Kosovo Serbs

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Kosovo Serbs
Serbët në Kosovë (Albanian)
косовски Срби (Serbian)
kosovski Srbi (Serbian)
Regions with significant populations
 Kosovo ca. 95,000[1][2][3]
Serbian Orthodox Church
Related ethnic groups
Other South Slavs, especially other Serbs.

Kosovo Serbs are one of the ethnic groups of

Kosovo Serb communities live in the Southern municipalities of Kosovo.[6][10]

The medieval

In the Ottoman period (1455–1913), the situation of the Serb population in Kosovo went through different phases. In the 16th century, the Serbian Patriarchate of Peć was re-established and its status strengthened even more. At the end of 18th century, the support of the Patriarchate to the Habsburgs during the Great Turkish War of 1683–1699 triggered a wave of Serb migrations to locations under the control of the Habsburg monarchy.[14] After the independence of the Principality of Serbia to its north, Kosovo came increasingly to be seen by the mid-19th century as the "cradle of Serb civilization" and called the "Serbian Jerusalem". Kosovo was annexed by the Kingdom of Serbia in 1912, following the First Balkan War.

As a region of the

Yugoslav colonisation of Kosovo took place which aimed to increase the number of Serbs in Kosovo with colonists from Central Serbia and Montenegro. After World War II, Kosovo's districts were reunited. They were referred to as the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo. Serbs were one of the people of the province within the Socialist Republic of Serbia (1944–1992). As a result of the Kosovo War and following by its declaration of independence, in 2008 it is partially recognized by the international community. Serbs are the second largest community in Kosovo.[6][10]

More than half of Kosovo's pre-1999 Serb population (226,000),[15] including 37,000 Romani, 15,000 Balkan Muslims (including Ashkali, Bosniaks, and Gorani), and 7,000 other non-Albanian civilians were expelled to central Serbia and Montenegro, following the Kosovo War.[16] According to the 2013 Brussels Agreement the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, a self-governing association of municipalities with a majority Serb population in Kosovo is proposed.


The formal names for the Serb community in Kosovo is "Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija" (Srbi na Kosovu i Metohiji) or "Serbs of

Kosovo Field), along with Metohijci (of Metohija).[18]


Medieval period

King of Serbia and founder of Visoki Dečani monastery
Right: Main Gate of the Fortress in Prizren, which Stefan Dušan used as capital of Serbian Empire

, until finally submitting in 1106.

In 1166, a Serbian prince,

Manuel I Comnenus.[28] Nemanja defeated his brother, Tihomir, at Pantino near Pauni, and drowned him in the Sitnica river. Nemanja was eventually defeated and had to return some of his conquests, and vouched to the Emperor that he would not raise his hand against him. In 1183, Stefan Nemanja embarked on a new offensive allied with the Kingdom of Hungary after the death of Manuel I Komnenos in 1180, which marked the end of Byzantine domination over the region of Kosovo. Nemanja's son, Stefan, ruled a realm reaching the river of Lab in the south. Stefan conquered all of Kosovo by 1208, by which time he had conquered Prizren and Lipljan, and moved the border of his realm to the Šar mountain. In 1217, Stefan was crowned King of Serbs, due to which he is known in historiography as Stefan "the First-Crowned".[29]

In 1219, the


John VI Kantakuzenos in 1342 at Pauni to discuss an alliance against the Byzantine Emperor. In 1346, the Serbian Archbishopric at Peć was upgraded into a Patriarchate, but it was not recognized before 1375. After the death of Dušan in 1355, the fall of the Serbian Empire began, with feudal disintegration during the reign of his successor, Stefan Uroš V (r. 1355–1371).[32][33]

Parts of Kosovo became domains of

Zeta took Prizren and Peć in 1372. A part of Kosovo became the demesne of the Lazar of Serbia.[34][35]

Battle of Kosovo fought in 1389 between Serbs and Ottomans. 1870 Adam Stefanović painting.


