Portal:Fungi/Selected species

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Selected species are articles about specific species of fungi that are of

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Selected species list

Agaricus texensis

Agaricus texensis, commonly known as the gasteroid agaricus, is a species of fungus in the family Agaricaceae. Found only in southwestern and western North America, it is adapted for growth in dry, semiarid habitats. The fruit bodies are secotioid, meaning the spores are not forcibly discharged, and the cap does not fully expand. Unlike other Agaricus species, A. texensis does not develop true gills, but rather a convoluted and networked system of spore-producing tissue called a gleba. When the partial veil breaks or pulls away from the stem or the cap splits radially, the blackish-brown gleba is exposed to the elements. Formerly named Longula texensis (among several other synonyms), it was shown by molecular
analysis in 2004 to be most evolutionarily closely related to Agaricus.


Amanita abrupta

mixed woods in eastern North America and eastern Asia, where it is thought to exist in a mycorrhizal relationship with a variety of both coniferous and deciduous
tree species.

The fruit bodies of Amanita abrupta are poisonous, and ingestion damages the liver; the toxicity is thought to be largely due to a rare amino acid. Although not considered as toxic as its infamous relatives the death cap and the destroying angel, A. abrupta is blamed for the deaths of two Japanese women in 1978. Poisoning symptoms included the abrupt appearance of violent vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration after a delay of 10–20 hours.

Amanita aestivalis

Amanita aestivalis, commonly known as the white American star-footed Amanita, is a species of fungus in the mushroom family Amanitaceae. The fungus is distributed in the eastern United States, south to Florida, and reaches north into the southeastern provinces of Canada. The cap of the fruit body is medium-sized, 5 to 8.5 cm (2.0 to 3.3 in) in diameter and white. It sits atop a stem that is 8.5 to 16 cm (3.3 to 6.3 in) long and has a rounded bulb its the base. The entire fruit body will slowly stain a reddish-brown color in response to bruising or aging. It remains unknown whether Amanita aestivalis is a distinct species from A. brunnescens, another similar Amanita with a comparable distribution. There are several other white-bodied amanitas with which A. aestivalis may be confused, including A. virosa, A. phalloides, and A. bisporigera.

Amanita daucipes

Amanita daucipes is a species of fungus in the mushroom family Amanitaceae of the order Agaricales. Found exclusively in North America, the mushroom may be recognized in the field by the medium to large white caps with pale orange tints, and the dense covering of pale orange or reddish-brown powdery conical warts on the cap surface. The mushroom also has a characteristic large bulb at the base of its stem with a blunt short rooting base, whose shape is suggestive of the common names carrot-footed lepidella, carrot-foot amanita, or turnip-foot amanita. The mushroom has a strong odor that has been described variously as "sweet and nauseous", or compared to an old ham bone, or soap. Edibility is unknown for the species, but consumption is generally not recommended due its position in the Amanita subgroup Lepidella, which contains some poisonous members.

Amanita onusta

bleaching powder
, and their edibility is unknown, but possibly toxic.

Amanita regalis

Amanita regalis, commonly known as the royal fly agaric or the king of Sweden amanita, is a species of fungus in the family Amanitaceae. Common in Scandinavian countries, it is also found in eastern and northern Europe. In North America, its distribution is restricted to Alaska. The fruit bodies of the fungus somewhat resemble the fly agaric (Amanita muscaria), and it was formerly regarded as a variety of this species. A. regalis differs from it in being larger, with a liver-brown cap bearing numerous scabs, and in having a stem which is yellow-ochre at the base, with patches or rings of patches. Chemical analysis has shown that this species contains ibotenic acid and muscimol, the same toxic components found in A. muscaria, but no muscarine or tryptamine derivatives have been found.

Ascocoryne sarcoides


Astraeus hygrometricus

phylogenetic analyses revealed they were unique Astraeus

It is an

hygroscopic (water-absorbing), and can open up its rays to expose the spore sac in response to increased humidity
, and close them up again in drier conditions.

Battarrea phalloides

Tulostomataceae, and the type species of the genus Battarrea. Known in the vernacular as the scaley-stalked puffball or the sandy stiltball, it has a woody, slender, and scaly stem that can typically reach 40 centimeters (15.7 in) in length. Although its general appearance resembles a more typical agaric with stem and gills, atop the stem is a spore sac, consisting of an endoperidium and a gleba
. Battarrea phalloides is found in dry, sandy locations throughout North America, primarily in western regions; it has also been collected in South America, Africa, Australia, Europe, and China. There is currently some disagreement in the literature as to whether the European species B. stevensii is the same species as B. phalloides.

Boletus frostii

Boletus frostii, commonly known as Frost's bolete or the apple bolete, is an edible bolete mushroom first described scientifically in 1874. A member of the family Boletaceae, the mushrooms produced by the fungus have tubes and pores instead of gills on the underside of its cap. The fruit bodies may be recognized by their dark red sticky caps, the red pores, the network-like pattern of the stem, and the bluing reaction to bruising. Another characteristic of young, moist fruit bodies are the amber drops exuded on the pore surface. It is a mycorrhizal species, and the fruit bodies are typically found growing near hardwood trees, especially oak. Boletus frostii is distributed in the eastern United States from Maine to Georgia, Mexico, and Costa Rica. A subspecies
, Boletus frostii ssp. floridanus, has been described and differs from the typical species in the color of the fruit body, and texture of the cap.


