Wikipedia:WikiProject Israel/Popular pages

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This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Israel along with pageviews.

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Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 46,755,631

Updated: 02:36, 7 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Israel–Hamas war 1,073,196 34,619 B Top
2 Albert Einstein 753,804 24,316 GA High
3 Israel 578,237 18,652 B Top
4 Gal Gadot 456,957 14,740 B Mid
5 Natalie Portman 404,182 13,038 GA Low
6 Benjamin Netanyahu 355,014 11,452 B Top
7 Zionism 353,103 11,390 B Top
8 Roman Empire 349,086 11,260 B Top
9 Moses 332,139 10,714 B High
10 Israeli–Palestinian conflict 290,636 9,375 C Top
11 The Holocaust 283,917 9,158 GA High
12 Crucifixion of Jesus 278,776 8,992 B Mid
13 Purim 275,828 8,897 B Mid
14 Auschwitz concentration camp 271,916 8,771 GA High
15 Gaza Strip 266,608 8,600 B Low
16 Ashkenazi Jews 222,003 7,161 C Mid
17 Jews 217,421 7,013 B Top
18 Passover 199,567 6,437 B High
19 Norman Finkelstein 199,101 6,422 B Low
20 Jerusalem 195,240 6,298 B Top
21 Daniel Kahneman 186,668 6,021 B Mid
22 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel 183,224 5,910 C High
23 Adam Neumann 181,212 5,845 B Low
24 Red Sea crisis 180,611 5,826 B Low
25 Nicholas Winton 173,001 5,580 B Mid
26 Judaism 163,816 5,284 B Top
27 Levant 157,132 5,068 C High
28 Arabic 154,000 4,967 C Low
29 Antisemitism 153,666 4,956 B Top
30 Yom Kippur War 153,550 4,953 B Top
31 Balfour Declaration 152,090 4,906 FA Top
32 Six-Day War 150,212 4,845 C Top
33 Stations of the Cross 146,821 4,736 B Low
34 Mandatory Palestine 145,151 4,682 B High
35 Canaan 145,088 4,680 B Mid
36 Solomon 140,202 4,522 C High
37 Crusades 140,163 4,521 A Low
38 Mossad 133,060 4,292 C High
39 Al-Aqsa Mosque 125,337 4,043 GA Mid
40 Shawarma 124,279 4,009 C Low
41 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip (2023–present) 123,132 3,972 C Unknown
42 Suez Canal 122,941 3,965 B High
43 Arthur Balfour 121,069 3,905 C High
44 Druze 120,743 3,894 B Mid
45 Rachel Corrie 120,035 3,872 B Low
46 Adolf Eichmann 119,435 3,852 GA High
47 Oskar Schindler 118,173 3,812 GA Mid
48 Flour massacre 115,388 3,722 C Low
49 Golda Meir 113,870 3,673 B Top
50 Sephardic Jews 110,659 3,569 C High
51 Dead Sea Scrolls 110,084 3,551 B High
52 1948 Arab–Israeli War 106,281 3,428 B Top
53 Israel Defense Forces 105,595 3,406 B Top
54 West Bank 103,148 3,327 B Top
55 Casualties of the Israel–Hamas war 102,970 3,321 C Mid
56 Palestine (region) 101,985 3,289 GA High
57 Palestinians 101,546 3,275 B High
58 Sasanian Empire 101,538 3,275 B Mid
59 Church of the Holy Sepulchre 100,056 3,227 B High
60 Gaza–Israel conflict 99,216 3,200 C Mid
61 Hebrew language 98,208 3,168 B Top
62 Suez Crisis 97,744 3,153 B High
63 Talmud 97,313 3,139 B Mid
64 Date palm 96,629 3,117 C Low
65 Gene Simmons 95,114 3,068 C Low
66 Fiverr 93,545 3,017 Start Low
67 Jacob 92,585 2,986 B High
68 Falafel 91,611 2,955 GA Mid
