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Loaves of bread in a basket
Various leavened breads
Main ingredientsFlour, water

Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour (usually wheat) and water, usually by baking. Throughout recorded history and around the world, it has been an important part of many cultures' diet. It is one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture.

Bread may be leavened by naturally occurring microbes (e.g. sourdough), chemicals (e.g. baking soda), industrially produced yeast, or high-pressure aeration, which creates the gas bubbles that fluff up bread. In many countries, commercial bread often contains additives to improve flavor, texture, color, shelf life, nutrition, and ease of production.



Finnic (Finnish: leipä, Estonian
: leib) languages as well. The
better source needed


Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods. Evidence from 30,000 years ago in Europe and Australia revealed starch residue on rocks used for pounding plants.

ferns, was spread on a flat rock, placed over a fire and cooked into a primitive form of flatbread. The oldest evidence of bread-making has been found in a 14,500-year-old Natufian site in Jordan's northeastern desert.[6][7] Around 10,000 BC, with the dawn of the Neolithic age and the spread of agriculture, grains became the mainstay of making bread. Yeast spores are ubiquitous, including on the surface of cereal grains, so any dough left to rest leavens naturally.[8]

Woman baking bread (c. 2200 BC); Louvre

An early

Sumerian civilization, who may have passed on the knowledge to the Egyptians around 3000 BC. The Egyptians refined the process and started adding yeast to the flour. The Sumerians were already using ash to supplement the dough as it was baked.[9]

There were multiple sources of

starter, as Pliny also reported.[10][11]

The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all considered the degree of refinement in the bakery arts as a sign of civilization.[9]


fermentation period and the time taken to produce a loaf. The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of grain with a lower protein content, is now widely used around the world in large factories. As a result, bread can be produced very quickly and at low costs to the manufacturer and the consumer. However, there has been some criticism of the effect on nutritional value.[12][13][14]


Brown bread (left) and whole grain bread
Ruisreikäleipä, a flat rye flour loaf with a hole

Bread is the

noodles are the staple. Bread is usually made from a wheat-flour dough that is cultured with yeast, allowed to rise, and baked in an oven. Carbon dioxide and ethanol vapors produced during yeast fermentation result in bread's air pockets.[15] Owing to its high levels of gluten (which give the dough sponginess and elasticity), common or bread wheat is the most common grain used for the preparation of bread, which makes the largest single contribution to the world's food supply of any food.[16]

Bread is also made from the flour of other wheat species (including

kamut).[17] Non-wheat cereals including rye, barley, maize (corn), oats, sorghum, millet and rice have been used to make bread, but, with the exception of rye, usually in combination with wheat flour as they have less gluten.[18]

eggs are used to compensate for the lack of gluten.[19][20][21][22]

  • Sangak, an Iranian flatbread
    Sangak, an Iranian flatbread
  • Strucia — a type of European sweet bread
    Strucia — a type of European sweet bread


Physical-chemical composition


hulls in the form of insoluble bound ferulic acid, where it is relevant to wheat resistance to fungal diseases.[23]


Small home made bread with pumpkin and sunflower seeds

styrofoam). The glutenin protein contributes to its elastic nature, as it is able to regain its initial shape after deformation. The gliadin protein contributes to its plastic nature, because it demonstrates non-reversible structural change after a certain amount of applied force. Because air pockets within this gluten network result from carbon dioxide production during leavening, bread can be defined as a foam, or a gas-in-solid solution.[27]

Acrylamide, like in other starchy foods that have been heated higher than 120 °C (248 °F), has been found in recent years to occur in bread. Acrylamide is neurotoxic, has adverse effects on male reproduction and developmental toxicity and is carcinogenic. A study has found that more than 99 percent of the acrylamide in bread is found in the crust.[28]

A study by the

phytates more effectively, flavors develop better, and the finished bread contains more biologically accessible trace elements.[29][30]

Culinary uses

Bread pudding

Bread can be served at many


Bread is used as an ingredient in other culinary preparations, such as the use of

croutons, are used as a salad topping; seasoned bread is used as stuffing inside roasted turkey; sweet or savoury bread puddings are made with bread and various liquids; egg and milk-soaked bread is fried as French toast; and bread is used as a binding agent in sausages, meatballs and other ground meat products.[33]

Nutritional significance

Bread is a good source of

carbohydrates and micronutrients such as magnesium, iron, selenium, and B vitamins. Whole grain bread is a good source of dietary fiber and all breads are a common source of protein in the diet, though not a rich one.[34][35]


Bread with crust crack (half left at the top)

Bread crust is formed from surface dough during the cooking process. It is hardened and browned through the

antioxidants such as pronyl-lysine.[37]


Steps in bread making, here for an unleavened Chilean tortilla

Doughs are usually

egg, sugar, spice, fruit (such as raisins), vegetables (such as onion), nuts (such as walnut) or seeds (such as poppy).[38]

Methods of processing dough into bread include the straight dough process, the sourdough process, the Chorleywood bread process and the sponge and dough process.