Boletus mirabilis

saprobic lifestyle. Despite occasional appearances to the contrary, Boletus mirabilis is mycorrhizal, and forms close mutualistic associations with hemlock roots. There has been some disagreement in the literature as to whether the mushroom should be placed in the closely-related genera Boletus or Boletellus


Boletus pinophilus

, the size of the fruiting body is variable. Boletus pinophilus is edible, and may be preserved and cooked.

For many years, Boletus pinophilus was considered a subspecies or form of the porcini mushroom B. edulis. In 2008, B. pinophilus in western North America were reclassified as a new species, Boletus rex-veris.

Boletus pulcherrimus

B. satanas. To date it is the only bolete that has been implicated in the death of someone consuming it; a couple developed gastrointestinal symptoms in 1994 after eating this fungus with the husband succumbing. Autopsy revealed infarction
of the midgut.


Boletus zelleri

William Alphonso Murrill in 1912, the species has been juggled by various authors to several genera, including Boletus, Boletellus, and Xerocomus. Found solely in western North America from British Columbia south to Mexico, the fruit bodies are distinguished by their dark reddish brown to nearly black caps with uneven surfaces, the yellow pores on the underside of the caps, and the red-streaked yellow stems. The fungus grows in summer and fall on the ground, often in Douglas fir forests or on their margins. The development of the fruit bodies is gymnocarpic, meaning that the hymenium
appears and develops to maturity in an exposed state, not enclosed by any protective membrane.


Calvatia sculpta

fruit body
disintegrate into a brown powder. The spores are roughly spherical, and have wart-like projections on the surface.

Originally described from the

microscopy—is larger, and has slightly raised felty warts. Other similar species include Calvatia arctica and immature specimens of Amanita magniverrucata

Clathrus ruber

fruit bodies that are shaped somewhat like a round or oval hollow sphere with interlaced or latticed branches. Although considered primarily a European species, Clathrus ruber has a widespread distribution that includes northern Africa, Asia, and Australia. It has been introduced
to many areas, such as North America, through human activity.

The fruit body initially appears like a whitish "egg" attached to the ground by long cords. The egg has a delicate, leathery outer membrane enclosing the compressed lattice that surrounds a layer of olive-green spore-bearing slime called the gleba, which contains high levels of calcium that help protect the developing fruit body during development. As the egg ruptures and the fruit body expands, the gleba is carried upward on the inner surfaces of the spongy lattice, and the egg tissue remains as a volva around the base of the structure. The gleba has a fetid odor, somewhat like rotting meat, that attracts flies and other insects to help disperse the spores.

Coprinopsis atramentaria

Coprinopsis atramentaria, commonly known as the common ink cap or inky cap, is an edible (but sometimes poisonous, see below) mushroom found in Europe and North America. Previously known as Coprinus atramentarius, it is the second best known ink cap and previous member of the genus Coprinus after C. comatus. It is a widespread and common fungus, found throughout the northern hemisphere. Clumps of mushrooms arise after rain from spring to autumn, commonly in urban and disturbed habitats such as vacant lots and lawns as well as grassy areas. The grey-brown cap is initially bell-shaped before opening and flattening and disintegrating. The flesh is thin and the taste mild. It can be eaten, but is poisonous when consumed with alcohol – hence another common name, tippler's bane.

Crinipellis zonata

Saprobic, it grows on the dead wood of deciduous trees from late summer to autumn. The fungus is found commonly in eastern North America, but has also been collected in Portugal and Korea. The variety C. zonata var. cremoricolor, found in eastern North America, may be distinguished microscopically by its longer spores

Cryptothecia rubrocincta

tropical locations throughout the southeastern United States, as well as Central and South America, and has been collected infrequently in a few locales in Africa. The body of the lichen forms continuous, circular crust-like patches on dead wood, readily recognizable by the prominent red pigment. The older, central region is covered with red, spherical to cylindrical granules. Moving outwards from the center, zones of color may be distinguished, the first gray-green, the second white, and finally a bright red cottony rim. The red and green colors of this unmistakable woodland lichen give the appearance of a Christmas wreath, suggestive of its common
North American name, the Christmas wreath lichen. The red pigment, called chiodectonic acid, is one of several chemicals the lichen produces to help tolerate inhospitable growing conditions.

Cyathus helenae

specific epithet
of this species was given by Brodie in tribute to his late wife Helen.

Cyathus olla

word olla, meaning "pot".

Cyathus stercoreus

word stercorarius, meaning "of dung".

Cyathus striatus

stria, meaning "with fine ridges or grooves".

Cyptotrama asprata

genera before finally settling in Cyptotrama. This species is differentiated from several other similar members of genus Cyptotrama by variations in cap color, and spore
size and shape.

Entoloma sinuatum


It may be mistaken for the edible St Georges' mushroom (Calocybe gambosa), or miller (Clitopilus prunulus) and has been responsible for many cases of mushroom poisoning in Europe. E. sinuatum causes primarily gastrointestinal problems that, though not generally life-threatening, have been described as highly unpleasant. It is generally not considered to be lethal, although one source has reported deaths from the consumption of this mushroom.

Gyromitra infula

Gyromitra infula, commonly known as the elfin saddle or the hooded false morel, is a member of the ascomycete mushrooms in the family Helvellaceae. The caps of the fruit bodies of this species develop a characteristic saddle-shape in maturity, and the ends of both saddle lobes are drawn out to sharp tips that project above the level of the fruiting body. It is found in the Northern Hemisphere, usually in the late summer and autumn, growing on rotting wood or on hard packed ground. G. infula is considered inedible as it contains the toxic compound gyromitrin. Gyromitra fungi are included among the informal category "false morels


Geastrum pectinatum

fungi. Although young specimens are spherical, fruiting body development involves the outer layer of tissue splitting open like a star into 7 to 10 pointed rays that eventually bend back to point downward, revealing a small – 1 to 2.5 cm (0.4 to 1.0 in) broad – spore sac supported by a small stalk. It is commonly known as the beaked earthstar or the beret earthstar, in reference to the shape of the spore sac and its prominent, protruding peristome. Although uncommon, this species has a cosmopolitan distribution, and has been collected in various locations in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. Like several other earthstars, crystals of calcium oxalate
are found on G. pectinatum, and are thought to be involved in fruiting body maturation.