69 The Book of Clarence 90,019 2,903 Start Unknown
70 Israelites 89,686 2,893 C High
71 Nakba 89,448 2,885 B Mid
72 Haredi Judaism 89,226 2,878 B High
73 Pomegranate 88,131 2,842 C Mid
74 Calvary 87,526 2,823 C Low
75 Asmodeus 87,478 2,821 C Low
76 Couscous 87,276 2,815 B Low
77 Benny Morris 87,209 2,813 C Mid
78 Baklava 85,136 2,746 B Low
79 Baal 84,886 2,738 C Low
80 Twelve Tribes of Israel 83,028 2,678 C Mid
81 Philistines 82,545 2,662 B High
82 Yuval Noah Harari 82,281 2,654 C Low
83 Shakshouka 81,706 2,635 C Low
84 Dome of the Rock 81,344 2,624 C High
85 Dead Sea 80,682 2,602 B High
86 History of Israel 80,254 2,588 C Top
87 Killing of Shani Louk 78,477 2,531 GA Low
88 Tel Aviv 78,204 2,522 B Top
89 Princess Alice of Battenberg 76,772 2,476 FA Low
90 Yiddish 76,622 2,471 C High
91 Benny Gantz 73,810 2,380 B High
92 West Asia 73,591 2,373 C High
93 Shabbat 73,424 2,368 B High
94 Historicity of Jesus 73,036 2,356 B Mid
95 Seljuk Empire 72,870 2,350 C Low
96 Roman Abramovich 72,631 2,342 B Mid
97 Timeline of the Israel–Hamas war 71,991 2,322 List Low
98 Bar Refaeli 71,809 2,316 B Mid
99 Knafeh 71,467 2,305 B Low
100 Temple Mount 71,147 2,295 B Top
101 USS Liberty incident 71,066 2,292 C Mid
102 David Ben-Gurion 70,813 2,284 B Top
103 2000 Ramallah lynching 69,787 2,251 B Mid
104 Robert Maxwell 69,590 2,244 C Mid
105 Re'im music festival massacre 69,477 2,241 C High
106 Samaritans 68,287 2,202 B Mid
107 Bar and bat mitzvah 68,226 2,200 B Mid
108 Bauhaus 67,926 2,191 B Low
109 United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine 66,958 2,159 B Top
110 Amar'e Stoudemire 66,180 2,134 B Low
111 Krav Maga 66,107 2,132 B Mid
112 Mizrahi Jews 65,227 2,104 B High
113 Star of David 64,334 2,075 B Mid
114 Yitzhak Rabin 64,179 2,070 B Top
115 Samson 63,615 2,052 GA Low
116 Passover Seder 63,473 2,047 B High
117 Munich massacre 63,101 2,035 C High
118 Second Temple 62,524 2,016 B High
119 Melchizedek 62,085 2,002 C High
120 Za'atar 61,911 1,997 B Low
121 AIPAC 61,648 1,988 C Mid
122 Golan Heights 61,106 1,971 B High
123 Sea Peoples 60,882 1,963 C Mid
124 Second Intifada 59,151 1,908 B High
125 Aliyah 59,143 1,907 C Top
126 Sue Bird 58,710 1,893 B Low
127 Hummus 58,220 1,878 B Mid
128 Demographics of Israel 58,099 1,874 B Top
129 Lebanese Civil War 58,003 1,871 B Low
130 Yom Kippur 57,748 1,862 B High
131 Gethsemane 57,744 1,862 C Low
132 Hebrew alphabet 57,194 1,844 B Top
133 First Crusade 56,771 1,831 GA Low
134 Semitic languages 56,593 1,825 B High
135 Book of Esther 55,977 1,805 B Mid
136 Kingdom of Jerusalem 55,969 1,805 B Mid
137 Anti-Zionism 55,895 1,803 C High
138 Israeli-occupied territories 55,857 1,801 B High
139 Bethlehem 55,635 1,794 GA Mid
140 Baba ghanoush 54,764 1,766 Start Low
141 Likud 54,592 1,761 C High
142 Nazareth 54,484 1,757 B Mid
143 Isaac Herzog 54,461 1,756 B Top
144 Black Hebrew Israelites 54,352 1,753 GA Mid
145 Palestinian genocide accusation 54,245 1,749 C Low
146 Israel–Hezbollah conflict (2023–present) 54,236 1,749 C Low