Baking bread in East Timor


Professional bread recipes are stated using the baker's percentage notation. The amount of flour is denoted to be 100%, and the other ingredients are expressed as a percentage of that amount by weight. Measurement by weight is more accurate and consistent than measurement by volume, particularly for dry ingredients. The proportion of water to flour is the most important measurement in a bread recipe, as it affects texture and crumb the most. Hard wheat flours absorb about 62% water, while softer wheat flours absorb about 56%.[39] Common table breads made from these doughs result in a finely textured, light bread. Most artisan bread formulas contain anywhere from 60 to 75% water. In yeast breads, the higher water percentages result in more CO2 bubbles and a coarser bread crumb.

Dough recipes commonly call for 500 grams (about 1.1 pounds) of flour, which yields a single loaf of bread or two baguettes.

Calcium propionate is commonly added by commercial bakeries to retard the growth of molds.[citation needed


Flour is grain ground into a powder. Flour provides the primary structure, starch and protein to the final baked bread. The protein content of the flour is the best indicator of the quality of the bread dough and the finished bread. While bread can be made from all-purpose wheat flour, a specialty bread flour, containing more protein (12–14%), is recommended for high-quality bread. If one uses a flour with a lower protein content (9–11%) to produce bread, a shorter mixing time is required to develop gluten strength properly. An extended mixing time leads to oxidization of the dough, which gives the finished product a whiter crumb, instead of the cream color preferred by most artisan bakers.[40]

Wheat flour, in addition to its starch, contains three water-soluble protein groups (



Water, or some other liquid, is used to form the flour into a paste or dough. The weight or ratio of liquid required varies between recipes, but a ratio of three parts liquid to five parts flour is common for yeast breads.[42] Recipes that use steam as the primary leavening method may have a liquid content in excess of one part liquid to one part flour. Instead of water, recipes may use liquids such as milk or other dairy products (including buttermilk or yogurt), fruit juice, or eggs. These contribute additional sweeteners, fats, or leavening components, as well as water.[43]

Fats or shortenings

Fats, such as butter, vegetable oils, lard, or that contained in eggs, affect the development of gluten in breads by coating and lubricating the individual strands of protein. They also help to hold the structure together. If too much fat is included in a bread dough, the lubrication effect causes the protein structures to divide. A fat content of approximately 3% by weight is the concentration that produces the greatest leavening action.[44] In addition to their effects on leavening, fats also serve to tenderize breads and preserve freshness.

Bread improvers

Bread improvers and dough conditioners are often used in producing commercial breads to reduce the time needed for rising and to improve texture and volume and to give antistaling effects. The substances used may be oxidising agents to strengthen the dough or reducing agents to develop gluten and reduce mixing time, emulsifiers to strengthen the dough or to provide other properties such as making slicing easier, or enzymes to increase gas production.[45]


Salt (

Mixtures of salts are sometimes employed, such as employing potassium chloride to reduce the sodium level, and monosodium glutamate to give flavor (umami).


A dough trough, located in Aberdour Castle, once used for leavening bread

Leavening is the process of adding gas to a dough before or during baking to produce a lighter, more easily chewed bread. Most bread eaten in the West is leavened.[48]


A simple technique for leavening bread is the use of gas-producing chemicals. There are two common methods. The first is to use

biscuits, and quick breads such as banana bread


Compressed fresh yeast

Many breads are leavened by

pure culture.[48] Many artisan bakers produce their own yeast with a growth culture. If kept in the right conditions, it provides leavening for many years.[49]

The baker's yeast and sourdough methods follow the same pattern. Water is mixed with flour, salt and the leavening agent. Other additions (spices, herbs, fats, seeds, fruit, etc.) are not needed to bake bread, but are often used. The mixed dough is then allowed to rise one or more times (a longer rising time results in more flavor, so bakers often "punch down" the dough and let it rise again), loaves are formed, and (after an optional final rising time) the bread is baked in an oven.[48]

Many breads are made from a "

poolish" or "pouliche", a loose-textured mixture composed of roughly equal amounts of flour and water (by weight); "biga", a stiff mixture with a higher proportion of flour; and "pâte fermentée", which is a portion of dough reserved from a previous batch.[50][51]