Prince Lazar on 28 June 1389, at the Battle of Kosovo near Pristina, at Gazimestan. The Serbian army was led by Prince Lazar who led 12,000–30,000 men against the Ottoman army of 27,000–40,000 men. Lazar was killed in battle, while Sultan Murad also lost his life, believed to have been assassinated by Serbian knight Miloš Obilić. The outcome of the battle is deemed inconclusive, with the new Sultan Bayezid having to retreat to consolidate his power. Vuk Branković came to prominence as the local lord of Kosovo, though he was an Ottoman vassal at times, between 1392 and 1395.[36][37]

Another battle occurred in Kosovo 1448 between the Hungarian troops supported by the Albanian ruler Gjergj Kastrioti Skanderbeg on one side, and Ottoman troops supported by the Branković dynasty in 1448. Skanderbeg's troops en route to help John Hunyadi were stopped by the Branković's troops, who was more or less an Ottoman vassal. Hungarian regent John Hunyadi lost the battle after a 2-day fight, but essentially stopped the Ottoman advance northwards.[38] In 1455, southern regions of the Serbian Despotate were invaded again, and the region of Kosovo was finally conquered by the Ottoman Empire and incorporated it into the Ottoman administrative system.[39]

In 1455, new castles rose to prominence in

Branković District

Early Modern period


Mehmed-pasha Sokolović influenced the restoration of the Serbian Patriarchate of Peć in 1557. Special privileges were provided, which helped the survival of Serbs and other Christians on Kosovo.[40]

Arsenije III Čarnojević
, 17th century.

Kosovo was taken by the Austrian forces during the

Arsenije III, who previously escaped a certain death, led 37,000 families from Kosovo, to evade Ottoman wrath since Kosovo had just been retaken by the Ottomans.[41] The people that followed him were mostly Serbs, but there were numerous Orthodox Albanians and others too. 20,000 Serbs abandoned Prizren alone. Due to the oppression from the Ottomans, other migrations of Orthodox people from the Kosovo area continued throughout the 18th century. By contrast, some Serbs adopted Islam and gradually fused with the predominant Albanians, and adopting their culture and even language. By the end of the 19th century, Albanians replaced the Serbs as the dominating nation of Kosovo.[42]

In 1766 the Ottomans abolished the Serbian Patriarchate of Peć and the position of Christians on Kosovo was greatly reduced. All previous privileges were lost and the Christian population had to suffer the full weight of the Empire's extensive and losing wars, even to take the blame for the losses.[citation needed]

During the First Serbian Uprising, Serbs from northern parts of Kosovo prepared to join the uprising and an Ottoman-Albanian coalition arrived to suppress their efforts, before they could partake in the uprising. Ottoman violence resulted in a number of Serbs migrating to central Serbia in order to join rebels led by Karađorđe.[43][44] Kelmendi were the only Albanian tribe to fully support Serb rebels.[45] [46] After the independence of the Principality of Serbia to its north, Kosovo came increasingly to be seen by the mid-19th century as the “cradle of Serb civilization” and called the "Serbian Jerusalem".[47][48][49][50][51]

The term Arnauti or Arnautaši was coined by 19th and early 20th century Serbian ethnographers to refer to the

Albanians in Kosovo, which they perceived as Albanised Serbs; Serbs who had converted to Islam and went through a process of Albanisation.[52][53] In modern anthropology, the historical validity of the term has been criticized as well as use as a tool of nation-building and homogenization policies of the Serbian state.[54][55][56][57]

1901, massacres against Serbs were carried out by Albanians in North Kosovo and Pristina.[58] Jovan Cvijić claimed that the Albanians were responsible for forcing an estimated 150,000 Serbs out of Kosovo from 1876 until 1912.[59][60][61] Albanians were also accused of conducting a campaign of terror against the Serbian population who remained.[62][59]

Modern period

Gnjilane, 1911
Serb women in traditional clothing, near Prizren
, 1913

The arising

Vilayet of Kosovo awarded to Serbia and the Metohija region awarded to Montenegro.[63][64]

World War I and First Yugoslavia

During the

Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

The 1918–1929 period of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes witnessed a decrease in the Serbian population of the region and an increase in the number of Albanians. In 1929, the state was renamed the

Axis occupation of Yugoslavia

World War II

German soldiers set fire to a Serb village near Mitrovica, circa 1941.