147 Mamluk Sultanate 54,118 1,745 B Low
148 Noga Erez 53,900 1,738 Start Unknown
149 Itamar Ben-Gvir 53,376 1,721 C Mid
150 Knesset 53,202 1,716 C Top
151 Tahini 52,855 1,705 C Low
152 History of ancient Israel and Judah 52,618 1,697 C Mid
153 Ariel Sharon 52,348 1,688 C Top
154 1948 Palestine war 52,313 1,687 B High
155 Anti-Defamation League 52,096 1,680 C Low
156 Munich (2005 film) 51,927 1,675 B Low
157 Theodor Herzl 51,908 1,674 B Top
158 Alan Dershowitz 51,718 1,668 B Low
159 Tabbouleh 51,608 1,664 C Low
160 Oslo Accords 51,478 1,660 C High
161 Iron Dome 51,420 1,658 B Mid
162 Backgammon 51,358 1,656 B Unknown
163 Jewish diaspora 51,196 1,651 C High
164 Uzi 51,116 1,648 C High
165 Hamsa 50,922 1,642 C Low
166 Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy) 50,726 1,636 C High
167 Western Wall 50,507 1,629 B Top
168 Kibbutz 50,342 1,623 B Top
169 Semitic people 50,134 1,617 C Low
170 Opinion polling for the next Israeli legislative election 50,002 1,612 List Low
171 Holocaust victims 49,884 1,609 C Low
172 Eylon Levy 49,520 1,597 Stub Low
173 South Africa v. Israel (Genocide Convention) 49,428 1,594 C High
174 Ayyubid dynasty 49,416 1,594 GA Low
175 Siege of Jerusalem (70 CE) 48,812 1,574 C Low
176 Arab–Israeli conflict 48,561 1,566 B Top
177 Kingdom of Judah 48,173 1,553 C High
178 Menachem Begin 48,014 1,548 B Top
179 Two-state solution 48,011 1,548 C High
180 Zion 47,865 1,544 C High
181 Melanie Phillips 47,547 1,533 B Mid
182 Code of Hammurabi 47,513 1,532 B Low
183 Sanhedrin 47,229 1,523 B High
184 Eden Golan 47,128 1,520 Start Low
185 Judaea (Roman province) 45,736 1,475 C Low
186 Heuristic 45,461 1,466 C Low
187 Sexual and gender-based violence in the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel 44,895 1,448 B Low
188 Babylonian captivity 44,858 1,447 C Mid
189 Race and appearance of Jesus 44,677 1,441 B Low
190 Strained yogurt 43,982 1,418 C Low
191 Irgun 43,871 1,415 B High
192 Israeli settlement 43,837 1,414 B Mid
193 Kippah 43,331 1,397 B Mid
194 Canaanite religion 43,217 1,394 C Low
195 Fatimid Caliphate 42,928 1,384 C Low
196 Abraham Accords 42,570 1,373 C Low
197 Entebbe raid 42,566 1,373 B High
198 Land of Israel 42,521 1,371 B Top
199 Caiaphas 41,951 1,353 C Low
200 Promised Land 41,869 1,350 C Top
201 Maimonides 41,399 1,335 B Mid
202 Sabra and Shatila massacre 41,311 1,332 B Mid
203 Shin Bet 41,254 1,330 C Top
204 Al-Aqsa 40,494 1,306 B Mid
205 Israel–Hamas war hostage crisis 40,344 1,301 C Mid
206 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego 40,269 1,299 B Mid
207 Harissa 40,252 1,298 C Low
208 Song of Songs 40,157 1,295 B Mid
209 Shira Haas 40,148 1,295 C Mid
210 Merkava 39,752 1,282 C Mid
211 Hillel Slovak 39,665 1,279 GA Low
212 2006 Lebanon War 39,644 1,278 B High
213 39,545 1,275 B Low
214 First Intifada 39,525 1,275 B High
215 Mamluk 39,272 1,266 B Mid
216 List of prime ministers of Israel 39,080 1,260 List Top
217 Arab citizens of Israel 38,897 1,254 B High