  • Before first rising
    Before first rising
  • After first rising
    After first rising
  • After proofing, ready to bake
    After proofing, ready to bake


Sourdough loaves

Sourdough is a type of bread produced by a long fermentation of dough using naturally occurring yeasts and lactobacilli. It usually has a mildly sour taste because of the lactic acid produced during anaerobic fermentation by the lactobacilli. Longer fermented sourdoughs can also contain acetic acid, the main non-water component of vinegar.[52][53][54]

Sourdough breads are made with a sourdough starter. The starter cultivates yeast and lactobacilli in a mixture of flour and water, making use of the microorganisms already present on flour; it does not need any added yeast. A starter may be maintained indefinitely by regular additions of flour and water. Some bakers have starters many generations old, which are said to have a special taste or texture.[52] At one time, all yeast-leavened breads were sourdoughs. Recently there has been a revival of sourdough bread in artisan bakeries.[55]

Traditionally, peasant families throughout Europe baked on a fixed schedule, perhaps once a week. The starter was saved from the previous week's dough. The starter was mixed with the new ingredients, the dough was left to rise, and then a piece of it was saved to be the starter for next week's bread.[48]


The rapid expansion of steam produced during baking leavens the bread, which is as simple as it is unpredictable. Steam-leavening is unpredictable since the steam is not produced until the bread is baked. Steam leavening happens regardless of the raising agents (baking soda, yeast, baking powder, sour dough, beaten egg white) included in the mix. The leavening agent either contains air bubbles or generates carbon dioxide. The heat vaporises the water from the inner surface of the bubbles within the dough. The steam expands and makes the bread rise. This is the main factor in the rising of bread once it has been put in the oven.[56] CO2 generation, on its own, is too small to account for the rise. Heat kills bacteria or yeast at an early stage, so the CO2 generation is stopped.


Salt-rising bread does not use yeast. Instead, it is leavened by Clostridium perfringens, one of the most common sources of food-borne illness.[57][58]


Aerated bread is leavened by carbon dioxide being forced into dough under pressure. From the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries, bread made this way was somewhat popular in the United Kingdom, made by the Aerated Bread Company and sold in its high-street tearooms. The company was founded in 1862, and ceased independent operations in 1955.[59]

The Pressure-Vacuum mixer was later developed by the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association for the Chorleywood bread process. It manipulates the gas bubble size and optionally the composition of gases in the dough via the gas applied to the headspace.[60]

Cultural significance

A Ukrainian woman in national dress welcoming with bread and salt

Bread has a significance beyond mere nutrition in many cultures because of its history and contemporary importance. Bread is also significant in Christianity as one of the elements (alongside wine) of the Eucharist,[61] and in other religions including Paganism.[62]

In many cultures, bread is a metaphor for basic necessities and living conditions in general. For example, a "bread-winner" is a household's main economic contributor and has little to do with actual bread-provision. This is also seen in the phrase "putting bread on the table". The Roman poet Juvenal satirized superficial politicians and the public as caring only for "panem et circenses" (bread and circuses).[63] In Russia in 1917, the Bolsheviks promised "peace, land, and bread."[64][65] The term "breadbasket" denotes an agriculturally productive region. In parts of Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern Europe bread and salt is offered as a welcome to guests.[66] In India, life's basic necessities are often referred to as "roti, kapra aur makan" (bread, cloth, and house).[67]

Words for bread, including "dough" and "bread" itself, are used in English-speaking countries as synonyms for money.[1] A remarkable or revolutionary innovation may be called the best thing since "sliced bread".[68] The expression "to break bread with someone" means "to share a meal with someone".[69] The English word "lord" comes from the Anglo-Saxon hlāfweard, meaning "bread keeper."[70]

Bread is sometimes referred to as "the staff of life", although this term can refer to other staple foods in different cultures: the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "bread (or similar staple food)".[71][72] This is sometimes thought to be a biblical reference, but the nearest wording is in Leviticus 26 "when I have broken the staff of your bread".[73] The term has been adopted in the names of bakery firms.[74]

Fictional breads

Lembas bread: a fictional bread from The Lord of the Rings. It was given to Frodo by Galadriel and kept him alive through his journey.[citation needed]

Bread of the two elders: a magical type of bread from Hungarian Folk Tales (from the Ördög és a kenyér story). It was able to talk and ward off the Ördög.[75]


Bread has been subject to

medieval times, sand was used as a filler.[76]