After the

Italian, German and Bulgarian occupation. The largest part of what is today Kosovo was under Italian occupation and was annexed into a axis Greater Albania, the Albanian Kingdom through a decree on 12 August 1941, while northern parts were included in German-occupied Serbia, and southeastern parts into the Bulgarian occupational zone.[65]
Parts of eastern Montenegro and western Macedonia were also annexed to Albania.

During the occupation, the population was subject to expulsion, internment, forced labour, torture, destruction of private property, confiscation of land and livestock, destruction and damaging of monasteries, churches, cultural-historical monuments and graveyards.

SS Skanderbeg Division.[70] The Skanderbeg Division was better known for murdering, raping, and looting in predominantly Serbian areas than for participating in combat operations on behalf of the German war effort.[71] The most harsh position of Serbs was in the Italian (Albanian) zone.[72] A large part of the Serb population was expelled or forced to flee in order to survive.[72] Serbian estimations put the number of expelled at around 100,000; an estimated 40,000 from the Italian-occupation zone, 30,000 from the German zone, and 25,000 from the Bulgarian zone.[73] It is estimated that 10,000 Serbs and Montenegrins were killed in Kosovo during WWII.[74]

Second Yugoslavia

The Province of Kosovo was formed in 1946 as an autonomous region to protect its regional Albanian majority within the People's Republic of Serbia as a member of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia under the leadership of the former Partisan leader, Josip Broz Tito, but with no factual autonomy. After Yugoslavia's name changed to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Serbia's to the Socialist Republic of Serbia in 1953, the Autonomous Region of Kosovo gained some autonomy in the 1960s. In the 1974 constitution, the Socialist Autonomous Province of Kosovo's government received higher powers, including the highest governmental titles – President and Premier and a seat in the Federal Presidency which made it a de facto Socialist Republic within the Federation, but remaining as a Socialist Autonomous Region within the Socialist Republic of Serbia.

Ramiz Sadiku and Boro Vukmirović, People's Heroes of Yugoslavia and symbol of Serbian-Albanian friendship[75]

In 1981, Albanian students organized protests seeking that Kosovo become a Republic within Yugoslavia. Those protests were in Serbian and Albanian were defined official on the Provincial level marking the two largest linguistic Kosovan groups: Serbs and Albanians. In the 1970s, an Albanian nationalist movement pursued full recognition of the Province of Kosovo as another republic within the federation, while the most extreme elements aimed for full-scale independence. Tito's government dealt with the situation swiftly, but only gave it a temporary solution. The ethnic balance of Kosovo witnessed unproportional increase as the number of Albanians rose dramatically due to higher birth rates.[76] Serbs barely increased and dropped in the full share of the total population down to 10% due to higher demographic raise of the Albanian population.

In 1981, Albanian students organized protests seeking that Kosovo become a Republic within Yugoslavia. Those protests were harshly contained by the centralist Yugoslav government. In 1986, the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) was working on a document, which later would be known as the SANU Memorandum. An unfinished edition was filtered to the press. In the essay, SANU explained the Serbian peoples history as victims of a 500-year and more genocide from Kosovo, and therefore called for the revival of Serb nationalism. During this time, Slobodan Milošević's rise to power started in the League of the Socialists of Serbia. Milošević used the discontent reflected in the SANU memorandum for his political goals.

One of the events that contributed to Milošević's rise of power was the Gazimestan Speech, delivered in front of 1,000,000 Serbs at the central celebration marking the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo, held at Gazimestan on 28 June 1989.