218 Israel–United States relations 38,835 1,252 B Top
219 International recognition of Israel 38,831 1,252 C Top
220 Israel national football team 38,690 1,248 C High
221 Kashrut 38,673 1,247 GA High
222 2014 Gaza War 38,458 1,240 B Mid
223 Mandate for Palestine 38,425 1,239 GA Top
224 Jordan River 38,386 1,238 B Mid
225 Israeli Air Force 38,306 1,235 B Top
226 Sykes–Picot Agreement 38,303 1,235 B Mid
227 Jackson Hinkle 37,797 1,219 B Low
228 Edom 37,758 1,218 B Low
229 Lehi (militant group) 37,675 1,215 C Mid
230 Shiva (Judaism) 37,504 1,209 C Mid
231 Hanukkah 37,361 1,205 B High
232 Shimon Peres 37,087 1,196 B Top
233 John Demjanjuk 37,077 1,196 C Low
234 Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions 36,688 1,183 B Mid
235 Tabernacle 36,642 1,182 B Low
236 Maronites 36,633 1,181 C Mid
237 Chabad 36,590 1,180 B Mid
238 Via Dolorosa 36,547 1,178 C Low
239 1982 Lebanon War 36,502 1,177 B High
240 Sea of Galilee 36,321 1,171 B High
241 Prime Minister of Israel 35,930 1,159 C Top
242 Moshe Dayan 35,823 1,155 B High
243 Rafah offensive 35,763 1,153 Start Unknown
244 Beta Israel 35,755 1,153 B Mid
245 1948 Palestinian expulsion and flight 35,504 1,145 B High
246 Cave of the Patriarchs 35,482 1,144 B High
247 1973 oil crisis 35,457 1,143 B Mid
248 Haavara Agreement 35,457 1,143 Start Mid
249 List of wars involving Israel 35,127 1,133 List High
250 Marc Chagall 35,099 1,132 B Mid
251 Esau 35,082 1,131 C Mid
252 Hallelujah 34,855 1,124 C Low
253 Reform Judaism 34,771 1,121 B Mid
254 Haifa 34,710 1,119 B Top
255 Eichmann in Jerusalem 34,634 1,117 C Low
256 Allegations of genocide in the 2023 Israeli attack on Gaza 34,566 1,115 B Mid
257 Yair Lapid 34,474 1,112 B High
258 Hiam Abbass 34,112 1,100 Start Low
259 Hoopoe 33,827 1,091 C Low
260 Blockade of the Gaza Strip 33,805 1,090 C Mid
261 Judea 33,702 1,087 C High
262 Galilee 33,701 1,087 C High
263 Sanhedrin trial of Jesus 33,615 1,084 C Low
264 Ahmed Yassin 33,320 1,074 B Low
265 Fertile Crescent 33,236 1,072 C Mid
266 Jah 33,188 1,070 Start Low
267 Samaritanism 33,128 1,068 C Mid
268 2022 Israeli legislative election 33,099 1,067 C Mid
269 History of the Jews in Russia 32,854 1,059 B High
270 National Unity (Israel) 32,854 1,059 Start Unknown
271 Temple in Jerusalem 32,849 1,059 C Top
272 Gaza War (2008–2009) 32,808 1,058 B Mid
273 IMI Galil 32,760 1,056 B Mid
274 Jaffa 32,743 1,056 C Mid
275 History of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict 32,655 1,053 C High
276 History of the Jews and Judaism in the Land of Israel 32,514 1,048 C Top
277 El Al 32,506 1,048 B High
278 Eli Cohen 32,376 1,044 C High
279 Jewish exodus from the Muslim world 32,330 1,042 B High
280 I Am that I Am 32,264 1,040 Start Low
281 Haganah 32,234 1,039 C High
282 Carob 32,212 1,039 C Unknown
283 Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) 32,137 1,036 C Low
284 Bar Kokhba revolt 32,003 1,032 B High
285 Israeli Declaration of Independence 31,777 1,025 B Top
286 Hurricane (Eden Golan song) 31,766 1,024 C Low
