Portal:Current events/July 2013

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

July 2013 was the seventh month of that common year. The month, which began on a Monday, ended on a Wednesday after 31 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from July 2013.

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

International relations

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology
Armed conflict and attacks
Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents
  • The death toll from a
    Aceh Province rises to 42, with more than 400 injured and thousands of buildings damaged. (AFP via Fox News)

International relations

Law and crime
Politics and elections
Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and Crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • An
    airstrike on anti-ship missiles in Latakia, Syria is carried out.(The Guardian)

Arts and culture

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Arts and Culture

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents,

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations
  • 2013 mass surveillance scandal
    • Bolivia summons the ambassadors of France, Spain and Portugal to explain why their countries blocked President Evo Morales' official jet en route to land on the Eurozone last week, amid orders to be searched if Edward Snowden was on board. (BBC)
    • Brazil calls on the United States, asking to explain why US intelligence agencies have been monitoring millions of emails and phone calls of Brazilian citizens in their country. (The Guardian)
    • The
      US Department of State confirms dialogue with Brazil on the alleged intelligence activity. (Merco Press)

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture
  • American country music star
    congestive heart failure. (MSN)

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime



  • With still two years until its closest approach, NASA's New Horizons team releases the spacecraft's first high resolution view of the Pluto/Charon dwarf planet system. (JHUAPL)
Armed conflict and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Armed conflict and attacks

Business and economics

Disasters and accidents

International relations
Law and crime

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Business and finance

Disasters and accidents
  • Two British soldiers die during a training exercise as they take part in a gruelling selection process for the elite SAS unit on the hottest day of the year. (AFP via News24)

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Pro-government militiamen kill six mediators in the Syrian province of Homs. (BBC)

Business and economy

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime


Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime
Politics and government

Armed conflict and attacks

Business and finance

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

  • A study published in The Archives of Diseases in Childhood states that
    upward mobility. (MSN)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Iraqi insurgency (post-U.S. withdrawal)
    • A
      Diyala kills at least twenty people. (BBC)
  • FARC offer to release Kevin Scott Sutay, an American soldier captured last month. (AFP via France 24)

International relations

Law and justice

Politics and elections
Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime
Armed conflict and attacks
  • Hundreds of
    Baghdad Central Prison (formerly known as Abu Ghraib). (The Telegraph)

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime


Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime
  • ongoing effort at political reform. (Deutsche Welle)
  • Eighteen Britons are arrested on the Greek island of Crete, following the murder of a male tourist and a violent confrontation between tourists and local police. (BBC)
  • China announces a five-year ban on the construction of new government buildings, as part of a major effort to curtail state corruption and overspending. (The Guardian)
  • The
    Second World War. (BBC)
  • A New York nuclear power plant supervisor is charged with falsifying test results involving emergency generators to prevent the plant from being shut down. (NBC)

Politics and elections
Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

International relations

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Business and economy
  • China begins a major effort to boost its economic growth with business tax breaks and export liberalization, amid an increasing industrial slowdown. (BBC)

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

  • British scientists discover the mechanism which causes human allergy to cats, and state that a general cure for the condition could become available within five years. (Daily Mail)
Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents
  • Three people are killed and several more are injured, some critically, after a bus overturns outside
    Indianapolis, Indiana. (NBC)

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Iraqi insurgency (post-U.S. withdrawal)
    • A
      Tuz Khormato kills at least eight policemen. (BBC)

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflict and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture
  • same-sex marriage in Vietnam when he submits a draft of an amended Law on Marriage and Family to the government. (Gaystarnews)

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections
Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections
July 2013
 Ongoing events




  • 2013 mass surveillance scandal
More details on ongoing conflicts below

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Recent deaths


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Ongoing conflicts



  • Libya:
    • Libyan factional fighting


  • Colombian conflict
  • Mexican Drug War


  • Korea:
    • Korean maritime border conflict


Middle East

  • Iraqi insurgency

edit sidebar



  • National Assembly (2nd Round)
  • House of Councillors
    (one half)
  • Parliament
  • Parliament
  • Parliament
  • Parliament
    (1st Round)
  • President (indirect


  • President and Parliament

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Recently concluded



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