Soon afterwards, as approved by the Assembly in 1990, the autonomy of Kosovo was revoked back to the old status (1971). He had said "Strong Serbia, Weak Yugoslavia – Weak Serbia, Strong Yugoslavia" Milošević, however, did not remove Kosovo's seat from the Federal Presidency. After Slovenia's secession from Yugoslavia in 1991, Milošević used the seat to attain dominance over the Federal government, outvoting his opponents.

Left: Destroyed Serbian Orthodox Holy Trinity Church in Petrić village
Right: Ruins of a Serb part of Prizren destroyed during 2004 unrest in Kosovo.

Breakup of Yugoslavia and Kosovo War

After the Dayton Agreement of 1995, the Kosovo Liberation Army, ethnic-Albanian paramilitary organisation that sought the separation of Kosovo and the eventual creation of a Greater Albania,[77][78][79][80][81] began attacking Serbian civilians and Yugoslav army and police, bombing police stations and government buildings, killing Yugoslav police and innocent people of all nationalities, even Albanians who were not on their side.[82] As of 2014, mass graves of Kosovar Albanian victims are still being found.[83] There have been many reports of abuses and war crimes committed by the KLA during and after the conflict, such as massacres of civilians (Lake Radonjić massacre, Gnjilane, Staro Gracko, Klečka etc.), prison camps (Lapušnik), organ theft and destruction of medieval churches and monuments.[citation needed]

According to the 1991 Yugoslavia census, there were 194,190 Serbs in Kosovo[84] after the Kosovo War, a large number of Serbs fled or were expelled and many of the remaining civilians were subjected to abuse.[85][86][87][88][89] During the unrest in Kosovo, 35 churches and monasteries were destroyed or seriously damaged. After Kosovo and other Yugoslav Wars, Serbia became home to highest number of refugees and IDPs (including Kosovo Serbs) in Europe.[90][91][92]

In total, 156 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries have been

destroyed since June 1999, after the end of the Kosovo War and including the 2004 unrest in Kosovo. Many of the churches and monasteries dated back to the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries.[93] KLA fighters are accused of vandalizing Devič monastery and terrorizing the staff. The KFOR troops said KLA rebels vandalized centuries-old murals and paintings in the chapel and stole two cars and all the monastery's food.[94]

21st century

The interim Kosovo government unilaterally

Republic of China (Taiwan). The remaining Kosovo Serbs (mostly in North Kosovo
) want to remain part of Serbia, but Serbian majority towns are now rare in Kosovo.

Vidovdan celebration in Gazimestan (2009)

Some officials[

special representative in Kosovo, and the International Civilian Representative for Kosovo said no plans are under discussion to carve out a canton or grant any other autonomy to Serbs living in the north of Kosovo. He told the Pristina, Kosovo, daily Koha Ditore, "It is quite clear that the privileged relations between the Serbs here (in Kosovo) and Belgrade are in the spheres of education, health care, and religious objects," adding that "the government in Pristina has to be respected."[102]

Map showing the Serb community and the Albanian communities (yellow being the Albanian communities) by the Brussels Agreement in 2013

On 30 September 2008, Serbian President Boris Tadić stated that he would consider partitioning Kosovo if all other options were exhausted. The former Foreign Minister for Serbia and Montenegro, Goran Svilanović, applauded the suggestion saying "finally this is a realistic approach coming from Serbia. Finally, after several years, there is a room to discuss."[103] After his comments aroused controversy in the media, Tadić reiterated that he was suggesting this as a possibility only if all other options were exhausted.[104]