287 Benzion Netanyahu 31,623 1,020 C Mid
288 You Don't Mess with the Zohan 31,485 1,015 C Low
289 Israeli new shekel 31,478 1,015 B Top
290 Gehenna 31,291 1,009 C Mid
291 State religion 31,114 1,003 C High
292 Inbar Lavi 31,069 1,002 Start Unknown
293 Fauda 30,968 998 C Low
294 Yoav Gallant 30,959 998 Start Mid
295 Ilan Pappé 30,682 989 C Low
296 East Jerusalem 30,585 986 B High
297 United States support for Israel in the Israel–Hamas war 30,528 984 C Low
298 Israeli disengagement from Gaza 30,411 981 C High
299 Rummikub 30,360 979 C Low
300 Hasmonean dynasty 30,359 979 B Mid
301 Holy Land 30,317 977 C Top
302 Binding of Isaac 30,266 976 C Low
303 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine 30,261 976 B High
304 Oded Fehr 30,257 976 Start Unknown
305 Chaim Topol 30,248 975 GA Mid
306 Next Israeli legislative election 30,145 972 C Unknown
307 Maccabi Tel Aviv F.C. 30,010 968 Start Mid
308 Halakha 29,780 960 C Mid
309 Rosh Hashanah 29,719 958 B High
310 Origen 29,617 955 GA Mid
311 List of equipment of the Israel Defense Forces 29,532 952 Start Mid
312 Major non-NATO ally 29,453 950 B Low
313 Yonatan Netanyahu 29,407 948 C Mid
314 Samson Option 29,347 946 Start Unknown
315 Israeli occupation of the West Bank 29,182 941 B Top
316 IWI Tavor 29,090 938 B Mid
317 Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 28,971 934 Start Low
318 Nabataeans 28,942 933 B Mid
319 War crimes in the Israel–Hamas war 28,929 933 C High
320 Kidnapping of Noa Argamani 28,757 927 Start Low
321 Simon Wiesenthal 28,644 924 GA High
322 Challah 28,588 922 C Low
323 Righteous Among the Nations 28,581 921 Start Mid
324 Origin of the Palestinians 28,386 915 B Unknown
325 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine 28,381 915 B High
326 Seven Laws of Noah 28,381 915 B Mid
327 Palestinian Islamic Jihad 28,288 912 C Mid
328 Mount of Olives 28,279 912 C High
329 Ben Gurion Airport 28,275 912 B High
330 Economy of Israel 28,242 911 B Top
331 Ziva David 28,221 910 B Low
332 Odeya Rush 28,146 907 Start Low
333 Ehud Barak 28,127 907 C High
334 Daniel Barenboim 28,019 903 B Mid
335 Sheldon Adelson 28,007 903 C Mid
336 Miriam 27,949 901 C Low
337 Acre, Israel 27,901 900 C High
338 Ralph Bakshi 27,862 898 GA Low
339 Otzma Yehudit 27,665 892 B Mid
340 Jewish history 27,657 892 B Top
Attacks on U.S. bases in Iraq, Jordan, and Syria (2023–2024)
27,507 887 Start Low
342 Nas Daily 27,504 887 C Low
343 Antisemitic trope 27,383 883 List Low
344 God in Judaism 27,244 878 C High
345 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis 27,145 875 C Low
346 War of Attrition 27,121 874 B High
347 Mount Zion 26,980 870 C High
348 Mezuzah 26,941 869 B Mid
349 Eurovision Song Contest 2019 26,930 868 B Mid
350 Flag of Israel 26,917 868 B High
351 Miriam Adelson 26,835 865 C Mid
352 Nuclear weapons and Israel 26,702 861 B High
353 Waze 26,535 855 B Mid
354 King David Hotel bombing 26,528 855 B Mid
355 Meir Kahane 26,403 851 B Mid
356 Naftali Bennett 26,369 850 B Mid