Gomphus clavatus

coniferous genera, particularly spruces and firs. It may be identified by its orangish-brown to lilac color, its purple, wrinkled hymenium
, and the unique shape of its fruit bodies.

Handkea utriformis

heaths, and is edible when young. H. utriformis has antibiotic activity against a number of bacteria, and can bioaccumulate the trace metals copper and zinc
to relatively high concentrations.

Ramariopsis kunzei

coral fungi in the family Clavariaceae, and the type species of the genus Ramariopsis. It is commonly known as white coral because of the branched structure of the fruit bodies that resemble marine coral. The fruit bodies
are up to 5 cm (2.0 in) tall by 4 cm (1.6 in) wide, with numerous branches originating from a short rudimentary stem. The branches are 1–2 millimeters thick, smooth, and white, sometimes with yellowish tips in age. Ramariopsis kunzei has a widespread distribution, and is found in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

Hygrophorus agathosmus

Hygrophorus agathosmus, commonly known as the gray almond waxy cap or the almond woodwax, is a species of fungus in the family Hygrophoraceae. It was first described by Elias Magnus Fries in 1815; Fries gave it its current name in 1838. A widespread species, it is distributed in the United States, Europe, Africa, and India, and can be found growing under spruce and pine in mixed forests. The fruit bodies are characterized by a light grayish cap that measures up to 8 cm (3.1 in) in diameter, waxy gills, a dry stem, and the distinct odor of bitter almonds. An edible but bland-tasting mushroom, extracts of the fruit bodies have been shown in laboratory tests to have antimicrobial activity against various bacteria that are pathogenic to humans.

Lactarius alnicola

coniferous trees species, such as spruce, pine and fir, and deciduous species such as oak and alder. It has also been collected in India. Two varieties have been named: var. pitkinensis, known from Colorado, and var. pungens, from Michigan

Lactarius deceptivus



Lactarius piperatus

Mycorrhizal, it forms a symbiotic relationship with various species of deciduous tree, including beech, and hazel, and fruiting bodies are found on the forest floor in deciduous


Lactarius repraesentaneus

, and consumption causes stomach aches.

Lactarius rufulus

Lactarius species. Lactarius rufulus mushrooms are edible, and have an odor resembling maple syrup
. They have been used to flavor confections and desserts.

Lactarius subdulcis

-like taste and the fact that more choice mushrooms will be easily found at the same time. L. subdulcis is known for its abundant, sweet-tasting milk that, unlike the latex of some of its relatives, does not stain fabric yellow.

Lactarius subflammeus

Lactarius subflammeus, commonly known as the orange milk cap, is a species of fungus in the family Russulaceae. It is found in western North America in the late summer and fall and is especially common in the Pacific Northwest, where it grows on the ground near conifers like pine and spruce. The brightly colored fruit bodies, which are slimy or sticky, have scarlet caps when young that soon fade to brilliant orange. The stem—typically longer than the width of the cap—is also bright orange but the gills are whitish. The mushroom secretes a whitish latex when it is cut or injured.

Lactarius torminosus

mixed forests in a mycorrhizal association with various trees, most commonly birch. Although it is valued for its peppery flavor and eaten after pickling in Russia and Finland, it is highly irritating to the digestive system when eaten raw. The toxins responsible for the acrid
taste are destroyed by cooking.


basidia are found. The cylindrical stem is a pale flesh color with a delicately downy surface, reaching lengths of up to 8 cm (3.1 in). When cut or injured, the fruit bodies ooze a white latex that does not change color upon exposure to air. The variety
normandensis, in contrast, has latex that changes color from white to yellow.

Psilocybe semilanceata

cream before tinting purple as the spores mature. The spores are dark purplish-brown in mass, ellipsoid, and measure 10.5–15 by 6.5–8.5 micrometers

The mushroom grows on grassy meadows and similar habitats, particularly in wet, north-facing fields and other habitats well-fertilized by sheep and cattle feces. But unlike


Leucopaxillus giganteus

saprobic species of fungus in the family Tricholomataceae. As its common names imply, the fruit body, or mushroom, can become quite large—the cap reaches diameters of up to 40 cm (16 in). It has a white or pale cream cap, and is funnel-shaped when mature, with the gills running down the length of the stem. Considered by some to be a choice edible when young, this species has a cosmopolitan distribution, and is typically found growing in groups or rings in grassy pastures, roadside hedges, or woodland clearings. Leucopaxillus giganteus contains a number of bioactive compounds, one of which has displayed antibiotic
and anti-tumor properties in laboratory tests.


Lobaria pulmonaria

lowland areas. The species has a history of use in traditional medicines
, and recent research has corroborated some medicinal properties of lichen extracts.

Marasmius rotula

Marasmius rotula is a species of fungus in the mushroom family Marasmiaceae. It is commonly known variously as the pinwheel mushroom, the pinwheel marasmius, the little wheel, the collared parachute, or the horse hair fungus. It is a widespread and common fungus, and is the type species of the genus Marasmius. The fruit body is characterized by its whitish, thin, membranous cap, its long and slender but tough black stem, and widely-spaced white gills that are attached to a collar encircling but not touching the stem. The fungus grows on decaying wood and leaves. Unlike other mushrooms known to release spores in response to an internal timer, or circadian rhythm, spore release in M. rotula is dependent on rain.