In the Brussels Agreement of 2013, Serbia agreed to grant the government in Pristina authority over Kosovo, while Pristina made an agreement to form Community of Serb Municipalities, which has not been fulfilled. Kosovo Serbs have accepted many aspects of Kosovo's rule and Kosovo Serbs now vote on Kosovo central election commission ballots in local elections.[citation needed]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo Serbs found themselves in a limbo, stuck between different orders issued by Serbia and Kosovo.[105] In November 2020, during the COVID pandemics, Kosovo policemen and inspectors stormed and temporarily closed several Serb-owned pharmacies in North Kosovo, attempting to confiscate medicine supplies, because the items were allegedly not registered within the central system in Pristina. The act was met with citizen protest which were on the verge of escalation.[106][107] In December 2020, the vaccines for COVID-19 were sent to North Kosovo by Serbia without any consultation with Kosovan authorities. Kosovo opposed the arrival of those vaccines, claiming that they were illegally distributed by Serbia.[108][109] Only few people were vaccinated and the remaining vaccines were sent back after an investigation was launched.[110] In 2021 health workers from North Kosovo protested against arrests of their colleagues who are employed in the hospitals which take care of patients with COVID-19. They described the actions as "inhumane" and sent protesting letters to various international institutions and organisations.[111]

Kosovo’s Serb minority is often the target of demonstrations of hostility and attacks.[112] In addition to that, members of the Kosovo Serbs community face mistreatment and prejudice in Serbia too.[113]


Ethnic groups in Kosovo
Year Albanians Serbs Others
1921 65 % 26 % 9 %
1931 60 % 33 % 7 %
1948[114] 68 % 24 % 8 %
1953 65 % 23 % 11 %
1961 67 % 23 % 9 %
1971 73 % 18 % 8 %
1981 77 % 13 % 9 %
1991[84] 82 % 10 % 8 %
2000[115] 88 % 7 % 5 %
2007[115] 92 % 5 % 3 %

During the 20th century, the Serb population of Kosovo constantly decreased. Today, Serbs mostly populate the

enclaves across Kosovo, as well as North Kosovo, which comprises 11% of Kosovo's territory and where they comprise 95% of population. 1,200 km2 (463 sq mi). Diplomats from the United Nations have voiced concern over slow progress on minority rights.[116] Human Rights Watch pointed out discrimination against Serbs and Roma in Kosovo immediately after the war.[117]

ECMI calculated, based on 2010 and 2013 estimations, that ca. 146,128 Serbs resided in Kosovo, that is, ca. 7.8% of the total population.[8] In 2012, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia estimated that the number was 90–120,000.[118] The Republic of Kosovo-organized 2011 census did not take place in North Kosovo, and was boycotted by a considerable number of Serbs in southern Kosovo.[8] The ECMI did call "for caution when referring to the 2011 Census in Kosovo".[119] There are ten municipalities constituted by a Serb numerical majority.[8] These are the four northern municipalities of North Mitrovica, Leposavić, Zvečan, Zubin Potok, and the six southern (enclave) municipalities of Gračanica, Štrpce, Novo Brdo, Ranilug, Parteš and Klokot.[8] As of 2014, the OSCE estimates that around 96,000 Serbs live in Kosovo.[9]

The UNHCR estimated in 2019 that the total number of IDPs (Serbs and non-Serbs) from Kosovo in Serbia are 68,514.[4] Serbia has claimed (2018) that a total 199,584 IDPs from Kosovo (Serbs and non-Serbs) origin have settled and live in Serbia after the war based on the original data it gathered in 2000.[120][121] The UNHCR reported in 2009, based on the official figures by the government of Serbia, that around 205,835 IDPs who fled from Kosovo lived in Serbia.[122] These included Serbs, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians.[123] The registration data in 2000 are the only official data which have been generated and there has been no re-registration of IDPs in Serbia since 2000. The same figure has been used in all official reports since then with some statistical reconfigurations. As such, the reliability of the registration of IDPs living in Serbia has been questioned.[120][121][124]

In 2003, the number of Kosovo Serb IDPs in Montenegro was c. 12,000.[125] The numbers do not include those that have received Montenegrin citizenship. As of 2015, there were at least 6,600 Kosovo Serb refugees in Montenegro.[126] By 2019, there were 135 IDPs in total in Montenegro from Kosovo.[4]

In 2017, per the Serbian President

think-tank European Stability Initiative estimated that there were around 95,000 Serbs in Kosovo in 2023, based on primary school pupil data.[3]