357 Israeli Labor Party 26,274 847 C High
358 Denis Shapovalov 26,261 847 C Low
359 Masada 26,110 842 B High
360 Mahmoud Darwish 26,096 841 B Mid
361 Israel and apartheid 26,031 839 C Mid
362 Jewish holidays 25,933 836 B High
363 Genetic studies of Jews 25,863 834 B Mid
364 Mosab Hassan Yousef 25,700 829 B Mid
365 Essenes 25,622 826 B Low
366 Gaza Strip famine 25,583 825 Start Unknown
367 Jewish question 25,460 821 C High
368 The Garden Tomb 25,384 818 C High
369 Baruch Goldstein 25,381 818 B Low
370 Christian Zionism 25,136 810 C Mid
371 Yesh Atid 25,131 810 B Mid
372 Ronen Rubinstein 25,090 809 Start Low
373 Liel Abada 25,054 808 Stub Low
374 Israeli Jews 25,022 807 B Top
375 Hannibal Directive 24,986 806 C Low
376 Arab Christians 24,884 802 GA Mid
377 Ehud Olmert 24,861 801 C High
378 Haya Harareet 24,758 798 Start Unknown
379 Camp David Accords 24,708 797 C High
380 Sara Netanyahu 24,661 795 C High
381 Brüno 24,587 793 C Low
382 Herodian kingdom 24,584 793 Start Low
383 Gefilte fish 24,562 792 Start Low
384 Mossad assassinations following the Munich massacre 24,543 791 C High
385 Exodus (1960 film) 24,525 791 B Low
386 Battle of Jericho 24,430 788 C Low
387 Timeline of the name Palestine 24,389 786 List High
388 Old City of Jerusalem 24,347 785 C Top
389 Eran Zahavi 24,259 782 B Low
390 Neturei Karta 24,179 779 B Mid
391 Syria Palaestina 24,121 778 C Low
392 Negev 24,046 775 C High
393 Haim Saban 24,026 775 B Mid
394 Noa Tishby 23,856 769 C Low
395 Paul L. Smith 23,817 768 Start Low
396 Ruth Westheimer 23,513 758 B Low
397 Jewish ethnic divisions 23,419 755 B High
398 Jordanian annexation of the West Bank 23,383 754 C Mid
399 Lion of Judah 23,349 753 Start Low
400 IAI Kfir 23,239 749 B Mid
401 Cherry tomato 23,145 746 Start Mid
402 One-state solution 23,100 745 B High
403 Timeline of the Israel–Hamas war (12 January 2024 – present) 23,100 745 List Low
404 List of military engagements during the Israel–Hamas war 23,098 745 List Low
405 Bezalel Smotrich 23,077 744 C Mid
406 Vince Offer 23,065 744 C Low
407 Yemenite Jews 23,017 742 B High
408 El Al Flight 1862 22,927 739 C Low
409 Beersheba 22,859 737 B Top
410 Midrash 22,791 735 Start Low
411 Samaria 22,770 734 B Mid
412 Religion in Israel 22,748 733 B Top
413 Language of Jesus 22,719 732 B High
414 Uri Geller 22,692 732 B Low
415 Status of Jerusalem 22,607 729 B Top
416 Amos Tversky 22,593 728 C Mid
417 Karaite Judaism 22,575 728 C Mid
418 Charles Taze Russell 22,446 724 B Low
419 Yair Netanyahu 22,401 722 C Low
420 List of companies involved in the Holocaust 22,372 721 List Low
421 Amen 22,322 720 C Low
422 Green Line (Israel) 22,203 716 C Top
423 Demographic history of Palestine (region) 22,108 713 B Top
424 Mount Hermon 22,063 711 C Mid
425 Haaretz 22,043 711 C High
426 Bombing of the Gaza Strip 21,878 705 Start Unknown
427 Israeli war crimes 21,852 704 C Low
428 Yishuv 21,836 704 C Top
429 Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin 21,701 700 B High
