Ravenel's conjectures -- Raviart–Thomas basis functions -- Raw data --

Raw score
-- Ray casting -- Ray class field -- Ray transfer matrix analysis -- Rayleigh dissipation function -- Rayleigh distribution -- Rayleigh–Faber–Krahn inequality -- Rayleigh mixture distribution -- Rayleigh–Plesset equation -- Rayleigh quotient -- Rayleigh quotient iteration -- Rayleigh–Ritz method -- Rayleigh test -- Rayleigh theorem for eigenvalues -- Rayleigh's equation (fluid dynamics) -- Rayleigh's quotient in vibrations analysis -- Raymond Cattell -- Raynaud surface -- Raynaud's isogeny theorem -- Rayo's number --
RBC (code)
-- RE (complexity) --
-- Reach (mathematics) -- Reachability -- Reaction–diffusion system -- Read-once function -- Read's conjecture -- Real algebraic geometry -- Real analysis -- Real Analysis Exchange -- Real analytic Eisenstein series -- Real closed field -- Real closed ring -- Real computation -- Real coordinate space -- Real element -- Real form (Lie theory) -- Real hyperelliptic curve -- Real number -- Real plane curve -- Real point -- Real projective line -- Real projective plane -- Real projective space -- Real radical -- Real RAM -- Real rank (C*-algebras) -- Real representation -- Real-root isolation -- Real structure --
Real-Time Outbreak and Disease Surveillance
-- Real tree -- Real-valued function -- Real variable -- Realcompact space -- Reality --
Reality structure
-- Realizability -- Realization (probability) -- Realization (systems) -- Rearrangement inequality -- Reason -- Reasoning system -- Reassignment method --


Recall bias -- Recamán's sequence -- Receiver operating characteristic -- Recession cone -- Reciprocal difference -- Reciprocal distribution -- Reciprocal Fibonacci constant -- Reciprocal gamma function -- Reciprocal lattice -- Reciprocal polynomial -- Reciprocal rule -- Reciprocals of primes -- Reciprocation -- Reciprocity -- Reciprocity (engineering) -- Reciprocity law -- Reckoning board -- Reconstruction conjecture -- Record linkage -- Record value -- Recreational mathematics -- Rectangle -- Rectangle packing -- Rectangular function -- Rectangular lattice -- Rectangular mask short-time Fourier transform -- Rectangulus -- Rectifiable set -- Rectification (geometry) -- Rectified 10-cubes -- Rectified 10-orthoplexes -- Rectified 10-simplexes -- Rectified 120-cell --

Rectified 2 31 polytope
-- Rectified 24-cell -- Rectified 24-cell honeycomb -- Rectified 5-cell -- Rectified 5-cubes -- Rectified 5-orthoplexes -- Rectified 5-simplexes -- Rectified 6-cubes -- Rectified 6-orthoplexes -- Rectified 6-simplexes -- Rectified 600-cell -- Rectified 7-cubes -- Rectified 7-orthoplexes -- Rectified 7-simplexes -- Rectified 8-cubes -- Rectified 8-orthoplexes -- Rectified 8-simplexes -- Rectified 9-cubes -- Rectified 9-orthoplexes -- Rectified 9-simplexes -- Rectified Gaussian distribution -- Rectified prism -- Rectified tesseract -- Rectified tesseractic honeycomb -- Rectified truncated cube -- Rectified truncated dodecahedron -- Rectified truncated icosahedron -- Rectified truncated octahedron -- Rectified truncated tetrahedron -- Rectilinear minimum spanning tree -- Rectilinear polygon -- Rectilinear Steiner tree -- Recurrence period density entropy -- Recurrence plot -- Recurrence quantification analysis -- Recurrence relation -- Recurrent event analysis -- Recurrent point -- Recurrent sequence -- Recurrent tensor -- Recurrent word -- Recursion -- Recursion (computer science) --
-- Recursive Bayesian estimation -- Recursive definition -- Recursive economics -- Recursive function -- Recursive indexing -- Recursive language -- Recursive largest first algorithm -- Recursive partitioning --
-- Recursive tree -- Recursive wave -- Recursively enumerable language --