Mycena californiensis

saprobically, feeding on the fallen leaves and acorns of various oak species. First described in 1860 by Berkeley and Curtis, the species was collected four years earlier during an exploring and surveying expedition. It was subsequently considered a doubtful species by later Mycena researchers, until a 1999 publication validated the taxon. Mycena elegantula is considered a synonym

Mutinus elegans

saprobic species, it is typically found growing on the ground singly or in small groups on woody debris or leaf litter, during summer and autumn in Europe and eastern North America. The fruit body begins its development in an "egg" form, resembling somewhat a puffball partially submerged in the ground. As the fungus matures, a slender orange to pink colored stalk emerges that tapers evenly to a pointed tip. The stalk is covered with a foul-smelling slimy green spore mass on the upper third of its length. Flies and other insects feed upon the slime which contains the spores, assisting in their dispersal. Due to their repellent odor, mature specimens are not generally considered edible, although there are reports of the immature "eggs" being consumed. In the laboratory, Mutinus elegans has been shown to inhibit the growth of several microorganisms that can be pathogenic
to humans.

Omphalotus nidiformis


Its scientific name is derived from the

oyster mushrooms. It is one of several species with bioluminescent properties occurring worldwide, all of which are poisonous with the exception of Armillaria

Paxillus involutus

basidiomycete fungus, previously considered edible and eaten widely in Eastern and Central Europe. It had been recognized as causing gastric upsets when eaten raw, but was more recently implicated in a potentially fatal immune hemolysis
in those who had consumed the mushroom without ill-effects for years. It often grows near edible mushrooms as well which makes it harder to identify by amateur mushroomers.

It is widely distributed across the Northern Hemisphere and has been accidentally introduced to Australia, New Zealand, and South America; it is likely to have been transported in soil of European trees to those countries. Various shades of brown in color, the fruiting body resembles a brown wooden top and may be found in deciduous and coniferous woods, and grassy areas in later summer and autumn. The cap bears a distinctive inrolled rim and decurrent gills which may be pore-like close to the stipe. Although it has gills, it is more closely related to the pored boletes than to typical gilled mushrooms.

Phallus impudicus

Phallus impudicus, commonly known as the common stinkhorn, is a widespread fungus recognizable for its foul odor and its phallic shape when mature, the latter feature giving rise to several names in 17th-century England. It is a common mushroom in Europe and western North America, where it occurs in habitats rich in wood debris such as forests and mulched gardens. It appears from summer to late autumn. The fruiting structure is tall and white with a slimy, dark olive colored conical head. Known as the gleba, this material contains the spores, and is transported by insects which are attracted by the odor – described as resembling carrion. Despite its foul smell, it is not poisonous and the young mushroom is consumed in parts of France and Germany.

Pholiota flammans

temperate regions. Its edibility
has not been clarified.

Plectania nannfeldtii

mycelia. Fruit bodies, which may appear alone or in groups on the ground in conifer duff, are usually attached to buried woody debris, and are commonly associated with melting snow. Plectania nannfeldtii is found in western North America and in Asia, often at higher elevations. Similar black cup fungi with which P. nannfeldtii may be confused include Pseudoplectania vogesiaca, P. nigrella, and Helvella corium

Pseudocolus fusiformis

Pseudocolus fusiformis is a stinkhorn mushroom in the family Phallaceae, a family well-known for a remarkable range of fruit body types. It is the most widely distributed member of the genus Pseudocolus and has been found in the United States, Australia, Japan, Java, and the Philippines. It is commonly known as the stinky squid, because of its fetid odor, and its three or four upright "arms" which are connected at the top. The malodorous smell comes from the dark greenish slimy gleba covering the inside faces of the arms, and attracts insects that help to disperse the spores.

Russula virescens

mixed forests, forming mycorrhizhal associations with hardwood trees like oak and European beech. Its distribution in North America has not been clarified, due to confusion with the similar species Russula parvovirescens and Russula crustosa. The ribonuclease enzyme of R. virescens has been studied and shown to have a unique biochemistry
compared to other edible mushrooms.

Coprinellus impatiens

buff caps that are up to 4 cm (1.6 in) in diameter, held by slender whitish stems that can be up to 10 cm (3.9 in) tall. Several other Coprinopsis species that resemble C. impatiens may be distinguished by differences in appearance, habit, or spore morphology


Sarcoscypha occidentalis

imperfect form of the fungus that lacks a sexually reproductive stage in its life cycle

Scutellinia scutellata

fruiting bodies
are small red cups with distinct long, dark hairs or "eyelashes". These eyelashes are the most distinctive feature and are easily visible with a magnifying glass. The species is common in North America and Europe, and has been recorded on every continent. S. scutellata is found on rotting wood and in other damp habitats, typically growing in small groups, sometimes forming clusters. It is sometimes described as inedible, but its small size means it is not suitable for culinary use. Despite this, it is popular among mushroom hunters due to its unusual "eyelash" hairs, making it memorable and easy to identify.

Suillus americanus

beta glucan carbohydrate shown to have anti-inflammatory
properties in laboratory tests.