430 Israeli–Palestinian peace process 21,639 698 C High
431 Pita 21,623 697 Start Mid
432 Leigh Bardugo 21,603 696 C Low
433 Land Day 21,435 691 C High
434 Tehran (TV series) 21,354 688 Start Low
435 Kings of Israel and Judah 21,316 687 List Mid
436 Expulsions and exoduses of Jews 21,253 685 Start Mid
437 Raoul Wallenberg 21,184 683 B Mid
438 Second Crusade 21,056 679 FA Mid
439 Itzhak Perlman 20,994 677 C Low
440 Near East 20,972 676 C High
441 Sukkot 20,868 673 C High
442 Thirty-seventh government of Israel 20,757 669 C Mid
443 Sabbatical 20,735 668 Stub Low
444 Book of Joshua 20,729 668 B Mid
445 The Times of Israel 20,672 666 C Mid
446 List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine 20,654 666 List Mid
447 Artists4Ceasefire 20,626 665 Start Low
448 Antisemitism in Islam 20,369 657 B High
449 Biblical Hebrew 20,141 649 GA High
450 Sayeret Matkal 20,120 649 C Mid
451 Al-Ahli Arab Hospital explosion 20,119 649 C High
452 David in Islam 19,893 641 C Mid
453 Black September Organization 19,877 641 C Mid
454 Muslim supporters of Israel 19,769 637 B Mid
455 IWI Negev 19,761 637 Start Unknown
456 Euphoria (Israeli TV series) 19,648 633 Start Low
457 Chaim Weizmann 19,635 633 B Top
Governance of the Gaza Strip
19,619 632 B Mid
459 Cave of the Patriarchs massacre 19,583 631 B Mid
460 Alona Tal 19,479 628 Start Low
461 United Nations Security Council Resolution 2728 19,470 628 C Low
462 Yitzhak Shamir 19,456 627 B Top
463 1929 Hebron massacre 19,379 625 B High
464 Folke Bernadotte 19,329 623 B Low
465 Elbit Systems 19,294 622 C High
466 Modern Hebrew 19,250 620 Start Unknown
467 Passover Seder plate 19,237 620 Start Low
468 Ze'ev Jabotinsky 19,163 618 C High
469 Siege of Gaza City 19,163 618 Start Low
470 Anish Kapoor 19,137 617 B Low
471 Yigal Amir 19,134 617 C High
472 Battle of Karameh 19,129 617 GA Low
473 Greater Israel 19,111 616 C Mid
474 Second Temple period 19,054 614 C Top
475 Bukharan Jews 19,053 614 C Mid
476 2000 Camp David Summit 18,945 611 C High
477 The Spy (TV miniseries) 18,909 609 Start Low
478 Lavon Affair 18,890 609 C High
479 Maccabi Haifa F.C. 18,887 609 C Low
480 Meze 18,785 605 Start Low
481 IWI Tavor X95 18,762 605 Start Unknown
482 Gilad Shalit 18,702 603 B High
483 Syria (region) 18,700 603 C Unknown
484 EToro 18,690 602 B Low
485 President of Israel 18,622 600 C Top
486 Ofra Haza 18,599 599 C High
487 List of modern conflicts in the Middle East 18,573 599 List Mid
488 Sabra (person) 18,525 597 C Low
489 Jewish Voice for Peace 18,498 596 C Low
490 IWI Jericho 941 18,495 596 Start Low
491 List of companies of Israel 18,464 595 List High
492 Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel 18,425 594 C High
493 Natufian culture 18,387 593 C Mid
494 History of the Jews in India 18,367 592 C Mid
495 Kibbeh 18,366 592 C Low
496 Jesus in the Talmud 18,329 591 B Low
497 Ayelet Zurer 18,308 590 C Mid
498 Ancient Semitic-speaking peoples 18,213 587 C Unknown
499 Israel–Hamas war protests 18,083 583 C Low
500 IAI Heron 18,058 582 C Low