Red auxiliary number --

-- Redescending M-estimator -- Redheffer matrix -- Redheffer star product -- Redshift conjecture -- Reduced chi-squared statistic -- Reduced cost -- Reduced derivative -- Reduced dimensions form -- Reduced homology -- Reduced product -- Reduced residue system -- Reduced ring --
Reduced row echelon form
-- -- Reducing subspace -- Reduct -- Reductio ad absurdum -- Reduction -- Reduction (complexity) -- Reduction (mathematics) --
-- Reduction of order -- Reduction strategy -- Reductive dual pair -- Reductive group -- Reductive Lie algebra -- Redundancy (information theory) -- Redundant binary representation --
Redundant CORDIC
-- Redundant proof --


Ree group -- Reeb foliation -- Reeb graph -- Reeb sphere theorem -- Reeb stability theorem -- Reeb vector field -- Reed–Muller code -- Reed–Muller expansion -- Reed–Solomon error correction -- Reeh–Schlieder theorem -- Rees algebra -- Rees decomposition -- Rees factor semigroup -- Rees matrix semigroup --

Reeve tetrahedron
-- Refactorable number -- Reference class forecasting -- Reference class problem -- Refinable function -- Refinement (category theory) --
Refinement (topology)
-- Refinement calculus -- Refinement monoid --
Reflected binary code
-- Reflected Brownian motion -- Reflecting cardinal -- Reflection (mathematics) -- Reflection formula -- Reflection group -- Reflection lines -- Reflection principle -- Reflection principle (disambiguation) -- Reflection principle (Wiener process) -- Reflection symmetry -- Reflection theorem -- Reflective subcategory -- Reflexive closure --
Reflexive module
-- Reflexive operator algebra -- Reflexive relation -- Reflexive sheaf -- Reflexive space -- Reform mathematics --


Regenerative process -- Regev's theorem -- Regge calculus -- Regge–Wheeler–Zerilli equations -- Regina (program) -- Regiomontanus' angle maximization problem -- Region (model checking) -- Region connection calculus -- Regionalized variable theory -- Register machine -- Regnal number -- Regression analysis --

-- Regression dilution -- Regression discontinuity design -- Regression fallacy -- Regression-kriging -- Regression toward the mean -- Regression validation -- Regressive discrete Fourier series -- Regula falsi -- Regular 4-polytope -- Regular cardinal -- Regular category -- Regular chain -- Regular complex polygon -- Regular conditional probability -- Regular constraint -- Regular distribution (economics) -- Regular Division of the Plane -- Regular dodecahedron -- Regular element -- Regular element of a Lie algebra -- Regular embedding -- Regular extension -- Regular Figures -- Regular grammar -- Regular graph -- Regular grid -- Regular Hadamard matrix -- Regular homotopy -- Regular icosahedron -- Regular ideal -- Regular isotopy -- Regular local ring -- Regular map -- Regular map (graph theory) -- Regular matrix -- Regular matroid -- Regular measure -- Regular number -- Regular numerical predicate -- Regular open set -- Regular p-group -- Regular paperfolding sequence -- Regular part -- Regular polygon -- Regular polyhedron -- Regular polytope -- Regular Polytopes (book) -- Regular prime -- Regular representation --
Regular ring
-- Regular scheme -- Regular semi-algebraic system -- Regular semigroup -- Regular sequence -- Regular singular point -- Regular skew apeirohedron -- Regular skew polyhedron -- Regular space -- Regular surface -- Regular tuning -- Regularity structure -- Regularity theorem --
Regularity theorem for Lebesgue measure
-- Regularization (mathematics) -- Regularization (physics) -- Regularization by spectral filtering -- Regularization perspectives on support vector machines -- Regularized canonical correlation analysis --
Regularized Gamma function
-- Regularized least squares -- Regularized meshless method -- Regularly ordered -- Regulated function -- Regulated integral -- Regulus (geometry) --


Reidemeister move -- Reider's theorem -- Reification (statistics) -- Reilly formula -- Reinforcement learning -- Reinhardt cardinal --