The Russo-Ukrainian War has made sourcing wheat flour more challenging and raised concerns of bread flour fraud.[77]

See also

  • Bark bread – Scandinavian bread used as famine food
  • Bread bowl – Round loaf of bread which has had a large portion of the middle cut out to create an edible bowl
  • Bread clip – Closure device for plastic bags
  • Bread dildo – Dildo prepared using bread, allegedly made in the Greco-Roman era around 2,000 years ago
  • Breading
     – Residue of dried bread
  • Bread machine – Type of home appliance for baking bread
  • Bread pan – Kitchen utensil
  • Crouton – Rebaked breads
  • List of breads
  • List of bread dishes – Dishes using bread as a main ingredient, listed by category
  • List of toast dishes
  • Quick bread – Bread leavened with agents other than yeast
  • Sliced bread – Loaf of bread that has been sliced with a machine
  • Slow Bread – Type of bread made using very little yeast
  • Sop – Piece of bread or toast that is drenched in liquid and then eaten.
  • Stuffing – Edible mixture filling a food's cavity
  • White bread – Type of bread made from white wheat flour


  1. ^ a b Harper, Douglas. "bread". Online Etymology Dictionary.
  2. . Slavic langues retain many Gothic words, reflecting cultural borrowings: thus khleb, (bread) from an earlier khleiba from Gothic hlaifs, or, rather, from the more ancient form hlaibhaz, which meant bread baked in an oven (and, probably, made with yeast), as different from a l-iepekha, which was a flat cake moulded (liepiti) from paste, and baked on charcoal. [the same nominal stem *hlaibh- has been preserved in modern English as loaf; cf. Lord, from ancient hlafweard bread-keeper]
  3. ^ Dean, Sam (2 August 2013). "The Etymology of the Word 'Bread'". Bon Appetit. Retrieved 30 September 2016.
  4. ^ "Prehistoric man ate flatbread 30,000 years ago: study". Science X. Agence France-Presse. 19 October 2010. Retrieved 19 October 2010.
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  6. ^ Briggs, Helen (17 July 2018). "Prehistoric bake-off: Scientists discover oldest evidence of bread". BBC News. Retrieved 17 July 2018.
  7. ^ Amaia Arranz-Otaegui, Lara Gonzalez Carretero, Monica N. Ramsey, Dorian Q. Fuller, and Tobias Richter: Archaeobotanical evidence reveals the origins of bread 14,400 years ago in northeastern Jordan. PNAS, 11 July 2018 (online Archived 19 October 2018 at the Wayback Machine)
  8. .
  9. ^ a b Arzani A.: Emmer (Triticum turgidum spp. dicoccum) flour and breads. In Preedy V.R., Watson R.R., Patel V.B. (Eds. 2011), Flour and Breads and their Fortification in Health and Disease Prevention, Academic Press, California, pp. 69-78.
  10. .
  11. ^ Pliny the Elder (1938). Natural History. Loeb Classics. p. 1.255. Generally however they do not heat it up at all, but only use the dough kept over from the day before; manifestly it is natural for sourness to make the dough ferment
  12. ^ Chorleywood Industrial Bread Making Process.
  13. ^ "Chorleywood: The bread that changed Britain" Archived 13 June 2018 at the Wayback Machine, 7 June 2011
  14. ^ " "History of bread – 20th century"". Archived from the original on 19 April 2019. Retrieved 14 May 2018.
  15. PMID 35889135
  16. ^ Peña, R. J. "Wheat for bread and other foods". Food and Agriculture Organization. Retrieved 1 October 2016. Wheat, in the form of bread, provides more nutrients to the world population than any other single food source.
  17. ^ "Wheat". Grains & Legumes Nutrition Council. Archived from the original on 5 October 2016. Retrieved 1 October 2016. Aside from bread wheat and durum, other types of wheat include spelt, emmer, einkorn and kamut. These wheat varieties are commonly referred to as 'ancient' grains and are increasingly being used in the manufacture of niche wheat-based food products.
  18. . In the past, maize (corn), barley, oats, sorghum, millet and rice have all found their way into bread products at some time, usually when wheat and rye have been in short supply.
  19. .
  20. PMID 26060112. After the confirmation of NCGS
    diagnosis, according to the previously mentioned work-up, patients are advized to start with a GFD [49]. (...) NCGS patients can experience more symptoms than CD patients following a short gluten challenge [77]. (NCGS=non-celiac gluten sensitivity; CD=coeliac disease; GFD=gluten-free diet)
  21. gluten ataxia is lifelong adherence to a GFD
  22. and coeliac disease the dietary avoidance of wheat and other gluten-containing cereals is the only effective treatment.
  23. .
  24. .
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  26. ^ .