Linguistic structure of Kosovo by settlements 1931
Serb-populated areas of Kosovo
Serb community in Kosovo (ECMI 2013 est.)
by municipality
Municipality Percentage Number
North Mitrovica 76.48% 22,530
Leposavić 96% 18,000
Zvečan 96.1% 16,000
Zubin Potok 93.29% 13,900
Štrpce 70.58% 9,100
Gračanica 82.15% 7,209
Novo Brdo 61.46% 5,802
Ranilug 97.15% 5,718
Parteš 99.96% 5,300
Gjilan 5.29% 5,000
Klokot 71.23% 3,500
Vushtrri 4.79% 3,500
Kamenica 8.01% 3,019
Obiliq 12.37% 3,000
Lipjan 3.37% 2,000
Pristina 1% 2,000
Istog 4.16% 1,700
Rahovec 1.76% 1,000
Peja 1.03% 1,000
Kosovo Polje 2.51% 900
Klina 1.53% 600
Skenderaj 0.59% 300
Viti, Kosovo 0.59% 280
Prizren 0.13% 237
Ferizaj 0.06% 60
Shtime 0.18% 49
Deçan 0.11% 46
Gjakova 0.02% 17
Mitrovica 0.02% 14
Podujevo 0.01% 12
Dragash 0.02% 7
Suva Reka <0.01% 2
Kaçanik <0.01% 1


Gračanica monastery painting by Nadežda Petrović

The Battle of Kosovo is particularly important to Serbian history, tradition, and national identity.[128]

Visoki Dečani monastery and Our Lady of Ljeviš. The last four make up the Medieval Monuments in Kosovo, founded by the Nemanjić dynasty, is a combined World Heritage Site.[129]


built by Serbian rulers and lords present important cultural heritage.

In connection with social gatherings among the Serbs around the churches and monasteries called Sabori during the

Kaljaja fortress.[131]

Serbian folk music is rich in a large number of songs from Kosovo, which were especially preserved in the performances of Jordan Nikolić and Mara Đorđević.[132]

The Serbs in Kosovo speak the dialects of Zeta-South Raška, Kosovo-Resava, and Prizren-South Morava.[133]

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Prominent people


Lazar of Serbia, Serbian ruler who led the army in the Battle of Kosovo


Religious people

Arsenije IV Jovanović Šakabenta

Military people

Aleksa Mandušić, U.S. Medal of Honor recipient


Science and education


Visual art

Cinema and theatre

Ljuba Tadić, actor


Viktorija is only artist from Kosovo and Metohija who represented Yugoslavia in the Eurovision Song Contest
Nevena Božović


Milutin Šoškić, football player and Olympic champion
Milena Rašić, World and European champion, Olympic silver medalist in volleyball
Novak Djokovic, one of the greatest tennis players, whose father was born in Kosovo[135]
Luka Dončić, basketball player has origins in Kosovo on father's side


See also


  1. ^
    As of 2015, there are at least 6,600 Kosovo Serb refugees in Montenegro.[126] In 2003, the number was c. 12,000.[125] The numbers do not include those that have received Montenegrin citizenship.