Reinhardt domain
-- Reisner Papyrus -- Reiss relation -- Rejecta Mathematica -- Rejection sampling -- Related rates -- Relation (mathematics) -- Relation algebra --
Relation composition
-- Relation construction -- Relational algebra -- Relational calculus -- Relational dependency network -- Relational developmental systems -- Relational model -- Relational operator -- Relationship between mathematics and physics -- Relationship square -- Relationships among probability distributions -- Relative canonical model --
-- Relative contact homology -- Relative cycle -- Relative dimension -- Relative effective Cartier divisor -- Relative homology -- Relative interior -- Relative neighborhood graph -- Relative risk -- Relative scalar -- Relative term -- Relatively compact subspace -- Relatively hyperbolic group -- Relativistic Breit–Wigner distribution -- Relativistic chaos -- Relativistic Euler equations -- Relativistic heat conduction -- Relativistic Lagrangian mechanics -- Relativistic quantum mechanics -- Relativistic system (mathematics) -- Relaxation (approximation) -- Relaxation (iterative method) -- Relevance logic -- Relevance vector machine -- Reliability (statistics) --
Reliability theory
-- Relief -- Rellich–Kondrachov theorem --


Remainder --

Remak decomposition
-- Remarkable cardinal -- Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics -- Remez algorithm -- Remez inequality -- Remmert–Stein theorem -- Remote point -- Removable singularity -- Renard series -- Rencontres numbers -- Rendezvous problem -- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova -- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico Università e Politecnico di Torino -- Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni -- Renewal theory -- Renormalization -- Renormalization group -- Rényi entropy -- Rep-tile -- Repdigit -- Repeatability -- Repeated measures design -- Repeated median regression -- Repeating decimal -- Repetition code -- Replacement product -- Replacement theorem -- Replica cluster move -- Replicate (biology) -- Replication (statistics) -- Replicator equation -- Reports on Mathematical Physics -- Representable functor -- Representation (mathematics) -- Representation of a Lie group -- Representation of a Lie superalgebra -- Representation on coordinate rings -- Representation rigid group -- Representation ring -- Representation theorem -- Representation theory -- Representation theory of diffeomorphism groups -- Representation theory of finite groups -- Representation theory of Hopf algebras -- Representation theory of semisimple Lie algebras -- Representation theory of SL2(R) -- Representation theory of SU(2) -- Representation theory of the Galilean group -- Representation theory of the Lorentz group -- Representation theory of the Poincaré group -- Representation theory of the symmetric group -- Representation up to homotopy -- Representations of classical Lie groups --
Representative function
-- Representer theorem -- Reproducibility -- Reproducibility Project -- Reproducing kernel Hilbert space -- Reptation Monte Carlo -- Repunit --
Repunit prime


Resampling (statistics) -- Rescaled range -- Research in Number Theory -- Research Institute for Advanced Studies -- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences --

Research subject
-- Research Synthesis Methods -- Reservoir sampling -- Reshetikhin–Turaev invariant -- Reshetnyak gluing theorem -- Residual -- Residual (numerical analysis) -- Residual intersection -- Residual neural network -- Residual property -- Residual property (mathematics) -- Residual sum of squares -- Residual time --
Residual topology
-- -- Residually finite group -- Residuated Boolean algebra -- Residuated lattice -- Residuated mapping -- Residue (complex analysis) -- Residue at infinity -- Residue-class-wise affine group -- Residue field -- Residue number system -- Residue theorem -- Resistance distance -- Resistive ballooning mode -- Resolution (algebra) -- Resolution (logic) -- Resolution of singularities -- Resolution proof compression by splitting -- Resolution proof reduction via local context rewriting -- Resolvable space -- Resolvent (Galois theory) -- Resolvent cubic -- Resolvent formalism -- Resolvent set -- Resonance --
-- Resource contention -- Resource-dependent branching process -- Resource leak -- Resource selection function -- Response bias -- Response modeling methodology -- Response rate (survey) -- Response surface methodology -- Restricted Boltzmann machine -- Restricted isometry property -- Restricted Lie algebra -- Restricted maximum likelihood -- Restricted partial quotients -- Restricted power series -- Restricted product -- Restricted randomization -- Restricted representation -- Restricted root system -- Restricted sumset -- Restriction (mathematics) -- Resultant -- Results in Mathematics -- Resummation --


