User:Fabartus/WW-II Timeline

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

This is the timeline formerly outlined as part of nascent article: Arsenal of Democracy FrankB 20:15, 24 April 2006 (UTC)

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Time line of key preceding international events

This timeline presents the key saliant news experienced by those who later heard the call to arms of this speech by

Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The shear speed of the events and the large number of them is necessary to properly appreciate the climate of the times, and the historiocity of the speech to a generally dis-engaged, pascifist, and isolationist leaning nation that was galvanized by its occurrence into the performances in industrial output and military arms
that unquestionably reshaped the world events thereafter.

1938 events

1939 events

Ongoing events:

  • March 14Slovak provincial assembly proclaims independence - Monsignor Jozef Tiso becomes the president of independent Slovak government, a Nazi puppet state.
  • March 28 — Franco conquers Madrid, ending the Spanish Civil War, and marking another victory in the ascendancy of authoritarian regimes.
  • March — end of the
    British mandate of Palestine
    (started 1936)
  • King Zog of Albania
  • May 7 — Spain leaves the League of Nations.
  • Hatay
  • SS
  • July 6 — the last remaining Jewish enterprises in Germany are closed.
  • Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
  • August 30 — Poland begins mobilization after finally heeding intellegence of the massing of troops on the German border.
  • Blitzkreig
    . This was the beginning the war which would spread to include all quadrants of the planet.
  • September 3 — France, the United Kingdom, and Australia declare war on Germany.
  • September 3 — Roosevelt's fireside chat "On the European War".
  • September 5 — the United States declares its neutrality in the war.
  • Commonwealth realms
    , declares war on Germany.
  • September 17 — the Soviet Union invades Poland, and occupies eastern Polish territories.
  • September 27Warsaw surrenders to Germany; Modlin surrenders a day later; the last Polish large operational unit surrenders near Kock eight days later.
  • October 8 — Germany annexes Western Poland.
  • October 11 — U.S. President Roosevelt is presented with a letter signed by Albert Einstein urging the United States to develop the atomic bomb quickly.
  • December 14 — the League of Nations expels the USSR because of its attack on Finland.

1940 events

The year began with Hitler's Nazi Regime and Stalin's USSR seemingly allies and both nations in conflicts of expansion against weaker neighboring

Boer War

1940 ongoing events

  • Hermann Goering assumes control of all war industries in Germany
  • communists
    - 5 dead
  • Lavrenty Beria, signed an order, prepared by Beria, for the execution of 25,700 Polish intelligentsia, including 14,700 Polish POWs. The action is known as the Katyn massacre
  • British campaign in Norway
    is simultaneously commenced.
  • April 15 - Opening day at Jamaica Racetrack features the use of pari-mutuel betting equipment, a departure from bookmaking heretofore used exclusively throughout New York state. Other NY tracks follow suit later in 1940.
  • UK
  • May 16 - U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, addressing a joint session of Congress, asks for an extraordinary credit of approximately $900 million to finance construction of at least 50,000 airplanes per year.
  • Henri Petain named vice-premier of France


Operation Dynamo
. During the war, Dunkirk was largely destroyed by bombing.

Location of Dunkirk's Operation Dynamo
Operation Ariel
  • Free Frenchmen
    , wherever they may be".
  • Occupation of the Channel Islands
    , a British possession.
  • 80 members of the parliament
    voted against.
  • Lord Halifax
    , British foreign minister, flatly rejects peace terms, citing the abysmal record of the Nazi regime at keeping international agreements.
  • November 11 - World War II: The
    top secret British mail, and sends it to Japan
  • Allied
  • Axis Powers

Before America enters the war

This is the resulting time line of key events up to the entry of the United States into what then became known as World War II in December 1941.