  1. ^ a b Cocozelli 2016, p. 267
  2. ^ a b Judah, Tim (7 November 2019). "Kosovo's demographic destiny looks eerily familiar". Balkan Insight.
  3. ^ a b c "Statistics, lies and confusion in Kosovo" (PDF). esiweb.org. European Stability Initiative. 19 February 2024.
  4. ^ a b c "UNHCR - Kosovo Fact Sheet 2019" (PDF). UNHCR.
  5. ^ "Kosovo Population 2019". 28 July 2019. Archived from the original on 28 July 2019. Retrieved 11 July 2021.
  6. ^
    NATO-led Kosovo Force
  7. CIA Factbook
    . 28 December 2021.
  8. ^
    ECMI Kosovo. 2013. Archived from the original
    (PDF) on 16 January 2017. Retrieved 29 January 2017.
  9. ^ a b Cocozelli 2016, p. 267.
  10. ^
    JSTOR 26593793
  11. ^ Cox 2002, p. 29.
  12. ^ Šuica 2011, p. 152-174.
  13. ^ Ivić 1995.
  14. ^ Casiday, Augustine (2012), The Orthodox Christian World (PDF), Routledge, p. 135
  15. ^ "Интерно расељена и прогнана лица са Косова и Метохије".
  16. ISBN 978-0-19-953387-9. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
     • "Abuses against Serbs and Roma in the new Kosovo". Human Rights Watch. August 1999. Archived from the original on 13 November 2022. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
     • "The Violence: Ethnic Albanian Attacks on Serbs and Roma". Human Rights Watch. July 2004. Archived from the original on 12 July 2022. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
     • "Kosovo Crisis Update". UNHCR. 4 August 1999. Archived from the original on 2 July 2022. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
     • "Forced Expulsion of Kosovo Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians from OSCE Participated state to Kosovo". OSCE. 6 October 2006. Archived
    from the original on 28 May 2022. Retrieved 12 December 2022.
  17. .
  18. .
  19. ^ Bogdanović 1986, ch. II, para. 2.
  20. ^ Bogdanović 1986, ch. II, para. 3.
  21. ^ Bogdanović 1986, ch. II, para. 4.
  22. , p. 47.
  23. .
  24. ^ Златарски, II: 141-142; Литаврин, 403-404
  25. ^ Stephenson 2000, p. 142.
  26. ^ Ćirković 2004, p. 26.
  27. ^ Scylitzes Continuatus: 163–165
  28. ^ Yuri Stoyanov (1994). The hidden tradition in Europe. Arkana1.
  29. .
  30. ^ "Prizren | History, Geography, & Points of Interest". Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved 4 August 2021.
  31. ^ Živković, Bojanin & Petrović 2000.
  32. ^ Fine 1994, p. 345-366, 373-382.
  33. ^ Ćirković 2004, p. 75-80.
  34. ^ Fine 1994, p. 373-382.
  35. ^ Ćirković 2004, p. 77-80.
  36. ^ Fine 1994, p. 382-389, 408-414.
  37. ^ Ćirković 2004, p. 82-85.
  38. ^ Ćirković 2004, p. 106.
  39. ^ Ćirković 2004, p. 107, 111.
  40. .
  41. .
  42. .
  43. ^ Tričković, Radmila (February 1965). "Pismo travničkog vezira iz 1806". Politika. Belgrade.
  44. ^ Hrabak, Bogumil (1996). "Kosovo i Metohija prema Prvom srpskom ustanku". Baština. 6.
  45. ^ Dj. Mikic drustveno politicki razvoj kosovskih Srba u XIX veku, Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pristina 1984
  46. ^ I. Dermaku, Neki aspekti saradnje Srbije i Arbanasa u borbi protiv turskog feudalizma 1804-1868. godine, Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XI, Pristina, 1972, page 238
  47. . Retrieved 25 April 2020.
  48. ^ Stavrianakis, Anna (October 2002). "A Tale of Two Ethnicities? An Analysis of Approaches to 'Ethnic Conflict': The Case of Kosovo" (PDF). Global Politics Network. 16 (4): 13.
  49. ^ Dobbs, Michael (March 1999). "Serbian Nationalism Lifts Milosevic". The Washington Post.
  50. ^ Kuljanin, Vedran (May 2016). "Why Kosovo Matters: What the West Doesn't Understand About the Balkans- Part III". NATO Association of Canada.
  51. ^ "Kosovo: The Jerusalem of Serbia". The Washington Post. July 1999.
  52. ^ Religion and the politics of identity in Kosovo, p. 73: see footnotes
  53. . Retrieved 25 April 2020.