Rethinking Mathematics -- Retired number -- Retract (group theory) -- Retraction (topology) -- Retrial queue -- Return period -- Reuleaux polygon -- Reuleaux tetrahedron -- Reuleaux triangle -- Reuschle's theorem --

Reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm
-- Reverse-delete algorithm -- Reverse divisible number -- Reverse lookup -- Reverse mathematics -- Reverse Monte Carlo -- Reverse perspective -- Reverse Polish notation -- Reverse-search algorithm -- Reversed compound agent theorem -- Reversible cellular automaton -- Reversible diffusion -- Reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo -- Reversible reference system propagation algorithm -- Reviews in Mathematical Physics -- Revised simplex method -- Revista Colombiana de Estadística -- Revolutions in Mathematics -- REVSTAT -- Rewrite order -- Rewriting --


Rexer's Annual Data Miner Survey -- Reye configuration -- Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations -- Reynolds operator -- Reynolds stress -- Reynolds transport theorem -- Rhetoric -- Rhind Mathematical Papyrus -- Rhind Mathematical Papyrus 2/n table -- Rho calculus -- Rhode Island Math League -- Rhombic dodecahedral honeycomb -- Rhombic dodecahedron -- Rhombic enneacontahedron -- Rhombic hectotriadiohedron -- Rhombic hexecontahedron -- Rhombic icosahedron -- Rhombic triacontahedron -- Rhombicosacron -- Rhombicosahedron --

Rhombicosidodecahedral prism
-- Rhombicosidodecahedron -- Rhombicuboctahedral prism -- Rhombicuboctahedron -- Rhombidodecadodecahedron -- Rhombille tiling -- Rhombitetraheptagonal tiling -- Rhombitetrapentagonal tiling -- Rhombitriheptagonal tiling -- Rhombitrihexagonal tiling -- Rhombitrioctagonal tiling -- Rhombohedron -- Rhomboid -- Rhombus --


Rhumb line -- Ribbon (mathematics) -- Ribbon category -- Ribbon graph -- Ribbon Hopf algebra -- Ribbon knot -- Ribenboim Prize -- Ribet's lemma -- Ribet's theorem -- Riccati equation -- Ricci calculus -- Ricci curvature -- Ricci decomposition -- Ricci-flat manifold -- Ricci flow -- Ricci soliton -- Rice distribution -- Rice–Shapiro theorem -- Rice's formula -- Rice's theorem -- Ricerche di Matematica -- Richard Aaron -- Richard Rusczyk -- Richard von Mises Prize -- Richard's paradox -- Richards equation --

Richardson Chair of Applied Mathematics
-- Richardson extrapolation --
-- Richardson's theorem -- Richmond surface -- Rickart space -- Ricker model -- Ricker wavelet --


Ridders' method -- Ridge (differential geometry) -- Ridge detection -- Ridge function -- Ridge regression -- Ridit scoring -- Riemann curvature tensor -- Riemann form -- Riemann–Hilbert correspondence -- Riemann–Hilbert problem -- Riemann–Hurwitz formula -- Riemann hypothesis -- Riemann integral -- Riemann invariant -- Riemann–Lebesgue lemma -- Riemann–Liouville integral -- Riemann manifold -- Riemann mapping theorem -- Riemann Prize -- Riemann problem -- Riemann–Roch theorem -- Riemann–Roch theorem for smooth manifolds -- Riemann–Roch theorem for surfaces -- Riemann–Roch-type theorem -- Riemann series theorem -- Riemann–Siegel formula -- Riemann–Siegel theta function -- Riemann–Silberstein vector -- Riemann solver -- Riemann sphere -- Riemann–Stieltjes integral -- Riemann sum -- Riemann surface -- Riemann–von Mangoldt formula -- Riemann Xi function -- Riemann zeta function -- Riemann's differential equation -- Riemann's minimal surface --