  27. ^ McGee, Harold (2004). On Food and Cooking: The Science and Lore of the Kitchen. New York: Scribner. pp. 515–80.
  28. PMID 15053550
  29. ^ "Lange Teigführung ? Besser verträgliches Brot". (in German). 6 September 2016. Retrieved 16 June 2022.
  30. doi:10.1016/j.jff.2016.05.019, retrieved 16 June 2022{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link
  31. ^ Grotts, Lisa Mirza (21 June 2011). "Bread and Butter Etiquette". Huffington Post. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  32. ^ "Sandwich Recipes". Simply Recipes. Archived from the original on 30 September 2016. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  33. ^ "Our 10 best bread recipes". The Guardian. 6 September 2014. Retrieved 2 October 2016. Our most dutiful mealtime companion becomes the main ingredient in this inventive array of recipes, from a hearty clam chowder to a luxurious take on a pudding favourite...
  34. ^ Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 Archived 1 September 2016 at the Wayback Machine. U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  35. PMID 27610232
  36. p. 156
  37. ^ Winkler, Sarah (29 July 2009). "Discovery Health "Is eating bread crust really good for you?"". Archived from the original on 24 October 2012. Retrieved 26 October 2012.
  38. British Broadcasting Corporation. Archived from the original
    on 24 September 2016. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  39. .
  40. . A high gluten white flour will require more mix time than a white flour with a lower gluten content,...
  41. .
  42. ^ Hydration ratio for breads Archived 14 January 2013 at the Wayback Machine. (5 June 2009). Retrieved 21 March 2013.
  43. ^ "Yeast & Baking Lessongs. Liquids". Red Star Yeast. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  44. .
  45. ^ Tenbergen, Klaus (1999). "Dough and Bread Conditioners". Food and Product Design Magazine. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  46. ^ a b c d e f "The Bread Leavening Process". Becoming a Chef. 15 August 2016. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  47. .
  48. ^ "Artisan bread baking tips: Poolish & biga". Weekend Bakery. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  49. ^ "Preferments". King Arthur Flour. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |url= (help)
  50. ^ .
  51. .
  52. .
  53. ^ Mesure, Susie (30 January 2016). "Supermarkets cash in on sourdough bread craze as popularity surges". The Independent. Retrieved 2 October 2016.
  54. . Retrieved 8 December 2012. When bread expands in the oven the resulting expansion is known as oven spring. It has been calculated that water expansion was responsible for some 60% of the expansion.
  55. ^ "Susan R. Brown's Salt Rising Bread Project". Archived from the original on 30 June 2012. Retrieved 3 June 2010.
  56. PMID 18646681
  57. ^ Richardson MD FRS, Benjanmin Ward. On the Healthy Manufacture of Bread: A Memoir on the System of Dr. Dauglish. Baillière, Tindall, & Cox, 1884. pp. 18, 20–21, 34, 62–63, 67–70, 74.
  58. .
  59. ^ "Eucharist (Christianity) – Encyclopædia Britannica". Archived from the original on 19 May 2008. Retrieved 2 June 2022.
  60. .
  61. ^ Juvenal's literary and cultural influence (Book IV: Satire 10.81)
  62. ^ "Russia". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 3 June 2010.
  63. ^ "Vladimir Lenin: From March to October. SparkNotes". Retrieved 3 June 2010.
  64. . Retrieved 25 January 2021.
  65. .
  66. ^ Molella, Art (8 February 2012). "How the Phrase 'The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread' Originated". The Atlantic. Retrieved 30 September 2016.
  67. ^ "Break bread with". The Free Dictionary. Retrieved 1 January 2017.
  68. ^ "Lord". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 1 January 2017.
  69. ^ "The staff of life". Cambridge Dictionary. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
  70. ^ "Staff". Oxford English Dictionary (Online ed.). Oxford University Press. (Subscription or participating institution membership required.) OED cites 1638 "Bread is worth all, being the Staffe of life" but also 1901 "Broad beans form one of the staves of life in Sicily".
  71. ^ "Leviticus 26:26". Bible Study Tools. Retrieved 20 April 2018.
  72. ^ "Home page". Staff of Life Bakery. Archived from the original on 20 April 2018. Retrieved 20 April 2018. An example
  73. ^ "A kicsi dió". (in Hungarian). Retrieved 21 April 2024.
  74. .
  75. ^ "Looking for fraud in wheat flour". 21 September 2023. Retrieved 19 May 2024.

Further reading

External links

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