User:Гармонический Мир/Anarchism in Ukraine

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Anarchism in Ukraine dates from the 19th century with the writings of Mykhailo Drahomanov (1841–1895), though it draws its rebellious inspiration in the actions of Nestor Makhno from the peasant uprisings of Stenka Razin and Yemelyan Pugachev as well as the Zaporozhian Cossacks.[verification needed]


The first theoretical anarchist was

. While living in Geneva, he wrote numerous political tracts against all sorts of centralized governments and favored a bottom-up form of democracy of small communities organized on a federative basis, often referring to the Swiss form of government as a model.

Anarchists were active in the

anarcho-communists continued their attacks against aristocrats and capitalists throughout the south-eastern part of Ukraine

Makhno became active again after the


Anarcho-individualism. The uniform platform for Nabat was never truly decided upon, but Volin used what he had written and the inspiration from Nabat to create his Anarchist Synthesis.[4] The proposed platform for Nabat included the following sentence which anticipated synthesis anarchism: "These three elements (syndicalism, communism and individualism) are three aspects of a single process, the building, of the organization of the working class (syndicalism), of the anarcho-communist society which is nothing more than the material base necessary for the complete fullness of the free individual."[5]

Makhno tried to defend the Free Territory against further attacks by the Bolshevik and White armies, but lost ground throughout 1920 and 1921. By the end of 1921, the anarchist groups in Ukraine had been arrested or dispersed. Makhno fled to Romania, then Poland, and finally Paris, where he wrote his memoirs and proposed organizational tactics based on what he had learned in Ukraine.


The Revolutionary Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists, Nestor Makhno (RKAS-NM) is a notable example of emergent anarchist movement since the fall of the Soviet Union. It had 2,000 members in Ukraine as of 2013.[6]

There are some collectives and groups existing in the region of Ukraine, who define themselves as anarchists, like: Svobodna – anarcha-feminist web-page (Russian language) and Zaraz – Kiev’s portal of libertarian initiatives,

See also at

Abolishing the borders from below
anarchist magazine from eastern Europe.

See also


  1. ^ Jackson, Allyn. "Comme Appelé du Néant: Part 1". Notices of the American Mathematical Society. 51 (10): 1038–1056.
  2. .
  3. ^ Avrich, Paul (July 1968). "Russian Anarchism and the Civil War". The Russian Review: 296–306.
  4. ^ Guérin, Daniel (2005). No Gods, No Masters: An Anthology of Anarchism. Paul Sharkey. AK Press.
  5. ^ "Estos tres elementos (el sindicalismo, el comunismo, y el individualismo) son tres aspectos de un único y mismo proceso la construcción, por el método de la organización de clase de los trabajadores (el sindicalismo), de la sociedad anarcocomunista que no es más que la base material necesaria a la plenitud completa del individuo libre."Primera Conferencia de las Organizaciones Anarquistas de Ukrania "Nabat"
  6. .


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