-- Riemannian connection on a surface -- Riemannian geometry -- Riemannian manifold -- Riemannian metric and Lie bracket in computational anatomy -- Riemannian Penrose inequality -- Riemannian submanifold -- Riemannian submersion -- Riesel number --
Riesel Sieve
-- Riesz–Fischer theorem -- Riesz function -- Riesz–Markov–Kakutani representation theorem -- Riesz mean -- Riesz potential -- Riesz projector -- Riesz rearrangement inequality -- Riesz representation theorem -- Riesz sequence -- Riesz space -- Riesz theorem -- Riesz–Thorin theorem -- Riesz transform -- Riesz's lemma --


Rig category -- Rigged Hilbert space -- Right angle -- Right conoid --

Right-continuous filtration
-- Right group -- Right half-plane -- Right-hand rule -- Right inverse -- Right kite --
Right prime
Right triangle --
Right-truncatable prime
-- Rigid analytic space -- Rigid body -- Rigid body dynamics -- Rigid category -- Rigid cohomology --
Rigid graph
-- Rigid origami -- Rigid transformation -- Rigidity (K-theory) -- Rigidity (mathematics) -- Rigidity matroid -- Rigorous coupled-wave analysis -- Rijndael MixColumns -- Rijndael S-box -- Ring (mathematics) -- Ring class field --
-- Ring homomorphism -- Ring learning with errors -- Ring lemma -- Ring of integers -- Ring of mixed characteristic -- Ring of modular forms -- Ring of polynomial functions -- Ring of sets -- Ring of symmetric functions -- Ring spectrum -- Ring theory -- Ringed space -- Ringed topos -- Ringel–Hall algebra --


Riordan array -- Rippling -- Rips machine -- Risch algorithm -- Rising sun lemma -- Risk -- Risk Analysis (journal) -- Risk assessment -- Risk-based authentication --

Risk function
-- Risk-limiting audit -- Risk-neutral measure -- Risk of ruin -- Risk perception --
Risk theory
-- Rithmomachia --
Ritz method
-- Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma -- Rivista italiana di economia demografia e statistica -- Rivlin–Ericksen tensor -- Rizza manifold -- RL (complexity) -- RMIT School of Science -- Rng (algebra) -- Road coloring theorem -- ROAM -- Robbins algebra -- Robbins lemma -- Robbins pentagon -- Robbins problem -- Robbins' problem -- Robbins' theorem -- Robert Anton Wilson -- Robert Audi -- Robertson graph -- Robertson–Seymour theorem -- Robertson–Wegner graph -- Robin boundary condition -- Robinson algorithm -- Robinson arithmetic -- Robinson–Schensted correspondence -- Robinson–Schensted–Knuth correspondence -- Robinson's joint consistency theorem -- Robust Bayesian analysis -- Robust control -- Robust fuzzy programming -- Robust geometric computation -- Robust measures of scale -- Robust optimization -- Robust principal component analysis -- Robust regression -- Robust Regression and Outlier Detection -- Robust statistics -- Robustification --


Rocha–Thatte cycle detection algorithm -- Rock paper scissors -- Rocket City Math League -- Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics -- Rod (unit) -- Rod calculus -- Rod group -- Roderick Chisholm -- Rodger's method -- Rodrigues' formula -- Rodrigues' rotation formula -- Roe solver -- Rogers polynomials -- Rogers–Ramanujan continued fraction -- Rogers–Ramanujan identities -- Rogers–Szegő polynomials --

Roitman's theorem
-- Rokhlin lemma -- Rokhlin's theorem -- Rolf Schock Prizes -- Rolle's theorem -- Romaka Siddhanta -- Roman abacus -- Roman dodecahedron -- Roman numerals -- Roman Opałka -- Roman surface -- Romanesco broccoli -- Romanian Master of Mathematics and Sciences -- Romanian numbers -- Romanov's theorem -- Romanovski polynomials -- Romberg's method --


Ronald Hugh Barker -- Roof pitch -- Roof tiles -- Rook polynomial -- Rook's graph -- Room square -- Root (mathematics) (disambiguation) -- Root datum --

Root extraction
-- Root-finding algorithms --
-- Root mean square --
-- Root of unity -- Root of unity modulo n -- Root system -- Root test -- Rooted graph -- Rooted product of graphs -- Rope-burning puzzle -- Ropelength -- Rosati involution -- Rose (mathematics) -- Rose (topology) -- Rose–Vinet equation of state -- Rosenbrock function -- Rosenbrock methods -- Rosenbrock system matrix -- Ross–Fahroo lemma -- Ross–Fahroo pseudospectral method -- Ross' π lemma -- Ross's conjecture -- Rosser's equation -- Rosser's theorem -- Rosser's trick -- Rössler attractor -- Rost invariant --