Coprinopsis variegata

Coprinopsis variegata, commonly known as the scaly ink cap or the feltscale inky cap, is a species of fungus in the family Psathyrellaceae. Distributed in eastern North America, it has a medium-sized, bell-shaped to flattened cap up to 7.5 cm (3.0 in) in diameter, with felt-like, patchy scales. The gills, initially white, turn black in maturity and eventually dissolve into a black "ink". Fruit bodies grow in clusters or groups on leaf litter or rotted hardwood, although the wood may be buried, giving the appearance of growing in the soil. The fungus is found in the United States, in areas east of the Great Plains. Coprinus ebulbosus and Coprinus quadrifidus are names assigned by Charles Horton Peck to what he believed were species distinct from C. variegata; they were later shown to represent the same species, and are now synonyms. The mushroom is not recommended for consumption, and has been shown to cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

Suillus sibiricus

with the latter species.

Collybia tuberosa

Lactarius and Russula, boletes, hydnums, and polypores

Tremella mesenterica

tropical regions that include Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America. Although considered bland and flavorless, the fungus is edible. Tremella mesenterica produces carbohydrates that are attracting research interest because of their various biological activities

Tricholoma pardinum

Tricholoma pardinum, commonly known as spotted tricholoma, tiger tricholoma, tigertop or dirty trich, is a gilled mushroom widely distributed across North America and Europe, as well as parts of Asia. It is generally found in beech woodland in summer and autumn. It is an imposing mushroom with a pale grey cap up to 10 cm (4 in) in diameter with darker brownish or greyish scales, white gills and white or pale grey-brown ringless stalk. It is one of the more poisonous members of the genus Tricholoma and has been implicated in a number of episodes of mushroom poisoning, probably because it is a large, attractive mushroom with a superficial resemblance to a number of edible species as well as having a pleasant smell and taste. Ingesting T. pardinum even in small quantities causes a severe, persistent gastroenteritis due to the presence of an as yet unknown mycotoxin.

Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus

chemical derivatives of ergosterol, a fungal sterol

Urnula craterium

imperfect), or conidial stage of U. craterium is the plant pathogenic species Conoplea globosa, known to cause a canker disease of oak and several other hardwood
tree species.

Verpa bohemica

saprobic species of fungus in the family Morchellaceae. Commonly known as the early morel (or early false morel) or the wrinkled thimble-cap, V. bohemica is one of several species known informally as a "false morel". It can be recognized in the field by the pale yellow or brown thimble-shaped wrinkled cap attached to the top of the lighter-colored stem; its distinguishing characteristic is its relatively large spores, typically 60–80 by 15–18 µm
. Although widely consumed, edibility is generally not advised due to reports of poisoning in susceptible individuals. The synonym Ptychoverpa bohemica is often used by European mycologists.

Wynnea americana

mycelia known as sclerotia. In eastern North America, where it is typically found growing in the soil underneath hardwood trees, it is found from New York to Michigan
south to Mexico. The species has also been collected from Costa Rica, India, and Japan.

Wynnea americana is distinguished from other species in the genus Wynnea by the pustules (small bumps) on the outer surface, and microscopically by the large asymmetrical longitudinally ribbed spores with a sharply pointed tip. The spores are made in structures called asci, which have thickened rings at one end that are capped by a hinged structure known as the operculum—a lid that is opened when spores are to be released from the ascus.

Hygrophorus eburneus

fungi. It is widespread in Europe and North America, and has also been collected in northern Africa. The fruit bodies are medium-sized, pure white, and when wet are covered in a layer of slime thick enough to make the mushroom difficult to pick up. The gills are broadly attached to the stem or running down it; as the family name suggests, they feel waxy when rubbed between the fingers. Like all Hygrophorus species, the fungus is mycorrzhizal—a symbiotic association whereby the underground fungal mycelia penetrate and exchange nutrients with tree roots. They are common in a variety of forest types, where they grow on the ground in thickets or grassy areas. Hygrophorus eburneus is the type species of the genus Hygrophorus. A number of biologically active chemicals have been purified from the fruit bodies of the fungus, including fatty acids with bactericidal and fungicidal

Sarcoscypha dudleyi

imperfect form of the fungus that lacks a sexually reproductive stage in its life cycle

Lactarius fallax

Lactarius fallax, commonly known as the velvety milk cap, is a species of fungus in the family Russulaceae. Found in both spruce and mixed conifer forests, it is a fairly common species in the Pacific Northwest region of North America, with a northerly range extending to Alaska. Its fruit bodies are medium-sized, with velvety, brown to blackish caps up to 3–9 cm (1.2–3.5 in) in diameter bearing a distinct pointed umbo. The caps are supported by velvety stems up to 6 cm (2.4 in) long and 1.5 cm (0.6 in) thick. The mushroom oozes a whitish latex when it is cut, and injured tissue eventually turns a dull reddish color. The eastern North American and European species Lactarius lignyotus is closely similar in appearance, but can be distinguished by its differing range.

Lactarius blennius

European Beech (though associations with other trees are known). It was first described by Elias Magnus Fries. Though its colour and size vary, it is distinctive because it is slimy when wet and exudes copious amounts of milk. It has been the subject of some chemical research, and it can be used to produce pigments and blennins. Blennins, some of which have shown potential medical application, are derived from lactarane, a chemical so named because of their association with Lactarius. The edibility of L. blennius is uncertain, with different mycologists suggesting that it is edible
(though not recommended), inedible or even poisonous.

Amanita atkinsoniana

, the mushroom is not recommended for consumption.

Ramaria botrytis

coral fungus in the family Gomphaceae. Its fruit body, which can grow up to 12 cm (4.7 in) in diameter and 12 cm (4.7 in) tall, resembles a marine coral, and it is identifiable by its white-colored branches with numerous red to orange branched tips. It has a wide distribution, and is found in North America, North Africa, central and eastern Europe, Australia, and Asia, where it fruits on the ground in wooded areas. It is the type species of the genus Ramaria. The fruit bodies are generally considered edible, although they may have laxative effects in susceptible individuals. Scientific research has shown that the mushroom contains several bioactive compounds

Amanita ravenelii

bleaching powder
, are not recommended for consumption.

