Wikipedia:Baltic States notice board

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Welcome to the notice board for the Wikipedians interested in the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania)!

If you are interested in one of those countries or the region in general, you are welcome to add this notice board to your

Baltic States
. Also, you are welcome to report your own articles here so they could be peer-reviewed and possibly expanded by other contributors. Or you can ask any questions about the Baltic States on the talk page of this board.


Prior notice sections whose timely usefulness has expired may be archived to/viewed at: Notice archive #1. For earlier article notifications (below), look for an archive in that section.

Distruptive user

Proposed article deletion, Soviet occupations

RU Wikipedia

Can someone address this item regarding mass deportations in the Latvia article?

  • "1941, 1949 – mass repressions and the dispatch into Siberia of discordant with the Communist regime, also criminals, participants in the Fascist motions, into 1949 former soldier Waffens SS, prostitutes. The motion of partisans “forest brothers” - act until 1956."


  • 1941, 1949 — массовые репрессии и высылки в Сибирь несогласных с коммунистическим режимом, также преступников, участников фашистских движений, в 1949 бывших солдат Waffen SS, проституток. Движение партизан «лесные братья» — действуют до 1956 года.

That it was prostitutes, criminals, and Nazis who were deported claptrap based on Soviet "sources" has been leaking into the English WP as well. PētersV (talk) 20:35, 6 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]

New articles

New articles, added manually

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Archive of this section

New articles, found by AlexNewArtBot

This list was generated from these rules. Questions and feedback are always welcome! The search is being run daily with the most recent ~14 days of results. Note: Some articles may not be relevant to this project.

Rules | Match log | Results page (for watching) | Last updated: 2024-07-01 19:41 (UTC)

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Articles in need of attention

Here please list the articles related to the Baltic States that are tagged as violating NPOV, lacking references, needing attention, copyediting, or general clean up. As well, list here stubs that deserve to be expanded. Please add new entries at the top of this list and please describe what needs to be done.

Discussions about articles

Here please list the current ongoing important discussions about articles related to the Baltic States, so that other contributors would became aware of the debates and could voice their opinions. Add new articles at the top of this list and briefly outline the issue.

Requested articles

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