User:KF/Sanctuary VIII

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is a list of words meaning outsider, foreigner or "not one of us", used in English language either natively or as a borrowing to refer to national specifics. Though often such words are not used with an intent of disrespect nor contempt, their nature of non-inclusion sometimes makes them offensive terms.

A number of words, such as newbie, epigone, dilettante that have a different meaning of persons with inferior expertise may also be used in the sense of an outsider with respect to a class of "experts".

Similarly, the terms such as

, may be used to denote outsiders with respect to "higher social classes."

Alphabetical list


- Words which have not been fully appropriated into the English language are in italics.
- Words that have lost their original meaning in English are marked by "—".
- Words that have a different original meaning in English are marked by "+".
- Words that are a direct translation of "alien", "foreigner" or similar are marked by "=".


  • Abyath - Means White person in Arabic. (referred to foreigners).
  • Persian
    due to the Persians' lack of fluency in Arabic and because they were the main non-Arab people with whom the Arabs had contact.
  • Ajaniib
    Arabic for foreigner, said of stateless Kurds in Syria. [1]
  • AglasiewMi'kmaq term for Europeans.
  • Alien — A general-purpose term; ranging from foreigners to extraterrestrials. [2]
  • Hokkien dialect meaning "red-haired," said of Caucasians, principally in Maylaysia and Singapore. [3]
  • Rastafari movement believes that Babylon "is the historically white-European colonial and imperialist power structure which has oppressed Blacks and other peoples of color." [4]
  • Barang – In Cambodia "these days the term barang applies to pretty much anybody white." [5] [6] Ultimately from European tribal name of Franks, via Arabic; [7] [8]; see also the entries for falang, farangi, etc., below.
  • BarbarianBarbaros, a non-Greek in Ancient Greece. The accepted version of the term's origin is that it came "originally from the sound bar-bar, which, according to the Greeks, was supposed to be the noise that people made when speaking foreign languages." [9]
  • Bideshi – "[T]o denote foreigners in the dialect of Bengali that my family speaks we say bideshi"desh meaning country; thus Bangladesh is country of the Bengalis [10]. For a similar attestation to the meaning of this word, see [11].
  • Biganeh — Persian, literally meaning unknown. One source states the word is also used to mean eccentric, when applied to "the revolutionary left and the secular right" in Iran [12]. In a widely read translation of a Persian book, That Stranger Within Me: A Foreign Woman Caught in the Iranian Revolution, the word is translated as stranger. [13]
  • Boston – Used by indigenous people in the Pacific Northwest to describe any outsider (after the European settlement of the area)[14]
  • childfree people [16] [17]
  • U.S. South
    . Primarily used for Northern (US) profiteers following the (US) Civil War.
  • CFA ("Come-from-away") — Used in
    Newfoundland to refer to a tourist. [18] [19]
  • Cheechako — Somebody new to Alaska [20], from Chinook Jargon, a trade language spoken in earlier years in that territory. [21]
  • City slicker – A "city dweller with sophisticated manners and clothing" [22]. A "person from the big city who thinks country people are dumb" (in Anna on the Farm, by Mary Downing Hahn, page 31. [23])
  • Civil Slave - Somebody who belongs to the working class, used as a slang within the Hare Krishna movement.
  • Country bumpkin — An awkward, heavy country fellow; a clown; a country lout. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) states the origin of bumpkin is a French word, which an earlier dictionary (Cotgrave, 1610), defined as a certain block of wood used on a sailing vessel. "Hence, a clumsy man may easily have been compared to such a block of wood." Bumpkin is related to boom, a pole. [24] The poet Washington Irving wrote about bashful country bumpkins in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. [25]



  • Illegal - USA - a foreigner living in the United States without a U.S. visa
  • InfidelChristianityLatin
  • jackeenIreland – derogatory term used by Non-Dubliners to describe Dubliners
  • jarawaandaman & nicobar islands, india; reference to a 'primitive' tribe least receptive to 'modernity'; the word means simply 'the others' in the language of the neighbouring Onge tribe
  • KafirIslamArabic; infidel or non-believer in Islam. A version; "kaffir" used as blanket derogatory term for black persons in the apartheid era in southern Africa
  • Karmi - meaning 'one who wants to enjoy the results of their activity', used as a slang within the Hare Krishna movement.
  • Khawagah - Derogatory Egyptian Arabic equivalent for Ajaniib, above.
  • classical music fans not hip to jazz
  • LaowaiChina. (Traditional Chinese: 老外, Simplified Chinese: 老外, pinyin: lǎowài) It is one of several Chinese words for foreigner. Laowai literally translates as old (lao 老) foreigner (wai 外). It is an informal word that appears in both spoken and written Chinese.



  • RicainFrance — Basically means yankee. From American.[28]
  • spailpin (pr. 'spalpeen') - Ireland - original meaning was 'migrant worker', now used as a general insult
  • sasanach - Ireland - original meaning was 'English person'
  • Square (slang)Beatnik term for those not hip to jazz.
  • Taig/teague - Northern Ireland Protestant - a catholic (derogatory) (from Gaelic given name Tadg, of similar pronunciation)
  • Textile –


Lists by originator

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See also