Strobilomyces foveatus

E.J.H. Corner in 1972, from specimens he collected in Malaysia in 1959, and has since been found in Australia. Fruit bodies are characterized by the small dark brown to black conical scales covering the cap, and the net-like pattern of ridges on the upper stem. The roughly spherical spores measure about eight micrometres, and are densely covered with slender conical spines. The edibility
of this species is unknown.

Mycena flavoalba

Mycena flavoalba, commonly known as the ivory bonnet, is a species of inedible mushroom in the family Mycenaceae. The cap is initially conical in shape, before becoming convex and then flattening out; it may reach dimensions of up to 1.5 cm (0.6 in) across. The cap color is ivory-white to yellowish white, sometimes more yellowish at the center. The tubular stems are up to 8 cm (3.1 in) long and 2.5 mm (0.10 in) thick, and have long, coarse white hairs at their bases. The mushroom is found in Europe, the Middle East, and North America, where it grows scattered or in dense groups under conifers and on humus in oak


Inocybe maculata

vomiting, with the possibility of death due respiratory failure


Mycena acicula

Mycena acicula, commonly known as the orange bonnet, or the coral spring mycena, is a species of fungus in the family Mycenaceae. It is found in Asia, the Caribbean, North America and Europe. The fruit bodies, or mushrooms, of the fungus grow on dead twigs and other woody debris of forest floors, especially along streams and other wet places. They have small orange-red caps, up to 1 cm (0.4 in) in diameter, held by slender yellowish stems up to 6 cm (2.4 in) long. The gills are pale yellow with a whitish edge. Several other Mycena species look similar, but may be distinguished by differences in size and/or microscopic characteristics. M. acicula is considered inedible because of its small size.

Auricularia auricula-judae

specific name is derived from the belief that Judas Iscariot hung himself from an elder tree; the common name "Judas's ear" eventually became "Jew's ear", while today "jelly ear" or other names are sometimes used. The mushroom can be found throughout the year in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia, where it grows upon both dead and living wood. Although it is not regarded as a choice edible mushroom
in the west, it has long been popular in China, to the extent that Australia exported large volumes of the mushroom to China in the early twentieth century.

While not widely consumed in the west, A. auricula-judae was used in folk medicine as recently as the 19th century, for complaints including sore throats, sore eyes and

-lowering properties.

Mycena polygramma


Mycena adonis

atmospheric pollution that raised the acidity of the wood substrate. Mushrooms resembling M. adonis include M. acicula, M. aurantiidisca, and M. rosella


Mycena sanguinolenta

Mycena sanguinolenta, commonly known as the bleeding bonnet, the smaller bleeding mycena, or the terrestrial bleeding mycena, is a species of mushroom in the family Mycenaceae. It is a commonn and widely distributed species, and has been found in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. The fungus produces reddish-brown to reddish-purple fruit bodies with conic to bell-shaped caps up to 1.5 cm (0.6 in) wide held by slender stems up to 6 cm (2.4 in) high. When fresh, the fruit bodies will "bleed" a dark reddish-purple sap. The similar Mycena haematopus is larger, and grows on decaying wood, usually in clumps. M. sanguinolenta contains alkaloid pigments that are unique to the species, may produce an antifungal compound, and is bioluminescent. The edibility of the mushroom has not been determined.

Lactarius vinaceorufescens

buff gills develop wine-red spots in age. When it is cut or injured, the mushroom oozes a white latex that rapidly turns bright sulfur-yellow. The species, common and widely distributed in North America, grows in the ground in association with conifer trees. There are several other Lactarius species that bear resemblance to L. vinaceorufescens, but most can be distinguished by differences in staining
reactions, macroscopic characteristics, or habitat.

Mycena vitilis

Mycena vitilis, commonly known as the snapping bonnet, is a species of inedible mushroom in the family Mycenaceae. It is found in Europe and North America, where it grows on the ground among leaves in damp places, especially under alder. The small pale gray to whitish fruit bodies are usually attached to small sticks buried in the leaves and detritus. They are distinguished by their long, slender stems that root into the ground, and by the grooved cap that reaches diameters of up to 2.2 cm (0.9 in). The grayish-white gills on the underside of the cap are distantly spaced, and adnately attached to the stem. M. vitilis contains Strobilurin B, a fungicidal compound with potential use in agriculture.

Mycena cinerella

Mycena cinerella, commonly known as the mealy bonnet, is an inedible species of mushroom in the family Mycenaceae. It is found in Europe and the United States, where it grows in groups on fallen leaves and needles under pine and Douglas fir. The small grayish mushrooms have caps that are up to 1.5 cm (0.6 in) wide atop stems that are 5 cm (2.0 in) long and 2.5 mm (0.10 in) thick. Its gills are grayish-white and adnate, with a "tooth" that runs slightly down the stem. The fungus has both two- and four-spored basidia. As its common name suggests, it smells mealy.

Mycena inclinata

E.J.H. Corner has described two varieties of the mushroom from Borneo. Lookalike species with which M. inclinata may be confused include M. galericulata and M. maculata

Mycena leptocephala

conifer needles, cones and sticks on the forest floor. It has a distinctive odor of bleach; the edibility is unknown. Similar species include Mycena alcalina, M. austera, and M. brevipes

Boletellus ananas

varieties of Boletellus ananas have been described. Although the mushroom may be considered edible
, it is not recommended for consumption.