Rot operator
-- Rota–Baxter algebra -- Rota's basis conjecture -- Rota's conjecture -- Rotating calipers -- Rotation -- Rotation (mathematics) -- Rotation around a fixed axis -- Rotation formalisms in three dimensions -- Rotation map -- Rotation matrix -- Rotation number --
-- Rotation operator -- Rotation system -- Rotational invariance -- Rotational–vibrational coupling -- Rotations and reflections in two dimensions -- Rotations in 4-dimensional Euclidean space -- Roth's theorem --
-- Rothberger space -- Rothe–Hagen identity -- Rotor (mathematics) -- Rotunda (geometry) -- Rouché–Capelli theorem -- Rouché's theorem -- Rough number -- Rough path -- Rough set -- Roulette (curve) -- Round function -- Round number -- Round-off error --
-- Roundel -- Rounding --
Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes
-- Roundness -- Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics --
Rouse History of Mathematics
-- Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion -- Routh–Hurwitz theorem -- Routh's theorem -- Routhian mechanics --


Row and column spaces -- Row and column vectors -- Row echelon form -- Row equivalence -- Rowbottom cardinal -- Royal Dutch Mathematical Society -- Royal Spanish Mathematical Society -- Royal Statistical Society -- RP (complexity) -- Rprop -- RRQR factorization -- RSA --

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- RSA Award for Excellence in Mathematics -- RSA Factoring Challenge -- RSA numbers -- RSA problem --


Rubik's Cube -- Rubik's Cube group --

-- Rubik's Revenge --
-- Rudin–Shapiro sequence -- Rudin's conjecture -- Rudvalis group -- Ruelle zeta function -- Ruffini's rule -- Ruin theory -- Rule complex -- Rule of 72 -- Rule of division (combinatorics) -- Rule of inference -- Rule of marteloio -- Rule of product -- Rule of replacement -- Rule of Sarrus -- Rule of succession -- Ruled join -- Ruled surface -- Ruled variety -- Ruler -- Ruler function -- Rules for the Direction of the Mind --
-- Rulkov map -- Rumi Numeral Symbols -- Run-length encoding -- Runcic 5-cubes -- Runcic 6-cubes -- Runcic 7-cubes -- Runcicantellated 24-cell honeycomb -- Runcicantellated tesseractic honeycomb -- Runcicantitruncated tesseractic honeycomb -- Runcinated 120-cells -- Runcinated 16-cell honeycomb -- Runcinated 24-cell honeycomb -- Runcinated 24-cells -- Runcinated 5-cell -- Runcinated 5-cubes -- Runcinated 5-orthoplexes -- Runcinated 5-simplexes -- Runcinated 6-cubes -- Runcinated 6-orthoplexes -- Runcinated 6-simplexes -- Runcinated 7-cubes -- Runcinated 7-orthoplexes -- Runcinated 7-simplexes -- Runcinated 8-simplexes -- Runcinated tesseractic honeycomb -- Runcinated tesseracts -- Runcination -- Runcitruncated tesseractic honeycomb -- Runge–Kutta–Fehlberg method -- Runge–Kutta method (SDE) -- Runge–Kutta methods -- Runge's phenomenon -- Runge's theorem -- Running total --


Ruppeiner geometry --

Ruppert's algorithm
-- Rupture field -- Russell's paradox -- Russian Mathematical Surveys -- Russo–Dye theorem -- Russo–Vallois integral -- Ruth–Aaron pair -- Ruth I. Michler Memorial Prize -- Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize in Mathematics -- Ruziewicz problem -- Ruzsa–Szemerédi problem -- Ruzzo–Tompa algorithm -- RV coefficient -- Rvachev function -- RYB color model -- Rybicki Press algorithm -- Ryll-Nardzewski fixed-point theorem -- Ryser's conjecture -- Rytz's construction -- Ryu–Takayanagi conjecture --