  54. ^ Anna Di Lellio (2006). The Case for Kosova: Passage to Independence. Anthem Press. p. 20. What is most problematic about the arnautas thesis, though, is not its historical claims, which can be tested against the evidence, but its political or ideological implications.
  55. ^ Ivo Banac. The National Question in Yugoslavia: Origins, History, Politics. p. 295.
  56. ^ Steven Béla Várdy (2003). Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth-century Europe. Social Science Monographs. p. 226. Simultaneously, they developed the thesis many of them were initially Serbs who had been converted to Islam. They spoke of arnautasi ( Albanized Serbs ) in order to " reclassify " the Albanians as Serbs.
  57. from the original on 28 July 2021. Retrieved 28 July 2021.
  58. ^ . The Albanians were accused of having forced some 150,000 Serbs out of Kosovo since the mid-1870s and of conducting a campaign of local terror against the Serbs who remained.
  59. .
  60. ^ Bogdanović, Dimitrije (1986b). Knjiga o Kosovu (in Serbian). p. 132.
  61. .
  62. ^ Anderson, Frank Marby; Amos Shartle Hershey (1918). "The Treaty of London, 1913". Handbook for the Diplomatic History of Europe, Asia, and Africa 1870–1914. Washington, DC: National Board for Historical Service, Government Printing Office.
  63. .
  64. ^ a b Антонијевић 2009, p. 9.
  65. ^ Антонијевић 2009, p. 10.
  66. ^ Антонијевић 2009, p. 24.
  67. ^ Fischer 1999, p. 238.
  68. ^ Božović 1991, p. 85.
  69. ^ Mojzes 2011, p. 95.
  70. ^ Mojzes 2011, pp. 94–95.
  71. ^ a b Антонијевић 2009, p. 27.
  72. ^ Антонијевић 2009, pp. 26–27.
  73. .
  74. ^ "Prishtine – mon amour". bturn.com. 7 September 2012.
  75. .
  76. .
  77. .
  78. .
  79. ^ "Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA)". Encyclopædia Britannica. 14 September 2014.
  80. ^ "Albanian Insurgents Keep NATO Forces Busy". Time. 6 March 2001.
  81. ^ "KLA Ran Torture Camps in Albania". 29 April 2009. Retrieved 14 September 2016.
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  123. ^ Allen, Richard. "Support for IDPs in Serbia Summary Report and Proposals" (PDF). UNHCR. Officially, there are 203,140 persons displaced from Kosovo and still living in Serbia. This data comes from the registration of IDPs in 2000 and following subsequent movements of people out of Kosovo. There has been no re-registration exercise, but the total number of registered people is adjusted annually to reflect population movements and demographic changes. While the reliability of registration data can be questioned, it remains the sole source of official data.
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  125. ^ a b "Izbeglice sa Kosova protiv Tačijeve posete". 12 January 2015. Estimates suggest that over 6,600 Kosovo Serbs still live in Montenegro, over 15 years after the conflict ended. The majority of them still live in temporary refugee settlements without personal identity documents.
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  129. ^ "Kolo". www.crkvenikalendar.com. Retrieved 8 April 2024.
  130. ^ Serbian Folk Dance Tradition in Prizren Ethnomusicology, Vol. 6, No. 2 (May 1962)
  131. ^ "Национална Ревија - National Review". www.nacionalnarevija.com. Retrieved 8 April 2024.
  132. ^ "Thaj Enterprises - Foreign Recruitment Agency". thajenterprises.com. Retrieved 8 April 2024.
  133. ^ "Косовo у гласу Јордана Николића". www.rts.rs. RTS, Radio televizija Srbije, Radio Television of Serbia. Retrieved 8 February 2021.
  134. ^ "Djokovic doesn't regret Kosovo comments". TENNIS.com. 7 October 2011.
  135. ^ Đoković to visit northern Kosovo Thursday Accessed 10 April 2015. "Đoković, whose family is originally from Kosovo, will be in the province to support the Serbs there..."
  136. ^ "Danijela Rundqvist blog". Retrieved 14 February 2010.


Further reading

Conference papers

External links