Mycena stylobates

coniferous trees. The mushroom's spores are white in deposit, smooth, and ellipsoid-shaped with dimensions of 6–10 by 3.5–4.5 μm. In the development of the fruit body, the preliminary stem and cap structures appear at the same time within the primordium, and hyphae originating from the stem form a cover over the developing structures. The mycelia of the mushroom is believed to have bioluminescent

Clavaria fragilis

temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere, but has also been reported from Australia and South Africa. The fungus is edible
, but insubstantial and flavorless. There are several other small white coral-like fungi with which C. fragilis may be confused.

Helvella acetabulum

coniferous and deciduous trees. Although it may be considered edible, the fungus is not recommended for consumption unless cooked thoroughly, as it contains the toxin gyromitrin

Pholiota squarrosa

poisonous, especially if consumed in combination with alcohol. The mushroom contains unique chemicals thought to help it infect plants by neutralizing defensive responses employed by them. The very similar P. squarrosoides differs in having a paler cap that is sticky between the scales, and smaller spores

Pseudoplectania nigrella

coniferous trees. Pseudoplectania nigrella has a worldwide distribution, and has been found in North America, the Caribbean, Britain, Europe, India, Madagascar, New Zealand, and Japan. The fungus produces a unique chemical compound, plectasin, that has attracted research interest for its ability to inhibit the growth of the common human pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae

Albatrellus subrubescens

mixed woods, usually in association with pine trees. It is closely related, and physically similar, to the more common Albatrellus ovinus, from which it may be distinguished macroscopically by differences in bruising colors, and microscopically by the amyloid (staining bluish-black to black with Melzer's reagent) walls of the spores. The fruit bodies contain a chemical named scutigeral that has antibiotic and pharmacological
activity. The fungus is inedible.

Mycena galopus

deciduous woodland

Mycena galopus is found in North America and Europe. The

saprobic fungus is an important leaf litter decomposer, and able to utilize all the major constituents of plant litter. It is especially adept at attacking cellulose and lignin, the latter of which is the second most abundant renewable organic compound in the biosphere. The mushroom latex contains chemicals called benzoxepines, which are thought to play a role in a wound-activated chemical defense mechanism against yeasts and parasitic

Mycena maculata

saprobic fungus in found in Europe and North America, where it grows in groups or clusters on the rotting wood of both hardwoods and conifers. The edibility of the fungus is unknown. Although the species is known for, and named after its propensity to stain reddish, occasionally these stains do not appear, making it virtually indistinguishable from M. galericulata

Phallus hadriani

Phallus hadriani, commonly known as the dune stinkhorn, is a species of fungus in the stinkhorn family, Phallaceae. It is a widely distributed species, and is native to Asia, Europe, and North America. In Australia, it is probably an introduced species. The stalk of the fruit body reaches up to 18 cm (7.1 in) tall by 4 cm (1.6 in) thick, and is spongy, fragile, and hollow. At the top of the stem is a ridged and pitted, thimble-like cap over which is spread olive-colored spore slime (gleba). Shortly after emerging, the gleba liquifies and releases a fetid odor that attracts insects, which help disperse the spores. Said to be edible in its immature egg-like stage, it typically grows in public lawns, yards and gardens, usually in sandy soils. Phallus hadriani may be distinguished from the similar P. impudicus (the common stinkhorn) by the presence of a pink or violet-colored volva at the base of the stem, and by differences in odor.

Lysurus mokusin

saprobic species of fungus in the family Phallaceae. The fruit body consists of a reddish, cylindrical fluted stipe that is capped with several "arms". The arms can approach or even close in on each other to form a spire. The gleba—an olive-green slimy spore mass—is carried on the outer surface of the arms. The fruit body, which has an odor comparable to "fresh dog feces", "rotting flesh", or "sewage" when mature, is edible in its immature "egg" stage. The fungus is native to Asia, and is also found in Australia, Europe and North America, where it is probably an introduced species. It has been used medicinally in China as an ulcer

Inocybe praetervisa

SLUDGE syndrome, and could potentially lead to death due to respiratory failure

Clathrus columnatus

fruiting body, known as the receptaculum, starts out as a subterranean "egg" form. As the fungus develops, the receptaculum expands and erupts out of the protective volva, ultimately developing into mature structures characterized by two to five long vertical orange or red spongy columns, joined together at the apex. The fully grown receptaculum reaches heights of 8 cm (3.1 in) tall. The inside surfaces of the columns are covered with a fetid olive-brown spore-containing slime, which attracts flies and other insects that help disseminate the spores. Although once considered undesirable, the fungus is listed as edible. It is found commonly in mulch

Amanita rubrovolvata

classification in the subgenus Amanita of the genus Amanita, along with closely related species such as A. muscaria

Phallus indusiatus

fruit bodies are up to 30 cm (12 in) tall with a cap that is 2–4 cm (0.8–1.6 in) long. The cap is covered with a greenish spore-containing slime, which attract flies and other insects that eat the spores and disperse them. It is an edible mushroom used as an ingredient in Chinese haute cuisine; the mushroom is grown commercially and commonly sold in Asian markets. Nutritional analysis has shown that the mushroom is rich in protein, carbohydrates and dietary fiber. The mushroom also contains various bioactive compounds, and has antioxidant and antimicrobial

Phallus calongei

Phallus species by a combination of features, including a pinkish, reticulated (network-like) cap, and a stipe that is tapered at both ends. The edibility
of the mushroom is unknown.

