Portal:Current events/September 2023

Source: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

September 2023 was the ninth month of that common year. The month, which began on a Friday, ended on a Saturday after 30 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from September 2023.

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

  • The
    no-confidence petition criticizing then Kalsakau for signing a security pact with Australia. (Reuters)

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections


Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Law and crime

  • White Terror (Taiwan)
    • Kuomintang government from the 1940s to the 1980s. The ceremony, held in Taipei, marked the first nationwide event that addresses crimes committed during the White Terror. (Taipei Times)

Politics and elections


Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Politics and elections

Science and technology


Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

  • Storm Daniel
    • At least 2,500 people have been killed and 7,000 others are reported missing across northeastern Libya during floods triggered by Storm Daniel. (Albawaba)

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

  • Mali War
    • Tuareg fighters from the Platform coalition of rebels capture the town of Bourem from Malian forces, bringing an end to the 2015 peace treaty between the rebels and the Malian government. (Africanews)

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

International relations

Health and environment

Law and crime

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

  • A
    North Charleston, South Carolina. The pilot lands safely, while the aircraft is missing, with search efforts focused on two nearby lakes. (AP)

International relations


Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

International relations

Law and crime

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Science and technology


Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

International relations

Law and crime

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

Law and crime

Science and technology

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Armed conflicts and attacks

Politics and elections


September 2023


Recently concluded


Recent deaths

Environment and environmental sciences


Establishments and disestablishments categories

Works and introductions categories