Cantharellus lateritius

saprobic species, it is found in North America, Africa, Malaysia, and India. The species has a complex taxonomic history, and has undergone several name changes since its first description by American mycologist Lewis David de Schweinitz in 1822. The fruit bodies of the fungus are brightly colored yellow to orange, and usually highly conspicuous against the soil in which they are found. At maturity, the mushroom resembles a filled funnel with the spore-bearing surface along the sloping outer sides. The texture of the fertile undersurface (hymenium) of the caps is a distinguishing characteristic of the species: unlike the well-known golden chanterelle, the hymenium of C. lateritius is much smoother. Chemical analysis has revealed the presence of several carotenoid
compounds in the fruit bodies.

Lysurus periphragmoides

saprobic fungus has a pantropical distribution, and has been found in Africa, Asia, Australasia, and the Americas, where it grows on fertile ground and on mulch. The fruit body, which can extend up to 15 cm (5.9 in) tall, consists of a reddish latticed head (a receptaculum) placed on top of a long stalk. A dark olive-green spore mass, the gleba, fills the interior of the lattice and extends outwards between the arms. Like other members of the family Phallaceae, the gleba has a fetid odor that attracts flies and other insects to help disperse its spores. The immature "egg" form of the fungus is considered edible

Suillus collinitus

at the base of the stem.

Mediterranean region, and S. collinitus is often used as a beneficial inoculant
to help the young trees better survive in typically harsh soil conditions.

Suillus pungens

Suillus pungens, commonly known as the pungent slippery Jack, or the pungent suillus, is a species of fungus in the genus Suillus. The fruit bodies of the fungus have slimy convex caps measuring up to 14 cm (5.5 in) wide. The mushroom is characterized by the very distinct color changes that occur in the cap throughout development. Typically, the young cap is whitish, later becoming grayish-olive to reddish-brown or a mottled combination of these colors. The mushroom has a dotted stem up to 7 cm (2.8 in) long, and 2 cm (0.8 in) thick. On the underside on the cap is the spore-bearing tissue consisting of vertically arranged minute tubes that appear as a surface of angular, yellowish pores. The presence of milky droplets on the pore surface of young individuals, especially in humid environments, is a characteristic feature of this species. S. pungens can usually be differentiated from other similar Suillus species by distribution, odor and taste. The mushroom is considered edible, but not highly regarded.


Bishop pine, two trees with small and scattered natural ranges concentrated in the West Coast of the United States. Several studies have investigated the role of S. pungens in the coastal Californian forest ecosystem it occupies. Molecular phylogenetics
has shown that although the species produces more fruit bodies than other ectomycorrhizal fungi at the same site, it is not a dominant root colonizer, occupying only a small percentage of ectomycorrhizal root tips. Its ability to fruit prolifically despite minimal root colonization is explained by its ability to efficiently transfer nutrients from its host.

Hygrophorus bakerensis

coniferous forests throughout the Pacific Northwest. It was initially collected in Washington State on Mount Baker, a volcano. Although edible
, the mushroom is not considered to be of high quality.

Mycena aurantiomarginata

fruit body of the mushroom. The pigment is likely responsible for the color of the mushroom, and it has antibiotic
activity that may function in nature to prevent certain bacteria from growing on the fruit bodies.

Inocybe cookei

mixed woodland, and is encountered in summer and autumn, though is not common. Ecologically, it feeds through use of ectomycorrhiza. Inocybe cookei has been described as both toxic
and non-toxic, but either way, is not advised for consumption.


Collybia cookei

Collybia cookei is a species of fungus in the family Tricholomataceae, and one of three species in the genus Collybia. It is known from Europe, Asia, and North America. The fungus produces fruit bodies that usually grow on the decomposing remains of other mushrooms, like Meripilus giganteus, Inonotus hispidus, or species of Russula; occasionally fruit bodies are found on rich humus or well-decayed wood. The fungus produces small white mushrooms with caps up to 9 mm (0.35 in) in diameter, supported by thin stems that originate from a yellowish-brown sclerotium. The mushroom is difficult to distinguish from the other two species of Collybia unless an effort is made to examine the sclerotia, which is usually buried in the substrate. The edibility of the mushroom has not been determined.

Lactarius vietus

ectomycorrhizal relationship with surrounding trees, and it favours birch
. It grows in autumn months and is fairly common in Europe, North America and eastern Asia.

Pilophorus acicularis

soil fertility by supplying fixed nitrogen

Collybia cirrhata

, is considered inedible because of its insubstantial size.

Leucopholiota decorosa

genera in its history, including Tricholoma, Tricholomopsis, Armillaria, and Floccularia. Three American mycologists considered the species unique enough to warrant its own genus, and transferred it into the new genus Leucopholiota in a 1996 publication. Lookalike species with similar colors and scaly fruit bodies include Pholiota squarrosoides, Phaeomarasmius erinaceellus, and Leucopholiota lignicola. L. decorosa is considered an edible mushroom

Mycena arcangeliana

Mycena arcangeliana (commonly known as the angel's bonnet or the late-season bonnet) is a species of fungus in the family Mycenaceae. It has been known by a number of scientific names, and its taxonomy is still somewhat disputed. It produces small mushrooms with caps varying in colour from whitish to a darker grey-brown, and stems of an olive-greyish that fades with age. The mushrooms can be mistaken for the similar Mycena flavescens. They have a mild taste, but a strong smell of iodoform; they are not edible. The species grows on dead wood in autumn months, and can be found in western Europe.


Portal:Fungi/Selected species/155

  1. ^ "Liber Herbarum II: Lobaria pulmonaria". Retrieved 2009-01-11.
  2. ^ Alternatively spelled witch's or witches